It is soon after a disappointing election season and one can expect fingers to be pointed and all but some of this is bad form. There have been calls to remove McConnell and McCarthy from their leadership posts and I am inclined to agree. McCarthy has all but promised not to impeach Biden should the GOP take the House and McConnell pulled funding from several races in which more money might have made the difference. What bugs me about McConnell is how thick he is with China and goes soft whenever it comes up. I don’t hear him speaking up more loudly about the open border in the south nor the flood of fentanyl.
BTW, I am convinced that the DNC is working with China and the Mexican cartels to keep the order open and the flood of fentanyl flowing. The DNC has to be taking in a cut of the monumental profits from that operation. Nothing else can possibly explain the complete and total inaction by the President and the democrat-controlled government despite 300 Americans dying of opiate overdoes every single day. It would be the perfect operation to be run by Hunter Biden, but one could easily think he’d be more involved in younger child trafficking.
But most troubling is Donald. Trump has unleashed a number of questionable attacks. You could dismiss the first one as a novelty, but it’s continued and they’re getting more and more squirrelly.
Donald Trump took credit for Ron DeSantis’ rising political career and blasted Fox, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post for embracing the Florida governor, while blaming the GOP’s subpar midterm performance on the ex-president.
In a long-winded statement sent out by his PAC Thursday evening, Trump pointed out that the trio of News Corp media brands are ‘all in for Governor Ron DeSanctimonious’ who he called ‘an average REPUBLICAN Governor with great Public Relations.’
Trump suggested that DeSantis’ 19-plus point breeze to reelection Tuesday was helped by the fact that the Florida governor didn’t have to shut his state down during the coronavirus pandemic because of the ‘SUNSHINE, where people from badly run States up North would go no matter who the Governor was, just like I did!’
“an average REPUBLICAN Governor with great Public Relations, who didn’t have to close up his State, but did, unlike other Republican Governors, whose overall numbers for a Republican, were just average—middle of the pack—including COVID, and who has the advantage of SUNSHINE,
Then it got really weird
Trump send the FBI to Florida to save DeSantis
‘I was all in for Ron, and he beat Gillum, but after the Race, when votes were being stolen by the corrupt Election process in Broward County, and Ron was going down ten thousand votes a day, along with now-Senator Rick Scott, I sent in the FBI and the U.S. Attorneys, and the ballot theft immediately ended, just prior to them running out of the votes necessary to win,’ said Trump.
‘I stopped his Election from being stolen…’
I find that hard to believe because Trump never fails to let anyone know what he does for them. But he wasn’t done. This was the oddest of all
‘Young Kin (now that’s an interesting take. Sounds Chinese, doesn’t it?) in Virginia couldn’t have won without me,’ he posted on Truth Social.
‘I Endorsed him, did a very big Trump Rally for him telephonically, got MAGA to Vote for him – or he couldn’t have come close to winning. But he knows that, and admits it. Besides, having a hard time with the Dems in Virginia – But he’ll get it done!’
Murdoch, Fox News are bad turncoats
The former president, clearly not pleased with Fox News’s coverage of DeSantis, recalled on social media the 2016 presidential election, when the network tried to stop him from winning the Republican primary.
“This is just like 2015 and 2016, a Media Assault (Collusion!), when Fox News fought me to the end until I won, and then they couldn’t have been nicer or more supportive,” he wrote, alluding to the attempt by the cable network to kneecap him in the 2016 Republican primaries.
“[I]t would be the most successful network in History,” Trump said. “Fox only made it because of me, Twitter only made it because of me, and even Facebook is now in the tubes, having lost almost $90 billion in value since I was taken off.”
“For me, Fox News was always gone, even in 2015-16 when I began my ‘journey,’ but now they’re really gone,” Trump wrote. “Such an opportunity for another media outlet to make an absolute fortune, and do good for America.”
It’s clear that Trump is envious of DeSantis and DeSantis’s growing popularity but these attacks are really counterproductive. They’ll only hurt both men and diminish Trump’s stature while giving fodder for ad hominem attacks from the left. Run on what you’ve done, not this. This is bad.
WTF, Donald?

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Hunter would be consuming too much of the product to hang around long enough to run the operation.
It would be better if Trump wasn’t taking shots at DeSantis, but consider the contrast between two big guns like Trump and DeSantis fighting over the leadership of the party while Democrats have idiot Biden and Fetidman.
Honestly, it’s the dagger in the back by these jerks. I’m not surprised.
