Safer Schools for Students and Staff, Part II

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A police officer once told me, “You can’t stop crazy.”  Unfortunately, mentally ill people permeate our society and are increasingly putting students and school staff members at risk.  The name Laurie Dann immediately comes to mind.  Laurie murdered one boy and wounded two girls at Hubbard Woods Elementary School in Winnetka, Illinois in 1957. Schools are no longer guaranteed safe havens and security protocols must must be instituted. Vigilance must always remain high.

There is no magic bullet in achieving school security.  Security is achieved in layers:  the more layers you have the more effective security becomes. Some school administrators slap Gun-Free Zone stickers on entrance doors and call it a day.  I would fire all of those lazy administrators. Someone has to be passionate about protecting kids and staff members from evil predators who roam the country searching for innocent victims.

There were 7 layers of security that I implemented at my Chicago suburban high school by 2000. That was 22 years ago but apparently, some educators today forgot the harsh lessons of yesterday gleaned from horrific school massacres in America.

1.  WE HAD A FULL-TIME ARMED POLICE LIAISON OFFICER (PLO) IN THE BUILDING.  An armed PLO is a critical layer of security for all schools.  Our school served two communities and both police departments were extremely cooperative and suggested methods of improving security at our campus.  Our PLO could be at the scene of an incident in our school within minutes.  TIME MATTERS! We provided both police departments with elaborate blueprints of our building and invited police officers to actually visit the school and familiarize themselves with the layout.  We met with the faculty and explained that in the case of an emergency, the PLO and I would immediately rush to the scene.  Help would be on the way within minutes.  Both police departments promised that their officers would immediately respond, storm our building and engage the intruder.  Apparently, at both Columbine High School and Robb Elementary School, police officers responded but botched the rescue attempt through delay, confusion, incompetence and fear.

2. WE NUMBERED ALL EXTERIOR DOORS WITH WHITE REFLECTIVE PAINT VISIBLE FROM THE ROAD. It is extremely important to direct emergency vehicles, in a timely manner, to the precise location where help is needed. One day at my high school a student collapsed in PE and stopped breathing.  He was temporarily revived by our school nurse who used a portable Automated External Defibrillator (AED).  Those devices were procured to revive anyone experiencing cardiac arrest. Paraprofessional staff members met the ambulance at the entrance of the campus and directed paramedics to the exact door where the student needed help.  The student survived.  TIME MATTERS!

3. CODE RED LOCKDOWNS. Hopefully by now, all schools have implemented Code Red Lockdowns. I initiated lock down protocols at our high school immediately after the massacre at Columbine High School.  Whenever a threat to our school was perceived, a Code Red lockdown was announced over the PA system.  All teachers immediately locked down their classrooms and moved students away from the doors.  It is very important that all classrooms have a thumb turn lock on the inside of the classroom door.  Teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School died valiantly trying to hide their students from an evil, deranged, monster.  Those amazing heroes hid vulnerable kids in closets and tried to barricade the entrances.  A thumb turn lock can secure a room within 20 seconds.  TIME MATTERS!

4. ALL EXTERIOR DOORS SHOULD REMAIN CLOSED DURING THE DAY. That sounds simple in theory, but we constantly had to berate PE teachers who propped doors open in the fieldhouse, “because it was hot.”  Robb Elementary School in Uvade, Texas was under lockdown because of shots fired in the vicinity of the school but a teacher propped open an exterior door.  An armed, deranged, psychopath accessed that door and gained entry into the school. One teacher made one careless mistake that negated an entire layer of security. In an ironic twist of fate, responding officers had to use that same exact door to gain entry to the school because all of the other exterior doors were closed and secure.

5.  PARAPROFESSIONAL STAFF MONITORED THE HALLWAYS.   Our high school employed unarmed Paraprofessional staff to monitor all hallways. Each Para-Pro was equipped with a state of the art walkie-talkie and served as the first line of defense.

6. ACTIVE CAMERA SYSTEM WAS INSTALLED. Twenty-two years ago we installed cameras in our school.  We had Pan/Tilt/Zoom cameras and stationary cameras mounted strategically throughout the building.  We also installed cameras on the exterior of the building.  Our system was active. One of my Paraprofessional staff members was tasked with monitoring the cameras during the entire school day.

7.  ALL ADMINISTRATORS WALKED THE HALLWAYS DURING THE PASSING PERIODS. That sounds reasonable, but some administrators enjoyed sitting in their offices, drinking coffee and avoiding teenagers.  I encouraged everyone, including the superintendent (housed in our building) to get into the hallways when the passing bell rang.  I didn’t care if they were meeting with Pope Francis.  At the sound of the bell I expected them to get up, get out and mingle with the students and the staff. I was in the hallway once and a student said, “Hey, Dr. B, who’s that dude?  I replied, “That dude is your superintendent.”  The student replied, “Yeah, well he should get out more.”


