“No one is above the law”

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government accountability.
hunter biden


That’s the mantra I keep hearing on TV and reading on Twitter. It’s not true.

Alvin Bragg, the champion of NYC criminals, did it again. Bragg has a thing for charging those who dare engage in self-defense. He charged a victim with 2nd degree murder.


A Manhattan parking garage attendant who was shot twice while confronting an alleged thief at his business was charged with murder after wrestling away the weapon and using it to fire at the suspect.

Bragg has done the same stupid thing before.

Alvin Bragg is an incompetent moron. Today on Fox News Sunday Former Attorney General Bill Barr called Bragg’s actions “prosecutorial misconduct” and accused Bragg of interference in a Federal election and opening a Pandora’s box:

Bragg has admitted to lengthy persecution of Trump

Alvin Bragg has reminded voters during his campaign that in his former job with the New York attorney general’s office he sued the Trump administration ‘more than 100 times.’

He campaigned on getting Trump. Bragg’s single-minded pursuit of Trump has abused the system, with Bragg taking on the mantle of Lavrentiy Beria:

Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent.

“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast.

BTW, you may have heard something to the effect of Trump facing 34 counts in his indictment. Whoever leaked that to John Miller off CNN has committed a felony.

Of course, every democrat and every fake Republican uttered the phrase “No one is above the law” It has become “anti-Trump sloganeering.”

Slogans are meant to conceal complexity. The rote repetition of this one helps its proponents ignore the subtleties of prosecution that Jackson explained. It suggests that if there is any conceivable crime, under any definition, committed by anyone anywhere at any time, then that person should be investigated and perhaps jailed. Such a mentality invites a police state — yet opposing it is being recast as an attack on equality, rather than common political sense. That, we will come to regret.

Indeed. And that brings me to Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden is guilty of several crimes beyond any question.

Tax evasion

A big-shot Hollywood lawyer reportedly paid off Hunter Biden’s delinquent taxes — which a source told The Post amounted to more than $2 million — as President Biden’s notoriously troubled son awaits the results of a Delaware grand jury’s investigation into his personal finances.

Kevin Morris, an entertainment attorney and novelist who earned a fortune representing the co-creators of “South Park” and won a Tony Award as the co-producer of “The Book of Mormon,” footed Hunter Biden’s overdue taxes totaling over $2 million — more than twice what was previously reported, a source familiar with conversations between the two told The Post.

Paying the overdue money- or rather, someone else paying it off- doesn’t absolve one of the crime. Biden could face a fine of $100,000 and 5 years in prison.

Violation of the FARA Act.

Hunter Biden failed to register as a foreign agent during years of overseas business dealings — a possible crime that could finally land him in prison, experts say.

While Biden registered as a lobbyist for domestic interests (a gig which so annoyed President Obama that Biden was forced to drop it in 2008), he never registered under the federal Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

The 1938 law has in recent years been employed to shine a light on foreign advocacy and lobbying in the US. It mandates individuals acting as “an agent, representative, employee, or servant … at the order, request, or under the direction or control of a ‘foreign principal,’” must register with the US government. Failing to do so is a crime punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine.

The NY Times suggests that Biden could file retroactively and escape prosecution. Republicans Paul Manafort and Rick Gates were convicted under the FARA Act but democrat Tony Podesta, their boss and the brother of Hillary Clinton adviser John Podesta, was allowed to file retroactively and dodged the bullet.

Lying on an application for a gun permit

Amid reports Hunter Biden may have given false information on an ATF background check form, it is notable that the punishment for false answers on that form includes fines up to $250,000 and/or ten years of imprisonment.

Illegally disposing of a firearm

Those cases ought to be prosecuted more often, but it’s not true that charges are never filed. Even if it were true, this is not that situation. Biden got the gun and, predictably, lost it. That’s a case that ought to be charged 10 times out of 10.

The FBI has had the Biden laptop since 2019 and has failed to act on it. The investigation into Hunter Biden was put on pause as Joe Biden ran for President. Contrast that to Trump’s treatment. Trump had accusations and investigations thrown at him during every single election- Russian collusion, Ukraine, Mueller, and Stormy Daniels. Nancy Pelosi even asserted that Donald Trump had to prove his innocence.