Paid disinformation troll greg has always made his rhetoric about how Trump ruined or corrupted the GOP.
These assholes want us back to the old status quo, pacified by the mock-battle between Conservative and Liberal, GOP and Democrat.
It’s all the f*cking lie.
Honestly, good Christian Americans have nothing to fear. Time to let the Left reap what they so, as well as the “Right.”
We’ll continue our rich lives, good works, and generations that will live on….while these impostors most likely won’t.
They’re a Cult, after all.
Cults always die out.
Uh, no way. I’m not blaming Trump on this.
He’s right.
DeSantis might run…might make a good spectacle…but he’ll only win if the Deep State wills it, and he will be crushed with some made up scandal long before he’d ever get close to the WH.
Indeed, DeSantis has won over Florida by being much like Trump.
The goal now was for the Right to violently turn on democracy and turn on Trump.
Now we have one two-party Uniparty that rules us.
Trump slowed down their take-over, so I’m grateful.
This is about Americans vs the political-corporate state that’s replaced our Republic. Nothing less…nothing more.
Trump himself unilaterally LAUNCHED it.
They don’t like him. You can’t force people to like him.
He has a higher approval rating than idiot Biden. He was certainly proven, by his accomplishments, to be a far better President than idiot Biden.
You’re right. They don’t like Pence. You can’t force people to like Pence.
Trump, however…now he has actual popularity. No student loan debt tricks or abortion outrage needed.
You can’t force people NOT to like him. Though you’ve tried…
None of the above are DeSantis, who will prove to be immune to this nonsense, but Youngkin? Please. An awful lot of people are unhappy with this behavior. It’s unseemly and sends the message that Trump is terribly insecure and lacks faith in himself and his accomplishments. This kind of churlish assault on a very popular upcomer won’t do the party any good. Trump lost in part because of his ego and inability to keep from saying too much. We’re looking at redux.
Completely disagree. The establishment and deep state wants Desantis and Trump understands this. This was going to be a dog fight anyways and he knew it. Props to him calling it like it is.
Yup. Either DeSantis is simply deep state approved, or they know they will destroy him via Russia-Collusion style treason.
All you need to do is look and watch those who are supporting him over Trump. It’s so obvious
I want McConnell out. I want McCarthy out too.
They are installed and propped up as surely as Biden and Pelosi.
Sorry, but you are being played like a cheap fiddle.
Trump was a great president. None better since Ronnie. Did he deserve another term? Damn right, he did. But he got cheated out of it because there is no way 81 million morons voted for a guy who couldn’t find his way out of his basement. But that was done and now it is time to fix what was wrong (with state elections) and move on.
If the creeps at The Lincoln Project are throwing their support behind De Santis now, know it is a false flag. The intention is to take support away from Trump, pretend to support De Santis and then come up with a new candidate in mid ’23 (someone like Evan McMullin). The Last Refuge? Come on, now. They are so fair and balanced that in 2016 they kicked off their website anyone who didn’t support Trump. I know, I was one of the banished.
Fair and balanced? Wtf? Could care less about fair and balanced and it’s too bad you got kicked off but that fact does not prove him wrong.
All I know is who is pushing him to run. Period, end of story.
I have no doubt they will dump him like a hot potato but until then they are pushing him to run to weaken Trump. It will do the opposite. Desantis will lose the primary.
And you know their motives? I think not.
Yeah, wasn’t the cheating. It was Trump. ROFL
Curt. I know a lot of people who sat on their hands because of Trump. You know I like what he did.
Yeah, because they want a establishment hack who plays nice. If you want McCarthy and McConnell and all the other NeverTrumper democrats pulling the strings then Desantis is your guy
And don’t get me wrong. I like what he’s done in his state. The nation is a whole different ballgame and all I have to do is watch who is backing him to know what this is all about. It’s anybody but Trump and that won’t fly.
The truth is, Christians can now safely divorce themselves from politics. We are Followers of Christ living in a Pagan nation that has turned from God.
The historically-demonstrated consequences of that are on their way.
Pray, and pray for others.
Respectfully, I really don’t think so. They, and I mean the Republican news sphere, is suddenly pushing that like they are CNN.
Notice how even you suddenly changed your language? A few days ago, it was the GOP vs the Democrats.
Now it’s Trump vs the Democrats AND the GOPe.
Notice what they did there?
He’s not part of the bought in system. For all his faults, he’s legit and people know it.
100% what the nevertrumpers like Ryan, McConnell and the rest of the GOPe wanted.
