This is the story of the transitional journey of two young men. One is a street thug who goes on to a Bible-thumping preacher. The other begins as an all-American kid and morphs into Malcolm Z.
You likely know that two young members of the Tennessee House of Representatives were expelled from the House for their hooliganism and were subsequently restored to their seats (as I predicted). Justin Jones and Justin Pearson admitted that they violated the House rules. They took a bullhorn to the floor and obstructed the proceedings and intimidated the other members.
The Tennessee House of Representatives spent Thursday debating the expulsion of three members, all Democrats, who hijacked the House floor for nearly an hour on March 30, using a bullhorn to shout at and harangue their fellow legislators in tandem with noisy anti-gun protesters who filled the galleries.
There is absolutely no doubt that the three brought disorder to the House.
“An estimated 1,000 students, parents, and others, galvanized by the shooting deaths, crammed House and Senate galleries,” the Chattanooga Times Free Press reported. “State lawmakers at the time were debating a bill expanding the state’s school voucher program when the chamber erupted in havoc. That began when Jones, a freshman longtime community activist and organizer, complained to [House Speaker Cameron] Sexton his microphone had been turned off. Sexton called him out of order, declared a five-minute recess, and summoned Republicans to the dais to consult. Jones; Johnson, a Knoxville Democrat and teacher; and another freshman and social activist, Justin Pearson, D-Memphis, then marched to the podium with a megaphone and led attendees in the balcony in chants.”
When the three took over the lectern in the House, Jones, who had sneaked a megaphone into the House chamber, held it to his mouth and led the crowd in chanting, “No action, no peace! No action, no peace!”
This was a planned event.
That afternoon, Jones tweeted, “There comes a time when you have to do something out of the ordinary.
It loses meaning when one learns that the two never tried to introduce legislation in the proper manner.
They’re protesting guns and shootings, saying they don’t have a voice, which is ridiculous because they talk on almost every bill anyway.
On Easter Sunday they went all religiously metaphoric
Tennessee Republicans’ attempt to crucify democracy has resurrected it in the form of mass movement led by young people. That’s what gives me hope.
— Rep. Justin Jones (@brotherjones_) April 9, 2023
Expelled TN lawmaker Justin Pearson’s sermon at a Memphis Unitarian Universalist church began with a prayer to “Mother God” and an invitation for dead ancestors to speak through him
— Woke Preacher Clips (@WokePreacherTV) April 10, 2023
Pearson referred to himself as the “black Jesus.”
There’s a lot you don’t know about these two. They have transitioned. Not sexually, but philosophically.
Or have they?
Their appearances and behavior have changed considerably over the last few years.
“Brother Jones” portrays himself as non-violent
They will try to push a false narrative portraying me as “violent” as a way to deflect from their own actions. They will suggest that I am out of order. That is their strategy. However, I’m hopeful for the chance to present our evidence in a transparent manner.
— Rep. Justin Jones (@brotherjones_) June 23, 2021
But the evidence says otherwise (via The Post Millennial)
In June of 2020, Justin Bautista-Jones, better known as ‘Brother Jones’ locally, was one of the publicly visible (often by design) protestors at the State Capitol. He received a lot of pushback from his own community after it was discovered he was often only making appearances when he knew there would be media coverage, and eventually had a falling out with one of the other most visible female members of the group. Throughout the entire time, he has faced over a dozen charges but always denied that he was violent – despite multiple assaults, assault on an officer, and reckless endangerment charges. In the newly obtained video, one of his assaults was captured, and presented to the Grand Jury – and he was indicted on two counts of reckless endangerment.
And there’s a video
Justin Pearson’s transition is even more dramatic. He carefully crafted a certain personality- , friendly, warm, caring for all.
