The advantage and danger in an Echo Chamber

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democrats gleefully trotted out a 25 year old adolescent yesterday to offer a crushing blow any thought of Donald Trump’s returning to the oval office. She was all too willing to talk about her former boss- Donald Trump. The problem with her testimony was a big one- it was virtually all hearsay. There are numerous problems with her accounts.

She said

‘I’m the effing president, take me to the Capitol now,’ she said he ordered.

When Secret Service refused, Hutchinson said agents told her that he lunged at the steering wheel of his car – known as The Beast.

‘Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. We’re going back to the West Wing, we’re not going to the Capitol,’ Hutchinson was told Secret Service agent Robert Engel said.

‘Mr. Trump then used his free hand to lunge towards Bobby Engel,’ Hutchinson recalled.

Former Deputy Chief of Staff Tony Ornato ‘motioned toward his clavicle,’ she added, as a sign the president went for his security detail’s throat.

But Engel and Ornato deny the account and are willing to testify to that under oath. Jamie Raskin, the rabid Trump hater, suggests that the Secret Service agents are liars.

She claimed to write a note that was written by someone else.

This is really enough to impeach her as a witness. “I was told” is known as hearsay and is not admissible in court. I am often not the first on a story because I like to wait for, as Paul Harvey used to say, the rest of the story. But that’s not true of the media- all of them. You might think that after being sold a pile of fecal matter known as Russian collusion they might be a bit more hesitant to jump on some inflammatory disclosure from a biased partisan hack filled echo chamber without verifying it first, especially as the Jan 6 committee has already been caught lying.

But you would be wrong.

Citing her hearsay testimony the media went bonkers.

Trump proven unfit for power again- Washington Examiner

Mediaite was awash in stories

Ex-Trump Official Defends ‘Loyal’ Cassidy Hutchinson Over Limo Freakout Story: ‘She Has No Reason to Lie’

Fox News Legal Analyst Andy McCarthy Calls Hutchinson Testimony ‘Devastating’ for Trump: ‘Things Will Not Be the Same After This’

CNN’s Chris Wallace Gushes Over Cassidy Hutchinson Following Bombshell Jan. 6 Testimony: ‘She Was Just Brilliant’

Fox News Anchor Bret Baier Compares ‘Jaw-Dropping’ Testimony on Trump’s Behavior to Watergate

You get the idea. They all blame Trump, but Congress had plenty of warnings about Jan 6.

Their presentation, using the hearsay testimony of 25-year-old former presidential aide Cassidy Hutchison, for sure excited the news media.

But it could not obscure one stubborn fact that glaringly was ignored at the televised hearing: long before Hutchison overheard concerns inside the White House on Jan. 2 and Jan. 6, 2021, about guns and violence, the Capitol Police that reported to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi repeatedly received intelligence warnings about such possibilities and failed to increase security adequately or accept the Trump Pentagon’s offer for 10,000 or more National Guard troops.

Documents obtained Tuesday by Just the News from Capitol Police sources show the department received a pointed intelligence report on New Year’s Eve 2020 – a full week before the riot – that extremists planning to attend a rally earlier that day were discussing using guns, possibly in sniper attacks, and planning to violently storm the Capitol and hang Democratic members of Congress.

Yet neither Pelosi nor Congress took one useful action. This is what’s called “context.”

I think democrats knew all of this. They had already interviewed Ornato. I think they knew Cassidy Smollett was spreading hearsay and lies. I think they played on her immaturity and ego promising her hero status, a book deal and a movie. I think they were going to slap as much dung on the wall as they could and hoped most of it stuck before the truth came out. They played not only Cassidy Smollett Hutchinson, they played all of the media. The media ignored or forgot that this democrat circle jerk was entirely one sided. An echo chamber. democrats scored and visited damage. That damage done by a willing, gullible and stupid media will not be so easily erased. If he weren’t already dead, Harry Reid would have said “It worked, didn’t it?”

Such is the danger and advantage in an Echo Chamber.

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Troll alert

How about a sworn affidavit? They could have easily done that by now.

It could have already been published on the same website as all of the evidence of Trump’s stolen election. <— Sarcasm.

Instead, we’ve got “Some anonymous person told me that they said…”

THAT’S what is bouncing around inside the echo chamber.

But Engel and Ornato deny the account and are willing to testify to that under oath.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

How about a sworn affidavit? They could have easily done that by now.

