Well, that was quite the show. The Nazi background theme was an interesting choice. I’d love to know who came up with that one. Using US Marines in a thinly veiled threat against fellow Americans was in bad taste. The implication that Biden is going to use the military to eradicate MAGA Republicans is the concerning.
Karine Jean-Pierre, the nitwit who masquerades as the White Press Secretary, assured us ahead of time that Biden’s speech was going to be optimistic and not political. Lying is about the only thing she does well. After Biden’s Hitleresque diatribe she declared that the speech wasn’t political.
“He believes that is important for him to speak very loudly, to have actually the loudest voice when it comes to our democracy. And so for him, this was not a political speech,”
Biden’s fascist messages have been accumulating for some time. PTA Moms are domestic terrorists. Questioning the Biden regime is terrorism. Biden is coordinating with Facebook and Twitter to suppress conservatives. At Biden’s demand, Instagram took down a parody Fauci account.
HIs performance the other night was the worst Presidential act I have ever witnessed in my life. I have repeatedly told you that Biden is a prick and a liar and he is. I knew this more than 35 years ago.
As Biden might say, a leopard doesn’t change its stripes.
When I was young Adolf Hitler was not a distant memory. Biden’s speech immediately evoked Hitler to me and many others. The shouting, the demonizing of fellow Americans, the false accusations all fit. He all but said that he was ready to implement The Final Solution to the MAGA Republican problem. He continues to call for it.
A call to arms here by a despotic and demented autocrat in the pocket of Communist China and captive to whatever shadowy nihilistic forces direct him. There’s no seeing it any other way if you have common sense and any understanding of history https://t.co/h5T9eIhGDp
— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) September 3, 2022
Politico called it a “democracy speech.”
Biden called MAGA Republicans a “clear and present danger.”
In a fiery prime-time speech, President Joe Biden launched an all-out assault on former President Donald Trump and “MAGA Republicans,” saying they “pose a clear and present danger” to American democracy.
That’s very significant. Labeling someone a “clear and present danger” is presage for a particular type of action:
Legal Definition of clear and present danger: a risk or threat to safety or other public interests that is serious and imminent especially: one that justifies limitation of a right (as freedom of speech or press) by the legislative or executive branch of government
Or to terminate the threat, just like in Tom Clancy’s book. And that, dear readers, is where this is going. Biden is setting the stage for suppression of the First Amendments rights of Republicans. Or worse.
So what makes MAGA Republicans a clear and present danger? Over to KJP
NOW – White House: “When you are not with what majority of Americans are, then you know, that is extreme. That is an extreme way of thinking.” pic.twitter.com/MpiwE9bRlx
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) September 1, 2022
“When you are not with what majority of Americans are, then you know, that is extreme.”
Is that so? 59% of Americans disapprove of Biden. Ergo, Biden supporters are extreme. They are a clear and present danger. After all, when you’re not with what the majority of Americans are, you’re an extremist.
The imagery that was posted in response was impressive.
Dictator commie pic.twitter.com/ZGKcfitlTL
— ConservativeGirl45MAGA (@caryn_45) September 3, 2022
Can you repeat that in your microphone please LOL pic.twitter.com/DNA9s2SZfG
— Jackie Waldrop (@JackieWaldrop55) September 2, 2022
Bruh. pic.twitter.com/xqGepYfQCh
— (@RexHarrisonsHat) September 2, 2022
Lavern Spicer went on a tear. Loved this one
Can we get a copy of Biden’s speech in the original German?
— Lavern Spicer (@lavern_spicer) September 2, 2022
Replace “MAGA REPUBLICANS” with “JEWS” in Biden’s speech last night and you have a Hitler speech word-for-word.
— Lavern Spicer 🇺🇸 (@lavern_spicer) September 2, 2022
This was excellent
Unedited version pic.twitter.com/653zkkOmCY
— Brian’s Memes (@Briansbonetopic) September 2, 2022
But this was the tweet of the week
I never expected my Cabbage Patch to grow up to be so rude. https://t.co/mfJJ4ziiA5
— Shemeka Michelle (@ShemekaMichelle) August 31, 2022
Biden is now in the process of walking back his incendiary rhetoric.
“I don’t consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country,” Biden replied when asked by reporters at the White House about why he decided to say that Trump and his supporters were a threat to democracy. The president tried to narrow his definition of exactly who he was talking about when he said “Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country” in his speech Thursday night at Independence Hall in Pennsylvania.
Biden wants to you believe he didn’t say what he said.
“I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence and fails to condemn violence when it’s used, refuse to acknowledge an election has been won, insists upon changing the way in which the rule – you count votes,” he said. “That is a threat to democracy. Democracy. And everything we stand for.”
“refuse to acknowledge an election has been won”
Hmm. Let’s expand on that and who qualifies to be a threat to democracy for not acknowledging an election has been won or changing the rules.
The Washington Post
The 2016 election was stolen. Got a nicer way to say that?
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton suggests election ‘stolen’ from her, other Dems could suffer same fate
Democrats still believe Clinton won in 2016
Stacy Adams
Dem Stacey Abrams still not conceding defeat, claims GOP stole Georgia election
The State of Pennsylvania
And of course, the dimwit known as Karine Jean-Pierre
Karine Jean-Pierre Said the 2016 Election Was ‘Stolen’
Stolen emails, stolen drone, stolen election …..welcome to the world of #unpresidented Trump https://t.co/NI7vqPV6cu
— Karine Jean-Pierre (@K_JeanPierre) December 18, 2016
democrats do have a reputation for accusing other of their own crimes. It’s taken from the book of Clinton. All the talk of threats to democracy are the projection of their desires and plans.
