A series of actions by the left has shown America exactly how deranged the Justice system in this country is.
In March 2020 Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threatens the Supreme Court, specifically Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.
I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.
On May 2, some unappreciative little maggot SCOTUS clerk leaked an Alito opinion to Politico in an effort to pressure Alito to change it. Then things got really ugly.
Three days later a murky far left group called @Ruthsentus doxxed the conservative Justices and published their home addresses in an effort to intimidate the Justices
“Our 6-3 extremist Supreme Court routinely issues rulings that hurt women, racial minorities, LGBTQ+ and immigrant rights,” reads the group’s website. “We must rise up to force accountability using a diversity of tactics.”
“Force accountability”? It was a call to protest outside the homes of the Justices. The intimidation of a judge or juror is an express violation of Federal Law 18 U.S. Code § 1507
Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
On May 5 White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki encourages protests at the home of SCOTUS Justices.
On May 7, protests began taking place outside the homes of the conservative Justices. “The time for civility is over, man,” said one protester.
On May 9, Chicago Mayor Beetlejuice Lightfoot issues a “call to arms” against the Supreme Court.
The intimidation tactics continue on May 11.
The Attorney General of the United States – the same AG who conspired with the FBI to target school moms as terrorists- fails to enforce the law.
Then on June 8 a man planning on killing Justice Brett Kavanaugh is arrested near Kavanaugh’s home. His grandfather says he’s a “good kid.” Protests continued outside Kavanaugh’s home despite the death threat.
Also, on Wednesday the House blocked a bill unanimously passed in the Senate which would have provided additional security for Supreme Court Justices.
These the latest in a long list of violence against pro-lifers, but then came the worst of all. @Ruthsentus issued a not-so-veiled threat against Ashley Kavanaugh and her daughters
A special message for Ashley Kavanaugh and your daughters — this billboard was on your school grounds. We feel for you.@LeaderMcConnell and the GOP aren’t worried for your safety. They worry only for the expensive Supreme Court they rigged, and their own power. #SCOTUS pic.twitter.com/g3n5fgjNZW
— Ruth Sent Us 🪧 (@RuthSentUs) June 8, 2022
As Twitchy put it:
That’s not a threat … we just happened to be on the school grounds where you send your kids the day someone tried to assassinate you.
Mollie Hemingway responded
Pro-abortion group that posts directions to Kavanaugh’s home — man arrested today said he used online map to find it — also targeting his young daughters’ school. This escalation and threat against the children must be stopped. Horrific.
Merrick Garland remains in his bunker, absent the balls to act. But he has downed a few Nugenix to gird himself for a few things other than school moms.
He came out of his bunker to have Peter Navarro arrested while boarding a flight, had him put in leg shackles and dumped into John Hinckley’s former cell. All for defying a subpoena from the Jan 6 kangaroo court. Then on the very day of the kangaroo court Jan 6 hearings the FBI arrested a candidate for Governor of Michigan for his role on Jan 6, which amounted to his walking on the Capitol steps and climbing an “‘architectural feature’.” The timing is both obvious and pathetic.
The feckless Biden regime and its puppet Merrick Garland have a very curious and a highly asymmetric warped sense of the law. Threaten and intimidate Justices of the Supreme Court and their families and there is no consequence. Expressly violate Federal law and the toothless, brainless AG looks the other way. Walk on Capitol grounds non-violently and you’re slammed in jail for a year and a half without anything resembling a speedy trial.
The justice system in this country is utterly deranged. Ticker Carlson is right. We are rapidly becoming a third world political nightmare. Biden is not just destroying the economy; he is destroying the country.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
The first thing that needs to be said, and it should be repeated every time this guy is involved in something, thank GOD this hack Garland was blocked from being a Supreme Court Justice. I knew nothing about him, but the mere fact Obama nominated him was enough in my mind to disqualify him. As it turns out, all the suspicions were well founded. He has no more respect for the rule of law, due process or the Constitution than any other Democrat.
The left wants a totalitarian police state so bad they can taste it. We clearly see how fascist they would be if they had the power and they grow their power daily. The Michigan governor’s race dirty tricks shows that they have not given up using fraud to undermine elections. We all need to be more attentive than ever.
As I said elsewhere, I have seen ONE NYT article on Facebook (why I get NYT articles on my feed, I’ll never understand) covering the assassination attempt and in looking at the comments, leftist by and large support the effort. The violence is, in their warped minds, justified because he is suspected of respecting the Constitution. The left ARE violence. It’s where ALL the political violence comes from. Even here, among the two leftists that weigh in, there is no condemnation of the left’s promotion of political violence, no objection to protesters being encourage and allowed by Democrats to violate federal law at the homes of Justices. If the left stopped their uncivil behavior, their violent rhetoric, their threats, their intimidation, their violence, all that wouldn’t just be cut by half, it would be GONE.
