The Week in Radical Leftism, 6/24/2022


Welcome back to Day 521 of the Super Dave Osbourne* occupation! let’s get straight to the crazy:

6/17 – MO, LA Strike Back Against New DHS Ministry of Truth In Federal Court:

As many of us Normals suspected, this win was temporary. I actually learned a few things reading this post

6/17 – The journolism of The Philadelphia Inquirer

The press does become strangely uncurious about certain types of violence

6/18 – Crazy People Are Dangerous (and the Problem With ‘Red Flag’ Laws)

Great read on why there is nothing good about Red Flag Laws

6/18 – WashPost in Woke Trouble, Says Woke New York Times

Pot calls kettle black

6/19 – Catholic School Excommunicated for Worship of Moonbattery

Smart move. And it had better continue if the Catholic church wants to survive

6/19 – Living Under Nazi Dictatorship

Yep, we’re invoking Godwin’s law here! But it’s impossible to ignore the parallels to what you’re seeing today

6/20 – Justice for J16

“Alex, I’ll take Things That Will Never happen for $400”

6/21 – An 18-year-old explains why young White men are becoming radicalized

Yep, being a Normal is now considered radical. Let that sink in


Most of us Normals don’t care about this story, but it’s actually a lot more important than most folks realize

6/22 – New Orleans Grill Becomes First Business Allowed By Court To Recover Damages For COVID-19 Lockdown Losses

Looking for some good news? Let’s hope that we see a lot more of this

6/23 – Tucker Carlson savages Republican politicians’ disrespect for Americans

If you’re reading this you’ve probably already seen TuCa’s short video. If you haven’t seen it you need to watch.

6/24 – Video: Democrat Attorney General Wants Drag Queens in Every School

If Republicans aren’t using these for campaign videos in every race they’re idiots. I guess I just answered my own question.

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Roe vs Wade has been overturned Defund Planed Parenthood and close down the Abortion Clinics

What kind of hell job you got that you would be subjected to that kind of torture?

Celebrate “owning the libs” while you can. Angry young women are going to cut the GOP’s withered old balls off at the ballot box.


Baby killing is not an election winning issue

Justice Department Releases Statement on Roe v Wade – Garland Vows to “Use Every Tool” to Fight States on Abortion

Yo dude,

it is a states right. There is no federal jurisdiction over states making abortion illegal.

Imagine this dunce on the Supreme Court

Utah is on the list.
All a pregnant woman needs to do to get an abortion is let TWO doctors know that she’s suicidal if she doesn’t get an abortion.
Pretty low hoop to jump thru.


…and you don’t even know it. There’s nothing quite like political backlash.

Presently in Texas, a 14-year-old child impregnated by incestuous rape or some crazy old preacher will be forced by the State to give birth to the result. THAT’s what the conservative-stacked SCOTUS has just done.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

…and you don’t even know it. There’s nothing quite like political backlash.

So your prediction is the democrats will gain seats this November?

The GOP’s downfall will come in 2024, after their new 2023 majority makes the need for their extinction clear.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Oh, so now this decision won’t have any repercussions eh?

What happened to “There’s nothing quite like political backlash.”

If this was so hurtful to the Republicans then it must surely mean we will lose seats THIS November right?

Now you’ve changed your tune and the backlash will happen 2.5 years from now from OTHER decisions.


Stopping mass stupidity is like stopping a moving aircraft carrier. The momentum takes time to overcome, even when the need is obvious.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Presently in Texas, a 14-year-old child impregnated by incestuous rape or some crazy old preacher will be forced by the State to give birth to the result. THAT’s what the conservative-stacked SCOTUS has just done.

Nope. Still can get an abortion.

Many women HATE abortion. It is in their genes to nurture and raise children. What you refer to as “angry young women” are the screaming skanks that need abortion because once the get a man drunk enough to f**k THEM, birth control protection is out of the question.

Gotta love Comrade Greggie. As with all left wingers, he loves him some baby parts for PP to sell.

Ah, the angry old hag who hates the reproductive rights of young women…

Comrade Greggie, what is a woman?

Apparently any right not explicitly protected by the Constitution can be taken away at the whim of the State.