Donald Trump has been more maligned than anyone in recent history. The law is being tortured in order to get him. We haven’t even touched Hillary Clinton’s abuse of classified materials or Joe Biden’s tens of boxes of classified documents scattered all over the country. There is a mountain of evidence of Hunter Biden crimes but the DOJ is utterly corrupt. The notion that “no one is above the law” is asinine. It’s a damn lie. The Biden’s are proof. democrats are above the law, while the law is abused to make it fit to Republicans. We are literally on the edge of the complete destruction of 14th Amendment.

And here’s a little insight into the priorities of the left

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Except to use it as a sledge hammer, Democrats don’t even recognize that laws exist. The United States used to be the gold standard in justice, law and order and the Democrats have turned into a global embarrassment.

Name me any Democratic president who has had as many convicted criminals working for him as Donald Trump. A quick refresher:

  1. Steve Bannon
  2. Tom Barrack
  3. Elliott Broidy
  4. Michael Cohen
  5. Michael Flynn
  6. Rick Gates
  7. Paul Manafort
  8. George Nader
  9. George Papadopoulos
  10. Roger Stone
  11. Allen Weisselberg

Except to use it as a sledge hammer, Democrats don’t even recognize that laws exist. The United States used to be the gold standard in justice, law and order and the Democrats have turned into a global embarrassment.

Name me any Democratic president who has had as many convicted criminals working for him as Donald Trump. 

Name a US political party that has weaponized the DOJ as badly as the Democrats have. You might think your comment indicts Trump, but instead it makes the point we are all making. The left has been targeting and persecuting Trump and his associates from the time he announced he was running. Democrats pledged to impeach him before he was ever sworn in and took his first action. Remember the skank Tlaib pledging to “impeach that mother fucker”? Corrupt prosecutors have campaigned on prosecuting Trump, without an basis. The left has illegally spied on him and his associates in order to uncover crimes… and found NONE.

Your list is of innocent people politically prosecuted for process crimes found in the investigation of false accusations. Aside from Cohen, they were spied on and entrapped. Worse, each one has a corresponding Democrat who actually committed the crimes they were accused of but have gone unprosecuted.

It’s called fascism. It’s called a banana republic. It’s called abuse of power. It’s called anti-American and unconstitutional. Democrats are absolutely ruining this country; they destroy our government even as they destroy the economy, energy production, our election integrity, our border security and our military.

A far simpler explanation is that Trump is now and has always been a crook. Consider the proven charity rip-offs, the proven corporate tax evasions, the falsification of contradictory property values for loan vs. tax purposes, the Trump University scam, the numerous catch-and-kill cover-ups and assorted hush-money payoffs, the endless avalanche of lies, the targeting of honest public officials, and the calculated slandering of any person, publication, or institution that threatens to hold him accountable. The latter includes prosecutors, judges, witnesses, election officials, the DoJ, the FBI, the intelligence community, decorated war veterans, Democrats, and anyone in the Republican Party having sufficient integrity to state the truth.

Either all of the foregoing proven, observable things are a hallucination, or the guy is a crook. Occam’s Razor should suggest which is most likely.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

No credible evidence tha President Trump is corrupt.

That will be decided by juries evaluating credible evidence in courtrooms, not on social media by people who can’t distinguish reality from reality TV.

Credible evidence, meh

Trump has been compelled by law to return to New York for arraignment. “No one is above the law” is not a meaningless statement.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

It is a shoddy case no worth the time of a real court of law.

Saying that without any knowledge of either the charges or the evidence is shoddy propaganda.

It is a shoddy case no worth the time of a real court of law.

At least Trump respects the law. Has Bragg appeared before the House? Has the FBI turned over the documents the House committee had demanded? Has the IRS answered why they were intimidating Taibi? Has the FBI told the House and Senate what documents idiot Biden stole?

Trump respects and abides by the law. Democrats just piss on it.

President Trump’s Attorneys Will Immediately File a Motion to Dismiss After Reviewing BS Indictment from Corrupt NY DA

No doubt he will. He probably has it written up and ready to circulate. I wonder if he’ll protest the lack of a mugshot?

