Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan is a staged op

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There is a great deal of consternation and harrumphing about Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. Many in the US are against it as China was issued a number of veiled and not so veiled threats, including shooting down her aircraft. Biden didn’t even raise an eyebrow in response, which I found curious.

Recently Biden allegedly spent two hours talking to Xi.

“I would fully expect that, as part of the president’s conversation, that tensions in the South China Sea will come up, as they have routinely with respect to China’s excessive maritime claims that aren’t backed up by international law, by their coercive and aggressive behavior towards — towards nations that border on the sea or are in the South China Sea. And I fully expect that that will — that will come up,” he said.

Big talk, but it’s all talk. The transcript of the call was not released, and I think I know why. I think this whole thing is being staged.

It’s all theater.

Pentagon spokes-non-birthing person John Kirby gave it away when he said

He could be seen as greenlighting the invasion of Taiwan by China, but he really was signaling that the US won’t interfere in China’s plans for Taiwan one way or the other. I suspect Biden already told Xi the same (don’t forget that China’s investment in the Biden’s).

On Twitter many conservatives are concerned about democrats wanting a war. That’s the whole idea. IMO it’s all been planned and this is how it goes:

  • In their phone call Biden has assured Xi that the US won’t interfere with Xi’s plans for China.
  • Great theater is generated about Pelosi going to Taiwan
  • Kirby publicly assures China that the US doesn’t support an independent Taiwan
  • China continues to issue vague threats but privately already has agreed not to interfere with Pelosi’s visit
  • Pelosi goes to Taiwan, makes a number of neutral statements
  • Pelosi flies home safely and declares Biden to be a strong President who stood up to Xi.
  • Xi issues statement about how he intimidated Pelosi to go home
  • Pelosi win, Biden win, Xi win, Pelosi win

Biden desperately needs a win but Xi still owns him and needs him to remain in office to keep the fentanyl flowing and allow China to remain the Walmart one stop shopping for the green economy.

Of course, this all goes out the window if Pelosi’s plane is shot down.

>refrains from sarcastic comment<

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This will be a non-event-event, I’ll agree with that.

When asked about China using slaves and jailing Uygurs, Biden said it was China’s “culture.”

That’s about all you need to know concerning who is actually in charge of this country.

It’s certainly not the American voters.

Taiwan had massive rallies for Trump in 2020, and after for “stop the steal.”

Trump = Freedom.

Biden = Tyranny.

I would guess that China will invade Taiwan within the next week or so its a put up deal old Nazi and the chinks have it all planned out makes it easy with them warning the old bat not to visit but on the one hand it would be worth it if they did shoot her down we would be rid of her .I think this is all a deal old don Joe the grouper has made with the Chinks they threaten to shoot her down then don’t but invade and the don does nothing .The Biden crime family at their best and the Don and the drugie get a pay off.Another country stabbed in the back by the Biden crime family

I kindly ask if you could curb the racial slurs. Taiwan, in my opinion, is basically China with actual democracy.

China (PRC and RC) as both a people and a culture are incredibly diverse, and important to a future world in both innovation, peace, and art.

We let our brothers and sisters in democracy down in Hong Kong. I hope we can support Taiwan, and eventually help the CCP reform and become a thriving democracy, as well. A real one.

Just like the staged handshake between Rabin and Arafat with Clinton looking down on them they also staged photos of Clinton and Gore ona raft on a River as Clinton signs some bill

Actual reporters traced the “leak” about Nancy P’s trip to Asia including a stop in Taiwan.
Guess who was behind it?
The White House.

All kabuki theater.
Takes the headlines off joe’s failed economy, baby formula shortage, supply chain backup on BOTH coasts, killing farming in the USA, Choking the middle class with inflation, not to mention Nancy’s corrupt inside trading scandal.

Think of a dumb dog who is easily distracted by shouting “Squirrel.”

I imagine that one purpose of this is to “prove” that Pelosi isn’t owned by the Chinese.

