The Week in Radical Leftism, 02/10/2023

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Welcome back to Day 752 of America Held Hostage by the Biden* Regime! Shall we get to the crazy?

2/1 – Gavin Newsom’s ‘Freedom State’

Don’t dismiss this creep – he is a real possibility to become the president that the Democrats install in 2024

2/2 – Biden Admin Announces New Crackdown On Gas Stoves…

Another small but significant example of how The radical Left hates us Normals

2/3 – That Didn’t Age Well! Read The Most Clownish Takes About The Laptop Hunter Biden Admits Was His

Never let them forget, especially the Vichy Republicans


Once again, it’s never wrong to remind The Radical Left how often they are wrong

2/4 – Study Reveals: Several Chicago Neighborhoods Riskier for Young Men Than What U.S. Troops Faced in Iraq and Afghanistan… And It’s Not Just Chicago

The Radical Left is responsible, and us Normals need to do a better job of educating the public to this fact

2/5 – UK: Christian mother sues her four-year-old son’s school for forcing him to take part in LGBT Pride parade

It takes a truly sick mind to think that something like this is a good idea

2/6 – Power grid worries force Amazon to run Oregon datacenters using fuel cells

Oh the irony…

2/7 – Pictured: Biden Admin Hands Out Nonsensical ‘Black Resistance’ Flyers To BORDER PATROL Agents

Nothing shows for your staff better than handing out propaganda from a terrorist organization that has *literally* called for their elimination

2/8 – The SOTU Has Become Uncivil Or Something

I was among those who criticized Wilson 14 years ago, but today? The Radical Left is reaping what they sow. There is no reason for us Normals to have to always be the adults in the room when Left Wing Extremists keep acting like lying, petulant children

2/9 – If Reparations Are Owed … the Democratic Party Should Pay Them

Once again, someone smarter than me has beaten me to a great idea for a blog post. And it is a thorough, well written piece.

2/10 – Pro-Crime Congresswoman Assaulted in D.C. Building

I used to preface comments like this with something like, “You hate to see this happen to anyone…”, but now I’m actually happy to see this happen to someone who actively pushes the policies that lead to this as opposed to the poor idiot who just voted for them.

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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During a PBS interview Biden admitted he has been stealing classified documents since his 2nd year in Congress 1974, I suppose thats why he also said he was not suppose to talk about them …but did. Poor Joey and his big fat mouth.

We know they only admitted to a spy balloon after it was reported on in a local newspaper but not the first time they kept balloons secret
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God bless her soul, I never knew my Grandma was a radical for preferring the traditional Latin Mass.
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Have a great weekend lil brother

He has recommended firing a shotgun into the air as a method of self defense. Now maybe it’s national defense.

If “blacks built this country,” as the video alleges, why was all of black Africa unbuilt until whites came there and started building stuff?
Why is it that black neighborhoods need outsiders, led by a white gay man, have to come in and clean them up?

Blacks have a good history, just dont go back to Africa. They were assimilating very well until the Democrats came along with welfare and broke up the family. Good jobs in factories, buying homes getting all middle class, the war on poverty was really a war on the Black family, things once shameful are now normal.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

Ask any 8th grade black student who Salem Poor was and they will not be able to give you an answer.

From the days of the American Revolution to today, blacks have been outstanding Americans contributing to the greatness of this nation. But don’t expect kids to be taught about those blacks. Instead, they will be taught they are oppressed by another kid, a six year old white supremacist. Without victims, Democrats would have no followers. But then, Democrats themselves support racism so they make sure the Planned Parenthood abortion centers are put in primarily black neighborhood.

Even the out right lie of a bunch of old white men. Some were older, like Thomas Jefferson who was 33, John Hancock who was 39, or Benjamin Franklin who was 70. Others were shockingly young — even teenagers. James Monroe, for example, was 18 and Alexander Hamilton was 21.
Shows the difference and travesty of todays “higher” education when these men could easily converse on ancient and current philosophy.