All schools must make security Job #1!  We have approximately 140,000 schools in America and Biden gifted them with $190 billion dollars in pandemic relief.  Where O Where did that $$$ go?  Biden also recently gifted $53 billion dollars to Ukraine to protect them.  The Ukrainians may be nice people, but our tax money would have been better spent protecting our wonderful kids and our heroic teachers from deranged killers. The money from Washington flowed out in all directions and where it landed, nobody knows.

You can’t stop crazy, but you can make crazy aware that layers of school safety initiatives have been put in place and are designed to protect the innocent. Threats must be confronted in a very timely fashion, and eliminated in a very agressive manner. Students and staff members need to feel safe and administrators need to take every precaution to insure that they stay that way.


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As our country is distracted from the Ukraine War, just some reminders:

Either Russia is winning the war, or Russia is losing the war…which will most likely lead them to use nuclear weapons in the following ways:

  1. A nuclear demonstration, hurting no one, but a show of what they are willing to do.
  2. EMP attack, using a nuke detonated 70km or so above Ukraine…winning the war instantly.
  3. Tactical nukes to destroy Ukraine’s lines.


No legislation is required to take these measures. All they have to do is do it. Anti-gun lunatics will oppose it because that will end one of their most beloved avenues towards civilian disarmament: dead children. Of course, even that is selective; a certain weapon must have been used, not the routine killings that go on every weekend in Democrat cities.

“Democrat cities”

People generally don’t want Republicans running their cities. Of the thirty largest cities in the country, only three have Republican mayors.

And look what they get for that ignorant stupidity.

Let the boys in the girl’s rest rooms or the kids don’t get fed, so rules President Sponge Brain Soiled Pants.

WASHINGTON, May 5, 2022 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) announced today that it will interpret the prohibition on discrimination based on sex found in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and in the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, as amended, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly the Food Stamp Program (7 USC § 2011 et seq.), to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Under the leadership of the Biden-Harris Administration, USDA and FNS are issuing this interpretation to help ensure its programs are open, accessible and help promote food and nutrition security, regardless of demographics.

This action is in line with President Biden’s Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation, and is consistent with the Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, in which the Court held that the prohibition on sex discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 extends to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

USDA Promotes Program Access, Combats Discrimination Against LGBTQI+ Community | Food and Nutrition Service

Pull your children and grandchildren out of public schools NOW.

This is how much Democrats REALLY care about children. Even after TWO girls were sexually assaulted in their school restrooms by a “transitioning” boy and the school district tried to suppress the crime, they still want to mandate boys in girl’s restrooms. With the schools suppressing the crimes because it might make their stupid policies look bad, we have no idea how often this actually happens, but the left doesn’t care. The mentally ill sexually deviant wing of their party stomps their feet and throws a fit, so the children are expendable.

People generally don’t want Republicans running their cities.

The Majority of States (28) have Republican governors, therefore:

People generally don’t want Democrats running their states.

People generally don’t want Democrats running their states.

I’m afraid you’re incorrect. The Census Bureau has these 2019 population estimates:

Republican-run states: c. 157.96 million people
Democrat-run states: c. 197.37 million people


Nearly 40 million more people have chosen governors who are Democrats, rather than Republicans. That’s seventy Wyomings. People generally do want Democrats running their states. Be of good cheer, however! Republicans seem to have a lock on the states with very small populations, so you have that going for you, which is nice.

Typing the sentence in boldface somehow didn’t make it true. Odd.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

Ballot box stuffing doesnt make your opinion truth. Janky easily hacked machines, that have the ability of printing out ballots should be destroyed.

So you’re saying, then, that even some of the Republican governors might might have their jobs because of voter fraud. It’s an interesting theory, and even more bad news for Nathan’s thesis.

It’s pretty well-accepted that Biden was installed and the election rigged. Only the small minority of Democrat Cultists think otherwise, noisy and tantrum-throwing as they may be.

The declining state of the country and world are proof enough.

The super-national organizations trying to impose a global tyranny have led us to WWIII, mostly due to their insistence on releasing Covid and installing a puppet in our WH instead of letting American democracy continue.

There’s going to be hell to pay…literally.

NO credible evidence has ever been produced demonstrating a significant level of voter fraud in the 2020 election.

That’s the reason such evidence isn’t all clearly laid out online in a single location for public examination, which would be the simplest thing in the world. IT DOESN’T EXIST.

It’s pretty well-accepted…

NO credible evidence has ever been produced demonstrating a significant level of voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Yes it has.

The cheaters control the media, the courts, and the information.

Like all dictatorships.

That’s the reason such evidence isn’t all clearly laid out online in a single location for public examination,

Yes, I know you fools keep doubling down on the “because there’s not a set of links because we scrub the internet of anything that threatens our regime or worldview, it doesn’t exist” as if that will work.

It won’t.

Biden was installed, and the proof is in the rapidly decaying state of the world.

The cheaters control the media, the courts, and the information.

Do they really?

