

I was waiting for this.

America was promised a spectacle, complete with

 “Previously Unseen Material’!     and   “Revelations!”

A former ABC News President was hired to produce the primetime television event of a lifetime. We were going to unravel the mystery of the effort to overthrow the government of the United States by a rag tag mishmash of commandos heavily armed with opinions.

“The Public Will Be Shocked!”

“An Extremely Broad Conspiracy!” says Liz Cheney!

Yeah, ok, a couple of things. democrats (including Cheney and Kinzinger) pretty much admitted that this is political theater, trying to yank the public’s focus off of the disaster that Biden Presidency has become, which threatens to take the entire D party into the depths of oblivion and despair.

“With their control of Congress hanging in the balance, Democrats plan to use made-for-television moments and a carefully choreographed rollout of revelations over the course of six hearings…to persuade voters that the coming midterm elections are a chance to hold Republicans accountable for it,” The New Times reported.

Several Democrat operatives and politicians were quoted in the story admitting that the hearings might provide the political clout their party needed for the midterm elections. Battling rampant inflation, a war in Eastern Europe and rising prices for gas and other goods, Democrats seem poised to use the January 6 hearings to make a political point about Republicans.

Let’s remember that this Greatest Show on Earth is being brought to you by the same liars who tried for four years to sell you on their previous “GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH!” – that being

“Trump Russian Collusion!”

Also, know that this ABC “News” President, James Goldston, “killed coverage of Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre in 2015.” Naturally, it makes you wonder what exculpatory evidence he might kill in this show.

Finally, it turns out that there is no smoking gun.

A former top adviser to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, riot said Sunday there was no “smoking gun” indicating that then-President Trump planned for the U.S. Capitol to be overrun by his supporters.

Denver Riggleman, who until recently was a senior adviser to the committee, told CNN’s “State of the Union” that there was no direct evidence indicating the riot was a premeditated attack.

“That probably [was] going to be very difficult to even find based on the limited authorities of Congress as far as getting data and things like that,” said Mr. Riggleman, a one-term Republican congressman from Virginia who lost to a more conservative challenger in 2020.

In lieu of facts, we’ll get innuendo and smear. You’ll no doubt hear the word “insurrection” a lot, despite the FBI concluding that Jan 6 was not an insurrection. Americans think it was just a “protest gone too far.”

Basically, it will be a rerun of the Russian Collusion folderol. It will be a show alright- another clown show. Republicans would be smart to seize upon this nonsense and call it out for what it is- a desperate effort to distract the country from the complete disaster that is the Biden Presidency.


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Democrats and their patrons released covid, rigged an election, and conducted a false-flag operation that left our federal government surrounded by 21,000 troops….banana republic-style.

It is what it looks like it is. These people are who they appear to be: tyrants who couldn’t accept the results of the 2016 election and destroyed out nation instead.

2000 mules and recent government findings on Dominion software destroys the premise of the big lie. Refusal to accept the findings of the State Police AKA FBI there was no plan to overthrow the government.

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The Big Lie is that Biden won anything.

DOMINION has no problem! DOMINION has been fabricating faking “counting” votes is Cal for years! Ask Larry how right “Uncle joe” was!

Hell, you can’t waste all the props and special effects. Maybe Schiff will get a cigar and put on a trench coat and after someone reads one of those pointless texts, he can turn and say, “I just have one more question…” and then they can cut to a Gay Pride commercial.

The news producer sounds just like any other dirtbag member of the democrat party.
This is the equivalent of a Hail Mary pass to the end zone with no time remaining. The committee of 9 angry democrats have nothing to move the needle their direction.
It will be a big flop

There are 2 angry Republicans on the January 6 Committee who haven’t sold their souls to Donald effin’ Trump.

The committee of 9 angry democrats have nothing to move the needle their direction.

Any action taken by this hoax “committee” will be regarded as treason against our nation.

Putin blamed his adversary of cheating too, and had him jailed.

Biden and the Democrats ARE Putin…XI…Maduro….any tyranny pretending they have democracy.

They’re not going to “take action.” They’re going to present testimony and evidence.

Any action taken by this hoax “committee” will be regarded as treason against our nation.

Still waiting for Schiffs mountain of evidence, Im sure the sham unconstitutional investigation will be just as productive.

They’re not going to “take action.” They’re going to present testimony and evidence.

They are going to lie and suppress facts. The same as they have been doing since January 7th.

It’s also about the mid-terms.

The proposed investigative commission was to have had EQUAL numbers of Republicans and Democrats, but Republicans killed that in the Senate.

There was a violent attack on the Capitol intended to stop the count of electoral votes. This culminated in the destruction of property, serious injuries to Capitol police officers, and multiple deaths. There’s abundant reason to believe this was a PLANNED EVENT, which may well have involved elected officials, but the GOP’s main concern from the start has been to block or discredit any investigation. The craziest outliers actually claim Democrats were somehow behind the effort to disrupt the count of electoral votes that would confirm the victory of their own candidate.

Your intention is to reelect the mentally unbalanced s.o.b. who brought all of this about, who has already been twice impeached. That would be the quickest route to total disaster. You yammer about a civil war like that would be some sort of solution. It would turn your lives into chaos. Everything the federal government provides would vanish overnight. Do you imagine someone would step in there and take over the payment of Social Security to 70 million Americans? Do you imagine your dollars would be worth the paper they’re printed on? EVERYTHING would be gone overnight, and none of it would be coming back. The entire national economy would crash and law and order would also go out the window. Morons with guns imagine they’d all become king. In fact, they’d mostly become dead, because EVERYBODY has guns, and all bets would be off.

THAT’S what you’re talking about, when you talk about civil war.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Oh greggie-poo please stop, I’m laughing so hard I might piss myself.
Mentally unbalanced perfectly describes this entire administration.

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Get back to me when you have an intelligent response.

Comrade Greggie, get back to us when you develop some intellect.

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

Greg is a communist democrat satan lap dog don’t listen to him it sounds like a wet fart

The infographic above has more intelligence than the incessant “we’re gonna arrest Trump on…something!” you get paid to fling like a monkey.

We know how all you pedophiles love the demoncrap party. Jan 6 is a hoax and the true party of god the American people will prevail over your evil satanic child killing ways

This has to be satire.

