She knew.
When the Jan 6 Committee was being assembled, Chairman Bennie Thompson made a big deal of saying that “Nothing is off limits.” Nothing was off limits as far as Trump was concerned, that is. However, there was something very specifically to be off limits, according to Thompson.
I found that very curious at the time but the reason for this has become crystal clear. A few days ago, the media heralded the release of a “new video” from January 6th. In it, Pelosi is seen fretting, complaining and threatening to punch out Donald Trump
New footage from Jan. 6, 2021, shows a candid moment when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi threatened to physically strike then-President Trump, should he have joined those protesting at the Capitol.
In the video, which was publicly shared Thursday, Pelosi admits the actions could have resulted in her going to prison — a consequence she said she would “be happy” to accept.
“I hope he comes, I’m going to punch him out,” Pelosi tells her Chief of Staff Terri McCullough, who discourages her boss from making the comments. “I’ve been waiting for this, for trespassing on the Capitol grounds. I’m going to punch him out.”
As you probably know, there are a number of unanswered questions about January 6th, not the least of which is why Pelosi didn’t seek additional security for the Capitol that day. The House Sergeant at Arms, who is appointed by the Speaker of the House, oversees the security of the House and answers to the Speaker. The Sergeant at arms at the time was Steven Sund. Sund did say that the House and Senate rebuffed his requests for additional security. This was later confirmed.
But there are even larger questions.
Did you catch it? She says, “I’ve been waiting for this, for trespassing on the Capitol grounds.” Waiting for what, exactly, and since when? Did she know what was coming?
The answer seems to be yes. She knew.
The filmmaker of the above “new video” was one Alexandra Pelosi. Dutch American journalist Michiel Vos, Alexandra Pelosi’s husband, was outside reporting on the crowd. You watch some of the video and a really good question follows:
Why was a film crew allowed to tag along in the secure locations with Ds during J6?
— Titania (@Titania977) October 13, 2022
Why was a film crew allowed to follow Jan 6 committee members to this “undisclosed secure location”? Why was a film crew there at all?
The big one- why did Nancy Pelosi summon her daughter to make a documentary of this day if she did not know what was coming? Why did Pelosi want to record the events of that day?
Because she knew. Sund knew. Everyone knew. The problem is additional security would have made the documentary effort moot. They rolled the dice and wound up facing a bigger problem than they expected.
When Kevin McCarthy sets up the next committee- January 6, Part Deux- he needs to ask “what did Pelosi know and when did she know it?” I suspect Pelosi will resign her position in the House before McCarthy can take action.
There is an opening in the diplomatic ranks- Biden has yet to appoint an Ambassador to Italy. Pelosi is said to be interested, particularly if the GOP takes the House and Biden is holding the seat open for her.
She won’t testify as a member of Congress, but perhaps McCarthy could issue a subpoena, have her arrested when boarding the aircraft to Rome, have her shackled in public and tossed into Jeffrey Epstein’s cell. If she remains in office, her ass is fried.
Or perhaps order up a pre-dawn SWAT team raid on the Pelosi mansion as she is a flight risk.
Either way, we need to know the truth.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
If the GOP takes the House, Pelosi resigns.Terms accepted, but really hunny why wait just stumble your drunk butt out the door now.
Nobody was “summoned” other than Trump’s violent mob.
Pelosi’s daughter attended as a guest. She had a cell phone with her. Who wouldn’t have begun recording, once they realized what was happening?
You need to read the article more carefully. It was a film crew…The filmmaker of the above “new video” was one Alexandra Pelosi. Dutch American journalist Michiel Vos, Alexandra Pelosi’s husband, was outside reporting on the crowd.
I wouldnt worry about making a video if I thought my mom was in danger from a large mob. She knew damn well they were safe from those allowed into the capitol.
Maybe YOU need to read more carefully. I included the quote that I was commenting on. Her daughter isn’t “a film crew”.
This is the sort of twaddle that you’re basing your understanding of events on? It’s typical of sources like Gateway Pundit.
Her daughter makes documentaries, Sherlock. She just HAPPENED to be making one January 6th. Move along, nothing to see here.
Everything about J6th was quite scripted, from Ray Epps, the antifa filming inside, and Nancy’s film-crew daughter.