Do they really?

Yes, they do. If I had Colbert say Trump won the election, all of those “Democrat” voters would suddenly be into Trump. It’s literally that simple. Free-thinking citizens vs. indoctrinated sheep, Dems being the latter.

Enjoy the “big win” while you can. Not much is going to save the failed attempt at globalist domination these fools have tried on the people of the world.

Trump told Putin NOT to invade Ukraine.

Vlad didn’t.

Biden told Putin NOT to invade Ukraine.

Vlad did.

That’s the proof of election fraud right there.

I carefully sifted that assertion for logic and found none whatsoever. It’s a 100% logic-free post.

That’s the proof of election fraud right there.

You wouldn’t know logic if it bit you in the ass, greg.

No one is buying the lies you’re being paid to spread.

Give up. It’s over.

That anyone needs payment to point out pro-Trump right-wing nonsense is another illogical assertion. It’s a matter of self defense.

Why has biden failed at immigration control? It goes without sayyand we can all agree President Trump was far and away more successful at keeping out scumbag illegal aliens

“That’s the proof of election fraud right there.”

That makes no sense in any way.

“we scrub the internet of anything that threatens our regime or worldview”

That’s not the way the Internet works.

“we scrub the internet of anything that threatens our regime or worldview”

That’s not the way the Internet works.

Are you denying that Twitter/Facebook etc have been banning voices they don’t agree with? Including Elon Musk?

Obviously you have been sleeping during the cancel culture that has been going on for quite a while now.

“Are you denying that Twitter/Facebook etc have been banning voices they don’t agree with? Including Elon Musk?”

Two things:

First, that’s not “scrubbing the Internet.” That’s forcing people to find a different outlet for what they want—just like, for example, a gay couple who learns that a baker won’t bake their wedding cake. They’ll get a cake; they just need to find someone else to bake it.

Second, perhaps you haven’t noticed, but when people delete their Twitter or Instagram or Facebook histories after saying or doing something stupid, it never, ever, ever works, because the Internet is like a creature with a trillion tentacles and a brain full of memories at the root of each tentacle.

And that’s just how the Internet works by default. On top of that, there are people who devote their lives to cataloguing the Internet.

Your mental picture of the Internet as a titanic library catalogue from 1965, where you can throw away a few cards and erase all evidence that a book exists, is quaint but simplistic.

California ends mandatory reporting of school shooting threats… Because it’s racist…

California ends mandatory reporting of school shooting threats…

Because that’s how much that actually care about school safety and kid’s lives.

First, that’s not “scrubbing the Internet.” That’s forcing people to find a different outlet for what they want

First of all, Groomer, I specifically pointed to Twitter and Facebook but you wanted to twist the issue. SOP for you.

So you’re kicked off Twitter three years ago. Where do you then go that gives you the same services Twitter does?

—just like, for example, a gay couple who learns that a baker won’t bake their wedding cake. They’ll get a cake; they just need to find someone else to bake it.

Odd that you had to drag in a gay issue, Groomer. The queer couple frankly did not give a hairy rat’s ass about a cake, they cared about a chance to take a straight to court and getting their names in the press. There is NO evidence they EVER even tried to find someone else to bake their piece of porn made out of flour, eggs and sugar.

Let’s say I want to find out what you put on the internet ten years ago; how do you suggest I go about that task?

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

“First of all, Groomer, I specifically pointed to Twitter and Facebook but you wanted to twist the issue.”

Well. You quoted “we scrub the Internet” as a preface to your comment to me. I’d humbly suggest that, if you didn’t want that to be a part of the discussion, you shouldn’t have included it in your comment. That’s Internet 101.

Watching old people like you try to navigate the online world is, by turns, both hilarious and heartbreaking.

When G.W. Bush was President, every dangerous gas in our air was reduced. It’s a fact. Try and find the story about it.

Second, perhaps you haven’t noticed, but when people delete their Twitter or Instagram or Facebook histories after saying or doing something stupid, it never, ever, ever works, because the Internet is like a creature with a trillion tentacles and a brain full of memories at the root of each tentacle.

OK. Find Trump’s tweet where he told all those at the Capital on January 6th to peacefully go home and stop participating in the false-flag operation that Twitter blocked. Go ahead.

just like, for example, a gay couple who learns that a baker won’t bake their wedding cake. They’ll get a cake; they just need to find someone else to bake it.

But what if the baker also owns all the ovens in the city and whenever another baker tries to bake something which undercuts the controlling baker’s baking censorship, he comes and takes their ovens away? That’s basically what Google did to Parler.

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

“OK. Find Trump’s tweet where he told all those at the Capital on January 6th to peacefully go home and stop participating in the false-flag operation that Twitter blocked. Go ahead.”



Perfect. Now, I hope you read the message. Then, I hope you notice that a) you didn’t find it on Twitter and b) based on the numbers shown, it was taken down immediately.

