The Week in Radical Leftism, 02/03/2023

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Welcome back to Day 745 of America Held Hostage by the Biden* Regime! On to the crazy…

1/26 – Dom Lucre TRICKS Dems/Lefties into reading about and SHARING their racist history in BRUTAL thread

A brilliant and literal “Rope a Dope”

1/27 – Is TVA Already Rationing Electricity for Future Industrial Growth?

Remember, these blackouts are by design. Biden* appointed several Climastrologists to the TVA for a reason.

1/28 – Against Cricket Cakes

Although I’d have no problem watching Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab share a bowl of cockroaches

1/29 – Your Credit Score Please, Comrade

The only part this article misses is the timing. Talk to Laura Loomer. Or the Candian truckers.

1/30 – Race based: Burley Middle School offers black-only catered dinner event

The party of Segregation continues it’s nasty ways

1/31 – The Sumter Gambit

I only disagree with the timelines, The Democrats started their second Civil War with all of the mini Fort Sumnters (CHAZ Zones) that popped up in cities during the summer of BLAMtifa riots.

2/1 – CHOP! A Short Story by Tober Mory

Obviously a bit longer than our normal fare, but worth a few minutes of your time to read

2/2 – Vegan Activists Trespass on to a Duck Farm and Chain Themselves to the Slaughter Line. Then They Start Screaming When the Slaughter Line Starts Moving.

How about a happier story as we get to the end of this post? Ace nails it with this pithy analysis:

LOL. It’s like a feel-good reboot of Saw.

2/3 – US government monitoring suspected ‘high-altitude’ Chinese spy balloon over northern states

There are so many layers to this story. Why am I first learning about this from Australian news? The Pentagon seriously can’t figure out how to shoot down a Chinese spy balloon over Montana? How did this balloon get as far as Montana before it got spotted? And is there a “Swalwell for Congress” banner hanging from it?

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Thats finlands figure skater, I cant wait to see it on the balance beam and uneven bars at the olympics.

Have 911 on hold.
Then there is the great Egg conspiracy, everything from tainted feed starve small farmers to Purinas parent company trying to corner the market on eggs,they stop vaxx damage, Gates wants to sell his fake eggs every theory has legs but no drumsticks. What came last the chickens or the eggs?

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

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Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

When you think about it, that’s not that nutty a statement… for this menagerie.

1/26 – Dom Lucre TRICKS Dems/Lefties into reading about and SHARING their racist history in BRUTAL thread

I wish I could see the faces of those who thought they FINALLY found the proof Republicans, not Democrats, were historically racist when they actually saw the facts. You gotta look fast, though, because leftists won’t hang around in the vicinity of facts for long.

1/27 – Is TVA Already Rationing Electricity for Future Industrial Growth?

Meanwhile, “emerging economy” China is putting a coal-fired power plant on line every week.

1/28 – Against Cricket Cakes

We are being prepared for the Central Planning failures that will result in world-wide famine to develop a taste for bugs. I’m wondering, where does PETA and other “animal rights” groups fall on breeding and harvesting insects for food?

1/29 – Your Credit Score Please, Comrade

Will they be tracking the massive, double boot stomp-print left behind by the purchase of an EV?

1/30 – Race based: Burley Middle School offers black-only catered dinner event

I wonder how they know who on their mailing list are black; is everyone separated by race? What about those who identify as black; are they allowed to attend? Will they have to produce an ID? What about the white taxpayers that are funding this banquet… nothing for them?

1/31 – The Sumter Gambit

The Confederacy didn’t seek to destroy the North; they wanted to secede and be left alone. The left today wants to destroy the opposition and replace our government with a totalitarian police state.

2/1 – CHOP! A Short Story by Tober Mory

Have those in jail following the January 6th riot read this?

2/2 – Vegan Activists Trespass on to a Duck Farm and Chain Themselves to the Slaughter Line. Then They Start Screaming When the Slaughter Line Starts Moving.

Again, who will stand up for the crickets? Maybe a pepper spray cannon on the roof of those trucks would come in handy.

2/3 – US government monitoring suspected ‘high-altitude’ Chinese spy balloon over northern states

Idiot Biden: “It’s OK, they’re friends of mine.”