Anyone who tells you that Jan 6 would really have a chance in hell of overturning an election or overthrowing a government is an idiot, a liar or both.
Don’t underestimate the threat. Biden said exactly what he meant. Or what Ron Klain and Susan Rice meant. There will be a continuing subterranean effort to smother and suppress the free speech of not just MAGA Republicans, but anyone expressing displeasure with the current tyrant.
It’s already here. It’s already happening.
Democracy is in danger, but not from MAGA Republicans. Joe Biden is the clear and present danger.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
“Joe Biden is the real clear and present danger to humanity.”
Fixed it for you.
He is the bottom of bottom for the demoRAT party.
That makes his entire party the “clear and present danger”. For 9 months in 2020 we saw $2 billion worth of the worst violence this nation has seen since the Civil War and it was carried out, with the Democrats’ blessings, by BLM/ANTIFA. Democrats denied it was happening, denied it was violent, made excuses for it, bailed the criminals out so they could continue their pogrom and then dropped charges on the violent terrorists. Idiot Biden just called them all a “threat to Democracy”. For once, he is right.
I miss the good old days when Trump would tell his supporters to knock the crap out of people.
@Sid Meadows
You mean you’re not on drugs anymore?
The days that never happened.
When you find any footage of Trump calling for violence, let us know. It might take you forever.
Meanwhile, there are hundreds of hours of clips of Democrats calling for violence, even calling for killing Trump, with ZERO repercussions.
@Nathan Blue
As is a requirement for every accusation made against Trump to try and make him appear worse than the fascist Democrats, old Sid opted to leave out the context. The ONLY statement Trump ever made resembling this is when ANTIFA thugs were infiltrating Trump rallies and attacking Trump supporters. Trump said he would pay the legal bills for anyone that defended themselves from the punks. Never anything like Obama saying “when they bring a knife, we bring a gun”, told Hispanics to “punish their enemies” or he knows “whose ass to kick”.
Seems Sid believes the left has the right to attack anyone that opposes them and retaliating in self defense is “bad”.
“Sid” is one of the numerous FBI bot accounts who are posting here more regularly, little moronic posts trying to remind us of who’s in charge…
…but that’s changing by the day.
When Lisa Page and Peter Strzok said, regarding Trump’s legal and proper election, that “we’re not going to let that happen, right?” I knew we had a deep state political class tyrannically taking over our country.
Luckily, when you purge an organization of dissention, you purge it of intelligence, competence, and character.
These clowns at the FBI have no chance, and will be rooted out by the American People for the traitorous scum they are.
If I’m not mistaken, he said to kick the crap out of anyone throwing tomatoes at his supporters because of several instances when ever-tolerant liberals egged Trump supporters and also blasted them with tomatoes
@Nathan Blue
Like Hitler sacking his best generals because he believed their defeats were due to lack of ideological enthusiasm and replacing them with party hacks. Like minds…
Dr John:
We saw Donald Trump, candidate for 2016 speak in Salt Lake City, Utah.
He urged us to leave out the same side door he left out from because of the violent mob of progressive lefties on the street in front of the venue.
Next day we went by the place and, sure enough, eggs and tomatoes were squished all over the front of it and on the street.
Not one person who came to see Trump went out front because it would have been a confrontation.
What amazed me was how the Secret Service helped Trump supporters navigate thru that back exit to our cars.
Trumps motorcade just sat there while these men assisted his supporters.
He left AFTER us!
That’s the opposite of confrontational.
Perhaps one of FA’s lurking leftists can show us where Biden condemned the 2020 violence carried out by BLM/Antifa. Or maybe show us where any Democrat expressed the same outrage at the murder of David Dorn, a man who devoted his life to doing good in his community compared to the outrage they showed over the death of a career criminal.
The very chair of the J6 Committee protested an election claiming it was illegitimate.
I guess Biden, who has reached terminal dementia, has forgotten how many states Marc Elias, and his team of slugs, sued over their election laws just months, and weeks, before the November 2020 election. Yes, Joe, we know you created the greatest election fraud policies in the history of our nation.
Clearly, in his response to reporters on Friday, Biden didn’t really remember what he read from the teleprompter. But then, those running our nation don’t expect him to. He is merely fulfilling Obama’s plan.
Obama, November, 2020
Biden is the front man. He is the puppet that is controlled by both Ron Klain and Susan Rice and the rest of the Obama gang, also pulling the strings; Samantha Power, her husband Cass Sunstein, Ezekiel Emanual, Jeremy Bird, Anthony Blinken of Winken, Blinken and Nod, and all the rest of the Obama retreads.
Make no mistake, this is Obama’s third term. And if the doctors can just continue to pump Biden full of drugs to the point where he is still able to read the telepromter and stand on his feet, Obama is seeking term Four.
Meanwhile, the left will try to demoralize the right by denigrating, desparaging and dehumanizing almost 75 million American voters and encouraging the left to do the same. With the clear approval of the alphabet networks, of course.
Do not be fooled; the violent left is trying to provoke violence on the part of the right. Just read what the idiot, Comrade Greggie says.