DeSantis outs liberals for being the flaming hypocrite asses they really are

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How many times have I said it? One of my favorite axioms is

Liberals have ZERO long term memory.

I’ve been tweeting Republican Governors for months- please send them to Malibu, Aspen and Martha’s Vineyard. Ron DeSantis finally listened and good on him.

Massachusetts is a sanctuary state.

How Massachusetts Became a Sanctuary State

Florida is not. The day of reckoning has arrived.

Joe Biden has been dumping illegals all over the country without the approval of his victim states. He just dumps them, unaccompanied minors and all.

Not one effing democrat liberal had a problem with that. Biden was literally engaged in human trafficking and not one liberal raised an objection. That’s the background.

Biden has also been dumping illegals in Florida. 70 frickin’ flights

More than 70 flights transporting migrants from the southern border to Jacksonville have landed in the dark of night in recent months as the Biden administration struggles to empty overflowing border facilities, the office of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said.

It is the first time the state of Florida has disclosed the number of confirmed flights arriving in the state since the summer. The governor’s office has scrambled in recent weeks to uncover who is facilitating the mystery flights landing in northern Florida daily, but the Biden administration has refused to disclose any information, one official said.

Ron DeSantis has upgraded 100 of them and sent them to Martha’s Vineyard. Grab a drink and enjoy this tsunami of liberal whining!

The freaking drama queen turd known as Ken Burns likens the two flights to the Holocaust!

This dumb fatass weighs in (I’ve been wanting to say that for a long time)

Then it’s one dumbass after another

Curt’s go this one covered already but I had to include it


What day would be complete without hearing from Fauxchahontas herself?

Henny Youngman was smarter and funnier

The day would also be incomplete without KJP making as ass of herself

Here’s Dartmouth’s favorite sexual predator

Martha’s Vineyard’s homeless coordinator (I would not have expected one would even be needed!)

Another MV whiner

Courtesy @grandoldmemes

The average household income in MV is $105,000. The average Florida household income is $59,000.

Bill Melugin:

Ron DeSantis

Yes Yes Yes

Virtue signaling without the virtue. Nothing so emphatically proves that liberal democrats are absolutely full of sh*t. The same goes for Eric Adams, Muriel Bowser and Beetlejuice.

Texas has had to deal with literally millions of illegals. A couple of dozen illegal leave liberal democrats on their knees crying their damned eyes out, whining about their plight.

Liberals are more upset about DeSantis sending illegal aliens to a more bougie place than Florida than they are about 30 Americans dying from fentanyl every day.

All I can say is, eat it liberals, and thank you Ron.

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Liberal Democrats are so two faced that when the walk down the sidewalk they see left and right at the same time but end up tripping and falling down at the Curb

Officials From Martha’s Vineyard Hold Emergency Meeting Following Arrival of an Estimated 50 Illegal Immigrants, Migrants Will be Moved “Off Island”

According to The Boston Globe, officials in Martha’s Vineyard are holding an emergency meeting to deal with the crisis of 43 illegal alien arrivals, including one four-year-old child. The group arrived via a chartered flight dispatched by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

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According to state representative Dylan Fernandes, “when you look at the limited housing options on Martha’s Vineyard, as I’m sure many of the folks here are aware, it’s likely we’re going to need an off island location.” As noted by the Globe …”a Zoom meeting has been scheduled for emergency management officials from the island along with people from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency to discuss the next step for the immigrants.”

(Boston Globe) […] Fernandes also strongly condemned DeSantis and Governor Greg Abbott of Texas for sending the migrants to the Vineyard.

“To use women and children as political pawns is cowardice. Governor DeSantis is a coward,” Fernandes said. “Their communication on this, Governor DeSantis’s on this, was to jump on Fox News and beat his chest about how tough he is on immigration. It’s inhumane. It’s depraved.”

DeSantis defended the move in remarks to reporters on Thursday during a briefing at Northwest Florida State College.

“Every community in America should be sharing in the burdens. It shouldn’t all fall on a handful of red states,” he said. Other states “don’t like it as much when you get just a small, small, small amount compared to what these folks have dealt with in Texas and in other states.”

Florida’s message, DeSantis said, is that it’s not “a sanctuary state.”

“Now what would be the best is for Biden to do his damn job and secure the border,” he said.

Susan Church, a prominent immigration lawyer based in Cambridge, said a team of attorneys in Massachusetts is working with advocacy groups including the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice to interview the migrants and determine whether they’d be eligible for victims of crimes visas, based on reports they were coaxed into getting on a plane under the pretext that their paperwork would be expedited.