Thanks for the clarification, Justice Alito.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Apparently any right not explicitly protected by the Constitution can be taken away at the whim of the State.

Bahahahaha… your just now figuring this out?

Wow, just wow

Either you haven’t yet figured out the implications, or you really are a Nazi.

Says the Nazi

BTW, I see your hero Nazi’s continue to get their asses kicked.

Good times

Does that give you the same vicarious delight as watching Trump bullying spineless republicans?

Yup, spineless cuck RINO’s is why we got this piece of shit in the white house. They should be bullied.

Actually I was thinking about all of the limp dick followers of Mr. Peanut who can’t feel like men without oppressing women.

Comrade Greggie, what is a woman you claim men are oppressing?

You’re not going to cry, are you? Do you need a color book and a safe space?

Gonna need his pussy hat to make it through the day I believe

I’m sure a hat is the most he can hope for.

It’s sad when the unhappiness of others is all that gives a person joy. There’s a lot of that on the right.

It’s sad when the unhappiness of others is all that gives a person joy. There’s a lot of that on the right.

Your side calls abortion a “choice.” Tell us, what “choice” does Planned Parenthood offer beside the death of an unborn child when it is yanked out of a woman’s uterus piece by piece by piece?

Abortion is all about what Democrats are all about; money and power.

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

It’s sad when spoiled little crybabies that think they should always get what they demand resort to violence when they are denied.

The 10th amendment is quite clear.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

Abortion was always a 10th amendment issue.

Abortion was never a right protected by the Constitution

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

So reproductive decisions are reserved to the people. The Founders weren’t granting them to state officials. They obviously didn’t mean to grant government such intrusive and oppressive powers. Such powers were the very thing that they’d just fought a war to cast off.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Again, Comrade Greggie, who tries to prove what a Constitutional legal eagle he is, fails.

The very first part of the 10th is how powers are to be handled which is “the States” which would be through the legislative process.

Poor Comrade Greggie; he was denied even normal intellect.

So much losing for the left. Yesterday on the 2nd amendment today on the 10th

Have you noticed how many things republicans have done lately that really pisses everyone else off?

It only pisses the crybabies off. Those who actually love this country and contribute to it are ecstatic.

your entire argument is less than shit.

When has any argument spewed from his mouth been anything less than shit?

Can you explain the difference between the words “or” and “and”?

Yes, but I know you can’t.

You can’t even tell us what a woman is.

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

You apparently picked up your formidable debating skills watching Pee-wee’s Playhouse.

Presently in Texas, a 14-year-old child impregnated by incestuous rape or some crazy old preacher will be forced by the State to give birth to the result. 

THAT’s what the conservative-stacked SCOTUS has just done. Or would you prefer to blame Greg Abbott and the Texas Taliban?

Give us the link to the article talking about this “14-year-old child” who has been “impregnated”. Is it a boy child or a girl child?

Or is this just more crap dreamed up in your useless brain spewed out of your arse?

Not surprised you’re a PeeWee Herman fanboi.

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

It’s a hypothetical situation. People pose them to demonstrate the logical outcome of stupid decisions.

It’s a hypothetical situation.

You know what a hypothetical is, Comrade Greggie? It’s what leftists bring to the debate when they are losing that debate.

It’s a hypothetical situation. People pose them to demonstrate the logical outcome of stupid decisions.

It’s a LIE. People lie when they don’t have a valid argument.

Presently in Texas, a 14-year-old child impregnated by incestuous rape or some crazy old preacher will be forced by the State to give birth to the result. 

Nope. No matter what your California cousins in Texas do, she can still get an abortion.

Where is abortion codified in the Constitution? Idiot Biden says abortion is a “fundamental right”. If he actually knew what he was talking about, what amendment is it that spells out the right to an abortion? Apparently, per your post above, Ben Franklin, one of the framers, knew of abortion; where is it that he put this sacred right in the Constitution?

You should post no more comments until you can answer this question because, until you can, your entire argument is less than shit.

Where is your right to forbid it enshrined? Who gave you that imaginary power?

