The Week in Radical Leftism, 7/29/2022


Welcome back to Day 556 of the Brandon Falls* occupation! Straight to the insanity, along with an important programming note at the end of the post. And coming out of my busy season at work means limited commentary. Let’s get to it, shall we?

7/19 – Go Woke, Go Broke: Victoria’s Secret Crashes After Replacing “Angels” with Woke Soccer Player

I actually think that the opposite is true. When Gillette pulled a similar move a few years ago, someone made a great point. It wasn’t “Get woke go broke”. but “Got broke went woke”, suggesting that recognizing an irreversable decline, companies try digging in and capturing a small niche that will be enough for survival. That’s what it looks like to me.

7/21 – This ‘Pronouns In The Workplace’ Segment Was Featured On A Local News Station. This Is Where We Are Now.

7/22 – Global Warming Has Stalled Over Much Of The Last 10 Years, Arctic Never Melted Away

7/23 – Twitter to Ban Use of ‘Groomers’ After Pressure From Liberal Outrage Mongers

7/23 – Obama’s Julia All Grown Up

I thought I’d enjoy this article a lot more, but mapping out what the dream Leftist life looks like is just incredibly depressing

7/24 – New York Times Piece Suggests There’s a ‘Time and Place’ For Cannibalism

7/24 – Our Green Future? Energy Impoverished Aussies Risking Carbon Monoxide Poisoning to Stay Warm

7/24 – UK heatwave: How do temperatures compare with 1976?

7/25 – Biden admin planning to define away ‘recession’ if GDP declines a second straight quarter

7/26 – Leftists Fund the Rise of Lawlessness Across America

7/27 – World Economic Forum Says It Is ‘Time to Look Beyond’ Private Vehicle Ownership

7/28 – Kennedy, Fox’s “Cool Mom” of Cringily Shallow Boomer Libertarianism: Just Because 98% of Monkeypox-Infected People are Gay or Bisexual Men, and the Pandemic Started at Gay Orgies, Doesn’t Mean You Can Tell People to Not Go to Gay Orgies, Bigot!

7/29 – World War III Is Here and It’s an Ongoing Psyop to Break America

Programming Note: I’ve done this to a lesser degree in years past, but this year I’ve decided to follow Dave Rubin’s example and do a month long “news cleanse”. Meaning I’m going off grid for the next few weeks. While you won’t be seeing any TWIRLs until the summer is over, I’ve loaded a few lighter, non topical posts to release @ the end of each week. I’ll be posting and blasting across my various media feeds, but after this post I won’t be joining the conversation in the comments sections nor in the various sites where I upload. I probably also won’t post over Labor Day weekend since it’s a light traffic weekend for news. But I might so check back anyway.

Enjoy the rest of your summer and see you in September!

— BB

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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7/19 – Go Woke, Go Broke: Victoria’s Secret Crashes After Replacing “Angels” with Woke Soccer Player

Maybe it was replacing voluptuous models with a purple-haired, America-hating carpet muncher? I guess they forget what they actually exist for.

7/21 – This ‘Pronouns In The Workplace’ Segment Was Featured On A Local News Station. This Is Where We Are Now.

Damn, I would be in such constant trouble if I wasn’t retired. Maybe others are like me, but unless I am really familiar with someone, I have enough trouble remembering their name, much less what bizarre, inaccurate, phony, woke, misdirectional, convoluted pronoun someone prefers. It took me long enough to suppress vulgar jokes and comments.

7/22 – Global Warming Has Stalled Over Much Of The Last 10 Years, Arctic Never Melted Away

It’s hotter’n hell right now in Texas (like most summers) so this gives the climate Nazis the opportunity to claim it’s “warming”. Fact is, we’ve had about 5 really mild summers in a row. Back before we had air conditioning, we never noticed. It’s all about the cha-ching.

