This is one of the biggest scams ever. Joe Biden is shoving green energy down the throats of Americans.
For what? Money. For whom? China, and some Biden apparatchiks.
Never mind that wind and solar cannot replace fossil fuels under the current level of demand. California, which is mandating a movement to 100% electricity is anticipating rolling blackouts again this summer. Despite its boastfulness about green energy, 42% of California energy comes from fossil fuels.
Its current energy mix stands at 49.6% renewable energy generation, approximately 8% nuclear and only about 42% of energy comes from fossil fuels, such as crude oil and natural gas.
The goal is to make California see 100% of electricity come from “green” sources by 2045. That means a lot of solar panels and lithium batteries. That means dependency on China.
China owns the global battery race. China dominates the solar panel market.
China is the dominant player; about 80% of the world’s solar manufacturing supply chain runs through China. There are very few American solar manufacturers left. It didn’t used to be that way.
No, it didn’t used to be that way. Biden is making sure China has a monopoly on the market. In February a solar panel manufacturer in Alabama closed when Biden lifted tariffs on Chinese manufactured solar panels. Biden’s war on fossil fuels has driven the cost of energy sky high but even to come close to competing with the cost of oil driven energy demands a cheap source of “green” products and that means dependency on China.
The US requires a robust manufacturing capability to meet its clean energy goals. Right now, that’s not happening Biden supporters say. Manufacturing solar energy panels & other components require the administration to offer financial incentives to US manufacturers. This helps offset higher domestic production costs, estimated to be about 40% over imports.
Imports (China) are cheaper in no small part due to China’s use of Uighur slave labor for production.
Making solar panels and rechargeable batteries means the need for lithium, cobalt and silicon. China is the world’s leading producer of silicon. Russia is second. China controls most of the world’s lithium and cobalt.
Chinese companies — often backed by the government — have also been strategic about securing mineral supplies for batteries. Lithium is mined predominantly in Australia and Chile, and Chinese companies have invested in these countries to gain access. CATL also received over $100 million in loans from state-owned banks to establish its lithium supply chain in China’s western Qinghai province, the New York Times recently reported. Similarly, cobalt, another important battery ingredient, is produced almost exclusively in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; a New York Times investigation found that 15 of that country’s 19 cobalt mines were owned or financed by Chinese companies, backed by billions from state-run banks.
BTW, it was Hunter Biden’s firm who helped China gain control of a cobalt mine in Africa.
And China? Well, it’s building more than half of the world’s new coal power plants, with 176 gigawatts of coal capacity under construction in 2021. You can take your Paris Accords and shove them.
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm says she wants to “build the whole supply chain” in the US. That means solar panels and batteries costing at least 40% more than they cost now, which puts the cost far above the cost of fossil fuels. Granholm also said she wants to stop funding Putin’s war. Instead, she would have us fund China. Granholm has an ulterior motive for this as well. She pocketed $1.6 million on an electric company promoted by Biden:
Energy secretary Jennifer Granholm has finally sold hundreds of thousands of shares in a green energy company that has received the backing of the Biden administration.
On Wednesday, Granholm confirmed she earned a $1.6 million profit on her shares of Proterra amid a firestorm over her financial ties to an electric vehicle company repeatedly promoted by the Biden administration. In selling off her shares, Granholm was able to defer paying capital gains taxes on the $1.6 million sale because cabinet officials are not penalized with the tax on assets they are required to sell as a condition of joining the administration. The Biden administration is seeking to raise the capital gains tax on America’s wealthiest families.
She’s not alone. Our intrepid private jet flying, yacht owning energy czar John Kerry has at least $1 million invested in a Chinese slave labor company. But it’s really $5 million.
Climate change envoy John Kerry’s wife has millions of dollars in Chinese investments through her family’s trust, according to government documents. Kerry disclosed the investments in his latest filing with the Office of Government Ethics.
The report shows his wife, Teresa Heinz, heiress of Heinz Ketchup, has holdings worth “at least one million” in Teng Yue Partners, a hedge fund that specializes in connecting investors to Chinese government-controlled projects and funds.
It is likely that Heinz’s stake in Teng is worth more than just $1 million, since Teng’s funds are required to have a minimum investment of $5 million.
Biden is leading the US to destruction. Green energy would be a massive expense when pressed on the US in such a short timeframe. All viable green energy roads lead straight through Beijing. All domestic roads lead to financial ruin. And for what? What effect would this have on the world climate?
Virtually none.
