The greatest threat to the country isn’t China or Russia. It’s the Biden/left wing media axis

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Call it what you want. Axis of evil. Axis of ignorance. Axis of stupidity. Axis of a-holes. Maybe all of the above. It is a greater threat at the moment than is China or Russia. The left-wing media has set off a smoke screen between Joe Biden and the American public. They are protecting him, but endangering America.

Biden is a lot of things, a sexual predator included, but above all he is a galactic liar. He is an utterly dishonest con man, a carnival barker. The left-wing press doesn’t want you to know that.

The other day Biden was in California. He had an exchange with a reporter and it went like this:

“The inflation report is out. Have you seen gas prices around here in LA? It’s 7 bucks a gallon almost,” a reporter said after Biden handed a cashier three $20 bills for a $16.45 order of six tacos and two quesadillas.

“Well, that’s always been the case here,” Biden replied. “You know, it’s not — what — nationwide, they came down about $1.35, and they’re still down over a dollar.

“Well, that’s always been the case here.” 

Wanna bet? Here is a brief history of California gasoline prices over the years

See how it spiked when Biden became President. What the President said was just more Biden Bullsh*t. And the left-wing press just lets it go, as they do pretty much all of his lies and gaffes.

When he calls out a dead person, they brush it off as “caring.”

They ignore his fabricating fantasy numbers

Biden lied his ass off about Border Patrol Agents whipping immigrants and the lapdog media let his lies stand a year later with no apology to the agents he slandered.

A few days ago Biden claimed (again) his son died in Iraq.

A buffoon Washington Post columnist called for a more positive coverage of Biden.

Washington Post columnist Perry Bacon Jr. called on the media to cover President Biden “more positively” on Monday and contended that “relentless negative coverage is toxic for politicians.”


Bacon Jr. wrote that the mainstream media contributed a lot to the president’s “declining support.”

“Its flawed coverage model of politics and government is bad for more than just Biden — it results in a distorted national discourse that weakens our democracy. The media needs to find a different way to cover Washington,” he said.

Rip Van Bacon apparently missed the Trump years, or maybe he’s just another partisan hack.

Biden licks an ice cream cone as tenderly as if it was a young girl while dismissing concerns about the economy:

Joe Biden is facing the wrath of conservatives online after he was caught on camera telling a reporter in Portland that the ‘economy is strong as hell’ – while licking away at a Baskin Robbins ice cream cone.


The president appeared unbothered by the country’s 8.2 percent inflation rate and warnings of a looming recession as he was asked about the US’ financial situation in an Oregon ice cream parlor Saturday.


Questioned if he had any worry about the strength of the US dollar amid rising inflation, the president, with a chocolate chip cone in hand, flippantly replied: ‘I’m not concerned about the strength of the dollar. I’m concerned about the rest of the world. Our economy is strong as hell.’

Biden’s media tries to convince us that Biden’s policies aren’t unpopular. The fault lies with the stupid people who don’t understand them.

On NBC’s Meet the Press, frequent NBC guest and president of the leftist political advocacy group Voto Latino Maria Teresa Kumar sought to explain away President Joe Biden’s historic unpopularity as simply an issue of a failure to communicate his message to voters rather than it being that his policies are unpopular. This is a common message from leftist media when a Democrat President is unpopular. It’s never that his policies are unpopular, he just failed to get the message out.

The media has been covering for Biden for a long time (from the minute he secured the nomination) and hasn’t stopped since. But we are now drifting into some truly dangerous territory. This administration is beating the drums of war. Putin is moving bombers to a base near Finland. Led by the US, NATO is conducting nuclear drills over Europe. Russia is saber rattling about nuclear weapons and Biden is talking Armageddon despite not knowing what day it is.

Biden’s open border policy is likely allowing terrorists into the country:

A Daily Caller News Foundation reporter described how the number of migrants with potential ties to terrorism skyrocketed during a Tuesday morning Newsmax appearance.

“Special interest migrants, as they’re called by the Biden administration, are migrants that come from areas of the world that have specific ties to terrorists or that they have travel patterns in areas that have ties to terrorism,” DCNF investigative reporter Jennie Taer told “National Report” co-host Emma Rechenberg. “And so, the concern is that there may be extra background checks that need to be done, and that’s what’s done in these cases. If there’s derogatory information found, then special interest migrants are taken into further custody, but many of them are released.”