Every accusation, every “impeachment,” every made up story, and every invented crime against Trump is the product of a corrupt, installed dictatorship who gives the American people the appearance of having free and fair elections, but we don’t.

Trump slipped through that cabal and actually won legally.

No expense was spared or moral left intact to ensure he couldn’t stay in office, and you fools will do ANYTHING to prevent our democratic processed from flourishing. You even unleashed a pandemic genocide on the world.

That would be the quickest route to total disaster.

Trump led well. We had money, we had jobs, the country was good. That’s why you clowns have to doubledown on the “opposite world” speech. You NEEDED him to fail, but he proved he was better than any other prez we’ve had since Reagan.

Biden’s occupation is destroying America. It’s fact.

Trump was growing America, and the world, peacefully. It’s fact.

Now you’re desperate…and treasonous.

THAT’S what you’re talking about, when you talk about civil war.

I’m talking about an infected Democrat Party and deep state doing the will of European Billionaires by rigging our elections, censoring our people, and transforming our nation from a democracy to a tyranny.

The kind of civil war I’m talking about is ousting you seditionist cowards and maintaining our Constitutional Republic.

It’s time for a peaceful divorce.

You creeps can go quietly, but you will NOT take our America with you. Go realize your globalist hell on your own land, and on your own nickel.

Get the fuck away from ours. You forfeit your citizenship when you support a seditionist, coup installed regime like Biden’s. The propaganda network you work for has failed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

On top of everything else, everyone around here has serious anger management issues. That’s another of Donnie’s less endearing qualities.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Just reminding you where you stand, greg.

Just reminding you…

Anger management, yup never put that movie in the collection is that really an issue?

The funniest thing is we have clip after clip of Biden losing his temper.


Not so much.

On top of everything else, everyone around here has serious anger management issues. That’s another of Donnie’s less endearing qualities.

We’re not the ones lying constantly and accepting nothing but lies to believe. That’s YOU.

Does biden have a plan for the 12k and growing gang of illegal dirtbag aliens trespassing into our country?

Yes. They coming in IS the plan.

There are presently over 11 million unfilled job vacancies in America. Maybe somebody will think of something.

Does biden have a plan for the 12k and growing gang of illegal dirtbag aliens trespassing into our country?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Piss poor response

No doubt you have a solution to the nation’s 11 million unfilled job vacancies. Why not share it with us?

By the way, more people are currently employed in America than at any time during the Trump administration.

There’s more attitude on the right than there is common sense.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

By the way, more people are currently employed in America than at any time during the Trump administration.

Full time, career jobs?

No way.

We had actual jobs and unemployment during Trump, not this Democrat-cooked garbage.

Weekly I go to a business that says they have reduced hours or are “drive-through only” due to lack of help…

…and I live in a blue state, in a Major Blue City.

Biden’s America isn’t an America we can suffer for much longer.

So you haven’t got any idea how to fill the 11 million current unfilled US job vacancies either?

I believe we’ve already established that higher wages and better benefits aren’t part of republican thinking.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Karine Jean-Pierre: “The Economy is in a Better Place Than it Has Been Historically”

Wow, detached from reality

Karine Jean-Pierre: “The Economy is in a Better Place Than it Has Been Historically”

They can tell the stupid morons that follow them anything they want. None of them worry one whit about the factual content.

First, the answer to why there are 11 million current unfilled US job vacancies from one of your favorite leftwing site:

“some workers may not be returning because they benefited from enhanced unemployment benefits, or have decided that life is too short to stay in a role they don’t like. As Insider previously reported, the consistent pay from unemployment — as well as the fact that it’s higher than what some workers made before — has caused some to rethink work.”

Beijing Biden continues to pay people to stay home and not work for fear of a Chinese virus that is basically less threat than the average common cold.

If you want to let all these illegals come across our border, then damn it, you pay for their keep..

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

So you haven’t got any idea how to fill the 11 million current unfilled US job vacancies either?

Make unemployment assistance dependent on being unable to find a job.

By the way, more people are currently employed in America than at any time during the Trump administration.

Not true. The worker participation rate is back to the low levels as under Obama.

The participation rate drop corresponded with the COVID pandemic. Many older workers who could retire then did so.

Also, the worker participation rate DOESN’T necessarily correlate with the total number employed, owing to shifts in age demographics.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Retired people are not part of the worker participation rate, genius. What it shows is people that simply give up ever finding a descent job again. Under Trump, confidence in the economy was up. Under Obama and idiot Biden (same thing), it is down.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: SDNY Political Witch Hunt Against ‘We Build the Wall’ Ends in Hung Jury

Same result for the 9 angry democrats on the committee

NBC Poll: “Fewer Americans Now Say Trump is Responsible for Jan. 6” – Percentage Drops to 45%

You believe that 45 percent thinking Trump is responsible for an attack on the Capitol isn’t a serious obstacle to reelection?

Given the democrat party has no viable candidate, President Trump will basically run unopposed in the 2024 general

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

You believe that 45 percent thinking Trump is responsible for an attack on the Capitol isn’t a serious obstacle to reelection?

No. Because there is no credible or reliable data to suggest 45 % of legal voters actually think that.

You’re inventing number that because Trump is a threat to your regime.

You believe that 45 percent thinking Trump is responsible for an attack on the Capitol isn’t a serious obstacle to reelection?

Do you know what 45 taken away from 100 is or do you need the “teacher”, Michael, to explain it to you? Aside from the fact that these polls usually weigh heavily Democrat, it shows that the leftist propaganda avalanche has failed.

It’s not like 45 percent believe Trump is responsible for a spilled cup of coffee.

It’s that nearly half of the country believe the President broke the law, betrayed the Constitution, and betrayed his oath of office.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

That’s 45% of a Democrat-heavy sampling. They didn’t ask 350,000,000 people, dimwit. And we all know just how utterly stupid and gullible Democrats are.

I’m not the one who tried to make something relevant out of the damn poll.

I’m not the one who tried to make something relevant out of the damn poll.

Well, yeah you are. You were the FIRST PERSON to respond.

You believe that 45 percent thinking Trump is responsible for an attack on the Capitol isn’t a serious obstacle to reelection?

