The Week in Radical Leftism, 11/04/2022

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Welcome back to Day 654 of America held hostage under the Biden* Regime! Let’s get to the crazy!

10/24 – J6 Prosecutors Redouble Retaliation and Revenge

The list of 1/6 Reichstag Fire vicitms is only growing. When teh time comes, The Radical Left will need to be held accountable for their crimes.

10/28 – GAMETIME! OK Republicans – start flying those American Flags if you want to win!! (and spread the word)

Want one simple trick you can use to help remove The Radicals from power? Of course you do!

10/28 – “Thank You, and Goodbye”

Complete aside, but with all of the bad news out there it makes for a good palate cleanser. Nobody younger than Gen X will appreciate David Letterman recounting his farewell interview with Warren Zevon before his death is a powerful read. “You’re reminded to enjoy every sandwich.”

10/29 – Fear is the mind-killer

I’m not feeling as cahritable toward Ms. Miller as the author is – “asking” is just one step away from demanding.

10/30 – New Military Recruitment Ad Targets Middle America as Recruitment Suffers in New Era Where Trans Soldiers are Celebrated While Christian Soldiers Are Persecuted

The reactions are dead on. As much as what’s happening to our military disgusts me, knowing that there’s a better than average chance hat me and the rest of the Normals in America will be their next target it takes some of the sting away.

10/31 – Talking To Cogs . . . and Mistaking Them for People

A fun, lighter read about pushing back against various machines

11/1 – The Midterm Election Rigging is Underway

Glad to see that the GOP learned from 2020 and has been working tirelessly to ensure that it never happens again

11/2 – You’d Better Be Prepared for the Perfect Transportation Storm

I miss the days when hoarders and preppers were the crazy ones and not the smart ones. As I explain to Little Bob why I’m stocking up on a lot of things: “I’m not doing this becasue I’m afraid something bad might happen. I’m doing these so we don’t have to be afraid if something does.”

11/3 – MSNBC Meltdown: “Our Children Will Be Arrested & Conceivably Killed” If The GOP Wins Midterm Elections

I remember back in the 90s Rush opining that the modern Democrats should offically adopt as their slogan a take on FDR’s most famous like – “The only thing we have to offer is… FEAR ITSELF!”

11/4 – The Left Were the Mad Scientists

A short and always excellent piece by the great VDH

ICYMI – I weighed in on Patterns of Force – Biden’s* John Gill Speech that Everyone’s Forgotten

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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MSNBC Meltdown: “Our Children Will Be Arrested & Conceivably Killed” If The GOP Wins Midterm Elections
Ok tell the kids to stop vandalizing and rioting, cause we are kinda sick of that shit.

This weeks selection goes out from Paul Pelosi

Fear is the mind killer

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

Why do you find it funny that he got attacked with a hammer?

If the hammer smells like shit, you must acquit. Channeling johnny cochran

So your belief that he’s bisexual makes you want to see him violently murdered.

Maybe this episode can be turned into a children’s book and read aloud at “Drag Queen Story Hour”.

Why do you not find it funny that the people who have caused crime to explode and prey on those in poverty became a victim of the mental illness they’ve cultivated? Oh… because you are ONE OF THEM. Never mind.

I found a better description for you than Cockwobble:
comment image

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

Why do you think it’s funny that Pelosi got hit in the head with a hammer?