“He knows Paris alone is not enough,” Kerry told reporters at a White House press briefing, referring to Biden re-entering the US in the Paris Climate Agreement in one of his first acts as president.
“Not when almost 90 percent of all of the planet’s global emissions come from outside of US borders. We could go to zero tomorrow and the problem isn’t solved,” Kerry conceded.
Biden’s plan would have no effect on global climate and make us almost wholly dependent on China at an astronomical cost. Biden’s road to green energy runs straight through Beijing.
This is insane.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Men drill oil.
Children mine cobalt.
Greenies always ignore inconvenient truths.
Like how turning off city lights on “Earth Day,” costs more electricity than leaving them on.
Like the 500,000 pounds of earth that must be mined to create one battery for one electric car.
Nothing happens unless these leftists get their wealth scraped off the top. This will turn out like Solyndra, where all the taxpayers got screwed while Obama’s buddies got their investments paid back to them when the worthless company failed.
So, why aren’t these green-energy devoted wealthy liberals putting their money behind US companies? Why aren’t they investing in wonderful union labor plants? What’s wrong, is pitting union wages against slave labor wages a losing proposition for such an investment? And what happened to idiot Biden’s pledge support US companies over foreign products? The truth or ethics means absolutely nothing to these corrupt scumbags.
That IS idiot Biden’s plan. He, Kerry, Granholm, Pelosi, the Clinton’s… EVERY Democrat plan to get wealthy off of this green energy/climate change scam. They’ve decided China is going to be the winner and they are all throwing their support behind China and abandoning the United States. The taxpaying citizen be damned.
There’s not enough rare earth minerals to sustain this green energy fantasy. But, it will make a few corrupt thieves wealthy.
Trump loves this country and would never sell it out in favor of another nation just to put some coin in his pocket, as the Democrats are doing.
I remember solyndra well. Taxpayers payed to build it. Then ran a shakedown on the plant to make sure it worked. Then boxed it up and sold it to China for Pennie’s on the dollar. I believe the loan amount was 500 million or there about. Followed by a Battery plant if my old memory serves me right.
A vivid examples of liberals conducting business. Failure and theft.
Biden the Traitor and Green Nazis
Before you buy that electric truck to save the planet.
The article doesn’t (unless I missed it) discuss the lifespan of the EV. A ICE pickup, properly maintained, can live 150,000 to 200,000 miles. How long before the batteries of the EV pickup are worn out and, thus, the vehicle essentially becomes junk, has to be replaced and the entire comparison resumes?
Texas Utility Officials Taking Additional Emergency Measures to Avoid Blackouts, Texas Windmills Not Providing Enough Energy
Officials in the state of Texas are worried the emergency measures taken Wednesday to avoid blackouts may not be enough. The utility operators urgently need the wind to start operating the windmills or things might get worse. Reuters News has more:
(Reuters)– Texas’s power grid operator on Wednesday took emergency measures to avoid rolling blackouts as soaring electricity demand threatened to outpace available supplies amid a stifling heatwave.
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), which operates the grid that serves more than 26 million customers, initiated a rarely used emergency program that is triggered when supplies fall below a critical safety margin.
Earlier, ERCOT had urged residents to cut power use during the hottest hours of the day and warned of a risk for rolling blackouts. Residents were asked to turn up thermostats, defer the use of high-power appliances and turn off swimming pool pumps.
The emergency notice came after ERCOT began paying suppliers an average of $5,000 per magawatt hour to keep generators running. That price is the highest the grid operator pays. “They were pulling a lot of levers to avoid going into emergency operations and rolling blackouts,” said Doug Lewin, president of consultants Stoic Energy LLC. (read more)
Call me Captain Obvious, but in addition to the population migration, it looks like Texas imported California’s energy policies. The sustainable energy isn’t sustainable. However, on a positive note, their state ESG score is improving.
It’s Not Working
I looked into solar some years back and without the massive tax subsidies (which I wanted to shun), the system simply isn’t economically viable.
I did as well, the amortized cost did not produce the ROI. Given life expectancy at the time of the batteries in the power bank as well as the life of the panels when they would only produce at 70% efficiency, both would require replacement negating real cost efficiency.
It was the failure of the renewable component (20% of our supply) primarily that cause the shortages during the great and unexpected severe cold in the winter of 2020.Plus, there have been wildfires out in West Texas that threatened a gas plant and the windmills.
Huge wind turbines – taller than the Statue of Liberty — are toppling over in a ‘rash’ of incidents