Didn’t California have those Chinese New Year mass shootings but in Tennessee they have to beat their victims to death? WHO gets the failing grade?

Crickets, grasshoppers, and locusts are all “land shellfish.”
If you are allergic to shellfish, you are allergic to hard-shelled insects.
But that isn’t stopping the EU from grinding them up and using them in place of flour!
Flour is NOT a classic protein source.
They are not doing to because of a lack of wheat.
They are doing it to cull the human race.

Yesterday the “jobs report” for January came out and surprised people.
It looked so good!

Employers added 517,000 jobs in January — nearly double the prior month’s advance and above all estimates in a Bloomberg survey.

Except that it wasn’t.
Those are lies.

On an unadjusted basis, payrolls actually fell by 2.5 million last month.

Who do joe’s peeps think they’re fooling?

02/06/23 – FBI arrests man, woman with ‘extremist’ views in alleged power grid attack plot targeting 5 substations

Yes, Fox. A plot to blow up components of the nation’s power grid qualifies right-wing loons as “extremists”.

Jan 6, 2023The driver, later identified as Mohammad Mesmarian, 34, is accused of ramming through a fence and setting the car on fire. The car is registered out of Idaho, documents said. A man is facing terror-related charges after police said he broke into a solar energy facility and set his car on fire. (KLAS)
Nope not right wing. We are the ones begging to harden the grid for decades. Your side are the ones funding a Nazi regime in Ukraine.
This weeks selection goes out from Xi to Biden

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

You’re the people who rant about every dollar Democrats spend on infrastructure modernization.

Nope not right wing. We are the ones begging to harden the grid for decades. Your side are the ones funding a Nazi regime in Ukraine.

You’re the people who rant about every dollar Democrats spend on infrastructure modernization.
The electric companys can absorb the cost, or put a small fee on each bill like they do for assistance.
Id much rather they handle the money or fee directly than let the government fuck things up.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

And terrorists cross the southern border left wide open, all those food processing plant fires not suspicious at all, as they hire illegal cheap labor all the time.

The unemployment rate in the US is presently the lowest it has been in 53 years, and the nation still has a serious labor shortage.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Let them come legally stand in line get back ground checked, de loused etc…

Republicans refuse to allow any changes to the lawful immigration process that would remedy the current situation. They need the exploitable political division to remain in power, and don’t really want any effective solution. This isn’t theoretical; it’s an observable fact.

The GOP’s right-wing populace element actually wants to deport aliens who have lived here since childhood, who have fully assimilated, and are well-educated, law-abiding assets to the nation they consider home.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Yup deport them with their border busting parents cause we dont want to rip them from their families.
Law abiding?
What part of illegal dont you understand?
These are not migrants, they are invaders not invited, never got green cards, just figured they could do a home invasion and suck up tax payer funded education and other benefits.
I steal your car but dont speed or run any red lights, my car now.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

Children aren’t lawbreakers because of what their parents or grandparents did.

Dont be mad at those that want laws obeyed be mad at the law breakers, idiot.
Nearly 80,000 DACA recipients have arrest records, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration report finds.

Last edited 1 year ago by kitt

Children aren’t lawbreakers because of what their parents or grandparents did.

So you are admitting those who brought the children here ARE lawbreakers. Good. The children should never receive citizenship until they have met certain conditions. They need to go through the same process as legal immigrants seeking citizenship.

Only behind those that followed the law.

Republicans refuse to allow any changes to the lawful immigration process that would remedy the current situation.

Nope. Wrong. Democrats refuse to secure the border. THAT’S why a compromise can’t be reached. Why would we revamp legal immigration to let everyone that wants to come here illegally in? The whole point of laws and regulations is to be selective about who comes in and why. Democrats love the divisive issue and they want to turn 5 million illegal immigrants into Democrat voters.

Democrats don’t think our national security is important; their political goals are more important.

Reagan getting snookered into amnesty without border security worked out so well lets do that again duh.

Yeah, that’s what happens every time Democrats are taken at their word. Just ask Manchin.

The unemployment rate in the US is presently the lowest it has been in 53 years, and the nation still has a serious labor shortage.

Yeah, because unemployment is not low because of all the jobs filled, it’s low because people have given up ever going back to work. This is reflected in the Labor Participation Rate, which is low. Idiot Biden sucks in every catagory.