I imagine that one purpose of this is to “prove” that Pelosi isn’t owned by the Chinese.

Evidently she isn’t.

Taiwan IS NOT “a breakaway province” of China.” The People’s Republic of China has never owned, governed, or controlled Taiwan, which is an independent nation. It’s no more Xi’s personal property than Ukraine is Putin’s. Pelosi made that point by visiting Ukraine as well.

Dictators can’t dictate whom American members of Congress are allowed to visit outside of their own nation’s borders..

Pelosi IS owned by the Chinese and the CCP. There is no debate or argument. She dances on the CCP’s strings, just like idiot Biden.

Dictators can’t dictate whom American members of Congress are allowed to visit outside of their own nation’s borders..

Until they do.

Dictators “can’t” do most of what they do, but that doesn’t stop them from doing it.

Perhaps we need a duly elected President who doesn’t ignore China…because they were paid millions of dollars to do so?

If Xi owns Pelosi, why is he so pissed at her defiance that he ordered live-fire military exercises in response to her visit? She just publicly gave Xi her middle finger.

If Pelosi had cancelled her visit to Taiwan, you’d be trashing her for being intimidated by Xi’s threats.

greg seems to forget who most Taiwanese supported in the 2020 election…


Pelosi’s “visit” is anything but some show of American strength.

Sending an 82-year-old alcoholic legacy term-limit parasite woman to visit a country on the verge of conquest instead of a strong President is pathetic.

And the wolves are watching, waiting.

It was publicly stated by the WH that America “does not support Taiwan independence.”

Perhaps Pelosi’s husband is investing in new tech companies there, co-funded by the CCP?

That’s sadly rather plausible.

If Xi owns Pelosi, why is he so pissed at her defiance that he ordered live-fire military exercises in response to her visit? She just publicly gave Xi her middle finger.

Nope. The Chinese appreciate the necessity for their tools to sometimes show defiance and opposition in order to maintain the subterfuge. It’s all part of the show.

If Pelosi had cancelled her visit to Taiwan, you’d be trashing her for being intimidated by Xi’s threats.

You can damn sure guarantee I would. Fact is, that drunken, anti-American liar has NO business traveling overseas (except for her personal business) and created a incident for no reason whatsoever.

This entire staged show is to get votes for Nasty Pelosi in the November election. Senile, little girl fondling, hair sniffing, Joe Biden, his buffoons in his administration and the left-tard media will all brag on Biden’s courage for standing up to the Chinese. This is all about votes in November folks. DO NOT BE FOOLED!

Why would Xi blow the old hag from the sky, it would only benefit the USA. It is the old insider trading has been that is staging a show trial for Trump, a guy that was undercutting Xis huge profits on imported cheap china crap and toxic products.

China threatening to shoot down her Plane? That’s Act of War the deliberate assination of a American Senator by some other Nation? Not the first time just remember KAL flight 007 by the Russians with the American Senator aboard then claiming the Plane was on s Spy Mission

Everyone knows 007 is spy….;)

Every wonder why China, producing all this green energy producing capability, doesn’t us it themselves?

While @SpeakerPelosi’s delegation has left, the story here in #Taiwan continues, as the PLA’s four-day live fire drill encircling Taiwan will begin tomorrow, with some locations being quite close to some places in Southern Taiwan.

— William Yang (@WilliamYang120) August 3, 2022

Adding another reason the chi-coms hate Taiwan is this:
In December 2019, Taiwan leaders warned the World Health Organzation about COVID-19.
The WHO ignored the warnings on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, which quickly engaged in a coverup, and the virus rapidly spread around the world — killing millions.

The Pelosi Clown Show, was just that, a spin-off of the Hunter and Joe Clown Show.
It’s purpose? To detract from the Hunter and Joe Clown Show, and dirty election fraud in several states, especially Arizona, where the Chinese Communist Party stuck their thumb in U.S. real estate, with the purchase of 100 acres beside Luke Air Force Gunnery Range.