Appeals Court Judge ambushed by Communists at Stanford

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The judge in the picture above in Kyle Duncan. He is a sitting judge on the 5th Circuit Cour of Appeals. The hideous creature on the right is Tirien Steinbach. She is the Dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Stanford University (did you even know there was such a thing?)

Duncan was invited by the Stanford Chapter of the Federalist Society to give a speech on guns, COVD mandates and Twitter. As he was to being speaking he was ambushed by the hideous creature who then spouted off about how terrible Duncan was.

But she then launched into an impassioned six minute speech – which she had written down – condemning his life’s work.


Duncan looked on bemused as Steinbach stood at the lectern and told the law students she ‘had to write something down because I am so uncomfortable up here.’


She continued: ‘For many people at the law school who work here, who study here, and who live here, your advocacy – your opinions from the bench – land as absolute disenfranchisement of their rights.’


Woke students clicked their fingers in support – after progressive colleges warned handclapping can cause offense – and cried ‘Yes’ in agreement.


‘They feel harmed not just by your speech – because if it was just words that would be one thing. You have authority and power to make decisions that impact the lives of millions,’ Steinbach continued.


Her voice could be heard trembling at certain points, although it’s unclear whether she was upset at Duncan, or just excited at having the chance to perform.


She said she hoped Duncan could ‘listen through your partisan lens.’


Steinbach added: ‘It’s uncomfortable to say this to you as a person. It’s uncomfortable to say that for many people here, your work has caused harm … and I know that must be uncomfortable to hear. It must be.


‘I’m also uncomfortable because many of the people in the room here I have come to care for.’

Watch the hideous creature in action

Then the hate-speaking hideous creature said hate speech should be banned.

Duncan is rightly demanding an apology. Just think- those twinkies in the audience who applaud this abuse of free speech are future lawyers and judges.

The hideous creature should be fired immediately and frankly all those students participating should be expelled. They are a harbinger of fascism to come.

Jonathan Turley:

In one of the most disgraceful displays in recent memory, a 5th Circuit Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan was shouted down when he tried to speak to law students at Stanford. DEI Dean Angela Steinbach then appeared and lambasted Judge Duncan. Steinbach confronted Judge Duncan and asked: “Do you have something so incredibly important to say about Twitter and guns and Covid that that is worth this impact on the division of these people?”
The answer is yes. Free speech is incredibly important even if a Stanford Dean cannot understand the cost of “deplatforming” and silencing those with opposing views.

I have many more adjectives I’d like to use but I’ll let Darren Beattie say it for me


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The bitch exemplifies why institutions of alleged higher learning are failing.

Lest any one pierce the bubble they have placed around these children, they come out deep in debt and clueless.

Someone like t his needs to be investigated and who Trains supports and finances these Bolshevik Scum

Stanford Univ Issues Apology for Disgusting “Equity and Diversity” Dean Who Ambushed and Bullied Trump-Appointed Judge During Speech He Was Invited To Give To Immature Law Students Who Shouted Him Down [VIDEO]

Stanford University President Tessier-Lavigne and Stanford Law Dean Richard E. Lang offered Judge Duncan an apology in a letter dated March 11, two days after the disgusting, anti-free speech incident took place.

The Stanford Review, an independent student publication, is calling for the firing of the bully associate dean of “diversity and equity,” Tirien Steinbach:

Who in their right mind would hire someone with a diversity or equity degree? Endless law suits. Instead of listening to another’s opinion the left relies on the hecklers vetoes, no words but their words are allowed, what a shallow self righteous bunch.

Senator McCarthy warned us