President Trump’s Attorneys Will Immediately File a Motion to Dismiss After Reviewing BS Indictment from Corrupt NY DA

It is a shoddy case

BREAKING: Attorney Matt Colangelo Is the Link Between Soros Backed DA Bragg’s Office and the Obama White House and the Biden DOJ


A far simpler explanation is that Trump is now and has always been a crook.

Well, simple, stupid, naive, ignorant people require simple explanations, but the facts are a little more unrelenting. If Trump has “always been a crook”, then why, after over 7 years of illegal spying, 4th Amendment violations, yearly IRS audits, FBI searches and endless investigations (since he announced for the Presidency) have you never been able to find a single crime? You make a lot of accusations and claims, but no one can ever come up with a reason to charge and now you are relegated to indicting for a bookkeeping error that the statute of limitations ran out on 2 years ago. I mean, it’s not like you have emails and texts PROVING he had corrupt financial connections with Russia, China, Ukraine, Lithuania or elsewhere. It’s not like you’ve found hundreds of boxes of stolen documents, unsecured in numerous locations. It’s not like you have a credible accusation of rape or videos of child sexual harassment. It’s not like you have an actual video of him admitting to extorting another country to protect his son’s money laundering job. That’s the kind of stuff you should be finding if Trump was a life-long crook. But, you haven’t.

Maybe you should be looking at someone else.

“…have you ever been able to find a single crime?


Consider the proven charity rip-offs, the proven corporate tax evasions, the falsification of contradictory property values for loan vs. tax purposes, the Trump University scam, the numerous catch-and-kill cover-ups and assorted hush-money payoffs, the endless avalanche of lies, the targeting of honest public officials, and the calculated slandering of any person, publication, or institution that threatens to hold him accountable. The latter includes prosecutors, judges, witnesses, election officials, the DoJ, the FBI, the intelligence community, decorated war veterans, Democrats, and anyone in the Republican Party having sufficient integrity to state the truth.

The fact that Trump has thus far made payoffs, hidden behind corporations, and allowed others to take the fall when crimes were discovered doesn’t nullify the fact that he was behind them. He learned his evasive strategies from the best of the worse.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

I can’t help but notice that Trump has been neither charged, indicted or convicted of any of that. If he’s done it, why isn’t he charged? You are simply pathetically desperate and don’t mind lying to try and cover up your ignorance.

For the same reason that they could only get Al Capone for tax evasion, when he was believed to be behind some 200 gangland murders.

The world is full of white-collar crime versions of such insulation from responsibility. Putin might be the pinnacle of untouchable crime bosses. His surrogates have taken control of the Russian legal system. Everything has become corrupted.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Are you saying Trump has his people mowing down rivals with a tommy gun? Your analogy is retarded, now the Clintons and other real criminals they arrange suicides often.
They didnt take Trump down with his taxes. I know that makes you very sad.
Biden had some funny business with his taxes, income with no known source? 5.2 million.

Did you miss the “white-collar crime” part?

Did you miss the “white-collar crime” part?

Did you miss the part where Trump has been in business for 50 years and you can’t find a single significant crime he has committed, white collar or otherwise?

Did you miss that leaking like Braggart loves to do is an actual class E felony?
New York law provides one to five years in prison for a grand juror, prosecutor, police officer, or another official who discloses “any aspect of an ongoing grand jury proceeding.”

Last edited 1 year ago by kitt

In Capone’s day, there was no FBI, no internet, no electronic eavesdropping and many of the laws today were not even on the books. Organized crime wasn’t even recognized yet.

Hillary is behind almost as many murders. But, we have solid evidence of idiot Biden’s corruption and actual theft of classified documents. Hillary committed perjury on video. Idiot Biden and Mayorkas are aiding and abetting human trafficking. And that’s just what lies on the surface.

Trump, on the other hand, has been surveilled and illegally spied on in addition to relentless investigations. You can find NO crimes.

Democrats won’t even prosecute robbery, assault and rape; explain why this bookkeeping error of such a high priority, but for the desperate need to undercut Trump’s campaign? Just think, if idiot Biden was such a corrupt disaster and the Democrats had some ideas that actually appealed to the American taxpayer, all this crooked shit wouldn’t be necessary and they could abide by the law and Constitution instead of constantly trampling it.