7/23 – Twitter to Ban Use of ‘Groomers’ After Pressure From Liberal Outrage Mongers

I’m so damned glad I never got involved with Twitter. The only reason for its existence is for control. “Groomer” IS a slur and it appropriately applies to those who groom children and warp their minds.

7/23 – Obama’s Julia All Grown Up

They seem to enjoy misery. They support creating enough of it.

7/24 – New York Times Piece Suggests There’s a ‘Time and Place’ For Cannibalism

Well, leftists can eat me. Does that qualify?

7/24 – Our Green Future? Energy Impoverished Aussies Risking Carbon Monoxide Poisoning to Stay Warm

During the blackouts here in the winter of 2020, caused by a complete failure of the 20% of our energy grid supported by renewables, we had to burn whatever we could find to keep the house warm enough to prevent pipes from bursting. The left and their quest for personal profits over service will kill us all with their “transition”.

7/24 – UK heatwave: How do temperatures compare with 1976?

If it’s such a clear and present danger, why do they feel compelled to lie about it?

7/25 – Biden admin planning to define away ‘recession’ if GDP declines a second straight quarter

Democrats worry more about their propaganda than they do solving the problems. Of course, when they create problems by the truck load, keeping up with the solutions IS pretty tough.

7/26 – Leftists Fund the Rise of Lawlessness Across America

Thanks to Democrats, it has already become judicial policy to selectively enforce (or over-enforce) laws as the politics dictates. Once the Democrats get rid of the Republicans, the true totalitarian police state will be in place. Combine this with the left’s defunding and hamstringing police and their version of gun control and we have a society where criminals have free rein to do whatever they like.

7/27 – World Economic Forum Says It Is ‘Time to Look Beyond’ Private Vehicle Ownership

Perhaps this is how they get around mandating electric vehicles but there not being enough resources to produce enough vehicles for those who would want them. Let’s see how quickly the left can get the UAW on board with such a concept.

7/28 – Kennedy, Fox’s “Cool Mom” of Cringily Shallow Boomer Libertarianism: Just Because 98% of Monkeypox-Infected People are Gay or Bisexual Men, and the Pandemic Started at Gay Orgies, Doesn’t Mean You Can Tell People to Not Go to Gay Orgies, Bigot!

Like in the 1980’s, it was up to the gay community to moderately alter their lifestyle to prevent the spread of a deadly disease. No, that was too much to ask; they insisted on continuing their risky and deadly behavior and demand the government develop a cure and vaccine. Well, at least monkeypox isn’t deadly.

7/29 – World War III Is Here and It’s an Ongoing Psyop to Break America

For confirmation, just look at the Russian support for our “transition” to green energy, which makes us a weaker nation. The only question is, are Democrats this naïve and stupid or are they willing participants?

Once was that Victoria’s Secret put out a bejeweled bra every year at an outrageous price tag.
Some straight man or another fought to be the one to buy it for his wife at near, or over $1 million.
But now, what demographic is VS aiming for with their lesbian lineup of models?
Those people aren’t often married and don’t traditionally buy pricy gifts for anyone but themselves.


Dr. Deborah Birx: “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection and I think we overplayed the vaccines …”

Claims vaccines “protect against severe disease and hospitalization” before saying that 50% of those who died via Omicron were older & vaccinated.

Well, what president Trump and his family caught was the original covid that killed so many.
When Omicron mutated it was a disease that, according to the numbers from UK killed among the vaccinated 91% to 9% for the UNvaccinated!
For us unvaccinated it is a mild cold with the scary side effect of losing your sense of taste for a few days.
Having taken the “protocol” for over a year before catching Omicron, I was over it in 3 days. Used ivermectin immediately.
Joe took 5 days and used Plaxovid with all it’s downwind issues.