“Then, I hope you notice that a) you didn’t find it on Twitter”

Which is exactly my point. The stuff’s out there. There are organizations dedicated to preserving presidential tweets. If you didn’t know that or were unable to find those tweets, that doesn’t mean that they’ve been “scrubbed” from the Internet. It just means that you don’t know what you’re doing.

Finding those tweets took less time than cropping the screenshot of them.

“b) based on the numbers shown, it was taken down immediately.”

So what? It’s still out there, appropriately labeled and incredibly easy to find.

Something I’ve noticed: even though Trump isn’t on Twitter, we’re still somehow able to hear his thoughts on a variety of issues.

So what?

Lol… this dumbshit question coming from the man who earlier said this:

Watching old people like you try to navigate the online world is, by turns, both hilarious and heartbreaking.

Is hilarious.

So what that the biggest social media company on the planet, a company that can influence a billion people across the globe, just unilaterally banned a sitting President.

Learn to code indeed.

Jackass groomers.

A private company. It can do what it wants, just like a baker who doesn’t want to bake a cake for a same-sex couple.

If Twitter banned the official White House account tomorrow, I wouldn’t give a damn. I know that a sitting president has others avenues by which he can get his message out there, including an entire official communications infrastructure.

I wouldn’t give a damn

Cool, I’m looking forward to your response to the changes Musk will implement.

“Cool, I’m looking forward to your response to the changes Musk will implement.”

I won’t care about anything he does unless he starts calling for vigilante violence or something like that. I’m not on Twitter any more, and I won’t shed any tears upon its demise. Same for Tik Tok.

I imagine that you could find something else that actually would make me upset, if you worked at it. Keep trying!

an entire official communications infrastructure.

And you call us old? Are you for real?

Are you saying the White House official communications infrastructure has the reach of Twitter?

I never said it did, but so what? Not being on Twitter didn’t mean that he couldn’t get his message out there; it just meant that he couldn’t get it out there as much as he wanted.

but so what?



So obtuse.

So it goes.

Too bad it’s not you going, Groomer.

Your comic value has diminished greatly.

“Your comic value has diminished greatly.”

Yours, on the other hand, hasn’t.

“Your comic value has diminished greatly.”

Yours, on the other hand, hasn’t.

Good. I’m glad I can bring some humor into your otherwise seemingly pathetic life.

Not being on Twitter didn’t mean that he couldn’t get his message out there; it just meant that he couldn’t get it out there as much as he wanted.

Well, yeah. It did. 100%. To people out on the Capital Mall, it was the ONLY way he had to immediately communicate. Worse, assuming he could still instantly reach out to them, he was not aware the plug was pulled on his ability and needed a different method. It needs to be determined if pulling the plug at that particular time on that particular message was connected to the FBI operatives inciting the actual incursion into the Capital itself. But that action was absolutely critical and, as you yourself might be able to actually see by the content of his message, unwarranted for any reason other than to block him possibly calming the crowd down.

CNN doesn’t have the reach of Fox News, but should Biden be able to force Fox to have him as a guest on one of its shows?

CNN doesn’t have the reach of Fox News, but should Biden be able to force Fox to have him as a guest on one of its shows?

Showing your age again.

No MSM outlet has the reach of Twitter, tik tok, et el…

You know this but as I stated earlier, you’re just being obtuse thinking you’re being cute.

You just look like a clown.

But I’m sure that’s nothing new.

“No MSM outlet has the reach of Twitter, tik tok, et el…”

Since when is the president entitled to the “maximum reach”?

Since when is the president entitled to the “maximum reach”?

Ah… so now the question is who deserves maximum reach?

Nazi’s on Twitter are still on that platform. They deserve it but not a sitting president?

Neither Nazis nor sitting presidents are entitled to the use of that private platform. At this point, Twitter gets to decide. I guess Twitter feels that the Nazis you’re referring to didn’t violate the terms of service.

Since when is the president entitled to the “maximum reach”?

Since when is he not entitled to what is afforded to anyone and everyone else, including people threatening violence, promoting racism, sexual abuse and the destruction of entire countries?

Twitter is not a government entity, nor is it (at this point) classified as a public good, so it gets to decide who uses its platform.

Twitter is not a government entity, nor is it (at this point) classified as a public good, so it gets to decide who uses its platform.

You keep pointing out obvious facts instead of answering a question. I guess, in a way, that IS an answer. You approve of censorship as long as what you want promoted isn’t affected. You are the kind of person that demands respect without actually respecting anyone else.

The answer to your hypothetical is, of course, no. But what if he had a message that there was an immediate existential threat to people if they went outside their homes at that moment and they should all go indoors and stay indoors and Fox refused to broadcast it? Then, later, Fox claimed he CAUSED the deaths that ensued due to those being outside during the threat? Would that be ethical?

Besides, idiot Biden shuns exposure, he doesn’t seek it (his daughter in his shower not withstanding).

A private company. It can do what it wants, just like a baker who doesn’t want to bake a cake for a same-sex couple.

