Welcome back to Day 773 of the Biden* occupation! Busy week, so plenty of links, but no commentary. Between all of the writing I did and CPAC this week has been a bit crazy. In fact, by the time you’re reading this I’ll probably be at CPAC – drop me a line if you’d like to try meet IRL, as the cool kids say. My gmail handle is “hellobrotherbob”. Hopefully see you there, and now for a jump into the wayback machine of a month ago to offer another long form video:
1/22 – Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom
2/15 – Feds Fund Hypersexualized “Suicide” Hotlines for Children
2/20 – Our new serious Sputnik moment calls out for an end to ‘woke’ distractions
2/21 – Jimmy Carter & the Problem of Embracing Evil
2/23 – Library Features Clarence Thomas Books After Daily Signal Inquiry
2/26 – Washington State Dems Want ‘Minority Report’ Commission to Destroy Conservative Wrong-Think
2/27 – WATCH: Aussie Reporter Loses It on Air Covering Biden’s Mental Health
2/28 – Banned From Getting HAIRCUTS. Social Credit Scores Are Here.
3/1 – South Africa is in freefall
3/2 – Okay, So It Looks as if the Justice Department Probably Has Spies in Catholic Churches
3/3 – Horowitz Video: ‘The Democrats Want a One-Party State’
ICYMI – And by judging from the view count, you probably did! But I aked The One Question Nobody Is Asking About Ukraine. And one that got a good discussion going in the comments was Why Donald Trump Can Not Be the GOP Nominee in 2024. Then I followed up with an even more popular opinion, The Democrats Have Already Won the 2024 Election, Regardless of Who Either Party Runs
Have a great weekend!
Over 81,000 tweets calling to #ArrestKatieHobbs
This isn’t going away Katie
You took money from the cartels and they helped you steal the election pic.twitter.com/YOi6AB8hy8
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) February 26, 2023
Giving fuck the police a whole new meaning https://t.co/Iceov4vud5
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) February 27, 2023
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
The ethnic Russian children taken in Maripol and other parts of the Donbas region are safe from being used as Nazi human shields now, they also took the elderly in. Stolen? Zelensky doesnt get to use them for target practice anymore, poor lil ones think they were rescued. I see videos from reporters The great war hero has on kill lists.
“Our children will go to school, and your children will sleep in basements,'” Elena recalled the then-president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko saying in a speech in 2014.
In November 2014, Poroshenko’s government instituted a financial blockade against the occupied territories. Vladimir could no longer collect his coal miner’s pension, Elena could no longer withdraw her state company salary from the local ATM.
Yup nice guys put in charge after the coup.
Hershey now erasing real women, on womens day they have tranny chocolate bars.
While I know little about them, I feel bad for my distant relatives still in Ukraine and the garbage leaders they always have.
And yaeh, I feel like the Hershey Squirts deserves a quick post if I get a chance in the next few days
…But enough about Michelle!
No minor surgeries for you…ok?
The left is capable of destroying anything, from the NFL to Disney to the United States of America.
This is a desperately sick and degenerate regime. But what would one expect from a pedophile that forced his young daughter to shower with him and raised a drug-addled sexual deviant for a son?
Woke distractions is the actual point. Pandering to degenerate interest groups is the most important priority of this utterly incompetent regime.
Like Obama and idiot Biden, Carter was weak and telegraphed weakness. It is a clear indication of how bad Obama and idiot Biden are that Carter is now only the third worst President in US history.
Clarence Thomas is the opposite of Hannah-Jones; someone that determined to succeed as an American and not traffic on victimhood and race-baiting. Significant that even after the “1619 Project” has been debunked and shown to be propaganda, the left still promotes it as history.
I don’t know if there has ever been an organization who’s only requirement for membership is that you are the absolute worst at what you do or, even better, have never done what you are required to do and have on interest or intention of learning. Just so long as you hate the United States of America.
ABC? Didn’t they provide a producer to polish up that turd called the January 6th Committee? Why didn’t they use that inside track to get ahold of the suppressed videos. Only Fox expressed an interest in the videos. Why didn’t MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC all squeal when only CNN got advance notice when yet another elderly Trump associate or Trump himself was going to be the target of yet another FBI/GESTAPO home raid?
The only way the leftist ideology survives is if there is no competition. This is for the same reason Nazism, Communism and radical Islam always strives to suppress any and all opposition; they cannot stand up beside comparison. This wouldn’t be necessary if the left could offer superior ideas. The old ACLU sure ain’t what it used to be, is it?
Idiot Biden is an embarrassment exposed to the entire world.
Thankfully, the Korean lady that cuts my hair has experienced totalitarianism and has no taste for it, the left, Obama, idiot Biden or any like regimes. Leftists should not have power over other people. The left not only wants to insult citizens by trampling the Constitution, but they INSIST you not complain about it.
Something the left doesn’t consider is that when a totalitarian regime makes a mistake and accuses the wrong person, they don’t like to admit they’ve made a mistake. They also don’t pass up an opportunity to make an example of people. So, like as not, if you’re the victim of mistaken identity, no matter how much you’ve cheered on the persecution of others, you’re F**KED just like the rest of us.
Have them save us a place at the bottom because we are one more fraudulent election behind them. I wish this collapse in S. Africa was more widely and thoroughly covered in the media, for it is indeed a valid warning sign.
I hope they call this fascist back in about two weeks and have him show what actions have been taken against such police state activity. You know who REALLY like the Latin Mass? Hispanics. Is that who the left is targeting? Hey, Herr Garland; I hear there’s a “good Catholic” in the White House. Why don’t you spy on him?
Duh. Of COURSE they do. Everything they do is intended to lead to that result. They have all the components in place now; all they lack is removing the opposition.
I see you’ve never heard of The Lincoln Project =8^)
I guess it’s a matter of dimensions.
Sad to say the Band is back together, RIP Gary Rossington