Well, scooter, I have neither the right to forbid it enshrined or enshrine it. That is a Constitutional process. If you want abortion in the Constitution, have it PUT there through the amendment process. Man, you goddamn liberals are totally Constitution-STUPID!

The right to abortion was was established by the Supreme Court in 1973, and subsequently withstood 50 years of court challenges, targeted assassinations, and clinic bombings by religious lunatics. If you think there won’t be a serious backlash, you’re not thinking.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The right to abortion was was established by the Supreme Court in 1973

Wow. Did you just write that out loud? That is EXACTLY what happened. One problem, though… the Supreme Court does not establish rights; they acknowledge them. They interpret the Constitution, not insert “rights” into it. So, there’s your problem and it appears you actually realize what it is.

You leftists cling to things that are NOT rights, then you get upset and throw tantrums when your policies are PROVEN to be unconstitutional. The cure for your whininess is to only support Constitutional measures, not “rights” you think should be a right just because you want it to be one.

Where does the Constitution give any government official, state or federal, the power to take from women control of their own bodies?

The Supreme Court answered that question in 1973: Nowhere. Government doesn’t have that power.

The amendments to the the Constitution don’t grant individual rights so much as imposing restrictions on governmental power. Individuals are deemed to have the God-given freedom to chose how to conduct their own lives to begin with. That’s the baseline assumption. The Constitution defines how GOVERNMENT is supposed to behave. The government isn’t automatically empowered by the Constitution to do anything it wants, with the exception of what the Bill of Rights forbids.

Are you going to argue that no right to individual privacy exists because it isn’t specifically granted in the Constitution?

That no one has sovereign authority over their own body because it isn’t specifically granted in the Constitution?

That the government can take those things away, because the Constitution doesn’t specifically say it can’t?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The Supreme Court answered that question in 1973: Nowhere. Government doesn’t have that power.

How many times have you been asked to provide that specific declaration that makes abortion a “right”? Either you can’t find it, it doesn’t exist or you simply don’t care enough about the topic to support it. How many times, in order to try and come to a respectful, rational, common sense compromise that might calm the tensions have you been asked when life begins and after which abortion on demand would be prohibited, but you don’t have the courage to address it or accept that there MUST be restrictions and regulations to such a critical procedure. In other words, you WON’T compromise, you demand EVERYTHING you demand, so you get NOTHING. How do you like it?

Are you going to argue that no right to individual privacy exists because it isn’t specifically granted in the Constitution?

No, because when you have protection against “search and seizure” (something Democrats violate regularly against political opponents) is where privacy is assured. If you think you have a “right” to a door on a bathroom stall, then no, that isn’t in there. But, murder is illegal, whether you do it publicly OR in private, so what your point specifically is is unclear.

That no one has sovereign authority over their own body because it isn’t specifically granted in the Constitution?

I think you pretty much clarified your position on that when you supported forced vaccinations.

That the government can take those things away, because the Constitution doesn’t specifically say it can’t?

What do you think “seizure” is? You should tone down your butthurt emotions and read the 4th Amendment. Again, it would help you look less stupid and clueless here.

Interesting facts from Ballotpedia:

Fourteen seats held by Democrats and 21 seats held by Republicans are up for election in 2022. Republicans are defending two Senate seats in states Joe Biden (D) won in the 2020 presidential election: Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Democrats are not defending any Senate seats in states Donald Trump (R) won in 2020.

Five Republican Party senators are not seeking reelection in 2022. Only one Democratic Party senator is not seeking reelection.

Of course, you’ve already taken over the House and Senate in your imagination, so there’s really no cause for concern…

So your prediction is the democrats will gain seats this November?

Overturning Roe v. Wade has given Democrats an issue that could bring out millions of young, pro-choice voters who normally sit out the midterms. They’re the coming wave in state and national politics. Now it may arrive earlier.

For the GOP, the unexpected success the SCOTUS just handed them could turn them into the dog that caught the car. Between now and November, zealots in every red state legislature will be throwing gasoline on the fire, localizing the issue. Having got this they’ll want MORE, because adversarial politics and the exploitation of hot button populace issues is their shtick. Some are already making noises about going after access to birth control. Alito and Clarence Thomas set the stage for stripping away more rights that aren’t specifically protected in their written opinions. It’s a very volatile, unpredictable situation.

