Looking for a Happy Ending to the Latest Patriot Front Story? Here it is!

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If you haven’t already read it, on Sunday Dr. John posted a thorough account of the Feds’ favorite false flag operation with  Biden* sends in the Feds to stage a right wing racial hatred event. This will be a relatively light post, as there is little I can add to his analysis. But there are two points I have to add:

First, I found it curious that when I looked up Patriot Front (PF) on a few search engines, it did turn up some video results, but nothing in print. All of the latest results are from 2022. I even checked The Washington Compost’s page and searched directly – nothing past 2022. I have a feeling that this “Right Wing” protest got far more coverage in the Conservasphere than at outlets that never miss an opportunity to hype the “White Supremacy Danger” hoax. Why would this be? If I had to guess, since PF is useful to the regime to serve as a data source for their narrative, that would explain why they never get harassed by Antifa, BLM, or the police at their rallies. As we’ve seen in various cities, when BLAMtifa shows up to harass the local citizens, the police just stand back and watch, only intervening if any of the Normals push back. In essense, law enforcement is now serving as BLAMtifa’s armed reserves. The last part of the lack of coverage is that the Feds can’t want too much scrutiny being placed on PF, as anyone with three functioning brain cells can recognize them as a false flag operation. Joe Rogan even had a good time roasting these guys. So where is the good news?

I take you to the current top headline at Ace of Spades’ side bar:

Proof the Patriot Front are Leftist sock puppets? Video claims to be of “right wing” Patriot Front group returning from a march to discover their personal vehicles vandalized. Take a look at the beginning when they are exiting their U-Haul truck. US flags are rolled up and stored in a heap on the floor. The Patriot Front members simply walk all over the flags with no respect or regard for them. Would any pro America “right wing” group ever desecrate the US flag in this way?

Ace also links to the video over at Reddit, and it is eleven glorious minutes that will put a smile on almost every face. Seriously, I’m not kidding about that. Whether you scroll down to the comments on Reddit or in the YouTube video, the top rated comments are all supportive. This is where it gets interesting – while I’m sure if you drill down into the replies some nasty disagreement is guaranteed, every top line comment is praising Antifa vandalising the Glowies. The Lefties are too dumb to realize that this is actually a friendy fire incident for them, while we Normals are happy to see a bunch of Feds abusing their position for a disgusting psy-op getting what they deserve. Apologies for invoking Godwin’s Law, but this feels like watching the SS lamenting how they got vandalized by the Brown Shirts while they were running one of their psy ops.

The best part of it is that the video captures quite a bit of license plate info of the Glowies involved. While I am absolutely and unequivically condemning any efforts to dox the feds who own those vehicles, I would be very happy to see the names, and just their names, exposed. Given how the Durham Report was received, I have no delusions of any real action coming of this, but every bit that exposes the regime helps to end its reign.

Every bit helps. So to all of you 4Chan crazies out there, here is your chance to do something good. Help us expose this corruption.


Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Real conservatives do not wear masks in public. I too checked them out on an internet search. As of 2022 their membership is +/- 200. While small in numbers it does not specify whether or not they are located throughout the US or if they are confined to a small area.

It is apparent from much of the info there are many questionable impressions based on their activity and the law enforcement assigned to them. One might go so far as to liken the attention from law enforcement to similar marches from established hate groups is the Nazis march in Skokie IL.

When the Nazis came to Skokie – Jewish Telegraphic Agency (jta.org)

They do not have national name recognition as do other pro-America groups. This has all of the makings of a false flag operation.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

The use of code names is puzzling.
Why so-and-so “Utah,” “Colorado,” etc?
Are they a secret to one another?

I miss the days when “michael” and some other rando fed troll came here and made personal attacks on Bob…I guess they think they “won” or something.

Larry definitely was one of the good ones. Didn’t agree with him at all but was not insane. Decided to check him out and look at this tweet from him last week

When one is trying to defend this ideology, how can they help from going off the rails? They start off barely on them.

You are assuming there are two rails they are on.

Rich was a good guy but he was wrong 95% plus of the time and had too big of an ego to admit it. He would be the type of person you could get along with as long as the topic wasn’t politics.

Larry is a doctor so he obviously knows how demented the WH occupant is.

Looking through his Twitter timeline he was, unsurprisingly, a vaccine pusher & covid doomer. But I was a bit surprised that he wants Biden and Kamala out.

No surprise on the vax pusher and covid doomer. It’s funny how he would want the two of them out when he was an Obamamite and Obama is the one calling the shots right now. What ever happened to Smorg and Skook?

I occasionally get emails from Skook but not very often. Haven’t heard from Smorg in a long while.

They were always fun to converse with. Hopefully everything is okay with Smorg. He just dropped off the face of the earth here.

Note that BLM/ANTIFA didn’t show up January 6th, either. Perhaps that was because they don’t like equal or superior numbers, but it could be they were told to “stand down and stand by” by the FBI and Democrats.

I have no doubt white supremacists exist. However, their primary activity seems to be meeting in groups and complaining about other races. Where is the violence? Where is the threat? Where are the 9 straight months of white supremacists looting, torching and holding cities hostage? Hell, to find a violent “white supremacist”, the media has to use a Hispanic (note… not even OFF-white) with a swastika tattoo that hates Asians and Jews. “BROWN supremacist” anyone?

Unless the “Patriot Front” is exposed and forced to disband, what’s to keep them from exploiting this violence vacuum and begin violently attacking black conservatives? They could escape totally undetected, especially if the carry out their attacks at night, since we now know that the FBI is rendered totally incapable of solving crimes committed after normal business hours.

Well, you got me there, but I meant in their usual role to violently disperse anyone not submitting to their fascist, far left racist agenda.

they brought climbing gear to the show, broke windows general asshole stuff.

This whole thing is the Globalists/UN/CFR ad lead by Satan and his plans for the whole world

Quit forcing us to all wear masks indoors like Health Centers and Hospitals