It was an NBC poll. Most intelligent people have little faith in anything from NBC much less a poll from NBC. It is likely oversampled in the democrat favor.

It is a push poll designed to appeal to the emotional democrat.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

CNN Admits GOP In Best Position For Midterms “In Over 80 Years”


There are presently over 11 million unfilled job vacancies in America. Maybe somebody will think of something.

And you have data showing all those jobs can be filled with poorly educated, unvetted, non-English speaking illegal immigrants?

greg is stuck on 1st order thinking. His media sources tell him there are unfilled jobs and then he is told help is on the way from south of the border.
Except the majority of the wetbacks are MS-13 gangbangers, not CEO level talent.
He is unable to think beyond the surface

And these aren’t newly created jobs; they are jobs where people were chased off so the COVID booger-bear wouldn’t get em. Then the government paid them to stay home.

He is unable to do anything but make excuses for the worst, most incompetent and corrupt regime in US history. I understand that is a full-time and demanding job, but it doesn’t progress any discussions here.

Here’s how that will go down: 15,000 or more illegal immigrants will show up at the Texas border (where there is no wall) and idiot Biden won’t have any option but to let them in. They’ll have to be boarded under bridges and overpasses and, since that is a nasty way to treat people, fleets of chartered airliners will carbon footprint those MFers all over the country. When we complain, people like Greg will scream, “Well, what’s YOUR solution?”

Once something is completely f**ked up, there are no solutions… only reactions.

Nancy pelosi refused to seat the Republican members submitted by the minority leader because they would not go along with the sham narratives the committee wanted to push out.
So pelosi selected two less than republicans to eat the shit the democrat led committee would put out.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

The proposed investigative commission was to have had EQUAL numbers of Republicans and Democrats, but Republicans killed that in the Senate.

Are you THAT remorseless of a liar? Pelosi set the rules and there was supposed to be 7 Democrats and 6 Republicans. Usually the minority leader chooses HIS members, but Pelosi abrogated it all and picked the two most leftist, Democrat-reliable “Republicans” she could get, and there were only two to be had. Like Schiff’s impeachment proceedings, this has kangaroo kourt written all over it, but Democrats have such total disregard for the Constitution, due process, the law and fairness that they simply don’t care.

Oh, please. One of the reps the GOP wanted on the committee was Jim Jordan, who was under investigation for complicity himself, and has refused to testify. Another was Jim Banks, who opposed certification of the election results and opposed any investigation into the events of January 6.

Inclusion of either one of these jokers would have totally destroyed the integrity of the investigation—which was the entire point of trying to include them. Your “kangaroo court” narrative is straight out of Trump World fantasy land.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Jim Jordan the one they edited a text that he forwarded had to admit they were falsifying evidence for that one…didnt they.

Yeah, they wouldn’t want anyone there to provide the facts.

A ridiculous argument. There should not be a litmus test to be on the stupid committee asshole.
Your comments are asinine

The democrats pick morons compared to the republicans.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

OF COURSE THERE SHOULD BE A LITMUS TEST. No one in their right mind would expect a fair and impartial investigation from someone who might be complicit in a crime.

There should not be a litmus test to be on the stupid committee asshole.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

OF COURSE THERE SHOULD BE A LITMUS TEST. No one in their right mind would expect fair and impartial investigation from someone who might be complicit in a crime.

And who would be responsible for the “litmus test”? Pelosi, the drunk? Schiff, the leaker? Falwell, the horny Chinese asset? Raskin, the liar?

By your litmus test, Schiff, and Raskin shouldn’t be allowed on it.

Schiff and Raskin weren’t part of the effort to overturn the election.

You probably don’t understand why people are upset that the wife of a Supreme Court Judge was persuading people to double down on efforts to nullify the election, either.

Comrade Greggie, you often referred to (the few) abortion centers that were vandalized. So where are you on the rash of crisis pregnancy centers that are now being vandalized by the “Jane’s Revenge” group?

Never mind. We all know you get your rocks off on the thought of dead, dismembered babies.

Matthew McConaughey Complete Remarks at White House Press Briefing

If you gave a damn about babies, you’d give a damn about what THIS GUY is telling you. There’s more sense in his 20-minute presentation than in ten years of your hateful, mindless rattling.

All of my elders were conservatives. What you are has nothing whatsoever to do with traditional American conservatism.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

If you gave a damn about babies, you’d give a damn about what THIS GUY is telling you.

Why should I give a shit about what a Hollywood elite thinks more than what the guy who earns a living as a plumber working 12 hours a day?

And what earns him the right to stand at the podium in the White House press room more than the plumber?

There’s more sense in his 20-minute presentation than in ten years of your hateful, mindless rattling.

Ten years? Listen, chicken choker, you’re the one who has been here for years pimping your Communist b/s trying to convince people that Obama and now Biden are just wonderful patriots. Oh, and that the Steele Dossier is real.

All of my elders were conservatives. What you are has nothing whatsoever to do with traditional American conservatism.

You wouldn’t know what traditional American conservatism if the tenets were tatooed on your forearm.

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

He’s a caring and articulate human being with three children, from the town where the tragedy occurred. What gives you the right to criticize him for doing so, or to criticize anyone for allowing it?

And what earns him the right to stand at the podium in the White House press room more than the plumber?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

So being a “caring and articulate human being with three children” makes him better than a plumber who is caring and articulate with three children?

Yeah, McConoughey was born in Uvalde, but he hasn’t lived there since he was eleven years old and doesn’t live there now. He lives 150+ miles away in Lakeway, a tony part of Austin where Michael Dell and other very, VERY wealthy people (that you usually hate) live. He probably had not set foot in Uvalde since he was a kid but now, all of a sudden, with no family remaining there, he’s a home boy. Spare me the bullshit.

As to the clown you call Texas Paul; never heard of him but a little research shows that he is just another Austin liberal trying to make a name for himself.

He’s a caring and articulate human being with three children, from the town where the tragedy occurred.

He’s a useful idiot for your cause.

Nothing more.

A few years ago he was advocating for gun confiscation. He makes some rational points, but the fact remains that until laws are ENFORCED, they are useless. The failure to enforce laws is becoming more widespread. Red flag laws are USELESS unless you enter the red flags into the data base AND I do not trust Democrats not to abuse it.