Trump should know better it was a trap set by the media. He has been working his ass off lately and just slipped up. Lets hope Ron is to busy with the latest hurricane to also be baited into this dumb shit.
McConnell gave the Alaskan RINO over $7 million to fund her campaign against a true conservative. And not one damn dime to Masters, or any number of truly conservative Senatorial candidates.
Trump rightfully can’t stomach McConnell. So who is Trump listening to now? Jared Kushner?
Democrats rigged the Senate before the election ever took place. We all know that.
What’s going to be interesting if is the deep state rigs the House too.
Yup. The GOP has been undermining Trump as sure as the Democrats and the Deep State.
Good for the GOP, then!
But bad for Americans. We see our mock government isn’t democratic at all, but rather a cast of installed and curated puppets that merely serve corporate interests.
At least Trump slowed them down for a bit. Their mask is off and their treachery is now public knowledge.
Consequences to follow.
I didn’t say Trump was to blame for any losses. I don’t like this style. A lot of people don’t like this style. Everyone opining here at one point has said Trump should shut up once in a while. He should stand on his platform and what he’s done. He won’t be around forever and people like DeSantis and Youngkin are the future whether now or after Trump. Smearing them doesn’t make Trump look better. He should save his invective for the real enemy. I liked almost everything he did but if he wants another shot at it he’s got to tone it down and I will stand by that.
All good. Completely 100% disagree. He fights and doesn’t mind stepping on toes. We complained for years about the pussies we got as Republican nominees and now that we finally got someone who doesn’t mind getting into the mud we want the pussies back.
That’s my take and I will stand by that.
Agree to disagree.
Trump doesn’t mind throwing punches, but it should never be the first punch. If someone goes after him, then all bets are off.
We also complained about the crap we got on the left side. That is who you should be worried about, not those on the right. The right side should start taking dealing with its own.
And I did say I want McConnell and McCarthy out.
This is my mindset
You will not disabuse me of the belief that he needs to shut up sometimes. He’d be completely in command right now if he did. He threw the first punch at DeSantis. Ill advised.
I freaking hate this
Trump Lashes Out at McConnell, Backs McCarthy, Warns DeSantis | Elections | U.S. News (
This is consistent. TRUMP is consistent.
If you hate this you this, you hate Trump and want the GOPe.
That’s fine.
Just understand that DeSantis is McConnel is Ryan is Pelosi is Biden.
And that’s what you are going to get.
The same old installed Uniparty puppets. The same Deep State that uses the pretense of two parties when there is only one.
Trump has led the charged to break this illegal political class that owns our country, but sadly most people are either too cowardly or too naïve to understand their democracy hasn’t existed for a long time.
Do you really condone this ad hominem approach to everyone?
Yes. Do you not believe he knows they are running against him? He should just play nice in the sandbox against his competitors? I mean, come on.
If he just stood on his policies he’d be fine.
That’s what every other nominee for the past 2 decades believed and lost. Trump is a fighter, one that most of us were begging for. Now that we got him, you guys want him to be Mr. polite, just like all the other crapola nominees we’ve had for the longest. No thanks.
He doesn’t need to shit on the others to win. Ultimately, he’ll need their support and the support of the independents. Otherwise, he loses again
Yup, you want the pussy candidate who’s cordial and polite and just goes along with the flow. I get it.
Policy, not pussy.
One of those pussies was Jeff Sessions who couldn’t wait to recuse himself so the dems in the Senate and Congress would still be his friends.
How’d it work out for him?
Doc did you insinuate the election of 2020 was lost? As in Trump got fewer legit votes?
Tony Evers won, and Ron Johnson won they were on every ballot. I cant see anyone that would Vote for Governor Skelator and Senator Ron Johnson.
We didnt fix 2020 thats the entire problem. Do you think Governor, you cant buy paint or seeds, Witmer really got the most votes?
Every election that goes a way you don’t like is “stolen” now, it would seem.
Not childish at all.
Yes it would be if it were not for the video evidence, the data, and that it seems if we demand that everything is proven we are called deniers.
Reliably blue counties on Wisconsins southern border magically turned red when ID was required, Illinois busses not seen now.
At least with the 2020 election, the “video evidence” you’re referring to—pretty much all the “evidence” you’re referring to, actually —has been explained, but I understand that explanations are, for you and yours, simply confessions of malfeasance.