2/1 – Gavin Newsom’s ‘Freedom State’

Newsom and a long line of Democrats have turned California into an irreparable disaster. I’m sure he wants to work the same miracle with the entire nation. After 4 years of idiot Biden, his task isn’t that tough.

2/2 – Biden Admin Announces New Crackdown On Gas Stoves…

Self disclosure, we have an electric stove because my wife has always cooked on one and prefers electric. But when we lost power in 2019, a gas stove sure would have been handy.

2/3 – That Didn’t Age Well! Read The Most Clownish Takes About The Laptop Hunter Biden Admits Was His

None of the left’s lies age well.


The more the predictions get proven false, the more desperate the climate scammers become.

2/4 – Study Reveals: Several Chicago Neighborhoods Riskier for Young Men Than What U.S. Troops Faced in Iraq and Afghanistan… And It’s Not Just Chicago

And their reaction is to make it worse. Over and over and over. Always worse. That’s what it looks like when you keep defensive firearms away from the law abiding citizens and allow criminals, who are never prosecuted but get released from fail, to have all they want.

2/5 – UK: Christian mother sues her four-year-old son’s school for forcing him to take part in LGBT Pride parade

I wonder, in these “gay pride” parades, who are the LGBTQ people trying to convince? Us or themselves?

2/6 – Power grid worries force Amazon to run Oregon datacenters using fuel cells

“Ow, what was that? Oh, it was reality, smacking me upside the head.”

2/7 – Pictured: Biden Admin Hands Out Nonsensical ‘Black Resistance’ Flyers To BORDER PATROL Agents

“Oh, we never apologized for calling you racists and accused you of whipping illegal immigrants? Well, here’s some of our promotional material for a violent, racist organization that hates you and wants you fired. Just so you’ll know what we think of you and your service.”

2/8 – The SOTU Has Become Uncivil Or Something

I didn’t disagree with Wilson. Obama lied and liars should be called out. Telling lies about the proposed socialization of healthcare is not “the state of the union”; it’s a partisan political statement. Lying about the policies of the opposition is not “the state of the union” (though it is the character of idiot Biden). Liars should not get away with lying and they certainly should not have their lies receive an implied validity by way of no refute.

2/9 – If Reparations Are Owed … the Democratic Party Should Pay Them

I’ve been saying that for some time. Those who created and perpetuated the problem should pay the price. The idea that the $21 trillion in “war on poverty” payments being counted makes sense, but someone should have made that the condition from the beginning; then maybe so many wouldn’t have wasted it.

2/10 – Pro-Crime Congresswoman Assaulted in D.C. Building

What is truly surprising is that the left DIDN’T make an effort to paint the assailant as a right wing white supremacist. But, yeah, they have it coming. Sadly.

Liberals seem to be very compassionate towards victims, but I don’t think they actually know what a real victim is. Actually, my answer to the demand for racial reparations is more along the line of where Joey Adonis told Bugsy Siegal he could get his apology.

Schlichter hit the nail squarely on the head.

Democrats enslaved the African population transported to the new world for over 200 years until a Republican, Lincoln freed their slaves.

Because they opposed the slaves being given freedom, they opposed reconstruction and created the KKK to torment, kill and otherwise oppress the freed slaves.

As if that was not enough, the democrats in the south devised ways to make the freed slaves less than a human being.

Then in 1964-65, Republicans passed the civil rights bill to enumerate those freedoms given a century before.

But then LBJ devised the”great society ” which the intention was to put the black Americans back on the plantation where they are still to this day.

So strong is the pressure from democrats and other peers, any who dare to speak out or have an opposing view are quickly demonized and often referred to as an “Uncle Tom ”

Democrats just cannot get over the freedoms given to the blacks well over 150+ years.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

You can compare the Democrats’ KKK to their ANTIFA today. They don’t just try to terrorize blacks, but they try to terrorize and suppress anyone that disagrees with them.