If you accept what has been reported by CNN and Newsweek, this is unf**kingbelivable.
Biden said he was “blindsided” by the raid and had no foreknowledge:
The White House was “blindsided” by the stunning news that the FBI had executed a search warrant on Mar-A-Lago, the Palm Beach, Florida home of former President Donald Trump, reported CNN.
CNN Chief White House Correspondent Kaitlan Collins reported on the story during AC360, with guest host John Berman, calling it a “remarkable development” to see Trump himself confirming the news.
That’s bad enough but then today we learn that, according to Newsweek, the feckless PTA mom-hunting Attorney General of the US claims he had no foreknowledge of the raid:
The story’s sources also claim AG Garland had “no prior knowledge” of the raid, which would be flabbergasting, if true. I’m really struggling to believe that. If it’s true, it’s an absolute mess.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) August 10, 2022
And the raid?
… “senior government officials say the raid was scheduled with no political motive, the FBI solely intent on recovering highly classified documents that were illegally removed from the White House.”
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) August 10, 2022
Last night I saw a clip from CNN in which one of their normally anti-Trump former intelligence “experts” said there’s no way retention of classified documents get you “anywhere near” the President’s home with a warrant.
Now we have two ways to look at this. Either both Garland and Biden are lying their asses off and throwing the FBI under the bus, which is where it really belongs or neither Biden nor Garland knew had advance warning of the raid and the FBI went rogue on its own. Either one makes for a colossal clusterf**k. Warrants are supposed to be limited in nature. If an informant told the FBI where to look and for what, that should be specified in the warrant and nothing else should have been touched. But that wasn’t the case. The removal of the Trump lawyers from the premises as it was being searched was wrong, but it does something precious for Trump. Trump can now, since there were no observers, claim that anything found in his home that might be incriminating was planted by the FBI- especially since it was acting without the knowledge of the President or the Attorney General.
And soon I will tell you what’s floating around in the back of mind about all of this. We shall see.
In either case, resignations are in order, but sadly, they won’t happen. But one thing is for certain.
The FBI has got to be taken down. This is a scandal unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Biden is corrupt. Garland is corrupt. They FBI has gone full KGB.
Joe Biden has become everything they said Trump would become. A tinpot a**hole dictator. We literally are teetering on the edge of becoming a full-blown fascist state.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
I think that goes without saying. I guess we will have to stand by and see who gets punished, prosecuted and convicted, won’t we? If this happened without their approval, surely someone gets hammered.
Of course. What’s more, he would probably be absolutely accurate. The credibility and trust of the FBI has been destroyed. The question is, would it matter? Would the defense be allowed to contest the “evidence” or would that hearing or trial go exactly like the impeachments and the January 6th hearings have been conducted?
It is curious how all those involve have scurried off and hidden in the shadows. NO ONE is standing up and explaining and defending this heinous act.
Three DOJ lawyers participated in the raid with the FBI. Either Garland is lying or he has lost control of his Department. Regardless he has to go!
Yesterday and today leave Deplorable Me with shit on their face.
This is a Witch Hunt by Biden the FBI the DNC and the UN/Globalists Biden and Harris need to be Impeached and all Democrats removed from office and sent to Prison
We are on the precipice of another Revolution for freedom. The tyranny of the minority has been exposed and if we are to sit idly by and do nothing, we will deserve our fate.
A line has been drawn in the sand and the enemy has been identified. The leftist faction of the democrat party is now full-on totalitarian and will not relinquish the power they have amassed over the past decades back to the people to whom it belongs.
Our freedom is the hill to die on.
Secede already.
No, if you don’t like the rule of law and the Constitution, YOU get the hell out. And take every one of your whiny, crybaby, sore loser, American-hating fascist buddies with you. Haul your ass to the socialist utopia of Cuba or Venezuela. Just get out of this country and stop tearing it apart.
Another UNIPARTY lie. UNIPARTY Presidents have lied to us for 61 years; sometimes fooling us (at least me). In ’88 a UNIPARTY PRESIDENT FOOLED ME, “READ MY LIPS ….!”
