The left is losing its mind over the Special Master and here’s why




I am really enjoying the frothing of the mouths of liberals today on Twitter. They are losing their minds over the Special Master ruling

U.S. District Judge from the Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen M. Cannon ordered that the special master be appointed to “review the seized property, manage assertions of privilege and make recommendations thereon, and evaluate claims for return of property.”

They have let loose a torrent of outrage:

Note: The FBI took medical records, Attorney/Client privileged documents and tax documents.

This is the same abusive Andrew Weissman you knew from his trying to frame Trump in the Russian collusion scheme. Here and here.

Linked to Epstein, Bruce Reinhart posted anti-Trump messages on social media.

Some are really taking it hard.

Now for the why.

Joe Biden ordered the raid on his political opponent

The so-called “Filter Team” already has abused its responsibility

Why are they irritated? Because they have lost control of the narrative and they’re pissed off that someone actually was guarding Trump’s rights. They didn’t want anyone messing their vicious persecution.

They’re afraid. Really afraid. Really afraid of something that will be revealed. I think we may yet see that the FBI was there to find the evidence of their misconduct in Crossfire Hurricane.

And that’s really, really good.

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NO ONE is beneath the law.

Trump included.

Having due process and impartial proceedings is what any American would/should get.

Any who oppose this are totalitarian traitors who need to leave the country.

They don’t understand our Laws.

The more Democrats destroy our democracy and bypass our Laws, the more popular Trump gets.

From CNN to inflations to the dismal jobs numbers…the Leftist imperative being forced on us illegally is failing.

@Nathan Blue

They don’t understand our Laws.

All they understand about laws is how to circumvent them and use them against opponents. They don’t care about being restrained by them.

I’m just waiting for the Trump-appointed Judge to name Devin Nunes as the Special Master now.

And how would that be different from Pelosi’s assemblage of partisans on her hanging committee, or the collection of miscreants Mueller assembled to “investigate” Russian collusion. I would expect Nunes to be far more fair and objective than the way Democrats stack things against due process and justice.

Yeah, the Democrats get really nervous when they don’t have some shitbag like Schiff with his thumb on the scales of justice.

These leftists are just itching to treat Trump like they’ve treated the January 6th “trespassers”, just arrest him, shackle him, throw him in a dank cell and then think of some charges to make. All because he is a political opponent they cannot buy, intimidate or defeat. Nothing more.

Trump doesn’t get to invoke Executive Privilege because he is no longer the executive.


But he DID get to when he was President, which indeed he did. Starting to get the picture a bit? Just a bit?

Trump doesn’t get to invoke Executive Privilege because he is no longer the executive.

That’s absolutely irrelevant.

You’re dismissed from this rational discussion.

Go find a new boyfriend and get ready for your pedophiliac urges.

Guess that plan to “kill God” isn’t going so well?

That doesn’t mean the FBI can come in and take your Legal Files, your Medical Files or you Tax Returns.

Get with the program.

But he isn’t the executive now. Only the executive gets to invoke Executive Privilege. Trump can certainly invoke attorney-client privilege over discussions he had while president, but his powers of invoking Executive Privilege evaporate the moment the next executive is sworn in.

If that weren’t the case, a former president could make information about the presidency off-limits to the current holder of the office. That would be idiotic.


But he isn’t the executive now. Only the executive gets to invoke Executive Privilege.

True, if we are talking about something done since Trump was President. However, if we are talking about executive privilege exercised when he was in office, that still applies. If documents were covered by executive privilege in 2017-2020, then it still applies until whomever applied the executive privilege waives it, unless some court determines executive privilege didn’t apply.

If that weren’t the case, a former president could make information about the presidency off-limits to the current holder of the office. That would be idiotic.

You mean like the executive privilege claimed over the “Fast and Furious” documents? Or, as is the case with almost anything, do the rules oscillate between Democrats and Republicans?

If that weren’t the case, a former president could make information about the presidency off-limits to the current holder of the office. That would be idiotic.

You mean like the refusal to produce unredacted documents regarding Operation Fast and Furious?

What did they expect to find rifling through Melania’s underwear and Baron’s room? Yet the FBI has yet to go through Hunter’s room.
Prior to this raid were you worried what paperwork Trump might have at home?

Everyone keeps their thermonuclear weapons in their wife’s underwear drawer and son’s dresser. C’mon, man!

It doesn’t matter to Trump’s followers if the logical consequences of something he says are absurd. Logic has nothing to do with their support for him.

As with constitutional law, they only care about logic when they believe it can be used to their advantage.