The Biden/left wing media axis continues to cover for this demented old man, pretending all is well. Do we have to get into a real war or suffer a major terrorist attack before we acknowledge how much trouble we’re in?

But hey, at least the ice cream is good.

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It’s Fascism abetting Communism.

Straight up.

Get used to it, comrade, or you’ll find yourself at the FEMA re-education camp so fast it’ll make your head spin.

Assuming you win. Best want more to take our freedoms than we want to cede them. Big talk for a gelding with zero skills.

How did you escape being decorporealized by the Obamacare death panels?

I paid the illegal irs fee. Paid my doctors cash.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

This administration is beating the drums of war. Putin is moving bombers to a base near Finland. Led by the US, NATO is conducting nuclear drills over Europe. Russia is saber rattling about nuclear weapons and Biden is talking Armageddon despite not knowing what day it is.

It’s sad to know your own government is out of control and you have no idea what they are doing and what they serve, just like the Russians do with Putin.

All of us Americans feel the same about Biden. What’s even sadder, is most Americans will just let it go until they miss their first meal to feed their kids instead.

Then it will get real.


On one website i do there are the usual Amti-Trump idiots who compare Trump Voters to Neo-Nazis

Find a friend or neighbor who relies only on their “smart phone” for their news and information.
They have a very positive view of joe, the economy, the food supply.
Google and other big tech throttle all opposing views before they ever see the so-called headlines.
IF you bring something up they’d never heard about they can find out about it thru their phone, but only if they have enough key words.
The “mainstream media” is allied with joe because that’s who butters their bread.
They rely on the FCC for permission to lease airways.
If the FCC wanted to enforce “fairness” they’d all be out of business.

Floor those < 70 – THE BIGOTS IN THE PRESS HAVE GASLIGHTED IN SUPPORT OF LIBERaLS FOR 63 YERS! 2022 is no different than 1960; only the names have been changed, to protect the UNIPARTY!

Biden will go down in history as the American President who kicked both Trump and Putin’s butts.

Uh…he’ll probably “go down” for something a bit more factual, provable, and backed up on film…


Literally happened a few days ago.

“No serious guys until you’re 30…”

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

comment image

He is already ensconced in history as a fraudulent excuse for president that brought about more harm, disaster, damage and crime upon this nation than anyone else, ever.

The M.S. Media hides the truth from us their leftists Chief Editors from Broadcast to Print nothing but the usual leftists propaganda and the reason why most Americans no longer trusts the M.S. Media and like Lemmings their running off the cliff to their own demise

Donald Trump has done more lasting damage to the United States of America than any other president in U.S. history.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Donald Trump has done more lasting damage to the United States of America than any other president in U.S. history.

Even you know better and are making up shit again because your guy is actually doing decades of damage to the United States of America.

You would be hard-pressed to cite one thing idiot biden has done that has made America better.

ICE CREAM AND A SNIFF: Joe Biden Manages to Sniff His Next Victim While Out for Ice Cream in Oregon

Jill Biden Loudly Booed as She Appears on Jumbotron at Eagles Game in Philly

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Donald Trump has done more lasting damage to the United States of America than any other president in U.S. history.

Like what?

The price of eggs, the poor chickens were only getting 79 cents a dozen during Trump. Biden fixed that now they are 3.50 a dozen. Biden turned that around in only 2 years amazing.

Trump has normalized, organized, and militarized vulgarity, ignorance, and bigotry, while wrapping himself in the flag and holding up a bible; he has lied so often and so shamelessly that his followers can no longer distinguish lies from truth; he has besmirched all persons and institutions of genuine integrity who dare to criticize him, while elevating those like himself; he has openly disregarded laws and oaths whenever it has suited him, and attempted to destroy confidence in our election system and constitutional democratic processes, despite the fact that there’s not a shred of credible evidence supporting any of his “stolen election” bullshit.

Like THAT.

People have got to be effin’ idiots or hypnotized by social media to disregard the enormous volumes of sworn testimony from his own lawyers, his own administration and campaign organization insiders, and the evidence of their own eyes and ears. It’s like watching Putin and thinking HE’S the guy who’s defending his nation and people from attack. The correlation of positions on those two topics clearly reveals something about those who hold them: their serious detachment from reality.

People who abandon principle over a spike in the price of eggs need to take a somewhat longer view of things. One percent of the population now owns 1/3 of the entire wealth of the nation; the rules have been changed to allow them to use their money to buy even more power and influence. Anyone with a functional brain should be able to figure out where that leads.