Make predictions if you want to. I’ll stick to those observations. November is a long hot summer away.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Overturning Roe v. Wade has given Democrats an issue that could bring out millions of young, pro-choice voters who normally sit out the midterms. 

Well, they absolutely can’t campaign on their wonderful accomplishments in lowering energy prices, fighting inflation, keeping store shelves stocked, protecting our southern border, “shutting down COVID”, fighting crime, keeping citizens safe or foreign policy successes, can they? Might as well run on murdering innocent and defenseless babies.

Neither can the GOP.

Well, they absolutely can’t campaign on their wonderful accomplishments in lowering energy prices, fighting inflation, keeping store shelves stocked, protecting our southern border,

Well, actually, Comrade Greggie, the GOP can campaign on the fact that gas was cheaper when they were in control of the Oval Office, there were no shortages of baby formula, the shelves at grocery stores remained stocked, farmers could get fertilizer at an affordable cost and truckers didn’t spend their entire profit on diesel.

The GOP can also argue that under their leadership, being a U.S. citizen meant something and illegals were not treated better than US citizens themselves.

You really need to stop reading the leftwing propaganda b/s that is warping your already feeble mind.

Maybe they can also campaign on four years of Trump-induced civil unrest, a botched COVID-19 response that ultimately left over a million Americans dead, adding more in four years to the national debt than any administration in modern US history, permanent tax cuts for the wealthiest and powerful corporations that guarantee that situation will only become worse, stacking the Supreme Court to allow state governments to take away women’s sovereign authority over their own bodies, and shielding the most corrupt president in US history from being answerable for his crimes and misconduct.

“More of the same” will be one helluva platform.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The fact that you whiny, butthurt crybabies reacted with an infantile temper tantrum to the fact that Trump, in the last credible Presidential election this country had, defeated the lying, alcoholic, corrupt Hillary is not on Trump… it’s on YOU. The fact that Democrats would not enforce the law and suppress the riots, looting and political terrorism is on YOU.

Trump’s COVID response was superb. Even though it was opposed by Democrats (who needed a high death count), he produced ventilators (which were not needed), therapeutics and vaccines which saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Compare that to the idiot Biden who, with THREE vaccines, had more die under his watch than Trump did, even after promising to “shut down the virus”.

Democrats had a BIG hand in bloating the debt, being in charge of the House, where spending comes from. Also, COVID played a hand. Again, compare that to the MASSIVE amount of debt idiot Biden added in ONE YEAR.

Trump’s tax cuts reached everyone and benefitted the lower and middle class far more than the wealthy. They also increased tax revenues by hundreds of billions.

The Supreme Court now has a majority that reads, understands and respects the Constitution. Trump put legal geniuses on the bench, idiot Biden put a pedophile-loving radical activist.

The vast majority see the difference. YOU see the difference; it’s why you are forced to lie so much.

Well, no, because the GOP is not in power and f**king everything else. The GOP can, however, refer back to the Trump administration and point out how much, much better shape the country was in then. That should be a winner that will take an ENORMOUS amount of fraud to overcome.

Not even close. The myth that overturning a badly decided case, and following the advice of Ruth Bader Ginsberg who knew Roe would be overturned, is just good Law.
This *trick f*cking” of the SC to force a controversial idea almost 50 years ago is wrong.

Now it’s been made right.

Democrats cheat in elections, and engineer rage and hatred because they have no platform.

We’re ready this time.

Of course, you’ve already taken over the House and Senate in your imagination, so there’s really no cause for concern…

After the fraud Democrats employed in 2020, I take nothing for granted and, as desperate as they are, I fully expect Democrats to try to steal more in 2022. We will simply have to see if we have fair elections or if Democrats disregard the will of the people once again.

Any election you lose must have been rigged, and any election you win must have been honest? With, of course, no need for credible evidence supporting either assumption…

Not at all. The 2020 election was clearly rigged: Trump was costing the global elites too much money by actually governing instead of being a paid for puppet.

It’s certainty now, and every sane American knows it.

Every attentive American knows there isn’t a shred of credible evidence supporting Trump’s BIG LIE.