Nothing less than a coup with a false-flag could have installed our current potato-headed dictator into office.
Leftists don’t need to read anything carefully to form false conclusions that supports their preconceived biases. They can’t face the truth and, thus, cannot “read carefully” and accept facts.
Not surprising given the sources of their positions, msnbc and cnn.
They are pre-conditioned. The communists threatened to do that 70 years ago, and they have been making headway in commie controlled cities. Todays teachers are working at turning the current children into sex machines for pedophiles, and yes, voting democrat will be part of the plan.
Report: Pelosi Brought in Daughter, Camera Crew to US Capitol Before the Riot, Son-in-Law Was Set Up Outside to Film
Photo shows Pelosi’s son-in-law reporting on Capitol riot
Who wouldn’t have begun recording, once they realized what was happening?
msnbc? A specially crafted video to bolster the false flag operation by the fbi.
More inane nonsensical drivel from an established imbecile.
It wasn’t violent until the FBI assets there incited it. Why are you so incurious about that aspect?
Why would Pelosi use the term that most of those prosecuted would be charged with the moment the riot began? In the midst of what she supposedly believed was an “armed insurrection”, why does “trespassing” come to mind first?
The bullshit is mighty deep with old snare-drum-face.
Why was she invited to be there on Jan 6 with her reporter husband?
Notice how steady the recording was?
One must be a true tool to repeat his master’s lies. Jan 6th was plannd and executed by Pelosi. She ordered the Capital police to wave people in and then ordered police to attack them.
It’s generally accepted among Americans that J6th was a manufactured false-flag meant to cover up real Leftwing insurrection during the antifa/BLM riots with a “made-for-TV” event they could exploit, as we have done in many other countries. Including Ukraine.
Like the rigged election, there’s just too much credible evidence.
This is, of course, why Pelosi had to refuse any Republicans chosen by Republicans (who might ask some embarrassing questions) and hand-picked reliable, self-serving rinos that can be depended on to support the Democrat agenda.
No doubt Pelosi could see just how transparent this “documentary by chance” looks as a confession that the entire incident was scripted and planned, but the Democrats are absolutely desperate at this point.
There were to be five republicans on the committee. There are only two because Kevin McCarty made it so.
McCarthy’s five proposed committee members included Jim Jordan and Jim Banks. Jordan is a hard-core Trump tool implicated in the events under investigation who publicly stated he would not cooperate with the committee; Banks publicly stated that the committee was created to malign conservatives, and that the rioters were only ‘patriotic Americans expressing their political views.’ Pelosi accepted McCarthy’s other picks, but declined the aforementioned two for totally obvious reasons, and suggested that McCarthy select two other unbiased republicans—whereupon McCarthy had a hissy fit and proclaimed republicans wouldn’t participate at all in a rigged investigation, having just failed to rig and scuttle the investigation himself. There could have been five republicans, but none other than Cheney and Kinzinger had the courage to put their careers on the line by participating.
This is the same manipulative bullshit that enabled Trump to derail two impeachments, either one of which should have ended his career as the aspiring destroyer of American democracy.
having just failed to rig and scuttle the investigation himself.
The “investigation” failed with the two dirtbag republicans. The j6 “commission” for all intent and purposes is done. Nothing came from this clown show except to protect the guilty from being exposed as truth to the American people.
There will be a new “committee” in the next Congress. democrats will have a ranking member on the committee, they will have counsel and a staff. In this investigation, the questions not asked before will be brought to light and there are hundreds that never saw the light of day under this fake investigation.
Who is Ray Epps?
No, PELOSI made it so. The Republicans choose the Republicans; that is in the charter of the creation of the committee. So what if Jordan and Banks are “hardcore Trump supporters”? The Democrats are hardcore Trump haters. Schiff is renown and proven LIAR about “evidence” on Trump. Pelosi simply didn’t want their fake committee clouded up with anyone that would be asking questions about why Trump is accused of inciting a riot when he was calling for peace and calm. Or why Pelosi and Bowser refused to reinforce security. If every member of this phony baloney kangaroo court were not dependable to Democrats, someone might bring up Ray Epps and why he was openly calling for incursion into the Capital but no one has any interest in him. They might press the FBI to reveal how many assets they had in the crowd and what they were doing. Without Pelosi in control of every voice on the panel, someone might ask why police were taking down barricades and ushering people into the Capital. If they were stupid enough to present Pelosi’s little documentary she just happened to be filming at the time, someone might have asked why she decided to do THAT on that particular day.