If that weren’t the case, a former president could make information about the presidency off-limits to the current holder of the office. That would be idiotic.


What do you know about logic? You think Hillary had a right to destroy State Department emails after they were subpoenaed (they belonged to the People) but that Trump should be forced to turn over his financial records just because Democrats want to LOOK for a crime. Your corrupt leftism is completely devoid of logic.

Now for the why.

Joe Biden ordered the raid on his political opponent

Nope. Margo Cleveland lies. She has extracted three lines from the bottom of page 2 and the top of page 3 of THIS DOCUMENT, which is the 09/05/22 court order that a Special Master be appointed to review the documents.

This is the context that she ‘cleverly’ omitted. The part she posted on Twitter is in bold:

On April 12, 2022, NARA notified Plaintiff that it intended to provide the fifteen Boxes to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) the following week [ECF No. 48 p. 5]. Plaintiff then requested an extension on the contemplated delivery so that he could determine the existence of any privileged material [ECF No. 48-1 p. 7]. The White House Counsel’s Office granted the request [ECF No. 48-1 p. 7]. On May 10, 2022, NARA informed Plaintiff that it would proceed

with “provid[ing] the FBI access to the records in question, as requested by the incumbent President, beginning as early as Thursday, May 12, 2022” [ECF No. 48-1 p. 9]. The Government’s filing states that the FBI did not obtain access to the Fifteen Boxes until approximately May 18, 2022 [ECF No. 48 p. 7].

The paragraph actually refers to President Biden authorizing the National Archives and Records Administration to provide the FBI with access to 15 boxes of records that Trump turned over to the NARA back in May of this year. It doesn’t refer to the raid that took place three months later, or to the material that was removed by the FBI on that occasion.

This is the sort of deceptive crap you get when you rely on social media instead of legitimate news outlets.

NONE of the 100 million or so Trump voters actually think Biden ordered the raid.

He’s not in control. We know this.

But Biden’s illegal, unelected regime DID raid Trump illegally.

You’ll lose in November, and then we’ll REALLY see your masks come off.

The increasingly fascistic behavior of a federal government that has no legal authority is going the direction we knew it would: cracking down on freedom in instituting a one-party police state.

State are already posing to cut off the illegal fed from taxes and service, until we dissolve it an reform a legal one.

You’ve parted company with reality. You’re living in a propaganda-induced Trumpian fantasy land. If you think a majority of Americans would support state governors and legislatures that wanted to cut ties with our central federal government, you’ve gone crazy. The moment they tried it they’d be widely rejected. If they persisted, they’ve be put down and the Union would be preserved by force.

It’s precisely that sort of extremist talk from the lunatic fringes that President Biden was referring to.


with “provid[ing] the FBI access to the records in question, as requested by the incumbent President, beginning as early as Thursday, May 12, 2022” [ECF No. 48-1 p. 9].

They were ALL the “records in question”, both what the FBI demanded and Trump had already turned over and what Trump still had in his possession.

The moment they tried it they’d be widely rejected. If they persisted, they’ve be put down and the Union would be preserved by force.

WE are the Union.

Not you. Biden has already threatened “force” because he knows the majority of American people now see he’s not a legally elected President.

This isn’t states seceding, like Democrats tried to do years ago. This is now Democrats waging another insurrection by trying to take over the Federal Government itself.

You’re the bad guys, once again.

It’s precisely that sort of extremist talk from the lunatic fringes that President Biden was referring to.

This is what Biden hopes to exploit when he and his fake admin go full authoritarian.

The certainty of Republicans destroying the Democrats in November, in the polls, is fact. BUT, that was also fact in 2020 with Trump. I watched you traitors rig the election, stage a false flag, and more….all on the heels of a weak virus released on purpose behind the curtain of the CCP.

What will you idiots do this Fall?

The desperation is palpable.

States will come together to start rejecting the Federal Government as legal, and authoritative.

It’s already happening. And weak men like you are having fantasies about “putting down” the majority of Americans who don’t want your unelected government and don’t want your Atheist death cult replacing out Constitution.

Reminder, greg…where ever you live…


You’re just another bunch of fringe idiots trying to take down our nations, pretending you’re a majority by using propaganda…but it’s not working, is it?

We’ll put you down like we put down the Confederates. You’re the same. The UNITED STATES is what this country is…not the weak Federal Government we allow to exist at the privilege of the People.


Honestly, we don’t even need to stop people like you. You idiots are stopping yourselves…

Portland street mob shoots at elderly driver, accidentally kills one of their own

Your rebellion will be over before it even starts.

