The Week in Radical Leftism, 11/25/2022


Welcome back! Light week for the holiday, and hopefully you had a great Thanksgiving

11/18 – Michelle Obama Is So Stunning And Brave, You Guys

11/19 – Fake Hate: San Diego Vegan Food Truck Owner Charged With Arson, Insurance Fraud

11/20 – Pious Candy-Ass Sidewinder

Yes, this is one of those posts that made the cut for its title alone. And of course, it’s still a good read.

11/21 – The Sting

11/22 – Disney Not Gay Enough Yet? New Plan: Get (More) Woke, Go (More) Broke

11/23 – I’m Thankful This Year For Everyone Fighting Against Transing The Kids

11/24 – Biden’s would-be disinformation chief, Nina Jankowicz, registers as a foreign agent

11/25 – Biden Admin Pushed Trudeau to Crack Down on Freedom Convoy

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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11/18 – Michelle Obama Is So Stunning And Brave, You Guys

Who. Gives. A. Shit. She’s as much an attention whore as Barry.

11/19 – Fake Hate: San Diego Vegan Food Truck Owner Charged With Arson, Insurance Fraud

I don’t suppose you could even call that a “roach coach”. I doubt if anything other than weevils and caterpillars would invade it. I wonder, if Jussie had paid a higher (and more just) price for his hoax, if this clown would have attempted this? Probably more a factor of no one wanting his mobile asparagus than politics drove this.

11/20 – Pious Candy-Ass Sidewinder

Republicans need to learn to not allow themselves to be controlled by the deep state and establishment. I think Pence is more principled than this, but he fears the media and losing funds provided by the Washington establishment, which renders all other principles moot.

11/21 – The Sting

It’s a shame that the success or failure of the United States depends on the Republicans learning to be just as dishonest, vicious, vile, unscrupulous and devious as Democrats. Yet, that’s where we are, since Democrats control the DOJ.

11/22 – Disney Not Gay Enough Yet? New Plan: Get (More) Woke, Go (More) Broke

How can you be “right” about an issue you simply made up? There was no “don’t say gay” bill… ever. Either you support grooming children and staging them for child predators or you oppose it. Disney appears to be all for it. Chapek was probably ousted because the board cannot admit to themselves why Disney is losing money.

11/23 – I’m Thankful This Year For Everyone Fighting Against Transing The Kids

Recall the NAMBLA supporter Obama wanted for his “safe schools czar”. How safe are children in the hands of a NAMBLA enthusiast? Democrats have been trying to normalize and mainstream pedophilia. Like they considered minority voters, now children’s sex lives is something for them to exploit for their own interests. Voting for Democrats is voting for sexual deviancy and degeneracy.

11/24 – Biden’s would-be disinformation chief, Nina Jankowicz, registers as a foreign agent

Just coming out of the proverbial closet as someone working in the interests of those other than the United States. No surprise. Note that in Great Britain, there is no 1st Amendment. Nina can censor to her heart’s content.

11/25 – Biden Admin Pushed Trudeau to Crack Down on Freedom Convoy

The left likes to crush protests if they aren’t serving the left’s agenda. Sounds kind of like fascism, doesn’t it?

Yay! It posted, first try!

Last edited 1 year ago by Just Plain Bill

Americas 1st tranny flotus

I cant believe the roach coach driver was not making money hand over fist with his business model vegan theme, why he would need a go fund me after the fire is mysterious. Maybe he should have played music like an ice cream truck, catchy tunes like “Its raining men” He could have used a better designer for the truck,why he couldnt find one in Cali is another mystery.

Michelle, that guy needs to get a grip.

Pence, he just doesnt have the fail upwards vibe. Todays children wouldnt understand Blazing Saddles its a good thing they cant cancel Mel. They just cant come up with a shit load of dimes.