Regardless what one thinks of guns, they are out there, along with the lunatics, and won’t be confiscated any time soon. The VERY FIRST issue to be resolved is hardening the schools. They have all summer to figure it out, though it is exceedingly easy.

Paul needs to get off his fat ass and paint the trim on his hovel.

Just for you: Texas Paul REACTS to Fox News REFUSING to Carry Jan 6 Hearings

Showing re-runs of Three’s Company would be more informative. It’s a cartoon, leftist propaganda. If this dipshit wants to watch it, he can tune in to CNN or MSNBC and watch it with the other 84 people.

FOX, or any news agency, is under no obligation to run an illegal, totalitarian star chamber court to invent false charges on a event the deep state clearly designed.

Well, CNN and MSNBC are obligated, as they are the official propaganda organs of the Democrat party. This is a Hail Mary desperation ploy and they HAVE to carry it. I’ll be surprised if ABC, CBS and NBC don’t preempt all their programming to cover this. Then, like the Mueller hearings, they’ll all fill in the numerous blanks and tell us everything that wasn’t there in fact WAS.

Texas Paul, huh. Interesting.

So white, redneck racists are the new face of the Democrat Party?

We know.

An armed man was apprehended carrying burglary tools near Kavanaugh’s home early this morning. You think this is a white supremacist? A Proud Boy? A pro-lifer?

The threat of violence resides in and comes from the LEFT. Ignoring it makes it worse. Blaming conservatives makes it worse. Democrats do nothing but make matters worse.

Sure we should give this guy a podium how does he make a living?
Glorifying crime and gun violence
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Not ONE MORE GUN LAW until those already on the books are enforced, and that includes laws that put violent criminals IN F**KING JAIL FOR VIOLENT CRIMES. Background checks are worthless unless you enter antisocial behavior into the data base. No “red flag” system will work while the Democrats that abuse the FISA system are able to abuse that as well.

Protect the schools. FIRST.

Should those who LIE on a background check be prosecuted?

Schiff and Raskin weren’t part of the effort to overturn the election.

Yes they were. They were part of sham impeachments based on LIES intended to either remove Trump from office or damage his election. As Democrats, they were also party to the ensuing election fraud.

A wife of a Supreme Court justice doesn’t get to have an opinion and observe, as everyone else did, election fraud? You don’t understand that Democrats hate and trample the Constitution. Or, you simply don’t care.

A wife of a Supreme Court justice doesn’t get to have an opinion and observe, as everyone else did, election fraud? 

The problem is that she’s a significant figure in the “2020 was rigged” movement, and her husband has been in the position of ruling on cases about that issue. She can have an opinion, but her husband should recuse himself from those cases.

The problem is that she’s a significant figure in the “2020 was rigged” movement, and her husband has been in the position of ruling on cases about that issue. She can have an opinion, but her husband should recuse himself from those cases.

So, all the women on the Bench should recuse themselves from any issue concerning abortion?

Yeah, you’d love to shut out a Justice that uses the Constitution as a guide. Well, bullshit. He shouldn’t recuse himself because his wife has an opinion.

She is a private citizen and is entitled to her opinion and 1st amendment rights.

“She is a private citizen and is entitled to her opinion and 1st amendment rights.”

Nobody is saying she isn’t. Try to keep up.

“So, all the women on the Bench should recuse themselves from any issue concerning abortion?”

If their husbands are bigwigs in pro- or anti-choice groups, then yes. You’d be the first to complain if they didn’t.

You’d be the first to complain if they didn’t.

Legal eagle and now soothsayer?

If their husbands are bigwigs in pro- or anti-choice groups, then yes. You’d be the first to complain if they didn’t.

Their husbands have nothing to do with it. THEY have personal interest in abortion. Who knows when Sotomayor might need one? ANYTHING concerning women, the women should recuse themselves.

THAT’S how stupid your logic is. Of course, we already know leftists NEVER recuse themselves no matter what the conflict.

It pains me to think that you actually believe that.

Um… I don’t. YOU do.

I can’t tell what you’re responding to there, but let me be the first to say that the “Um” really sells it. It’s the rhetorical flourish of choice of eleven-year-old girls everywhere!

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

If you don’t know what is going on around here, what are you here for? You know, you can click on the “reply to” and SEE what the response it to. Generally speaking, it is to one of your lies.

michael, the groomer, is a clone of greg. Neither knows why they are here. Each of them is a foil for us to trounce on daily.

No one who is here regularly has had their views changed by either of these morons. I suspect each of them are titillated by thinking they are in some way effective in their participation in the discourse.

No one who is here regularly has had their views changed by either of these morons. 

Who would change their views based on the rantings of whiny crybabies? They are tested with questions and they don’t even have enough respect for their own views to answer the questions and defend them.

They conveniently avoid deeper dives into socioeconomic issues but tend to favor pop culture or emotional based topics. Neither makes effective arguments or is able to defend their democrat party positions.

It is like having cnn or msnbc here typing away.

Judicial Watch Forces Release of DOJ Memo Declining Criminal Prosecution For Ashli Babbitt Killer Michael Byrd: Babbitt Shooting Evidence Missing!

I sure hope people are paying attention. There is no explanation for this.

Judiciary Committee just offer an amendment requires ICE to be notified when an illegal tries to purchase a firearm. Dems voted NO.

So, the dems just admitted they have no problem with people owning guns., as long as they are NOT American Citizens and the working class

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Judiciary Committee just offer an amendment requires ICE to be notified when an illegal tries to purchase a firearm. Dems voted NO.

And the wetback that shot Kate Steinle is released in San Francisco for time served. But, golly, why is gun crime out of control? What can be done? I KNOW! Punish law abiding gun owners!

Democrats should just shut up. They are sickening.

And to make note regarding wetbacks, it has been reported that there were 48 lockdowns in the uvalde school.

The Uvalde public school district is no stranger to campus lockdowns. In October 2021, Mayor Don McLaughlin reported the district had been forced into lockdowns 48 times during the first few months of the school year, largely due to human smuggler pursuits near campuses.

