Welcome back to Day 824 of the Biden* regime!
4/30 – PART 1 The CFR Wants Us to Meet Vivek Ramaswamy
Dang it, and I was just starting to like Ramaswamy. Part of me wants to just expose his roots publicly and let him into some minor leadership role, as he does a great job of articulating Conservative principles. Then I look at how quickly Crenshaw and Haley went Full Establishment and reached the sad conclusion that we have to strangle these red diaper babies early and often.
5/1 – IS FREEDOM DEAD? Exposing Digital ID, Social Governance, ESG, Climate Censorship, and E.O. 12898 (long podcast)
There are no unimportant issues these days. Digital ID is one of the bigger ones.
5/4 – Artificial Intelligence to Replace Teachers: Bill Gates
Before you go to spike the football, remember who will be programming the AI that will replace teachers,
5/5 – Pro-Life Pediatricians Reveal Full Story Behind Cyberattack
This is another piece of the abortion debate that The radical Left completely ignores. The Hate Crimes (TM) that their side commits can’t be ignored.
5/6 – Randi Weingarten Goes Mega-Karen After Twitter Community Notes Expose Lockdown Lies
Now that we’re seeing The Radical Left entering the “We never called for that!” stage of being on the wrong side of lockdowns, vaxxing, school closures, etc, I’m seeing the point where we’ll know we’re truly winning the culture wars: It will be when The Radical Left starts howling that they were never in favor of mutilating kids and that normalizing child r@pe was actually always a Republican idea.
5/7 – ‘DISGUSTING’: Comer to hold press briefing on Biden family business dealings
I’d like to be more optimistic, but realistically how do we deal with an FBI who sees it’s top job as protecting the Biden* Crime Family?
5/8 – 1 in 4 Canadians Agree With Euthanizing the Poor
Today’s long distance dedication goes out to the prescient Jello Biafra, who saw the future four decades ago.
5/9 – DHS Wants You to Snitch on Pro-Life Moms and ‘Anti-Government’ Neighbors
And The Radical Left wonders why we Normals don’t share their blind trust of big government
5/9 – The Culture War Isn’t The Most Important Issue Of 2024, It’s The Only Issue
THIS. As much as I like Kari Lake, she absolutely whiffed on this. The culture war is how we got here, and it is our only way back.
5/10 – The Next Frontier For The Hypersexualized Left: Normalizing Pedophilia
Two decades ago I had the position of being OK with Civil Unions but opposing gay marriage out of respect to the religions (still do). When I aksed an old friend of mine “Where does it end?” all he could respond with was “F*** ’em! Civil Rights Movement!” Now that were legalizing pedophelia and bestiality, I’d be intersted to hear what my buddy has to say. Actually, I wouldn’t. He moved a few years ago and at that time it looked like Leftism was making him quite insane. So I’ll just let Razorfist give my brief, NSFW response. No… this issue deserves the ten hour extended cut.
5/11 – The runaway success of ‘The Chosen’ is starting to make heads spin in Hollywood
I haven’t seen Season 3 yet, but I can vouch that the first two seasons are excellent. Even though Jesus is the obvious star of the show, what I liked best was how the stories humanize the Apostles. The Chosen is streaming on some of the paid services, such as Peacock, Prime, and Netflix. It’s also free on the BYU TV and Tubi.
5/12 – Secret Emails Reveal Biden Admin Faked China Spy Balloon Outrage
The sad part is that under a normal presidency this would be a massive scandal. Welcome to the Biden* years, where by comparison Chines spying and appeasement is minor compared to the rest of his scandals.
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ICYMI – I had some fun pointing out how Of Course The Washington Post Gets the Bud Light Story Completely Wrong
Have a great weekend!
Would be a shame if this clip of Kaitlin Collins calling George Soros a “foreign-born” lib who wants to “replace” the American population went viral pic.twitter.com/V4IJkYu9MA
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) May 11, 2023
China is going to invade Taiwan soon, very soon. https://t.co/DwuA6qD7a7
— FilmLadd (@FilmLadd) May 2, 2023
Rage Against the Machine is trending… pic.twitter.com/nD3xcChgE5
— Paul Hookem (@PaulHook_em) May 3, 2023
It's good to be a Democrat! No story about this in the Washington Post. It looks like a newspaper but it's not. pic.twitter.com/WFngoy7Spz
— Chris Plante Show (@ChrisPlanteShow) May 11, 2023
— Not Jerome Powell (@alifarhat79) April 20, 2023
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Im so old I remember making your vehicle look cooler than factory.

We arent gonna make it..are we.
Custom vans are a great piece of history that we’ve lost
Yup they have stolen so much

Wow. That perfectly sums things up, now doesn’t it?
Well, another one bites the dust, I guess. Still better than corrupt idiot Biden, selling the nation out.
I hate the idea that my children will actually see the end of this great country.
Not to worry, Kamala (who brought us AC… “artificial competence”) is all over this. Will the AI have CRT and “1619 Project” installed to teach? In light of the complete lack of discipline in schools today, I can see students treating AI “teachers” far worse than we treated substitute teachers. Good luck with THAT.
If the hack happened at night, there’s no hope the FBI would find out (even if the looked) who did it. It’s just too hard.
She can’t keep relying on her pretty face. She’s going to have to own up to her actual positions.
The only way this corrupt DOJ takes any action is if the DNC decides idiot Biden is too damaged to run and they decide to get rid of him.
“Half of Canadians would agree to allow adults in Canada to seek medical assistance in dying due to an inability to receive medical treatment (51%) or a disability (50%).” But… with wonderful, abundant and free socialized health care, how is that possible? We’re not talking about “death panels”, are we? Perhaps we better preserve a few internal combustion vehicles in case the government wants to build a few “euthanasia vans” like the Nazis had. Arbeit macht frei!
Obama pushed the same system of snitching on those who have yet to subscribe to leftist group-think, wanting people to send the email addresses of those who make anti-socialist comments. While the left commits violent acts of terrorism, the government wants to track down (via neighborhood snitches) that have the conspiracy theory that they possess Constitutional rights. That is the sure sign of a weak and paranoid ideology, just as it was in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union or N.Korea
The culture war is an attempt to make this nation into something it was never meant to be. We’ve already lost the “hearts and mind” battle; this is why so many disregard the value of human life, the right of others to have their own opinions and disagree and basic respect. This is why mass killings are out of control. Now the left is hacking away at the family and patriotic love for the country. Nothing else can be resolved without defeating the cultural assault on America. It’s why we are what we are: a great nation. I guess the argument against fighting the culture wars instead of focusing on the technical aspects of governance is that the subjects of the culture wars are not the government’s business. With the left pretending that, say, there is widespread prejudice and abuse (even “genocide”) of transgenders draws the government in to “protect” the abused, which is a farce. If the government would get out of all that crap that really isn’t it’s business, we COULD ignore the “culture wars”.
This is simply valid proof that the left is sick and degenerate. Worse, they take great delight in trying to rub their degeneracy in our faces.
Haven’t seen it but my wife has been talking about it. I guess there’s little risk we’d get into the middle of this and it would turn woke, like most things out of the entertainment industry.
Now we are going to China to beg them to like us again and forgive us for being upset they violated our airspace. I guess Xi stopped payment on the checks to the Biden Crime Family.
I always have fun annoying leties when they try dropping “The Big Lie” line. They don’y like it when you point out that literally quoting the Nazis isn’t a sign that you’re one of the good guys
Even worse, when they behave like Nazis, like cheering on the government when they abuse power to take down someone they happen not to like.