“They were duped in to getting on to the plane,” said Church, former chair of the New England Chapter of American Immigration Lawyers Association. “This is akin to kidnapping.” (read more)

While the apoplexy and pearl-clutching from the condescending and sanctimonious democrats is political fuel for ridicule, at the end of the day these transports of illegal economic migrants, illegal aliens, is not a solution.

Desperate times do call for desperate measures, and we desperately need to see the southern border secured, immediately. If the transports lead to backlash from Democrat officials and politicians, and that hypocrisy leads to facing the reality of the border crisis created by Joe Biden, then perhaps something positive can come from this approach.

I find myself torn between seeing this as a political gimmick yet understanding that some shift in the national narrative is needed. If this approach delivers that shift, if more people wake up to the border crisis, then something positive could be gained. However, at the end of the day these unlawful migrants are people.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis answers questions earlier today:

Listen. The Democrats WILL get their rubes to believe the GOP did something wrong.

Most Leftists don’t even know what their party is doing. They don’t know Biden has been trafficking people, illegally.

They will be told this is something nefarious being done by DeSantis.

The usual “accuse them of doing what you just did in public” still applies.

I see CNN can’t change it’s stripes so easily.

“They were duped in to getting on to the plane,” said Church, former chair of the New England Chapter of American Immigration Lawyers Association. “This is akin to kidnapping.”

How would he possibly know? No Democrat wants to get within 5 states of an illegal immigrant. They don’t want to see them unless they are behind a lawn mower. Because the leftist media does not report on reality, most don’t even know about the monumental scale of the disastrous human tragedy idiot Biden has created at our border, which makes them, of course, more susceptible to being duped by leftist lies about the relocation of illegals to liberal enclaves.

During World War II in Nazi Germany, the population cheered the war as long as the consequences of Nazi lying did not come back upon them. As long as the successes stacked up, they believed the propaganda and, in a sense of righteous superiority, cheered it on. But as soon as the defeats began to mount, bombs began falling on German cities and the youth and elderly called up for military service, the doubts began to appear. That’s what sending illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard, DC, NYC, Chicago and other liberal utopias can accomplish; provide a contrast between leftist propaganda and reality.

Susan Church, a prominent immigration lawyer based in Cambridge, said a team of attorneys in Massachusetts is working with advocacy groups including the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice to interview the migrants and determine whether they’d be eligible for victims of crimes visas, based on reports they were coaxed into getting on a plane under the pretext that their paperwork would be expedited.

“They were duped in to getting on to the plane,” said Church, former chair of the New England Chapter of American Immigration Lawyers Association. “This is akin to kidnapping.”

When you see the term “prominent” attached to an attorney’s name, it means one thing; they charge a lot of money for their services. So cry me a river because these “immigration” lawyers are now giving their services for free so they don’t look like the grifters they are. No so generous when it is a legal immigrant with immigration issues. Then the immigrant is told the fee is $350-500.00 an hour.

The Governor of Massachusetts has called out 150 of his National Guard to deal with 50 illegals. And the buses have already arrived at Hagerstown to remove the 50 illegals from the playground of the rich and famous.

I doubt the illegals were “duped” into going to Martha’s Vineyard. I doubt that the DeSantis administration failed to have the illegals sign waivers and permission slips to move them to the playground of the rich and famous since Texas gets every illegal sign the permission slips for transportation.

But hey, what’s the big deal? FIFTY illegals in Martha’s Vineyard? Let those people start gritching when illegals represent almost 10% of their population. It is, after all, a proclaimed sanctuary area, so they should be thrilled to put their money where their mouths are.

Fox News, the only outlet that bothers to report live on the scope of idiot Biden’s illegal immigration disaster, actually interviewed a few of the illegal immigrants. Griff Jenkins, who speaks Spanish, spoke to some that were brought to DC at Kamala’s house. They told him they wanted to go there, that the news back home promotes our open border, admitted they came here illegally and thanked idiot Biden. These people aren’t totally ignorant of what is going on and the attractive lures idiot Biden and the Democrats put forth to get them to come here.

It is revealing ignorance that these Democrats make idiotic accusations that these illegal immigrants were duped or trafficked to their final destination. The only difference between what Texas, Arizona and Florida are doing and idiot Biden’s plane and bus loads is that the red states do it out in the open and transparently instead of in the dead of night and, hopefully, secretly.

Damn, I wish 500 or 1,000 could be delivered to Martha’s Vineyard or on Kamala’s front lawn at one time.

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Good luck to us all!

LOL…looks like its working for you so far. This commenting system is so much more robust than the default one.

I’m having issues. Same error as before:

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How did you get this comment to go through?

It was a “test” of sorts, but I had issues posting on other pages.

Seems okay now, though.