Now an assemblage of more than 15k aliens are making their way north. biden intends to do nothing other than request volunteers to assist in welcoming the vagrants trespassing our border.

This entire marsupial activity has no basis in the constitutional function of congress.
Oversight? Of what Nancy is responsible for Capitol security.
Legislative, what law are they trying to craft? Certainly not one that contempt of congress is punishable, Erik Holder.

Democrats have accused ALL Republicans (but for Cheezy and Kizassmore) of being complicit. But, it doesn’t matter; that was the charter the Democrats made, then they simply ignored it.

Anything the Democrats run HAS no integrity. That would defeat the whole purpose.

No threats please Greg. I know you have a Totalitarian complex but cool it.

They are les than republicans, they are democrat lite

No true Scotsman…

There are 2 angry Republicans on the January 6 Committee who haven’t sold their souls to Donald effin’ Trump.

There are NO Republicans on this Kartoon Karnival Kommittee. In fact, there are no AMERICANS. They are socialists under control of foreign influences.

They are socialists under control of foreign influences.

That’s just plain nuts.

You seem obsessed with the idea of “nuts”.

If by “nuts” you mean “insane right-wing commenters on this site who should probably be put on involuntary psych holds,” then yes, I guess I am.

I mean you keep referring to “nuts”. And you refuse to answer questions.

If by “nuts” you mean “insane right-wing commenters on this site who should probably be put on involuntary psych holds,” then yes, I guess I am a little obsessed these days.

How about believing that a doddering idiot that never even campaigned, never drew a crowd larger than 1,000, has a career of nothing but scandal and failure, paired himself with a VP candidate that not only called him a racist but was the LEAST popular candidate collected 81 million legitimate votes in a COVID-scare suppressed election? Talk about stark, staring crazy mad…

Historically, the usurping forces merely gaslight those they stole from.

Rather standard.

I think that you’re misunderstanding an important part of the 2020 story. I’m referring here to the “never drew a crowd larger than 1,000″ issue. I’ve heard people on your side of the matter bring this up many, many times.

The thing I believe you’re not seeing is that Democrats are interested in something different than Republicans are when it comes to electing a president—these days, at least. Republicans seem to want a savior or a God Emperor—someone they believe is chosen by God Almighty to rule the United States. (Let me note here that I’m not exaggerating; Trump is literally known as the God Emperor in some corners of the Rightosphere, and I’ve even seen commenters at this very site say that his presidency was ordained by God.)

Democrats, on the other hand, appeared to want two things in 2020: somebody who was not Trump and someone who appeared to understand how to do the job of being President. There was no cult of personality, as there was with Trump. Because of that, there were no rallies filled with fervent crowds. Let me use myself as an example. I was never, ever, ever going to vote for Trump, unless someone did something like credibly threatening to murder my family if I didn’t vote for him. On the other hand, I would never, ever, ever have gone to a Biden rally. I wouldn’t have gone to a Biden rally if it were being held next door and they were giving away free puppies to everyone who attended. I just wanted to vote for the not-Trump guy who seemed to have experience running the government.

I think that there were a lot of people who felt the same way, and that led to election results that Trump True Believers found impossible to accept.

All of your conjecture about “God Emporership” is, quite frankly stupid…and soundly dismissed. You’re parroting media-fed hysteria about Trump. That’s what the Left seeds as one of many “fears” to get their base to act, in the absence of the Democrat Party having any recognizable platform.

You’re so busy “stopping Trump,” or “Stopping crazy Christians” you don’t stop to look at what you are actually supporting.

Biden was not a viable candidate. I believe the usual anti-intellectual Leftist craze to vote for “not Trump” might have got a few more votes, but not anywhere ear 81 million. It’s just not possible.

someone who appeared to understand how to do the job of being President. 

It was very clear Biden DID NOT understand how to do that job, being hired to be Obama’s clown foil years before.

It’s abundantly clear Biden CANNOT do this job, even illegally. The results are plain enough, and no amount of rationalization or media cover can gaslight the public the way you seem to want.

His comments are completely asinine and non sensical

biden did not get 81 million legal votes

President Trumps election was providential

The founding fathers themselves were providential

Sounds like religion might be something that would help you skippy.

GOD does not approve of groomers or grooming.

That’s what I’m talking about right there, folks.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael


You have a weird worldview.

I have the same worldview as you. I just know where it comes from.

You don’t…or you do and just hate it.

I have the same worldview as you.

If the picture you just posted is representative of your worldview, then you most decidedly don’t.

 I just know where it comes from.

I have learned to enjoy some kinds of Mexican food because I’m surrounded by it and I have easy access to it. That fact doesn’t make me Mexican masquerading as a gringo.

Do you not think the founding of this country pre and post revolutionary war was not providential?

“Do you not think the founding of this country pre and post revolutionary war was not providential?”

If you mean “providential” in the sense of being guided or ordained by God, then no, I don’t.

Good for you

Perhaps had you a better understanding of the history of the founding you might possibly be enlightened. But, you are just another typical liberal unhappy with yourself and all that surrounds you. Sucks to be you

Perhaps had you a better understanding of the history of the founding you might possibly be enlightened. 

Well, I’ve been studying that period for decades, and it hasn’t happened yet, so don’t hold your breath.

Good for you junior

Bless your little heart

The hilarious thing is that Obama had a real cult. Then Trump has actual support, and these clowns dare to invent things like “Trump True Believers…” because they have no belief in Biden whatsoever.

“Not-Trump” doesn’t win elections.

“Not-Trump” doesn’t win elections.

It did in 2020. Admittedly, it might not in 2024.

The democrat party has zero bench to run against a Republican nominee especially a pro populist nationalist nominee.

This country is long overdue for America first as its strategic mission.

Which means the threat of MORE fraud must be addressed.

It did in 2020. Admittedly, it might not in 2024.

Actually, as we have seen, it didn’t.

“Not-Trump” doesn’t win elections –

It sure as hell did in 2020, but some people never learn from experience.

Clearly the Democrats (now truly Socialists) learned nothing from 2010.

It sure as hell did in 2020, but some people never learn from experience.

It sure as hell didn’t. Idiot Biden NEVER got elected. Only installed by fraud.