WWIII is here.
Odd how blind the elites are to their pretend ally, commie China.
OF COURSE China will murder every WEF member and ally, but only after WEF gets as close to its goal of de-privatizing everything and microchipping everyone.
How stupid are these elites?
They are criminalizing farmers! Ranchers! Fishermen!
Do they even know where all their top end foods come from?
Do they imagine grocers just create them all magically?
And transporting rare goods to them takes fossile fuel.
Even if they move to the mountain top chalets of Monaco or to super yatchts at sea they will need foods shipped to them.

False news? Or more evidence that America has been under a propaganda attack ordered by Moscow? I wonder if it had anything to do with Putin’s plans for the upcoming invasion of Ukraine?

FBI investigating Russian interference possibly linked to St. Petersburg Uhuru Movement

…Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov, who lives in Moscow, orchestrated on behalf of the Russian government a yearslong “foreign malign influence campaign against the U.S.,” the Department of Justice said in a news release Friday. He worked with American political groups to inflame political discord and spread disinformation, prosecutors said…

Russians interfered with politics? You mean it’s like engineering a coup for regime change in Ukraine, the way we did? You mean installing a new leader, zelensky just an extension of that US/NATO installation, and the ensuring war as a result?

We’re under attack from people like you.

Biden…whoever is pulling his shit-stained strings moreso…could have avoided this war with Russia.

They actually WANTED it, and made sure it happened.

Americans are, indeed under a propaganda attack from Russia…but that attack pales in comparison to the propaganda attack being waged on us by our own government.

The Ukrainians booted a Putin puppet and replaced him with a popularly elected Ukrainian who has transformed into a patriot. The Ukrainians understood Putin’s intention when they did it. If Putin’s intentions weren’t clear enough then, they certainly should be now.

Putin has launched a murderous war of aggression against a neighboring nation with the intention of stealing it. So far as Putin is concerned those who call the place their homeland can either accept his domination or go to hell, and he’s turning their homeland into hell to prove it.

If he has his way, an authoritarian Russian government that operates like a crime syndicate will soon dominate all of Western Europe.

Some people seem to think the answer is to just let that happen. They think we should have similar authoritarian governance here. Such a government would make other people behave as its supporters think they should—women, in particular. You know what they’ll do, because they’ve already thrown down the constraints that keep them from doing it. The elected officials of states are striking own the freedom of US citizens.

Like Putin their intentions are clear, and every bit as true to fundamental American principles. They are not about the Constitution, but about how the Constitution can be used to institute theocratic authoritarian rule.

Russians interfered with politics? You mean it’s like engineering a coup for regime change in Ukraine, the way we did?

Putin has launched a murderous war of aggression against a neighboring nation with the intention of stealing it.

Enabled by idiot Biden. Never would have or could have launched that war with Trump in office. The difference between corrupt, weak idiot Biden and strong leader Trump. But, what does idiot Biden care? He and Hunter already made their pile in Ukraine.

We’re not watching a replay of the ’80s. We’re watching a replay of ’40s, with highly evolved propaganda support effectively concealing the simple truth of what Vladimir Putin is.

We’re watching a replay of ’40s

Only because you and you people are Mao.

Otherwise, we’re watching something completely new.

Mathusian hell served up by Europeans that should have conquered rather than freed to keep their racist plans going.

Trans pushes puberty blockers, then cross sex hormones…that leads to sterilization every time.

Abortion leads to a perfectly good pregnancy being stopped.

This is all about “no babies.”

You’re a coward because you don’t DARE respond to this point

We know what you’re up to, Screwtape.

Haha. greg and his ilk can’t take the burn from how stupid and wrong their installs like Obama and Biden have been about Russia.

The radical left’s The Great Reset is all by design. Have you heard of Climate Trace?

Truth Be Told Podcast: “Primal Gut Check Time” July 30, 2022

The big single winner of the billion plus jackpot of Mega millions is in illinois, If it was me, when they asked I tell them the first thing Im doing is getting the F outta here.

It would be great to have that money and use some of it to run some of Soros’ lackeys out of town.

This weeks meme
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