The price of eggs will come down; if we lose our government by and for the people in favor of oligarchy and autocracy, we’ll never get it back.

Like what?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

greg shows up today with more inane nonsensical drivel. President Trump lives rent free in gregs walnut sized brain

I invite you to explain how ANYTHING I just said is actually “inane, nonsensical drivel.”

It shouldn’t be too hard for a Trumpian genius such as yourself, if I’m as stupid as you claim.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

You are known for inane nonsensical drivel. It is what you do. If you voted for idiot biden, well stupid is as stupid does.

I didn’t expect you could rebut anything I said. Instead, you’ve provided a supporting example. Thank you!

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Nothing to refute. Everything you said was your opinion.

You’re just incapable of refuting anything I said, because it’s all the truth:

Trump has normalized, organized, and militarized vulgarity, ignorance, and bigotry, while wrapping himself in the flag and holding up a bible; he has lied so often and so shamelessly that his followers can no longer distinguish lies from truth; he has besmirched all persons and institutions of genuine integrity who dare to criticize him, while elevating those like himself; he has openly disregarded laws and oaths whenever it has suited him, and attempted to destroy confidence in our election system and constitutional democratic processes, despite the fact that there’s not a shred of credible evidence supporting any of his “stolen election” bullshit…

None of that is true. It’s not even opinion….it’s pathetic propaganda.

The 2020 election was rigged. It’s fact, and it’s generally accepted by Americans.

Inverting reality doesn’t work, greg.

You people are losing. Cope more.

It’s fact, and it’s generally accepted by Americans.

It’s certainly accepted by MAGAs, but not by the rest of the populace, Facebook memes notwithstanding.

The rest of the population the Rothschild media and its veiwers
Both of you?

There’s been not one instance of any bigotry or racism from Trump. Not one.

He’s held people accountable, as he should. That’s why he was so good at his job as President, and the reason you want to invent crimes to jail him, Putin-style.

As for your senile, racist POS puppet we’re allowing to hang out in our WH?

You can’t call anyone else racist if you don’t denounce this racist imbecile.


You did not point out one instance you made wide baseless accusations.
The problem with liberals its much like your political slogans hope and change..what exactly does that even mean?
As far as liars just look at the Resident of 1600 PA ave. just this last week he claimed his son died in Iraq. His house nearly burned down another huge fat lie.
Now, name a lie
What laws did Trump ignore name one
What good honest person did Trump besmirch?

if we lose our government by and for the people in favor of oligarchy and autocracy, we’ll never get it back.

Biden IS that autocracy. Bezos, Zuckerberg, Soros, and many others ARE that oligarchy.

Our government was lost when you people rigged the 2020 election and did not honor the Will of the People.

We voted for Trump. You released a virus, rigged an election, and staged a false-flag.

Now we live in a dictatorship.

Trump IS democracy.

Biden is autocracy. That’s why you, as the autocracy’s agent, have to keep attacking Trump.

You are scared of our People, and their sound rejection of the crooked Left.

You forgot your pitch for Putin.

I’d say you’re Putin’s biggest fan. Everything he’s doing and continues to do is because of you and your people.

You want this.

Enjoy your war.

Do you even read the shit you write? You rattle off a litany of petty offenses that, even if true, wouldn’t amount to a raised eyebrow. All Trump is actually responsible for is getting legally elected (as opposed to how idiot Biden entered office), which caused all you spoiled brat liberals to act like whiny crybaby sore losers and disrupt the nation. We had inaugural day riots and ongoing attempted coups committed by the whiny crybabies that were actually in government.

Trump promoted no vulgarity; recall if you will idiot Biden dropping an F-bomb live on national television when Obama was basking in his “victory” of the Abysmal Care Act. Obama normalized riots and political terrorism. He even approved of them.

What law did Trump ignore? Did he ignore immigration laws? Did he ignore prosecuting criminals? Did he ignore the 1st and Second Amendments? No, he didn’t; but idiot Biden does.

Democrats destroyed confidence in our elections by employing fraud to “win”. Those responsible need to be prosecuted, convicted and punished before confidence will return, but Democrats want to make the means of fraud federal law, even as they oppose every means and method to make elections more secure.

If there was any evidence, or even anything that LOOKED like evidence, of an actual crime, Trump would, beyond any possible argument, have been arrested and charged. He’s no longer President; what’s the hold up? If he’s committed a crime, GO F**KING GET HIM! He doesn’t get to hid behind the Democrat shield from law enforcement; he is totally vulnerable. Come on, PUSSIES! GET HIM.