There’s no misunderstanding. Democrats had NOTHING to offer in 2020. The front runner in the primaries was an avowed socialist and, while the Democrats are openly pursuing socialism, they don’t want to be so overt as to nominate a hypocritical, wealthy, misogynistic socialist for President.

Republicans seem to want a savior or a God Emperor—someone they believe is chosen by God Almighty to rule the United States. 

You delude yourself and it doesn’t serve you well. You invent the conditions you want to be true. Republicans nominate what is perceived as the most capable. Democrats check boxes. Trump simply outshown the field in 2020 but in operation he proved to be the most able and competent leader since Reagan. He didn’t need to steal money like Clinton, Obama and now idiot Biden; he was already rich. All he cared about was the nation and the people; everything else was secondary.

Granted, there was no cult of personality surrounding idiot Biden; he has none. He is corrupt and he is incompetent. He checked boxes in selecting the whore Kamala instead of selecting competence because competence would be a threat to HIM. The results of that has been painfully obvious. The DNC picked idiot Biden because he was not Bernie.

The results of all this hanky-panky and fraud is also obvious; everything is in disaster mode and we have a collection of the most incompetent, disinterested and misguided people ever assembled to face the challenge. There, too, the results is predictable. No problems EVER get resolved and only more get stacked upon them.

You leftists could very well have destroyed this nation once and for all. We shall see.

I don’t michael understand how grave the situation is, so deluded into thinking his Party “won” something and that the deteriorating state of the nation and world isn’t going to bring actual ruin to people like him, and us all.

America is now a tyranny. We’ll see how the new regime decides to “rectify” over half of the nation not viewing them as a legal government.

“the whore Kamala”

Your misogyny is showing.

She’s a whore. It’s documented. She screwed Willy Brown for a job. No telling what she gave up to idiot Biden to get the VP post. If this bothers you, don’t support whores.

And montel Williams had to settle for sloppy seconds

More misogyny.

How is presenting the truth “misogyny”?

Calling your opposition “crazy” means you concede and your opponent wins.

Just to clear that up.

Do better. We’re two countries now, and calling those of us who see the Truth clearly as “nuts” isn’t going to solidify the fantasy world you desperately want to be true.

Biden Sends Dark Signal on Attempted Assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh; Says Nothing to Reporters, Issues No Official Statement, Instead Deputy Press Secretary Emails a Couple Journos

Joe Biden and his team at the White house have sent a dark signal on how important they believe is the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh early this morning.

Biden has not issued a formal statement, nor have any comments condemning the attempted assassination been posted to the White House or POTUS Twitter accounts as of this writing. Instead Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates emailed a statement to reporters at Fox News and the Daily Wire while at the same time Bates spent time online denying that the Biden administration encouraged the recent protests at conservative justices’ homes following the leak of a draft decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

Comments on the NYT story are in support of the would-be killer. This is how the left operates. Leftists are breaking the law by even BEING at the homes of the Justices, much left publishing their addresses and encouraging violence.

This is why the left cannot solve the problem of violence; they ENDORSE it.

Calling your opposition “crazy” means you concede and your opponent wins.

Whatever, Crazy Guy. From where I’m sitting, you’re the craziest person on the site—the craziest by leaps and bounds. Why would I take advice from a crazy person?

We’re two countries now, and calling those of us who see the Truth clearly as “nuts” isn’t going to solidify the fantasy world you desperately want to be true.

Then it makes no difference one way or another if I think you’re nuts.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

Then it makes no difference one way or another if I think you’re nuts.

It will make a big difference when you bill comes due, michael.

Your ideology and support of tyranny will have big consequences, more for you than for me.

It will make a big difference when you bill comes due, michael.

Okay, Crazy Guy. The check’s in the mail.

Hope you can pay it.

Its a brain disease, a side effect of the Jabby no cure always progressive and fatal. Proven in a peer reviewed study.
Greg seems to be suffering but to a lesser extent, not the same Greg before 2020.
They back the thing of the day nothing else.
Its a brain disease, a side effect of the Jabby no cure always progressive and fatal. Proven in a peer reviewed study.
Greg seems to be suffering but to a lesser extent, not the same Greg before 2020.
They back the thing of the day nothing else.

comment image

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

I can’t help but laugh. Tucker Carlson will have more viewers after the “Trump is Hitler” show is on for 10 minutes than any of the free Networks or cable news channels. Me, I’ll let you guys watch and read about it here or on FR later.
Who believes they will actually run this for 6 episodes?

Last edited 2 years ago by Albert V Barnett

The other propaganda outlets are outraged that Fox is not wasting air time to transmit this leftist propaganda. Without Fox, on 84 people will see it.

I’m not sure that a mere ABC exec will be able to make this Must See TV. They need Spielberg. They need massive CG to get eyes on their soap opera. My wife hates it when I am present when she is watching her soap operas because I point out and make fun of the obvious and endlessly repeated theatrical gimmicks, such as everyone stopping and staring at each other intensely.

So, is that we’ll see? When they read on of the innocuous emails and texts they have, will they stop, stare at each other as the organ music swells and we cut to an Oxydol commercial?

If they had FACTS they wouldn’t need “production values”. But, all the Democrats have to offer on any issue is shallow theatrics.

Internal Capitol Police review found sweeping intelligence, security failures on Pelosi’s watch

Capitol Police compiled a secret after-action review months after the Jan. 6 riots that identified sweeping blunders by the department ranging from delayed deployment of specialized civil disturbance units to the fateful dismantling of an intelligence unit that monitored social media for threats.

Identifying 53 areas of failure needing corrective action, the June 4, 2021 report, obtained by Just the News, produces a far more stark portrait of leadership failures than those offered by Democrat-led investigations, making abundantly clear that the Capitol Police under House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were ill-equipped to defend one of America’s most symbolic and high-value institutions two decades after the Sept. 11 attacks.

You can read the full report here:



Just the News reached out to the Capitol Police public affairs office, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the after-action report.

As Speaker, Pelosi serves as the mayor of the U.S. Capitol, overseeing the sergeant at arms.