Really? Obviously, the courts do not agree with your premise.

“Obviously, the courts do not agree with your premise.”

Well, the courts haven’t yet forced Twitter to reinstate Trump, and the courts said that the Colorado baker couldn’t be forced to bake a same-sex wedding cake, so I’d say that the courts are actually in one hundred percent agreement with my premise—at this point, at any rate.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

The Supreme Court upheld his actions in the previous case. SCOTUS beats “Denver Court.”

Okay. I stand corrected. The courts are in 95.8% agreement with my premise.

Okay. I stand corrected. The courts are in 95.8% agreement with my premise.

Wow… they really do hire ignorant teachers.

Let’s seeeeeeee. Out of three cases, one was ruled in favor of liberty and freedom. Two were not.

Does that work out to 95.8%?


Are you under the impression that these three cases are the only ones that have ever been brought on the religious freedom rights of private businesses?

Well, the courts haven’t yet forced Twitter to reinstate Trump, and the courts said that the Colorado baker couldn’t be forced to bake a same-sex wedding cake, so I’d say that the courts are actually in one hundred percent agreement with my premise—at this point, at any rate.

Which reminds me, you never answered my hypothetical question about bakers.

If Twitter banned the official White House account tomorrow, I wouldn’t give a damn. I know that a sitting president has others avenues by which he can get his message out there, including an entire official communications infrastructure.

Well, all Presidents are not created equal. Let’s suppose that one President gets 93% negative media regardless of what he actually does and says. Twitter and the ability to provide a different view of his actions to people would be important. On the other hand, a blundering boob that has a media that protects him by covering up all the corruption, lies, disasters and incompetence wouldn’t necessarily need Twitter and some tool that composes his Twitter messages for him.

Michael the Groomer thinks he is too cute by half because he can find sites like the Wayback Machine.

Yet he can’t tell us where he got Chapter 14 of his SEL class (if he wrote it himself, he would have said that, but he ignored my questioning about where it came from).

“Michael the Groomer thinks he is too cute by half because he can find sites like the Wayback Machine.”

Look at you! You did some research!

“Yet he can’t tell us where he got Chapter 14 of his SEL class”

I just remembered that I promised the other day to answer one of your barrage of questions. You brought this one up again, so it must be the one you want answered.

First of all, it’s Lesson 14, not Chapter 14. Second, it’s from a program adopted by my district called Second Step.

First of all, it’s Lesson 14, not Chapter 14. Second, it’s from a program adopted by my district called Second Step.

OK, so you have established one thing (and answered one of my questions) that you, the teacher, did not write the learning material and submitted it to the School Board for approval. Instead, you took the learning material provided to you by the “district.” How did your education, and training come into play? What is your purpose as a “teacher” when anyone with an 8th grade education could do what you did?

Also, did you spend any time researching the material from Second Step? Do you know that organization’s history or its connections to other organizations? Do you, as an individual, who once claimed to have daughters, agree with the Second Step material? Do you think a teacher’s responsibility is for the indoctrination of the “whole” child?

Me thinks if you are honest, you would be a prime example of why no one should continue to send their children to a public school. Especially in California.

I’ll answer one of your new barrage of questions, which more than you do for me. Choose the question to which you most want to hear a reply.

I’ll answer one of your new barrage of questions, which more than you do for me.

You claimed I did not answer your question when I most certainly did. Even another poster pointed that out to you. So………………..if you are going to claim I did answer your question(s), provide it (them) again and I will respond to your question (or barrage, if more than one question).

Choose the question to which you most want to hear a reply.

I see you are still wanting to play childish games. Answer all my questions, none of my questions or one of my questions. It is your call. But stop with the games.

It’s the shooting of six or seven questions at a time that’s the game.

or one of my questions

As I offered. Which one is the most important?

I’ll answer one of your new barrage of questions, which more than you do for me. Choose the question to which you most want to hear a reply.

You don’t answer my questions. What’s the excuse there?

“What’s the excuse there?”

You hate questions, remember? You have contempt for questions.

I did find the Trump tweets when you told me to. That has to count for something.

So… your excuse is you are gutless. OK. Reasonable enough.

OK, so you have established one thing (and answered one of my questions) that you, the teacher, did not write the learning material and submitted it to the School Board for approval. Instead, you took the learning material provided to you by the “district.” 

This is why having this conversation with you is pointless: you know absolutely nothing about schools and how they operate, so my answers wouldn’t mean anything to you.

The school board is the governing body of the school district. That’s the job of the school board. Any materials that have been adopted by the district (and I don’t know why you put that word in quotation marks) have been examined, approved and purchased by the board, which runs the district.

All districts adopt materials. Teachers don’t write their own textbooks, for crying out loud; they use textbook programs selected by the school board. The fact that I didn’t personally write the Second Step program is no different than the fact that I didn’t write our history textbook or our language arts textbook or our math textbook. Just like all other teachers, I use the materials that the district adopts.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

It’s the shooting of six or seven questions at a time that’s the game.