Wouldn’t THAT be awkward?
No, Pelosi want to assure this was producing all propaganda all the time. That was the sole purpose.
This propaganda effort failed in its mission to make a Democrat-constructed false flag riot the fault of Trump, an attempt that was paid for by the American taxpayer, as if they aren’t abused enough already. Pelosi is a drunken, corrupt, lying, anti-American skank.
Who is kevin mccarty?
More idiocy Greg? How much do they pay you? This was no committee, it was a Kangaroo court, much like the two failed impeachments and the 4 year $30 million dollar waste by Mueller, the dem hand puppet, who found nothing. 6 years is a long time to be disappointed by the failure to “get” Trump isn’t it Pobrecito? BECAUSE THERE ISN’T ANYTHING TO FIND. Trump is a patriot that worked for free, and communists hate that kind.
Anyone with a functional, independent mind who has followed the hearings knows that PLENTY has been found.
Trump attempted to overturn an entirely legitimate presidential election with a campaign of propaganda and lies. His efforts culminated a violent siege of the Capitol that he himself instigated, and THEN watched on television, refusing all pleas to call off his mob. He came close to getting his own Vice President murdered by morons.
This isn’t a matter of interpretation. Nearly all of the many January 6 Committee witnesses who provided testimony establishing these facts WERE HIS OWN WHITE HOUSE STAFF, LAWYERS, AND APPOINTEES. Those directly culpable IGNORED SUBPOENAS and REFUSED TO TESTIFY, which itself speaks volumes.
Trump is no patriot. He’s a TRAITOR to the Constitution and an oath-breaker, whose hold over his cult followers still represents a serious threat to the republic’s constitutional election process. He would shatter the union to evade justice and satisfy his own egotistical ambitions. He believes the world revolves around Trump. All of his actions ultimately stem from that mental disorder.
Recent polling suggests that j6 is not important to those who intend to vote in November. Neither is abortion.
democrats are going to lose both the House and Senate. Current democrat campaigns do not want biden to appear with any candidates. He is an albatross and November will be a referendum on the failed idiot biden.
More inane drivel from greg who has President Trump living rent free in his brain.
The Three T-words to remember: TREASON, TRAITOR, and TRUMP. If you like four, you can always add TREACHERY.
Saying so does not make it so. You have no evidence of anything you put forth other than pure hatred.
There are eight televised January 6 Committee presentations of evidence, featuring videos, recorded phone conversations, and sworn testimony from Trump’s own insiders.
That does not establish any facts just innuendo and hearsay
What don’t you understand about “sworn testimony from Trump’s own insiders”?
You’ve got nothing so credible supporting Trump’s stolen election bullshit, yet you swallowed that, hook, line and sinker.
There is overwhelming evidence the 2020 election was stolen. Thousands upon thousands of examples.
That’s a lie. There wasn’t a single bit of credible evidence. None. Zero. Zip. Only endless claims that it existed.
You get up everyday hoping and wishing something, anything would appear that would take down President Trump. But everyday is Groundhog Day for you because nothing happens as you hope and wish. And that is the source of your irrational behavior and hatred on display here with you every comment.
Notice I said hoping and wishing and refrained from mentioning praying. You do not stike me as the type of person who would use prayer.
You ignored the sworn testimony of the election cheating, binders of it in AZ. We watched as evidence was falsified with deceptive editing. You are a mindless parrot who never looked at any of the hearings, not a minute. Zero cross examination, none, hundreds of political prisoners held without charges. Supression of key evidence its a circus a sideshow, the funny thing it will cost the fascists the mid terms.
Why did democrats try more than 150 times to overturn elections where republicans had legitimately won as identified by Kari Lake?
Anyone that believes for one milli-second that McCarthy will do a darn thing is in for a rude surprise. They cannot elect him as Speaker.