As Democrats try to make a case that former President Donald Trump tried to foment the violence that occurred on Jan. 6, they have been unable to address the biggest contradiction: Trump authorized the Pentagon on Jan. 4, 2021 to send up to 20,000 National Guard troops to prevent any violence, and Congress turned down the request.

Former Police Chief Steve Sund, who resigned in the aftermath, said he repeatedly requested such troops and was turned down by leadership.

What ever happened with this investigation of themselves?
Capitol Hill police, dressed as construction workers, broke into Rep. Troy Nehls’ office during the November break. The Capitol Police took photos inside the Texas Republican’s office and then came back two days later to harass his staff using the illegal photos they took just days earlier.

Nancy going gangster like her daddy?
According to politico, Officers have been spying on republican members since the Jan 6 protest. Only caught in late November.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

I wonder how much attention this will get Thursday night? Will anyone ask the question, “If Trump was planning an insurrection, why was he pushing to have 20,000 soldiers providing security?”

“why was he pushing to have 20,000 soldiers providing security?”

This puts me in mind of the oft-repeated claim by gun aficionados that, when their longed-for civil war comes, the military will be overwhelmingly on their side.

Apparently the focus will be on the Proud Boys and an obscure reference in one of the presidential debates.
If the proud boys were going to overthrow the government, why did they come unarmed?

The only violence actually anticipated would have been from the usual quarter: BLM/ANTIFA.

They aren’t “failures” when they serve the predetermined purpose.

Here is the Democrat’s only platform:


Filing this Tweet here as it is just more of the ruling class in action:


Tell me it’s not true. All DUI charges against Paul Pelosi a.k.a. Nancy Pelosi’s husband have been dropped.

Its true more people killed by drunk drivers than all long long rifles and the guy slides, not even a fine.

Dick Cheney: “I’m deeply disappointed that we don’t have better leadership in the Republican Party.”
Republicans accuse Democrats of using Jan. 6 as a partisan wedge

“Let’s have trial by combat.” Trump, Republicans incite crowd before mob storms Capitol

In the normal American system of justice there is a prosecution and a defense. This is just political theatre of a fake prosecution. No defense allowed. Hacked up out of context splicing on parade. Because when the truth won’t do, fake it. Seems more Soviet style to me. This political theatre was led off by a guy who calls a half black half Cuban a white supremist. I am referring to Bennie Thompson who was one of 31 House Democrats to oppose the certification of the results of the 2004 presidential election President George WBush. But it’s ok when democrats object. Anyone who buys into this mess is of the same mental capacity of those who sucked on the Mueller teat for two years. Thanks for the laughs.

BREAKING: FBI Raids Home of Michigan Gubernatorial Candidate Ryan Kelley for Standing Outside US Capitol on Jan. 6 – On Day of Jan 6 Kangaroo Hearings

Ryan Kelly attended the January 6 rally in Washington DC. Now he must be punished.
The FBI stormed his home this morning.

Ryan Kelly is one of the few remaining Republicans running for Governor of Michigan against tyrannical Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Democrats kicked the two leading candidates out of the race. And today the FBI raided the home of the remaining candidate Ryan Kelley.

This is America.
The regime is out of control and there is little opposition.

Democrats kicked the two leading candidates out of the race.

That’s one way of looking at it, I suppose. Here’s a slightly different take:

Five other GOP hopefuls — including the early frontrunner and the biggest spender — were disqualified from the primary after submitting nominating petitions with tens of thousands of forged signatures collected by paid circulators now facing criminal investigation [emphasis mine].


Disqualify signatures “under investigation”… which lasts until the election. Then, “Well, we didn’t find anything wrong. Carry on.” when it’s too late.

No, the signatures are apparently fraudulent, but it’s the gathering of the fraudulent signatures that’s under investigation. Don’t conflate the two things.

At he end of the day do you believe the time you have spent here to be value added?

“Apparently “? HOW “apparently”?

Smacks of bullshit, like all Democrat election scams.

“HOW ‘apparently”

Very apparently. Enough to disqualify them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

They don’t have to actually be fraudulent to be disqualified. See, that’s how FRAUD works.

They didnt worry about the fraudulent signitures on mail in or drop box votes. Actual votes not simply petition.

Is the RNC sending attorneys? I’ll bet not which is why I will never give them a dime.

You just asked a question, made up an answer to your own question, and then justified a course of action based on your made-up answer.

What is your major malfunction fuckhead

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

You mad, bro?

Uh, you might want to go back and read how the “teacher” comments on things. You’re out of character.

Not sure how often you guys pass the “michael” account off to each other in a given week, but it’s beyond obvious there are a few of you using it.

Was some major violation committed?

Are you so petty you must find criticism for self justification?

You are wasting your life here. Do something else with yourself

The usual lies of omission…

This is Soviet Union type show trials or CCP struggle sessions. Take your pick

06/09/22 – FBI arrests Ryan Kelley, Michigan gubernatorial candidate, on charges stemming from Jan. 6

The FBI raided the Allendale home of Michigan GOP gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelley on Thursday and arrested him on charges related to the 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Kelley was arrested “on misdemeanor charges stemming from the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol breach,” and is to appear in federal court in Grand Rapids Thursday, the U.S. Department of Justice said in a statement.

Kelley, 40, is charged with entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, disorderly and disruptive conduct, knowingly engaging in an act of physical violence against a person or property, and willfully injuring property, according to a criminal complaint…

The threat made to an associate justice of the Supreme Court is far and away more serious than what Kelly allegedly did

I agree. A threat on the life of a member of the court is much more serious. Nicholas John Roske at least had the sense to know he was losing it, and warn someone of his intentions.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Nicholas John Roske at least had the sense to know he was losing it, and warn someone of his intentions.

He should have begun to worry the first time he voted for a Democrat. That’s a clear sign of mental illness.

Seems they spent many man hours on this, why is the FBI agents name redacted? Could he be involved in the Witmer kidnapping plan?
Seems there are 2 guys in evidence pic with black hats turned backwards
And many people ahead of both of them according to the photo.
comment image

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

There is more here than meets the eye. This is a redo of obama vs jack ryan for Illinois senate in 2006.

Whitmer is in trouble in MI and is likely not going to win re-election. The democrat party needs whitmer to win reelection so she will be in a position for VP or top of the ticket in 2024.