Why did Biden lie about having knowledge of the raid?

Liar In Chief? Joe Biden Said He Had No Notice Of The Mar-A-Lago Raid “None, Zero, Not One Single Bit” Court Documents Reveal Joe Biden Ordered The Raid [VIDEO]

You see either the President was consulted and the raid was authorized at highest levels not just some pencil pusher at the archives, or the department went rogue and charged forward with its witch hunt and grab everything including a persons personal medical records and keep sake magazines. Thats not how warrants work there is first a crime, then there is specific evidence they are to look for not sweep through grabbing Baronns jock strap and Melanias push up bra. The 4th ammendment is totally clear.

As the post above demonstrates, Margo Cleveland is lying. It’s a typical example of deceptive pro-Trump propaganda.

WE are the Union.

You’re the lies that you tell, the chaos that you advocate, and the cluelessness that you have mistaken for superior understanding.

greggie, you continue to live up to the title of village idiot! Even Pelosi is getting ready to flee from the rat-infested Biden ship by asking for an ambassador position. The FBI and the DOJ are hiding employees in BFE. {Bum F Egypt). The Hillary is lying about not having any classified email on her bathroom server when even the FBI indicated there were classified emails on her server. More and more evidence is surfacing about specific incidences of voter fraud in 2020. More journalists are trying to determine why is there a difference in the law concerning people who contested the 2016 election and the 2020 election. Even thinking democrats are concerned about government overreach and two-tier enforcement of regulations and laws. Your protests and lies supporting a brain deficient president reflect more on you than on current events. You are daily proving you really are the village idiot and likely should seek help!

You’re the lies that you tell, the chaos that you advocate, and the cluelessness that you have mistaken for superior understanding.

SO compelling, ass-wipe. The American People, and the free peoples of the globe, know DAMN well what it means to have an installed puppet threatening half of the adult population for not supporting their failed policies and illegitimate regime.

It’s tyranny.

You accuse Trump and the GOP of doing what you and your Party openly do on camera.

Biden is fascistic. Harris encouraged and paid for insurrection in 2020. The election was rigged. The FBI staged a false flag.

And all you can say is that “Trump is a threat to democracy” when he’s one of the only politicians actually fighting for my freedom?

Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt”

That’s you, greg.

THAT’S YOU. History is not on your side.


As the post above demonstrates, Margo Cleveland is lying.

The only lying demonstrated is yours, Obergruppenfuhrer Garland and idiot Biden.

You’re the lies that you tell, the chaos that you advocate

What lies? What chaos? You Democrats provide all of that.


However, if we are talking about executive privilege exercised when he was in office, that still applies.

Exactly, michael the groomer, fails to understand that once out of office, anything that happened to occur while in office remains in the context of executive privilege if executed.

Such is the case with the J6 clownshow. The argument that EP no longer exists is ludicrous given the fact that what the J6 clowns are requesting falls under the guise of EP.

Fuhrer biden rescinding President Trumps power of EP post facto could be argued to be a slippery slope should Fuhrer biden choose EP post pResidency.

They understand. They just don’t care. They simply don’t think laws and the Constitution protects anyone they want to destroy.

The PedoHitler we’ve allowed to sit at our resolute desk has no support, no voters, nothing.

“michael” at the Bureau is here to keep tabs on us.

It’s going to be interesting to see who they plan on gaming the November elections.

One thing is for certain: They NEED Trump.

More than anyone else does. Just remember that. Without false Trump outrage, their dwindling constituency will wake up to see they’ve helped a dictator take over their country.

Linde Ali’s assertion that the judges jurisdiction was no where near Mara Lago is laughable.
The Attorney General of MI during the lockdown couldn’t get a judge in the upper peninsula to issue a restraining order to close a business( the judges know that they have to face the voters at some point ). So she went to a judge 400 miles away to get her way. The FL judge is a lot closer to Mara Lago than 400 miles.

The bottom line here is that the federal judge in the case has enjoined with the Trump team in a scathing rebuke of the DOJ. Essentially the appointment of a special master ends this unconstitutional attack on President Trump by saying the DOJ has no more involvement in the case, period full stop.

The left has once again failed in the relentless effort to tarnish President Trump.

Court Documents Reveal Benito Biden Ordered FBI Jackboots to Raid President Trump’s Home

SHOCKING VIDEO! Via MC4EI and Gateway Pundit — 13 Minutes of Never-Before-Seen Footage of Ballot Trafficking in Detroit, Michigan – Including Postal Workers!