Tell us, Groomer, exactly how much do you know about how elections are tallied? What brand of equipment does your county use? Have you ever been an election judge, clerk or poll watcher? Ever sat on the counting committee in your county?
I can tell you, it’s easy to cheat and you Democrats have been doing it for decades.
Oh I missed this explanation ballot box stuffing while taking ballot selfies wearing gloves. How data from our elections, terabytes, is stored on a server in China. How the machine numbers flip 6000 votes. Why some guy from an NGO funded by Zuckerberg was allowed to have election identification badges in Brown County. How the machines have internet access.
Do refresh my memory.
I have a hat for you
Well, let’s just start at the beginning: STATE FARM ARENA. NOT explained, NOT debunked, NOT addressed. Explain that one and then we can move on to underaged voting in Georgia, the mail in vote in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, the dead voting in Nevada, and the “pauses” across the nation that always resulted in idiot Biden vote spikes.
Reference: See Hillary, Abrams, Gore, ALL DEMOCRATS.
Huh? I disagree with you and stated my belief. Don’t care to disabuse you of anything. Your opinion is yours. Believe what you want.
What has DeSantis said about Trump?
Nothing. Your point? Trump will not be a pussy and will tear into him as he did all the others when they ran against him. If D is running for President then he should prepare for a fight. No pussies wanted.
As I said, Trump threw the first punch. He doesn’t have to do this- it’s why he lost the independent vote
Dr. John, I did not vote for Trump in the 2016 primary, but once the National Convention was held and he became our nominee, I was all in, hook, line and sinker.
In 2016 I ran, and won, a local party office and was the hardest worker Trump had in my county. I firmly believe that the 2020 election was stolen by the Democrats to put Pinocchio in office handled by Ron Klain. It really is Obama’s third term. Just look at the staff of President Sponge Brain Sh!t Pants.
But it is a fact that Trump has a people problem. The people he surrounds himself with, like Jared Kushner. There were too many to count. And anyone who was top drawer like Gen. Flynn, got railroaded out of town.
I don’t know who Trump is listening to, but he should go back to the “Don’t fire the first shot” philosophy. Conservatives still love him, but he’s pushing his luck. De Santis was a founding member of the Freedom Caucus and to try to paint De Santis as a “establishment” Republican is going to turn off a lot of MAGA conservatives. Oh, they will still vote for Trump; if he can get out of the national convention on top.
I largely agree with you. He’s going to need their support if he can pull it off.
Completely agree that he made mistakes and listened to the wrong folks. A non-politician will do that. I’m hoping he’s learned.
Which election did you watch? He spread machine gun fire at every opponent from beginning to end. D and Youngkin are obviously running, so why should he hold back? They are his opponents now.
I just don’t get this “play nice” shit. We dealt with nominees who played nice for too long, and I’m sick of it.
You can hope till Hell freezes but I have seen no indication that he has learned. If he was going to get better judgement over his appointees, he would have done so after the very first year with the disasters that followed those appointments. Anyone who had two grey cells bumping together knew that Kelly, Scaramucci and Barr were bad choices. One by one, Trump put in people that the Uni-party approved of and that turned on him.
2016 AND 2018. I was the Team Trump coordinator in my county. In 2016 I put over 1,000 miles on my vehichle just in my county distributing and setting up Trump/Pence signs. And you did?
He spread machine gun fire at every opponent from beginning to end.
But he didn’t fire the first shot. One of the earliest targets (if not the first) was the Bush baby from Florida. Once Jeb went after Trump, the gloves were off. If you remember it diffferently, explain.
I get it. You don’t want him to be a meanie. Noted.
No, you don’t “get it.”
I worked my tail off for Trump when he wasn’t my first choice.
You say you are tired of the “play nice” shit. When did I ever say I was not and I wanted him to “play nice?” I want Trump to take apart his opposition but I am smart enough, and politically saavy enough to know that striking the first low blow doesn’t work with the majority of conservative voters. The Democrats love them some dirty politics. Conservatives do not.
Stop arguing like Comrade Greggie and putting words in people’s mouths.
Your complaint is that he insulted Desantis correct?
Did I say that? Did I ever even insinuate that I had a complaint or that it was his specific insult toward De Santis? No. I did not.
But I also don’t like the fact that he seems to be being advised to draw first blood. And while that may work with New York, a state that conservatives soundly just lost, it does not work with the South or the Southwest.
So your complaint is that he fired first. I have no complaint with it as I noted and disagree with you.
Ivanka Trump has seen the writing on the wall.
Actually, true.