Her chances in 2024 are significantly diminished if she would be unable to win re-election.

This is nothing different from when the cleared the field for obama by unsealing Ryan’s divorce papers.

Witmer thebitch that locked down her people would not let them go to their highly taxed lake cottages or buy garden supplies, no boating except her husband? They couldnt buy a gallon of paint even i it was next to the grocery aisle, cause covid germs knew ….

Democrats must be worried about the ability of the demonic hag Whitmer surviving the election.

It is against federal law to protest or demonstrate outside the home of a Supreme Court Justice. Aside from the armed leftist that threatened to assassinate Kavanaugh, not one of those trying to intimidate the Judges into making a decision contrary to the Constitution have been arrested. But, stand upon ground that, unknown to anyone, has been “restricted”, and you get arrested and jailed without bail.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

And he wasn’t the only one.

Courage on either side of the aisle is in short supplies these days.

Leftists are sheep who’s reality is defined by what “experts” say, Barr included. He couldn’t say such a thing without an investigation, so his opinion is dismissed. He’s not stupid. He’d be destroyed or even killed if he called out the now-obvious election rigging.

Enjoy the decline.

I’ve wondered what your beef is with “experts” and “sources” and “coastal elites.” You seem like a guy who is seriously insecure about his intellectual bona fides.

The age of using “experts” to be arbiters of what’s true is long over, as are weak attempts to use “links” as Truth. It’s a 20th Century mindset trying to endure into the 21st. The New World Order is the Old World Order trying to harvest new technologies and ideologies to maintain it’s old-world power.

As for coastal elites, you must talking about someone else. I personally am what you would call a coastal elite, though I moved to the interior some time ago.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

It’s weird that you’ve talked such shit about them in the past, then.

It’s weird that you’ve talked such shit about them in the past, then.

I haven’t. You must be nuts….absolutely nuts.

Don’t get him started on “nuts” again.

“It’s a 20th Century mindset trying to endure into the 21st. The New World Order is the Old World Order trying to harvest new technologies and ideologies to maintain it’s old-world power.”

What a fantastic load of meaningless balderdash.

Odd that someone you accuse of having the education of a third grader understands Nathan’s comment fully.

Two words for you: Klaus Schwab.

Looks like you’re not as smart as a third grader.

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

Notice how greg and “michael” never, ever ever ever touch the subject of Klaus Schwab?

They are both WEF trolls, either directly or in conjunction with our own FBI.

They won’t comment on that really, beyond saying we’re “nuts” for making the obvious connection that they are here to fight an information war, and multiple people use their accounts.

Neither has anything worthwhile to contribute. They are as predictable as the day is long.

They are troll trash

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

“Looks like you’re not as smart as a third grader.”

You’re right. I take back every uncharitable thought I’ve ever had about you.

The only 20th mindset we want to endure is prosperity, abundance, civility, equality and security. All of this Trump restored in great quantity. Because of fraud, idiot Biden has destroyed it. If you are happy with idiot Biden’s performance, your place is not here, it is in some more failed, less free, more oppressive totalitarian police state.

The election was stolen and we live in a dictatorship now.

Good luck.

On January 6, we narrowly escaped the overthrow of our constitutional government. What’s more, the stage has been set for him to try it again.

The election was stolen and we live in a dictatorship now.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

On January 6th, our Constitutional Republic was overthrown.

The election was stolen and we live in a dictatorship now.

On January 6th, our Constitutional Republic was overthrown.

That was November 3rd, 2020.

On January 6, we narrowly escaped the overthrow of our constitutional government. What’s more, the stage has been set for him to try it again.
The most moronic thing ever said, the congress was delayed by hours not even 24 hours, the protestors were waived in and given tours.
20 thousand pound doors with a magnetic lock, only opened with a code were opened to allow in the crowd.
Do you really believe the reject from a JG Wentworth bus commercial was going to take over the country unarmed? He lived with his mommy.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

video: Ivanka Trump told Jan. 6 committee that she accepted that her father lost election

Even his daughter knew that the ‘stolen election’ was a lie.

No, she accepted the results. The results were fraudulent and, at this point, there is nothing to be done with it. The damage is done.

If the stolen election was such a lie, you people wouldn’t have to work so hard a propagandizing over it. You’d investigate it the way Trump encouraged and invited the Mueller investigation. He had nothing to hide.

Your Party does.

The 2020 election was rigged and didn’t meet the requirements of a fair and free election.

The daily results of Biden’s catastrophic puppet-regime are proof enough.

Good for her and good for Jared. Evidence out of 4 swing states says otherwise.

On January 6, we narrowly escaped the overthrow of our constitutional government. 

There’s nothing Constitutional about election fraud and nothing Constitutional about Democrats and idiot Biden.

And the mob of people who came to overthrow the government by capturing the capitol came with no weapons.

No bricks staged, no frozen bottles of water, no blinding lasers, no skateboards. Apparently, they didn’t get the FBI memo that they were going to used as useful idiots.

They also pulled permits to be there.

Any attempt to charge Trump with any of the newly invented charges will be considered treason, and tantamount to sedition.

Real sedition.

Liz Cheney Blatantly Omits Portion Of President Trump’s Tweet To Manipulate Facts And Sway Public Opinions

She read an excerpt from one of Trump’s posts, “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long.”

However, she neglected to complete the reading of the post, which says clearly, “Go home with love & in peace.”

Whatever dirt they have on Cheney, she’s merely a House of Cards style bought and sold asset.

Her actions are the result of blackmail.


What’s funny is that Putin, Xi, and Maduro all have die-hard fans that believe they were duly elected.

Biden is the same.

Americans don’t trust the government, and always seek to limit it and keep it in check.

These quislings made fat by prosperity and begging to be collared are….well…the usual mob a tyranny uses to enact their will.

As expected, no “evidence”, no “bombshells”, no NUTHIN. Just the usual one-sided, myoptic, partisan, ideological rhetoric. How much of our tax dollars is being wasted on THIS?

I have a suggestion. Let’s have Trump and Biden debate the events of Jan 6 in an open forum.

President Trump would destroy senile joe

Last nights circus presentation was a ratings flop

Babylon Bee responds to J6 Witch Hunt…