If it existed, it would be on public display. Nothing could prevent it from being put on public display. It would be running constantly on FOX News throughout the entire January 6 hearings. The reason that it isn’t is because IT DOESN’T EXIST.

Every attentive American knows there isn’t a shred of credible evidence supporting Trump’s BIG LIE.


Any election you lose must have been rigged, and any election you win must have been honest?

Did I complain when Obama won? You, on the other hand, claim EVERY election you don’t like the outcome of is “illegitimate”. I call fraud when I see fraud.

Also, we don’t resort to violence when we disagree. Remember those violent riots after the Obamacare decision? Remember the looting and burning after the gay marriage decision? EVERY TIME you crybabies don’t get your way 100%, you riot. You thought you could intimidate the Constitutionalists on the Court by threatening to kill them, but in the end, something is either Constitutional or it isn’t.

One must be curious why a 71-year-old, alleged veteran potato peeler(greg) is so upset by the Supreme Court correcting a wrongly decided case.
One might wonder about the aftermath of Plessy v Ferguson, Brown v board of education or Korematsu v United States how the potato peeler(greg) would feel.

Full disclosure; borrowed the potato peeler nickname from retire05

Democrats don’t really appreciate the rulings that reduced their control over their slaves.

greggie, If you understood how the government is supposed to work IAW the Constitution, the Legislative branch makes the law and the Administrative branch signs the bill into law. If the Administrative branch fails to sign the bill, the bill van become law with a 2/3s of the legislative branch voting for the bill. It is the duty of the judicial branch to determine if the law passed is consistent with the Constitution. It is not the purview of the Judicial Branch to create a law from the bench. The SCOTUS in the Roe v Wade case made up a law from the bench that had no support from the Constitution. The current SCOTUS only corrected that mistake leaving the responsibility for addressing abortion to the states which is consistent with a federalist government. This has been law since 1789 when the Constitution was signed. You may not like it, but the current Supreme Court did its job well. Now if the President and the Congress did their job as well, our country and its people would be much better. You greggie and those who argue your points are ignorant or just plain stupid. Your choice!

So far, immaculate conception has happened only once. Every other time, there was activity that preceded the pregnancy. THERE’S you choice. THERE’S your reproductive decision.

Neither was the State or Church’s power to meddle into the personal lives of others. In fact, the right to live by one’s own religious beliefs and principles and to be free of those of others is specifically guaranteed. Who are you to proclaim when personhood begins?

Abortion was never a right protected by the Constitution

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Ah, the angry old hag who hates the reproductive rights of young women…

Maxine Waters, a fish-faced, lying, thieving old hag, told her followers “to HELL with the Supreme Court!” Are these the people who, allegedly, respect democracy and our Constitution? She should be in jail.

The radical satanic left has lost one of the pillars of their religion.

Presently in Texas, a 14-year-old child impregnated by incestuous rape or some crazy old preacher will be forced by the State to give birth to the result. THAT’s what the conservative-stacked SCOTUS has just done.

So tell me who the Satanists really are.

The radical satanic left has lost one of the pillars of their religion.

That’s NOT what it’s about for women in the land of the Texas Taliban, moron.

You sick pieces of shit brought this on yourself soyboy

A claim that “THEY DID IT!” isn’t going to work with this one.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The j6 group of clowns should be shut down tomorrow

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Abortion is still available in Texas. If you have to LIE, perhaps your ideology is not that credible.

In NYC, a woman can get an abortion for any reason, right up to the moment of birth. If the baby survives the attempted abortion, it can be left on a table to slowly die. Doctors are protected from prosecution even though you don’t get more murderous than that.

So tell me who the Satanists really are.

You barbaric ghouls brought this upon yourselves. You had abortions reasonably restricted and regulated, but that wasn’t enough; you wanted to SEE dead bodies. You wanted to profit off of selling body parts, like a junk yard. You wanted to make abortion an industry. As your moral leader Schumer said, you have reaped the whirlwind and you will suffer the consequences (those being personal responsibility).