You’re hunting for crimes and not applying this same scrutiny to Democrats

That makes you tyrannical and either someone to be dismissed, or fought tenaciously until you give up your totalitarian aims.

Any attempt to arrest Trump is the regime declaring themselves a dictatorship.

Hell, you don’t have to hunt for Democrat crimes. They hang off the trees like low-hanging fruit. But Democrats want us to believe a bookkeeping error is a capital offense.

I should have mentioned Roy Cohn by name. Consider him cited.

I Found Disgraced FBI Agent Timothy Thibault’s Girlfriend’s Twitter Account. Is The FBI Planning To Intimidate Hunter Biden Whistleblowers?

I found disgraced FBI agent Timothy Thibault’s girlfriend’s Twitter account.

She has tweeted prolifically in defense of the former special agent. While most are innocuous, a few of her posts raise some serious red flags.

Her tweets contain specific and non-public information where she suggests that the FBI is planning to respond to the whistleblowers that have come forward to congressional Republicans to expose the anti-Trump bias at the bureau and the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop during the 2020 election.

Her Twitter gives reason to believe that the FBI may be conspiring with Thibault to attempt to discredit and intimidate the whistleblowers, including by revealing their identities

As you may recall, Timothy Thibault was one of the FBI agents who was in charge of the investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop, which the bureau originally obtained in 2019. Last July, Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley announced that FBI whistleblowers had come forward to his office alleging that Thibault deliberately suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop investigation before the 2020 election. The whistleblowers also alleged a widespread effort within the FBI led by Thibault to downplay or discredit negative information about Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski, in an interview with Tucker Carlson last October, said that Timothy Thibault never followed up with him or his lawyers after he presented evidence to the FBI that members of the Biden family committed multiple felonies.

You just proved that Trump is being targeted by an illegal deep state that invents crimes.

Name any other president other than Slick Willie that knows more than 50 people that have committed “suicide”. Hillarys dear friends, business associates, secret service, bills women and a guy who owned an island.

Last edited 1 year ago by kitt

And while Manafort gets charged, Hillary’s Podesta brothers got to retroactively register for FARA. While General Flynn got charged with lying to the FBI (when he didn’t), Hillary suffers no consequences for lying to the FBI and Congress. While the Clinton’s simply get to revise their taxes when they “forgot” to declare $2 million in foreign contributions, Weisselburg gets convicted of not declaring perks as income. And on and on and on…

Yeah, Greg’s little list only proves that the left uses the legal system, with their corrupt judges, to attack political opponents.

“No one (except Democrats) is above the law”

Bragg and Soros we have aa pair of the most corrupt men in history its wealthy socialists scoundrels like Soros who is behind this whole Witch Hunt since Soros wants America to fall and replaced with China

Speaking of above the law, hunter biden has commuted numerous felonies and well as treason. His time is coming soon

No one is above the law. That includes Hunter Biden.

“Adams Should Be More Concerned About NY Citizens Being Murdered, Raped, Robbed, and Carjacked” – MTG Responds to Threats by NYC Mayor Adams

They should be more concerned about a criminal focused on retribution returning to the White House, and once again becoming immune to prosecution. The entire point of prosecuting criminals is to protect the public. Congress tried, but failed.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

No evidence Trump is a criminal. More fake news.

Congress attempted to cover up Joe Biden’s crime of withholding aid.

That’s it.

Just a reminder…


Wait a minute… idiot Biden is, in no way, form or fashion, a leader.

He was tried twice and found not guilty twice. Your idiot claim that being President makes you immune from prosecution is not only not true, you keep making this claim and it makes you sound ignorant.
The house behaved horribly during the impeachments. Historians will wonder about the secret star chamber where witnesses could not be cross examined. Members could not call witnesses they were all hand picked by the chair. Even phantom witnesses that never had to appear.

That included Joe Biden. That’s the problem.

Biden answered “no” in response to the question “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” as part of the background check. The check was administered on the Firearms Transaction Record Biden filled out in order to purchase a .38 revolver on October 12, 2018.

To lie in order to acquire a weapon that you are legally forbidden to have is, as the form notes, punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.