I would never advocate for violence. I have seen too much of it and it’s affects. Conservatives abhor it and will not respond in kind. The fact that conservatives don’t respond in kind gives the progs confidence to continue their fascist tactics. The legal system stopped being about protecting you long ago.
Last night it really looked like conservatives abhorred the heck out of violence as they beat police officers into submission with flag poles.
It has long been my contention that Trump’s hardcore followers are not conservatives. Trump himself certainly isn’t.
It is still my contention that you are an idiot. Thanks for proving it.
They’re certainly not conservatives in the mold of conservatives from my younger days.
Tell us about all the BLM/Antifa goons that have stood trial for burning down an American city neighborhood in 2020. How about the BLM goon that murdered David Dorn? Remind me of the outcome of his trial.
They’ve had the charges dropped and walked free. One was even at the Capital breaking in (right next to Ashle Babbitt) and was exhorting those around him to “burn this MFer down”. He got paid for his video.
There’s no outcome yet, because his trial starts next month:
First, 300? DOZENS? Out of the tens of thousands that rioted and looted for months? That, in itself is an embarrassment. But, it gets worse.
Charges against those who rioted, looted, burned and tried to kill cops in Portland… simply dropped.
Leftists that threw Molotov cocktails getting their charges reduced by Feds.
Oh, and these thugs don’t spend months in solitary confinement; Kamala helped raise funds to bail them out.
I was told to share that information, so I did. It’s not as if I’m the D.A., cutting deals with the rioters.
But, perhaps you can admit, like the very topic of this article, there IS a vast discrepancy between how leftists are treated by the law and how the right is.
Nah, you just support them and the Party that backs them.
Good to know that you can at least use a search engine.
Now, how about this one: which “riot” cause more damage and harmed more law enforcement officers; the one on 1/6/2021 or the one in May 2020? You know, the riot where a historic church was set on fire and the gates to the White House were damaged? The riot you, and the rest of your left wing compadres never talk about?
Yet neither you nor Greg ever expressed a problem with BLM/ANTIFA rioting, looting and burning businesses, attacking and burning police stations, trying to block cops in a police station and burning them to death, pelting police officers with bricks, chunks of concrete and frozen bottles of water, firing commercial grade fireworks mortars at them, blinding them with lasers, laying siege to a Federal courthouse, taking over city blocks and handing out GUNS to defend it, which continued for A YEAR. So, this makes me wonder why, suddenly, you have a problem with violence. Why NOW?
So your problem is not with the insurrectionists beating the heck out of the cops (Back the blue! Just comply!) but with whether or not I commented about an entirely separate incident on this blog.
No, the problem I have is your a) hypocrisy b) double standards and c) refusal to answer questions making you nothing but a twin of Commie Comrade Greggie.
Okay, I’ll answer your question.
“Why NOW?”
Because, as shitty as the BLM violence was, the people on January 6 were trying to undermine a national election, and they broke into the building where the electoral votes were being tabulated. It was a deeper issue than the BLM riots, and the consequences for our Republic were more serious.
You have really drank the Kool-aid, and clearly it was red.
What do you think the point of an entire year of violence was intended to accomplish? “Social change”? The left wanted to intimidate conservative voters and blame Trump for the violence, losing sight of the fact that all the violence happened where Democrats controlled the governments, Democrats refused to enforce the laws, and Democrats refused Trump’s offers to bring in National Guard troops to quell the violence. The left wanted to violently overthrow the government and THEY had deep financial support, not to mention political support from Democrats in office.
Everyone denounces the Capital riot. But the riot, while it overshadowed and stained the peaceful protest to election fraud, was not the sum total of the entire day. It was not at Trump’s direction; remember, he said, “peacefully go”, an important phrase that the illegal kommittee takes great care to keep suppressed.
You think burning people out of their businesses, looting their inventories, killing any Trump supporter that showed their face, trying to MURDER cops either by shooting them with powerful fireworks, bludgeon them with skateboards or clubs, blind them with lasers, burn them alive and killed innocent civilians is merely “shitty”? How about insurrectionist? How about anti-American? How about anarchist?
Sorry, “shitty” doesn’t quite cover it.
Okay. Anarchist.
They did not break in the doors were unlocked and they were let in, Antifa broke windows, Trump supporters actually stopped some from smashing windows.
Beating cops into submission? The capitol police beat a woman to death her injuries so horrific they cremated the body before giving her remains back to her family. No second autopsy can be done. Next of kin were not consulted the coroner made the request, not something they are supposed to do.
“The capitol police beat a woman to death her injuries so horrific they cremated the body before giving her remains back to her family. No second autopsy can be done.”
I can’t help but notice that, whenever it’s a black guy who’s killed by the cops, everyone here cites his criminal record (if he has one) as a mitigating factor which seems to make his death not a big deal. Why the different response from you this time? Oh, wait; let me guess.