OK, so we establish that you are incapable of dealing with more than one question at a time.

This is why having this conversation with you is pointless:

Yet, here you are.

you know absolutely nothing about schools and how they operate, so my answers wouldn’t mean anything to you.

You mean like the fact that, in my district, school board members are elected in May in a non-partisan race? Or that they serve a term of three years along with six other members, meet once a month, are responsible for the hiring of all school district employees, including the Superintendent on down; creating on-site committees that read and review all curriculum materials from a list presented as acceptable by the state school board prior to the districts selection for classroom use, have to approve any and all extra curricula materials used in the classrooms prior to use in the classrooms, are the final arbiter in any grievance process; writes and approves the school district’s annual budget and sets the amount per hundred dollar property tax? Those operations, just to name a few?

Nah, I don’t know how schools operate or from whence they get their directions.

The school board is the governing body of the school district. That’s the job of the school board.

I know.

Just like all other teachers, I use the materials that the district adopts.

I don’t blame your district for not allowing you any leeway in the classroom. I do criticize them for hiring you, or for at least continuing your contract.

You seem to think you are the sharpest tack in the box. You’re not.

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

One wonders why, if you have that wealth of copy-pasted knowledge at your fingertips, you didn’t know that getting Second Step from the district meant that it had first been adopted by the school board.

“I do criticize them for hiring you, or for at least continuing your contract.”

Really? You have no idea how I do my job.

“You seem to think you are the sharpest tack in the box. You’re not.”

Oh, I know it, baby. I know it.

I’ll still answer one of your questions, if you want to pick one.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

One wonders why, if you have that wealth of copy-pasted knowledge at your fingertips, you didn’t know that getting Second Step from the district meant that it had first been adopted by the school board.

No “copy-pasted” knowledge, Groomer. Experience. I also know that not all school boards have the same rules and duties. Each state has different laws regarding school boards. Teachers in my district have a fixed amount of leeway in putting learning materials into a class room especially when it comes to AP classes. It seems you have no leeway.

“I do criticize them for hiring you, or for at least continuing your contract.”

Really? You have no idea how I do my job.

And you had no idea that the job of a school board trustee is one I am quite familiar with.

“You seem to think you are the sharpest tack in the box. You’re not.”

Oh, I know it, baby. I know it.

No, you’re just arrogant.

I’ll still answer one of your questions, if you want to pick one.

I told you before, your call (you seem to have trouble with instructions).

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

Which is exactly my point. The stuff’s out there. There are organizations dedicated to preserving presidential tweets. If you didn’t know that or were unable to find those tweets, that doesn’t mean that they’ve been “scrubbed” from the Internet. It just means that you don’t know what you’re doing.

Well, MY point was in the Twitter world, that message was blotted out forever, and at a very critical moment. Beyond any possible argument, the intent was to silence Trump with the exclusive power to do so. To those he was addressing and who didn’t know to get the guidance from him you leftists feel they don’t make a move without, they weren’t aware that to find that message they had to already know what the message was and do a search for it.

I assume your search for my other example is ongoing. Good luck.

NO credible evidence has ever been produced demonstrating a significant level of voter fraud in the 2020 election.


That is exactly what I am saying, no You extend Nathan thesis beyond what he posted into your own twisted bias. You run it through the asshole you are.
Do you think Bush actually won? We find out Kennedy also gained office with fraud thanks to long term Illinois corruption. So can you read the article and comment on the subject?
We only learned your education Dept is garbage and keeps you from doing your job, this you blame on the children and parents who you seem to despise.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

I don’t even know what you’re referring to here.

If we just ran things by a majority, you could have companies pay millions and billions to install politicians to line their own pockets, give massive amounts of propaganda through compromised media outlets (running on ad revenue) so that most of those “majority” opinions are more mass hysteria than actual citizens being responsible and having a mind of their own.

Oh wait…

“Most people” are not Democrat loyalists.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

That’s the population, not the votes.

Guess bold does stand true.

Learn to use numbers effectively, son. You’re lacking.

“That’s the population, not the votes.”

You’ve just weakened your own position.

You’ve just weakened your own position.

The opposite is true.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Bless your heart.

Liberals always blame others never the person who dose it all too willing to appear on some fake liberal talk show or fake News Program like Today,GMA,CBS MORING NEWS CBS SUNDAY MORNING or 60 MINUTES Etc

Somethings not right about this shooting spree, the story is changing like a chameleon on a gay flag. The teacher that went to her car propping the door open with a rock, says she shut the door, saw the demon come over the fence with his gun, so called 911. So how did evil enter the school was there another door unlocked? She has now retained representation.
The border guard with the barbers shotgun, never was called but heard about the situation and went there on his own getting his kid out then going back..
The prez insisted his border guards meet for the photo op disarm.. they left instead, no desire to meet the big guy kiddie sniffer.