“I Can’t Believe We’re Still Talking About This” – Hillary Clinton Lashes Out at Trump, Falsely Claims She Had “Zero” Classified Emails on Her Private Server

Savage! Trump to Hold Rally for JD Vance and “Entire Trump Ticket” in Youngstown, Ohio Hometown of Rival Tim Ryan
September 6, 2022, 2:10pmby Kristinn Taylor

You’re the lies that you tell, the chaos that you advocate, and the cluelessness that you have mistaken for superior understanding.

Now that is some kind of powerful argument, not.

You’re the people who claim to support individual freedom, while empowering states to force women to continue unwanted pregnancies—even when they result from rape or incest.

You’re the people who want to bring back a corrupt president who claims he won an election that he lost by a landslide, and tried to overturn it by inciting a mob to lay siege to the Capitol.

while empowering states to force women to continue unwanted pregnancies

NO ONE is being forced into anything. Those women, and men, CHOSE to have sex.

Your moral relativism and post-modern gibberish are rejected by sane Americans. The majority.

We need more babies, and hiding behind a re-definition of when a life is a life is what a useless gay cuck like you would do.

You’re the people who want to bring back a corrupt president who claims he won an election that he lost by a landslide, and tried to overturn it by inciting a mob to lay siege to the Capitol.

And yet none of us have raided Biden’s home, nor have we threatened to kill the SC, nor have we rioted or attacked government buildings (the J6th false-flag dismissed, because it wasn’t real).

You can feel it all slipping away, can’t you.

Who empowered republicans to set penalties for consensual sexual conduct that they personally disapprove of?

Not to mention the fact that rape and incest victims generally don’t choose to be victims. Nor do women choose to become pregnant with fetuses having severe congenital abnormalities.

Women will be taking their outrage about this oppression to the polls with them in November.

NO ONE is being forced into anything. Those women, and men, CHOSE to have sex.


You’re the people who claim to support individual freedom, while empowering states to force women to continue unwanted pregnancies

There’s a freedom to commit murder for convenience? Who knew?

Democrats want to subjugate the citizens. They demonstrate that goal

John Ratcliffe, a former U.S. congressman from Texas whom Trump tapped to serve as director of national intelligence:

“I was a former federal prosecutor, United States attorney. Let me tell you what this is about. Good prosecutors with good cases play it straight. They don’t need to play games. They don’t need to shop for judges, they don’t need to leak intelligence that may or may not exist.”
“The Justice Department’s arguments against having a federal court appoint a special master to review allegedly classified documents tells you that the government didn’t find what they were looking for.”
“There weren’t nuclear secrets” at Trump’s estate, “and they’re trying to justify what they’ve done. They’re not playing it straight before the American people. I think that that’s going to play out.”

The whole point of the raid was to drib and drab out snippets of anti-Trump stuff, true or not, between the days after the raid until the Midterm elections.
Now that plan is toast.
EVEN if the appeals court overturns this Special Master requirement, it will be too late.
And, talk about making yourself look bad while trying to make your opponent look bad: the DOJ/FBI trashed Barron’s bedroom, they trashed Melania’s closets and clothes drawers.
All this after they knew Trump and they, themselves, had agreed on a specific place for his presidential papers and a new, more secure system to protect those papers.
The DOJ/FBI’s flailing is proof of how badly they know they’ve lost.
They couldn’t even protect joe from being exposed in yet another lie: that he had no knowledge about the raid beforehand when actually he ordered the raid back in May.


Johnny Ratcliff is one of the nicest, most honest men you could ever hope to meet. A square shooter.

What makes me sad is watching Bill Barr with his many appearances on FOX lately. I think the man is brilliant, but he is obviously angry and bitter and consequently, his opinion is tainted.

I will never believe that not one past preside hnt was free of ever having a classified document in their stash since others, not the exiting president, pack those documents up. It is claimed that there are 11,000 documents from Mar-A-Lago. Obama is sitting on 33 MILLION. And we’re supposed to believe there is not one “classified” document in the entire 33 MILLION.

Now Hillary is claiming there were NO classified documents on her secret server.


Barr is a capable man, but he is, sadly, establishment that cannot bear to see someone like Trump that wants the whole of government to server the People instead of the establishment.

Dep, there’s no doubt Barr is a Bushite. But I had hopes that he would at least be a Constitutionalist in the truest meaning. I was sadly disappointed.

I had never noticed his bitterness until recently (since the raid). So now, he’s hitting the cable shows to a) sell his book and b) pad his retirement account.

D.C. does something dark to people’s souls.