For a teacher, you sure have a lot of trouble analyzing information and drawing conclusions. The blacks involved in police actions are usually resisting arrest or attacking the police. THEN, their criminal record and record of violent behavior is pertinent, not as an excuse for the use of lethal force. It’s hard to believe you are that stupid.
Also, the criminal record is often brought up after you leftists turn the criminal into a saintly icon, George Floyd style.
But, since you brought up this bizarre method of analyzing actions, what is the criminal record of Rosanne Boyland, the woman that was knocked down, trampled, pepper sprayed and beaten to death by Capital Police? I suppose, likewise, you support the shooting of unarmed women as well as assassination attempts on judges.
Well, unless you admit to the obvious, that as long as the left is committing the violence, you have no problem with it but if you can accuse someone on the right of violence, it is a major deal… year. It’s my opinion that a year-long blind eye turned to political violence may have given anyone with the premeditated intention of storming the Capital the impression they could do so and not suffer any consequences. But, not denouncing (or even acknowledging) one while acting as if the other is “a threat to our democracy” is hypocrisy on an industrial scale.
The J6 false-flag was carried out for many reasons, a large part being to quell the alignment of law-enforcement with the Right.
There was no insurrection (at least from the right/gop/conservatives), just protestors baited into a standard FBI regime change operation.
“a large part being to quell the alignment of law-enforcement with the Right.”
Then it was pretty stupid of the Right to allow themselves to be so used. That alignment must not have been very firm. It didn’t take much to turn you guys into rabid criminals.
I can’t imagine a situation in which I’d start beating cops with any item that came to hand, but I’ve never flown a “thin blue line” flag, so maybe I don’t know the deep and unwavering love of law enforcement professed by the Right, which can turn into hatred and violence at a moment’s notice. I’m just your plain old, garden-variety law-abiding citizen.
Rabid criminals? How were the protestors rabid? This inflammatory language is just garbage you hear from the talking heads and rabid anti Trump leftist. You havent an original thought in your head.
I watched the violence on video. Why didn’t they just comply? Isn’t that what you guys always say about people you don’t like who get killed by cops? Just comply!
Oh, no! Anyway…
How is that a valid comparison? Why didn’t the Seattle and Portland insurrectionists just comply? Why did they actively and without provocation attack courthouses and police stations with violence, shining lasers meant in cops eyes and diarrhea balloons through windows?
Can you really argue that every cherry-picked black suspect isn’t dead because they didn’t comply? Have you looked at the many other people who are not black that the media doesn’t show, who also get shot because they don’t comply?
Why would the protestors on January 6th be wrong if they were told by the police to enter the Capitol?
Can you really take yourself seriously as a paid propagandist doing damage control of a regime that was installed illegally?
How long do you think it will take for the government to round up half of Americans and either kill us or shut us up?
Are you prepared to “get your hands” dirty, SS-style, if that’s what it takes to silence those none-compliant Americans who don’t share your ideologies or believe in the kind of government you’ve helped installed outside and in spite of our democratic processes?
Why did you steer away from the tried and true “grammar nazi” tactic of every other paid troll on the internet when you get your ass kicked in an debate?
January 6th was well telegraphed. It was meant to seed such idiotic ideas, and it’s still being used by a failing regime to prop up the narrative.
The Truth:
The Left is violent.
The Right is not.
A staged and baited false-flag doesn’t change that.
As I said, “a large part being to quell the alignment of law-enforcement with the Right.”
That’s what you boys in the intelligence community were counting on. After four years of Leftist insurrection, you needed a theater act to flip the script.
It didn’t work.
It was totally stupid of those few protesters to allow themselves to be so manipulated and used, yet. Absolutely. But “the Right” was not used, nor fooled. Only a few individuals. Who are “you guys”? Who among any of us was involved or even supportive of the violence? Either name the names or admit you are lying.
Certainly, no one here can see you on the front line of any action. But, as long as the left is committing the violence and that violence is VERY violent, you have no problem going along with it, qualifying it, endorsing it, supporting it, excusing it, encouraging it. No one will accuse you of having even a tiny shred of respect for law enforcement, so don’t worry about that.
If you read 18 U.S. Code § 1507, then it is just as illegal to demonstrate in front of the SCOTUS building as in front of the Justices’ homes.
“pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence,”
How many times have we seen people demonstrating in front of a.courthous over some issue being heard inside. What Mad Maxine did during Derek Chauvin’s trial was equally illegal. Under the law you very much CSN “yell fire in a theater” ( if, indeed you smell smoke or see actual flames) but you categorically CANNOT demonstrate in front of a courthouse.
Technically, people with bullhorns or a speakers on a truck could broadcast outside juror’s homes information they are prohibited from discussing among themselves or getting from the media, thus causing a mistrial.
Because a decision has not been arrived at yet, these protests in front of the Justices’ homes has no purpose BUT to try and intimidate and influence the decision. But, when we have a Democrat DOJ, there is no rule of law or law enforcement in the US, only regime oppression.