“So how did evil enter the school was there another door unlocked?”

Surveillance video apparently shows her removing the rock and pulling the door closed, but it didn’t lock.

Surveillance video apparently shows her removing the rock and pulling the door closed, but it didn’t lock.

So… the door was unlocked.

“So… the door was unlocked.”

Wow! Good reading by you! Gold star!

Since you’re such a super reader, you saw when you copied and pasted part of my previous comment that kit was asking whether a separate door was unlocked. As you figured out, I indicated that it doesn’t appear to have been a separate door.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

I simply emphasize the fact that that door was basically open and that was a very, very important factor in this shooting. Because of that one door, this school’s security was set back decades. As I tried to point out to my liberal nephew, the shooting would not have taken place without the unsecured door.

Where did he get the money not only for the gun but also the tactical gear and enough ammo for a platoon?

Nobody seems to want to find out.

You don’t care, though, do you? According to you, the gun and the ammo aren’t the problem. Owning a gun and a lot of ammo is just him expressing his freedom, right?

You don’t care, though, do you? According to you, the gun and the ammo aren’t the problem. Owning a gun and a lot of ammo is just him expressing his freedom, right?

Owning a suv and a tank full of gas ain’t the problem either. Driving that suv through a parade full of hundreds of people, killing many and injuring more, IS a problem.

What’s your solution?

You’re not actually interested in my thoughts on the matter, so I can’t imagine why you’re asking.

You’re not actually interested in my thoughts on the matter, so I can’t imagine why you’re asking.

Ditto to all the questions you’ve asked in this thread and all the others. We all know you’re not interested in the answers.

You’re so transparent.

I’ve generally tried to eliminate as many questions as I can, since they get you all so angry.

I will admit that the questions in my last comment were rhetorical.

I’ve generally tried to eliminate as many questions as I can, since they get you all so angry.

You’ve generally expressed that everyone but you is stupid and wrong but you never have an example of your wisdom as proof. Since you cannot develop any ideas on your own, you need new teaching material.

You’re not actually interested in my thoughts on the matter, so I can’t imagine why you’re asking.

No liberal anywhere has any ideas other than “ban the AR-15”. That idiot moron Biden won’t even discuss hardening schools. He even wanders off, wearing his suit coat and pajama bottoms, onto 9mm’s, grossly lying about its capabilities. You leftists offer no solutions so, indeed, why ask?

Let’s say, for the sake of coming down to your level of knowledge and intellect, that the AR is the bloodthirsty killer that entices anyone that looks at it to go on a killing spree. There are millions of them in the population. In your view, that means there are millions and millions of insane killers in the population just waiting for their opportunity to scoreboard the last mass shooter with a higher body count. Let’s further say, for the sake of argument, that you are going to go and collect them all up. Are you satisfied with leaving the schools as they are in the meantime?

Since nothing but insane killers own AR’s, wouldn’t “coming for their guns” (which you always insist you aren’t. But you are) would infuriate them and light that short fuse of desire to murder hundreds? Now you’ve “triggered” (ha. see what I did there?) them and given them the insane impetus to carry out the plan they developed in their sick minds the instant they first set their eyes on that AR. Is THAT your plan?

Or, is it rather that you really see no existential threat posed by an inanimate object and you know the scenario I laid out above is nonsense but the only goal is disarming American citizens and the AR is the foot in the unlocked door? Could it be that you really don’t care about school safety as much as you crave destroying the 2nd Amendment?

I think it is.

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

You don’t care, though, do you? According to you, the gun and the ammo aren’t the problem. Owning a gun and a lot of ammo is just him expressing his freedom, right?

You simply don’t pick up on much, do you? Your ideology actually physically prevents you from absorbing non-ideological knowledge.

Why wouldn’t I care? That detail may be very important; it might be nothing. However, how this dysfunctional punk came across perhaps $4,000 or so to buy his equipment is kind of important, as there might be another responsible party.

Ramos bought the gun… not the other way around.

Now, if he had bought all this hardware and NOT shot up a school… he would have successfully exercised his rights. Very important to note that before Ramos took that weapon into the school and began shooting, the weapon was involved in no crimes.

This chart shows that the United States has a higher death-by-firearm rate than most of the countries on planet Earth. That can’t be your purpose in posting it here.

33rd on this list. That’s “the most”?

Geez, you must be teacher of the year in California

That’s “the most”?

No, it’s not, but that also why I didn’t say “the most.”

It’s higher than most of the other countries on the planet.

Reading clearly isn’t a required skill for sheriff’s deputies.

Boosted by cities run by Democrats from dog catcher to Mayors.

rate than most of the countries on planet Earth.

Ha….I see the Grammer police has shown up. Doesn’t help with your argument. “Than most”

33rd on this list.

Not in the top 10 not in the top 20.

Fail groomer

Ha….I see the Grammer police has shown up.

The Groomer has visions of being promoted to hall monitor.