Check the difference in cadence and presentation between 2016 and now. Not sure whose 60s-inspired cosplay is faker—Kaep’s journey from clean cut playboy to Black Panther or Pearson’s transition from Bowdoin student to MLK
— Delano Squires (@DelanoSquires) April 11, 2023
See how his cadence and inflections have changed over the last few years. And not just his speech changed:
“While I didn’t know Pearson well, he stood out on campus for nearly always wearing business attire, no matter the occasion. He wore suits to the dining hall and to class at a small college in Maine where students usually settle for their coziest sweatpants.”
— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) April 13, 2023
The charade is over. This is what they really are. Jones hasn’t lost his self-righteous lack of respect for those with differing opinions.
Ragan: My belief is in god..
Jones: Stop using god to justify your bigotry. Stop using god to justify hatred and racism.— Acyn (@Acyn) April 13, 2023
This is Dr. Sabu Kumar. He is a Republican member of the TN House.
Jones called him “a brown face of white supremacy.”
Kumar spoke about the reason the above two were expelled but not the white Gloria Johnson
Whitworth asked, “A lot of people have called into question the rationale behind expelling both African American lawmakers, but not Rep. Gloria Johnson (D), who is white, some calling it racist. In your opinion, was it, or, in your opinion, why did she remain?”
Kumar answered, “One of my remarks from the floor of the House was that — to Rep. Jones, he look[s] at everything through the lens of race.” After saying that Johnson didn’t receive enough votes for expulsion due to two members having to miss the vote, Kumar added, “It is very sad when people who commit racism claim that they’re fighting racism. That is really, really an irony and a tragedy. I can give you an example of racism by Rep. Jones if you think that we have time.”
Whitworth then said, “I think we should move on to the subject of gun control for a moment here” and then asked about red flag laws.
After discussing red flag laws and other gun control laws, Kumar stated that the lawmakers should have just proposed legislation instead of trying to take over the floor.
He added, “I’m very disappointed that you did not want me to talk about the racist act by Rep. Jones, who called me a ‘brown face’.”
And Pearson? He’s a piece of work.
Justin Pearson is the future of the Democrats.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) April 13, 2023
Twice he has referred to himself as Jesus
The voice of the people in Tennessee’s District 86, the voice that was unjustly removed, has been reinstated. What they believed to be a crucifixion, initiated a resurrection of a movement to create a democracy that works for the people!
— Justin J. Pearson (@Justinjpearson) April 13, 2023
The TN House made a mistake in expelling them (although it was well deserved) instead of visiting censure upon them. The consequence is that they have made martyrs of these two and provided them with a bigger bullhorn than they ever had. But their ingrained hubris is going to wear them down quickly.
They used their elected positions to further their personal ambitions.
The rubes of the country thought this was about gun control. It never was. The fact that they never proposed any gun control legislation was the red flag but few understood.
The Preacher and Malcolm Z.
They’re frauds.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Whenever a person pretends he is speaking for the dead, or that the dead are speaking thru him, he is either mentally ill or a complete fraud.
When you examine this guy’s changing persona over a few recent years, I’d say he’s mentally ill.
He’s also a useful idiot for whichever commie puppetmaster is putting ideas in his head.
In this latter area, see how Colin Kappernic did the same thing after his commie “girlfriend” took control of his mouth.
Lots of dems have personal Fang Fangs, commie handlers whose entire job is controlling and feeding lines to their victim lovers (Eric Swalwell), passengers (Diane Feinstein) etc.
Just remember a Lightning destroyed the George Floyd Memorial because god don’t approve of false gods and temple dedicated to false gods
They’re Democrats. Of course they’re frauds. They can offer nothing but fraud and theater.
I still want to know, just a couple of days after the Covington shooting, what new gun control law they could propose before the investigation of the shooting or shooter was complete? This is the fraud of gun control advocates; they don’t even pretend to propose anything that might actually make people safer. They simply want to take another step towards gun confiscation and total disarmament.
So, yeah, they are frauds, fraud members of a fraud party that pursues a fraud agenda.
How about instead of banning assault guns (whatever the hell that is) and ban assault trannies?