Welcome back to Day 535 of the Let’s Go Brandon* occupation! No shortage of Leftists insanity, so let’s get to it:
6/27 – How to Lock Down Your Phone for a Protest
Judging from the graphic at the top of the article, this advice was not intended for us Normals. But that doesn’t mean we can’t use it.
6/29 – America’s Hungary-Bashing Has Consequences
The State Department’s top enemy seems to be the Western country working the hardest to maintain its independence and culture. If only they woudl apply the same across The Middle East.
6/30 – The Left Killed the Pro-Choice Coalition
The Radical Left can only blame itself. It won’t of course, but it would be wise to do so.
7/1 – YIKES: CNN Promotes Potentially Illegal, Dangerous Practice in Wake of Dobbs Decision [WATCH]
…until said practices happen around teh homes of CNN employees. Seriously CNN, this is a toothpaste tube you don’t want to squeeze.
7/2 – America the Uniquely Free
Why we fight.
7/2 – Our Green Energy Future? Australians to be Hit with Shock Electricity Price Rises
One possible future
7/3 – Back to black: Czech Republic to extend coal mining amid high demand
And a very different possible future. Do we chhose prosperity or Climastrology cult driven poverty?
7/4 – Why Not Overturn Obergefell?
Not my top priority, but if this helps distract The Radical Left from their efforts to mutilate and/or rape our kids I’m cool with it.
7/4 – THE COLUMN: Winter and the Fourth of July
Having lived in Delaware for a few years, this excerpt gaurateed Michael Walsh’s post a slot here.
We can’t say we weren’t warned: in 2020, even before he took office, Biden warned of a “dark winter” ahead. Little did we know he meant that all four years of his term would bristle with defeatism, misery, and death, like Delaware but on a grand scale.
7/5 – The Radicals in Green Hats at the Dobbs Protests
Not the buggest story, but one that we shouldn’t ignore, either.
7/6 – Biden DOJ Sues To Block Arizona’s Proof Of Citizenship Voting Law
Remember, it was The Radical Left and the Vichy Republicans who assured us that Merrick Garland would have been some kind of Moderate had he made it to the Supreme Court.
That’s not the actual headline, and it wasn’t an actual kid from the US, but possibly the equivalent. The link is just to one particularly interesting story in a tech roundup.
7/8 – Dutch farmers are fed up with totalitarianism rebranded as ‘Climate Change’
“Who run Bartertown?”
ICYMI – I asked the question, “Why Do Leftists Choose Misery?”
Shouldn’t you be worried about California? pic.twitter.com/etzKfZ9OQs
— Jeremy Redfern (@JeremyRedfernFL) July 3, 2022
You mean Feds pretending to be the new Klan? https://t.co/EHoLPzsj0p
— LivePDDave 🇺🇸 🚨 🥊 (@LivePDDave1) July 4, 2022
I think you blew it
— Mostly Peaceful Memes (@MostlyPeacefull) June 29, 2022
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Securing your phone, leave it at home, its an alibi dummy.

Move to Californistan, hard pass.
Farming without animals Old Mc Donald stripped of EIEIOooooooo there will be none of that.
I’d reaqlly love to know which of these jet fuel geniuses thought that p*ssing off truckers and farmers was a good idea
Meme of the week

Let’s not forget how critical he was of China
It was already absurd that greenies want everyone to limit their carbon production.
Carbon is one of our planet’s most common elements.
Carbon dioxide is necessary for life, both plant and animal life.
Now add nitrogen!
Nitrogen it the vast majority of our earth’s atmosphere.
80% of it.
Why is it, along with carbon being branded as toxic?
The Sri Lankans are proof that following these guidelines is disasterous.
The Dutch farmers are proactively fighting these same restrictions.
Nope, I’m not going to eat insects while John F’n Kerry and all those new world order elities dine on wagu and kobe beefs, lobsters and goose pate.
They’ve definitely played their hand too soon – The peasants are revolting
Aside from those of us who might be targeted for doing no wrong by a weaponized DOJ, you don’t worry about these aspects unless you are up to no good.
Those who refuse to grovel at the feet of the LGBTQWRYUIOSHK123 dictators must be destroyed. Also those who shut out the international criminal Soros.
Your link triggered a “phishing site” warning, so I didn’t venture into it. But, assuming that this is about the left pushing the civilized limits of abortion into barbaric human sacrifice ritual (which violates Roe, by the way), you are so right. They seem to like to rub their audacity in our faces, but we now have a SCOTUS controlled by Constitutionalists and their self-appointed inalienable “rights” don’t stand up to Constitutional scrutiny. This throws them into spoiled crybaby temper tantrum mode.
What could go wrong? Maybe they should recommend douching with bleach or aquarium cleaner. If someone follows their advice and is harmed or dies, what will they do without Trump around to blame?
For decades, the SCOTUS was ruled by activist reactionary justices, which supported the random “rights” the left declared they suddenly had. We now have a SCOTUS that has read the Constitution and judges by it. The left far overreaches their authority, then scream when they get dragged down to earth.
Solar is horribly inefficient and wind generation requires massive fossil-fuel based efforts to produce the materials for their construction. NO ONE is in any position to abandon fossil fuels, but stupid, inconsiderate, incompetent leftists insist on reliance on the unreliable.
“Renewable” sources can’t cut it. Until a viable replacement is developed (it ain’t solar or wind), fossil fuels are IMPERITIVE.
“Gay marriage” failed by plebiscite in state after state. The majority didn’t want it or didn’t care about it. So, they made it a “right”. It’s still an insult and has led to the promotion of pedophilia in our schools and media. Like abortion, the left will push the bounds of civilized behavior to the point that they lose this “right” as well.
It is peculiar that every time the Democrats hark back to something really, really bad (slavery, civil war, Jim Crow, the KKK, institutionalized racism), it is always a DEMOCRAT institution? Yet, they never admit to their error, apologize and, most important of all, promise to never do it again.
A clear example of the left having only as much interest in the law and justice as it takes to use it against the Constitution and our representative government.
What does it mean when on political party routinely and consistently oppose every effort to make elections equitable, credible, lawful and truly representative? I wonder… It’s strange that despite there having been no election fraud, so many states have taken steps to stop the very election fraud accused of having happened.
How many leftists in government have expressed admiration for the CCP dictatorship? Are they not aware of how they operate? I suspect there is a computer nerd intern no one has heard from for a while.
7/8 – Dutch farmers are fed up with totalitarianism rebranded as ‘Climate Change’
One thing about much of Europe (not specifically sure about Holland), they don’t use a lot of preservatives in their food. Thus, they don’t keep a lot of perishables on hand, go to the store more often and don’t purchase as much (as we generally do) per visit. Thus, when the shelves go bare, most will have no cushion. That’s why voting leftists out of government is important everywhere, not just here.
Weird – no warning whe I tried it today. And the site has a cool Deep Purple vid embedded!
Why do you think they praise those systems? They know quite well how they operate.
Yeah, that was rhetorical. Or sarcastic. I don’t know. But they’re morons, I know that.
Brother Bob’s Razor – “Regarding politicians, never attribute to stupidity that which can be explained by malevolence”
I’m using something called “Avast”, which I got trying to load Duckduckgo. I think it’s part of Chrome but it blocks ads (mostly). This is the message
Weird. My main browser is Brave (which is built as an ad blocker) and I never have any issues. I also use Avira instead of Avast, not sure what their differences may be
Just means dont download or upload from the site, dont fill out any forms. Phishing requires something from you.(same as replying to the email phishing)
If you ever get a popup this is so and so… do not turn off your computer …turn off your computer. McAffe did not hang himself.