President Trump Releases Statement Following Supreme Court Roe Decision

“Today’s decision, which is the biggest WIN for LIFE in a generation, along with other decisions that have been announced recently, were only made possible because I delivered everything as promised, including nominating and getting three highly respected and strong Constitutionalists confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. It was my great honor to do so! 
I did not cave to the Radical Left Democrats, their partners in the Fake News Media, or the RINOs who are likewise the true, but silent, enemy of the people. 
These major Victories prove that even though the Radical Left is doing everything in their power to destroy our Country, your Rights are being protected, the Country is being defended, and there is still hope and time to Save America! I will never stop fighting for the Great People of our Nation!

A superfluous post. We already knew Trump is an opportunistic douche bag. How many abortions has he paid for?

“Such an interesting question,” he said. “So what’s your next question?”

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg


Whenever you get the chance, always thank a democrat for obama. He divided the nation, gave us 8 years of gridlock, and Trump!
In other words, make sure you rub it in their faces and put all the blame squarely on them for electing the divisive douche obama.

Big mike


Hell, nobody’s going to stop Democrats from following their barbaric tendencies. However, when some girl or woman kills herself following some 274 year old medical advice, who will be held accountable? Trump was blamed when people drank aquarium cleaner in a misguided attempt to treat their own COVID; will idiot Biden be blamed for any deaths due to this?

The people will be coming to burn down your barn.



VIOLENCE: the Democrat’s universal answer.

6/17 – MO, LA Strike Back Against New DHS Ministry of Truth In Federal Court:

Oh, the battle to protect Constitutional rights never ends, as the left never ceases trying to suppress them.

6/17 – The journolism of The Philadelphia Inquirer

If the propaganda media doesn’t report it, it never happened… right?

6/18 – Crazy People Are Dangerous (and the Problem With ‘Red Flag’ Laws)

It’s the crazy people that want to regulate the red flag laws. THAT’S the problem.

6/18 – WashPost in Woke Trouble, Says Woke New York Times

This is what comes to pandering to every extremist interest group to try and form an influence group. It only produces MORE and more extreme interest groups which eventually come into conflict with the other crybaby interest groups. Giggle.

6/19 – Catholic School Excommunicated for Worship of Moonbattery

And the left demands churches have their tax exempt status removed because they support pro-life candidates, calling them “political”. How about revoking the tax exempt status of those who support political movements?

6/19 – Living Under Nazi Dictatorship
Just as the German people thought is was funny to watch the Jews get persecuted as they were, so our leftists think it’s funny to see conservatives have their rights suppressed, one by one… until, like the German people, it began happening to THEM.

6/20 – Justice for J16

One of the benefits of events like this is to reinforce the validity of our accusation of two tiers of law enforcement, two tiers of justice, two tiers of media coverage and two tiers of morality. This, coinciding with the dropping of almost all charges against all BLM/ANTIFA violent terrorists, confirms irrefutably that as long as violence and intimidation is carried out by the left, there IS no penalty. Democrats approve, condone and promote political violence.

6/21 – An 18-year-old explains why young White men are becoming radicalized

It must take quite a bit of privilege to assume you know who are the most privileged in society.


Democrats (which includes Cheaty and Kizzazzer) cannot overcome the patriotic and America 1st enthusiasm of those totally disrespected, unrepresented, ignored and disregarded by establishment politicians that Trump unleashed, so they have to use extra-constitutional means.

6/22 – New Orleans Grill Becomes First Business Allowed By Court To Recover Damages For COVID-19 Lockdown Losses

More businesses deserve damages, but our economy cannot sustain it. This is why China should have been investigated for releasing COVID on the world and CHINA should pay damages.

6/23 – Tucker Carlson savages Republican politicians’ disrespect for Americans

Republicans are about to have 2/3rds of what they need to set things aright in this nation. They should have the power, at least, to STOP the destruction idiot Biden and Democrats are bringing down upon this nation. They BETTER do their duty.

6/24 – Video: Democrat Attorney General Wants Drag Queens in Every School

It’s become a pretty common knowledge that Democrats are mentally sick. This is dog bites man.

Gee… what do you suppose you’ll have to discuss NEXT week?

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

You gonna be a busy mo fo this week, dude!

Yeah, it’s not like there is a shortage of leftist insane outrage.