How about if the charter for the committee had been honored and persons other than only those Pelosi chose had been permitted to be on the committee? You might have what REALLY instigated the violence known by now.

It could have already been published on the same website as all of the evidence of Trump’s stolen election. <— Sarcasm.

I think their testimony is buried under all the evidence Schiff has for Russian collusion and Trump inciting a riot. <— Pointing out some of the utter stupidity you continue to fall for.

Instead, we’ve got “Some anonymous person told me that they said…”

Yeah, that’s EXACTLY what the testimony has consisted of.

The entire platform of the Democrat Party…in a simple statement:

Instead, we’ve got “Some anonymous person told me that they said…”

Hutchinson’s “testimony” was fraught with “I was in the vicinity of a conversation,” “I heard something to the effect of,”  “ I overheard,”…..the girl could testify only to hearsay. Keep in mind that she had testified five times before this committee previously but then changed lawyers and suddenly came up with an entirely different story. Credibility? We don’t need no stinkin credibility.

There is a video purported to show Trump lunging at the wheel from the back seat of the vehicle. The lefties commenting all say they see it and therefore it’s proof. I have viewed it and I can’t speak to what is actually happening because I wasn’t there. Neither was Hutchinson there as well. The windows are tinted and I can’t just apply my preferred context onto it and call it fact as lefties are doing. What is clear is the vehicle ISN’T MOVING. You can grab all the steering wheels you like, from a rear seat no less, in a stationary vehicle and it will do nothing to get you anywhere.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mully

But a totalitarian police state IS an echo chamber. What Democrats want is a single-party system with full control over the media creating a national echo chamber. Like what would have happened to Schiff’s impeachment hearings or the January 6th kartoon kangaroo kommittee if unrestrained and unsuppressed cross examination and presentation of opposition evidence were allowed, the echo chamber cannot withstand serious examination.

Trump was part of a violent, unlawful attempt to nullify a presidential election.

THAT is how you get a totalitarian police state.

I thought you approved of violence since you never demanded that the cop who murdered Ashli Babbitt be tried in a court of law.

Trump might as well have pulled the trigger himself.

Trump might as well have pulled the trigger himself.

But some coward named Byrd did, working as Pelosi’s agent.

Proof? Sources? Evidence?

Trump was part of a violent, unlawful attempt to nullify a presidential election.

Did you catch anything on camera to back up your claim? So far, President Trump is exonerated by video evidence of him calling for the protestors to “peacefully” assemble.

To say otherwise is HOW you get a totalitarian police state.

Hey greg. God wins. Just a reminder.

Trump was part of a violent, unlawful attempt to nullify a presidential election.

What part? How was he a part of any violence? Provide your proof and evidence. Like your embarrassing January 6th kartoon kangaroo kommittee, you have none, just lies you want to use to discredit the great job Trump did as the last duly elected President this nation has had.

Jan 6 hearings – live: Liz Cheney earns standing ovation for speech calling out Republicans

Republican US representative Liz Cheney delivered a fiery speech to call out Donald Trump and GOP leaders at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Wednesday night, receiving thunderous applause from the audience.

Ms Cheney, who is the vice-chair of the House committee investigating the 6 January riots, said Mr Trump’s efforts have turned out to be “more chilling and more threatening” than first imagined as the full picture is emerging.

“Republicans cannot both be loyal to Donald Trump and loyal to the Constitution,” she said, to a round of applause.

She said Americans are confronting a “domestic threat” like never before and Mr Trump attempted to unravel the foundations of the constitutional Republic.

She praised former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson and others who are testifying against Mr Trump for their “bravery and her patriotism”.

In the first action since Ms Hutchinson’s explosive testimony, the panel subpoenaed Trump’s White House counsel Pat Cipollone, whose resistance to Mr Trump’s false claims has made him a long-sought witness.

Just like all your “bombshell” evidence, it’s just sore loser, frightened crybaby rhetoric.

All a dog and pony show.

It’s meant to keep TDS alive.

Never heard of Cassidy until now. After reading how she got tapped in 2018 to be a White House Intern at age 22, and then rockets to the top to being a “trusted close adviser” to Meadows, and then a falling out in 2021 with Meadows… hate to say it, but my “Monica Stinkometer” is going heavy into the Red Zone. Doesn’t sound like Cassidy got her hush $$$, and no employment guarantee, so Vengeance is hers. Hearsay, Shmearsay, it’s the Sound Bites that count.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Now, that seems so sneaky and dishonest. Would they really do that, you think?