I only voted for that lefty once!
But , the fact is their lies do fool us SOMETIMES. Which is why they continue to lie.
Had Garland not had Biden’s OK Garland would be gone today! That Garland still has a job shows Joe blessed it!
You mean Barak right?
Soros. Or Xi. Or all of the above.
Three DOJ lawyers took part in the raid. The AG can try to disavow fore knowledge but it will be hard given his brownshirt lawyers took part. They may have told Mr. Potato Head beforehand but I doubt he grasped what they were telling him and he won’t remember anyway. Impeach the AG and the FBI Director but don’t impeach Mr. Potato Head. He’s the best thing to happen to the GOP since Carter.
FBI director Wray has a “tell” when he is lying.
His usually short (one or two word answers) become long and obscure bloviations.
He also has a self-satisfied smerk sometimes when he lies, tho not always.
The Trump household was asked by the feds to put all those Preisdential library documents into a locked room and add a 2nd lock.
They did this.
The FBI destroyed both locks to get those documents.
It reminded me of a horror memory from high school:
our school librarian would come into your classroom and, in front of teacher and classmates, call you out and name the overdue book.
Some cases were pretty embarrasing.
So, the FBI is our acting overdue book monitor for the Library of Congress.
They deserve to be disbanded.
A judge today ordered the search warrant to be mad public.
This should be good.
The left has believed Trump has no 4th Amendment rights ever since he declared himself a candidate for the Presidency.
Medical Malpractice John has shit on his face today.
Will he apologise?
And where is that ex-vet Curt.
Had he done what Trump did, no one would be hearing from him.
And a reminder.
Breonna Taylor, a black lady is dead after a faked warrant.
Donald Trump, a white guy, is still alive after a evidence- based warrant.
(I’m not mentioning the MaGat crankhead who attacked an FBI office on Thursday)
Comment *crackhead
Crawl back into your hole, racist pig. I’m sure you have some middle income neighborhood you would like to burn to the ground.
Kitt, crankhead is someone using meth,
Retire05, “racist pig”?
Yeah, projection from another crankhead.
No comment on the warrant Trump didn’t release on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday?!?
And btw, his taking the 5th in the civil case in NY can be seen by the jury in a negative way.
As for burning neighborhoods, Trump could piss on you and you would call it the finest wine, better than the wine at Cana.
@Phillip Marlowe
Yet neighborhoods really WERE burned down, businesses really WERE looted, cops really WERE assaulted, injured and killed, police stations really WERE burned down, federal buildings really WERE attacked and besieged, yet none on the left denounced or even acknowledged the year-long pogrom of BLM/ANTIFA. This is why none of you whining, crying, lying leftists are taken seriously.
Case in point.
So, why don’t you just shut up?
Don’t tell me it isn’t so, because I’ve seen examples of it here:
08/14/22 – FBI bulletin warns of ‘dirty bomb’ threat, increasing calls for ‘civil war’ after raid of Mar-a-Lago
Seriously? “33 million pages of documents, many of which are classified?” Does such a number sound even remotely plausible to anyone who’s still thinking clearly?
Again, no credibility, no reason to believe such reports, too many false alarms, too many false villains. As to any concern you pretend to have, I don’t recall any outrage on your part when ANTIFA/BLM attacked, injured, killed cops, burned down police stations, laid siege to federal court houses, destroyed businesses, killed civilians and captured city blocks. For that matter, neither did the FBI.
Instead of spreading lies to distract from leftist failures and corruption, do some work on restoring your honor and credibility.
greggie, as the village idiot I know you will not understand this, but we all try to help you understand like we would a very young child who has not learned to read and comprehend. The nature of humans no matter quiet or how good in character if they are if they are picked on by bullies and accused of doing serious bad things will reach a threshold. The old saying about the straw that broke the camel’s back applies here. President Trump brought the country and mostly the middle class out of a stagnate economy and a future that was not rosy at best. He made our country energy independent for the first time in many decades. He greatly increased the income of the middle class as well as moving many from lower income levels into the middle class. Retirement savings increased. Businesses were able to prosper with the elimination of nonsensical regulations. His presence irritated many, but even the many had to give him credit for his accomplishments.