Ignorance is the majority of the left that gorges itself on leftist propaganda while ignoring the facts they can see all around them. Ignorance is YOU, who still believes in “Russian collusion”, “Nazis are fine people”, “Russian bounties”, insulting veterans, quid pro quo and, of course, “insurrection”. You are the epitome of ignorance because we have actually SEEN you in the vicinity of facts and truth. Yet, you continue to crave lies and false accusations.

The left promotes crime, violence, racism and hate. Trump had nothing to do with any of that other than provide a convenient target for you leftist hate-addicts to focus upon. We’d have far fewer problems in this nation if Democrats didn’t actively and intentionally create them. If they had not destroyed all the great accomplishments Trump created, despite being attacked by the weaponized Deep State.

WILL the price of eggs come down? Nothing this incompetent regime does indicates they ever will. Every aspect of their entire agenda is aimed at making everything cost more.

And you, who is here supporting idiot Biden over Trump, want to discuss LIES? Is inflation zero? Is the border secure? Is the economy in great shape? Is crime under control? Is an AR-15 the most powerful weapon available? Is the government buying “all American”? Did idiot Biden never know anything about any of Hunter’s business deals? Did Border Patrol Mounted Agents actually whip any illegal immigrants? Did he “shut down the virus”? Did he begin the roll-out of the vaccines? Does the vaccine prevent infection? Has he fired anyone in his regime that demeans the people they deal with, as he promised? Does he “work around the clock”? Was he EVER a truck driver? Damn, this could go on forever, idiot Biden’s bold-faced, substantive, damaging and embarrassing lies. You claim the things Trump said are lies simply because you deem them so, but idiot Biden’s lies are real, documented and provable.

Democrats no longer abandon principles; they simply have none.

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

I said what I meant, and every bit of it is true. True American conservatives need to take their party back from the frauds who stole it.

‘I’m my own man’: Colorado Republican Senate nominee fires back at Trump

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

2024 National GOP Primary Poll: Donald Trump Holds Commanding Lead

In 2020 Donald Trump lost the GOP both the presidency and their Senate majority, and that was before his January 6 bullshit. His endorsement of candidates he calculates would be useful to his comeback are likely to cost them the Senate again in 2022. He’s driven out republicans who might appeal to conservative democrats and independents. How are you not figuring this out?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Democrat election fraud. Nothing appeals to Democrats except what Pelosi and Schumer tells them appeals to them. Moderate Democrats are either cowed into submission or driven out. The Democrat party is more aligned with the CCP than with the American people.

You say what you want to believe is true, yet not a shred of it is. I showed you it isn’t and showed you your hypocrisy.

You’re threaten by democracy.

We get it.

This is also a threat to you impostors…


You’re threatened by democracy.

We get it.

Trump isn’t a Conservative. He’s a Moderate…you know, the majority of Americans stance on things. He made Bill Clinton look like a far-right President. He’s also not bought into your establishment.

You know what else is a threat to you impostors…



Hurricane Ian hit the FLA coast in late Sept.
In only 3 weeks Gov DeSantas got the Sanibel Causeway repaired so residents could return home. 
Construction on the Pine Island bridge has been completed just three days after construction began.

As a compare/contrast look at all Dem run CA’s SF.
The San Francisco Chronicle reported earlier today the city is spending $1.7 million to build a single public toilet and it won’t be done until 2025.

BOOM! “Here’s 150 Examples Of Democrats Denying Election Results.” – Trump-Endorsed Kari Lake DESTROYS Fake News Hacks Who Call Her An “Election Denier”

joe bidens brain is not working as well as Herschel Walkers did on Friday night when he destroyed the wife beater warnock

And then there is the demonic fetterman who is the first cyborg running foe elected office. His brain does not process the auditory sounds into words.

CNN Actually Calls Katie Hobbs Out For Refusing To Debate Kari Lake And Supporting UNLIMITED Abortion – Hobbs Says Kari Lake Is “Afraid Of Of Talking To Voters”

Showing us your typical liberal stupidity Arnt we?

Spur did you see this sh!t? What is going on under this admins watch?

Biden Crime Family Got $40 Million From Russian Oligarch

“Who Exactly Thinks Biden is Doing a Good Job on Inflation?” – Doocy Repeatedly Grills Karine Jean-Pierre on Biden’s Failure to Reduce Inflation