10/24 – J6 Prosecutors Redouble Retaliation and Revenge
The people seen on video inciting the riot and promoting storming the Capital have not even been questioned while someone with a Lego set of a model of the Capital have been jailed. Yep, that’s a sure sign of a totalitarian police state, alright. All funding for this insult to justice needs to be retracted. ““We are going to hold those perpetrators accountable no matter where the facts lead us,”” PROOF of illegitimacy.
10/28 – GAMETIME! OK Republicans – start flying those American Flags if you want to win!! (and spread the word)
It’s pretty simple; if you are patriotic and love this country, you will vote AGAINST the anti-American disease that is in power now and causing so much damage to the nation.
10/28 – “Thank You, and Goodbye”
I can remember when Letterman was warm and funny. I doubt he could do such an interview in his later years.
10/29 – Fear is the mind-killer
I thought idiot Biden said COVID had been taken care of?
10/30 – New Military Recruitment Ad Targets Middle America as Recruitment Suffers in New Era Where Trans Soldiers are Celebrated While Christian Soldiers Are Persecuted
I’m glad my grandson got out before he was either killed by multiple COVID vaccines or washed out because he wasn’t totally woke. Like everything else, the left cannot comprehend the mindset of an American citizen that doesn’t actively hate this country.
10/31 – Talking To Cogs . . . and Mistaking Them for People
It’s called “taking responsibility” and far too many people live in fear of it.
11/1 – The Midterm Election Rigging is Underway
In the state of Texas, “shall” means “must”. “May” means optional. Another case of leftists simply redefining words on the fly in order to substantiate their arguments. The delays are due to the fear that pre-emptively dumping thousands of votes into an election would appear suspicious if they weren’t actually needed; best to wait and see how many are needed, they meter the fraudulent votes out judiciously so as not to arouse TOO MUCH suspicion. It is incredulous to assume that due to the level of technology we now have, it takes LONGER to count votes than when paper ballots were counted by hand. One day, hopefully, our freedoms will be far beyond the reach of such corrupt thieves. I hope all the water mains in the vicinity of vote counting centers have been checked and double checked.
11/2 – You’d Better Be Prepared for the Perfect Transportation Storm
This is what a man-made storm convergence looks like.” That’s what Democrat governance looks like. Like under Obama, it’s difficult to tell if the destruction is by design or due to incompetence. Buttplug is another member of this ghastly regime that needs to be impeached.
11/3 – MSNBC Meltdown: “Our Children Will Be Arrested & Conceivably Killed” If The GOP Wins Midterm Elections
that losers will be declared winners by fraudulent election officers, or secretary of state candidates, or governors, or state legislatures” Wouldn’t THAT be a kick in the deja vu nuts? I find it significant that one of the things the left fears most if Republicans take control are investigations not run by them. This is just another case of Democrats revealing their game plan and blaming the opposition for it. Their predictions of violence are usually self-fulfilling prophesies.
11/4 – The Left Were the Mad Scientists
Rarely have voters turned over their country to radicals, socialists, and nihilists.
We did in 2020″ Well, technically, they TOOK it through fraudulent means. It was an unnecessary experiment, the results predictable (and predicted by most) by anyone with a functioning brain.

 MSNBC Meltdown: “Our Children Will Be Arrested & Conceivably Killed” If The GOP Wins Midterm Elections

Talk about transference!
The Left screams about how they LOVE killinh babies.
They can’t stand the idea that there might be places where other people in the country live that mostly oppose killing babies up to the time of birth.
But here they are falsely claiming it is the GOP who will kill our children.

 “Thank You, and Goodbye”

I well remember watching that show in tears.
I had been a fan of Devon, seeing him in person many times in the SoCal area.
His songs were a dark joy when the radio played them.
Dr Demento played them more than most.

You’d Better Be Prepared for the Perfect Transportation Storm

Two parts of the USA had already run dry of diesel.
Both in the Southeast.
This will not be good.
Looks like joe’s “solution” is for us to “buy generic,” or, like with heating oil, he’ll give people a voucher for oil the suppliers don’t have.
One of our smaller supermarket chains, Maceys, has already arranged for local sourcing of almost everything.
But things like toilet paper, prescription drugs, car parts, pet food and, baby formula are going to be problems unless joe walks back his anti-oil policies.

John Gill speech

I adore the humor of catturd.
Naturally he’s been de-monetized by the left-owned social media giants.
And, Nancy?
Did she put out a hit on her own husband?
He does misbehave.
Next stop for him a well supervised nursing home.
The way the FEDS took over and recreated a narrative distant from local facts says she’s the puppet master on this one.
No wonder she wanted a NATIONAL capitol hill police dept (with her in charge.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Nan G