From his first days in office, the bullies tried to take Trump down, first with the fake Russian stories and then many about his business dealings. The latest was the NY DA trying to say that the value that Trump placed on his properties was different than what banks used for loaning money was a crime. She actually thought that any reputable bank would only value property based upon their own appraiser! Then, the armed unnecessary attack and ransacking of Trump’s home! The people who gave President Trump credit for his work and those who hate bullies and liars have stood up and expressed their anger on the government overreach. Many expressed so much anger they may have uttered empty threats knowing full well they would carry out their anger at the polls. I do believe that if the swamp creatures and bullies continue this attack against Trump and those who support him and fairness there will be tea in more places than the Boston Harbor.
Like Ricky Shiffer?
Probably another FBI asset gone rogue. Prove it isn’t so.
Another unproven claim by someone who absolutely refuses to back up his claims.
So what? We already know that the FBI is one dishonest agency. So while you demand that Trump prove it is daylight at noon, you seem to be willing to take the FBI’s word as truth. Let the FBI prove that claim.
Has anyone ever taught you how to use a search engine? Yes, 33 MILLION documents were shipped to Chicago for Obama. The claim was he was going to have them “digitized” but to date, not one has been.
Since you seem hellbent on proving what an idiot you are, prove away.
Comrade Greggie, Ricky Shiffer cause a rukus at the FBI Visitor Screening Facility but then left when approached by agents. He was eventually shot to death by State Highway Patr(ol, not the men in black.
B(urn), L(oot) and M(urder) along with their buddies Antifa, burned down police stations and murdered cops and not one time did you object or defend the police but now, all of sudden, somewhere in your dark soul you have found concern for the FBI?
Yeah, right. You are such a liar. And an idiot. And you have no honor.
08/15/22 – Mercer County man charged with threats to kill FBI agents after Mar-a-Lago search
A Mercer County man threatened to murder FBI agents last week after the bureau’s search of Donald Trump’s Florida estate, saying “come and get me you piece of [expletive] feds” and “I am going to [expletive] slaughter you,” according to a federal complaint filed Monday in Pittsburgh.
Adam Bies, 46, is charged in U.S. District Court with influencing, impeding or retaliating against federal law officers.
He is in U.S. custody and is set for an initial appearance hearing this afternoon before a federal magistrate judge.
According to an FBI affidavit, Bies issued a variety of threats on Gab after agents searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago complex for evidence of stolen classified documents.
He compared the FBI to the Nazi SS and the Soviet-era KGB and said everyone at the FBI, from agents to janitors, should be killed.
“My only goal is to kill more of them before I drop,” he wrote on Thursday. “I will not spend one second of my life in their custody.”…
Fortunately, that last assertion has already been proved to be false.
Are you going to come get us all, tough guy?
There’s no reason to threaten the FBI. They are threatening us.
Proving the man’s point above, I expect more arrests and “crackdowns” as is common when a totalitarian regime starts to get pushback from those who thought they still lived in a democracy.
Those are people reacting extremely to what the FBI, DOJ and idiot Biden regime is doing. Your march towards totalitarianism is provocative and is inciting violence. If you want more, keep doing what you’re doing.
Of course, you have always been on the side of inciting violence against police or Border Patrol when you and yours are making false accusations of racism. How many cops have been assassinated because of the racial animus the left has stirred up on false pretenses? Shall we recount the 2020 summer of extreme violence and destruction perpetrated by your leftist Sturmabteilung? Your act of pretending to actually care about the lives of law enforcement anywhere is lame and lacks conviction.
The DOJ/FBI violated President Trumps 4th amendment rights by confiscating three of Trumps passports. Two were expired and on was operational.