The Groomer has visions of being promoted to hall monitor.

Spot on analysis of the creep.

Thirty-third out of something like two hundred. I’m sorry that being in the bottom third is a cause for celebration, as far as you’re concerned. That’s American exceptionalism for you!

Your math teachers did you a disservice.

something like two hundred.

Way to go groomer!!! Is that 200? 190? 210?

You mean they don’t teach groomers how many countries there are on the planet?

I feel sorry for your groomer prospects.

“You mean they don’t teach groomers how many countries there are on the planet?”

I’ll admit that I don’t keep up with the regular changes in that number.

regular changes

So has the number changed since last year? The year before? What’s your definition of “regular”


I imagine it would be too on the nose to point out that you misspelled “grammar.”

I imagine it would be too on the nose to point out that you misspelled “grammar.”

Not at all…. the typical liberal response to arguments they can’t win is to become the grammar and spelling police.

Just par for the course.

When most of the competitors are doing better than you are, it means that you’re in danger of losing. That’s wht your table conveys.


You spelled “what” wrong. Guess we can throw your whole argument out right?

You did anyway, so sure.

You did anyway, so sure.

And what was your argument?

“And what was your argument?”

You tell me. You’re the one who said I had an argument.

When most of the competitors are doing better than you are, it means that you’re in danger of losing. That’s wht your table conveys.

Was that your assertion, with spelling errors and all?

What is it you’re trying to argue to all us ignorant peons again oh vaunted Elementary school teacher?

“What is it you’re trying to argue to all us ignorant peons again oh vaunted Elementary school teacher?”

Having the thirty-third highest rate in the world of death by firearm is not the triumph you seem to feel it is.

Having the thirty-third highest rate in the world of death by firearm is not the triumph you seem to feel it is.

Why not? We’re not number 1, nor or we in the top 10, top 20…

We’re 33rd.

The world’s superpower and were 33rd.

It’s sad that you think that’s a bad thing.

I don’t know why she was trying to do that.

Because she’s indoctrinated by a new atheist religion and trying indoctrinate her kids.

We both agree on this: no religion in the classroom. This includes the LGBT faith..and it IS a faith.

Can we at least agree that cannot become the new accepted norm? 

Don’t you?

Who are you quoting?

Sorry… no more questions. You don’t want to know.

Yeah, people do things. I could post stories about cops using excessive force or shooting fleeing suspects in the back. We’d still wind up right back here.

Please do… no one is preventing you.

I’d be happy to discuss them. I’m thinking that fetenyl addicted felon would be your hero of choice

Real evidence of overarching police brutality or even racism (white cops on black suspects) does not exist.

Real evidence of overarching cultural indoctrination into a forced normalization of LGBT behavior exists in spades.

Weld County has been trying to legally break from Colorado and become part of Wyoming for deacdes.

I can’t tell what all these stories are supposed to do with me. The only connection is that I’m a teacher and so are they.

You are of the Atheist religion and you support LGBT being forced on the rest of us. You’ve said as much.

That’s why.

Listing to this idiot Biden speak on gun control. The man can literally not speak a sentence without lying which will only cause any discussions to crater. Which, of course, is what Democrats really want.

You definitely have a winning strategy, ignoring kids slaughtered in classrooms while protecting zygotes.

Starving low income kids if the schools dont have boys in girls bathrooms to be raped is quite the democrat policy to tout.

You definitely have a winning strategy, ignoring kids slaughtered in classrooms while protecting zygotes.

Explain the part of stupid asshole idiot moron incompetent Biden’s parade of lies addressed making schools safer. Exploitation was all he offered.

Exploitation? As in, citing a repeating event as evidence that something should be done?

Hopefully he can at least get the age for firearm purchase raised to 21.

Hopefully he can at least get the age for firearm purchase raised to 21.

I would agree to that if the voting age is increased to 21. If not, gfy. Ain’t happening.

And thanks to Biden and his handlers for the many soundbites to demolish you liberal ghouls in 2022.

Exploitation? As in, citing a repeating event as evidence that something should be done?

Yeah, exploiting a tragedy by pursing a leftist agenda that has nothing to do with the tragedy and will do nothing to prevent further tragedies. As in being an asshole full of nothing but bullshit lies.

A locked door would have prevented Uvalde. No doubt, idiot Biden’s massive inflation inflames insanity as well; what’s he doing about that? Not one F**KING THING.

“A locked door would have prevented Uvalde. No doubt, idiot Biden’s massive inflation inflames insanity as well”

Your thesis, then, is that school shooters are motivated by inflation.

Your thesis, then, is that school shooters are motivated by inflation.

Think they will be motivated to not shoot up schools by gun laws preventing them from getting guns legally?

Spoken like a true elementary school teacher who has no idea what real life is like.

Ah shit…. you’re a high school teacher right? Sorry.

Same result however.

Your thesis, then, is that school shooters are motivated by inflation.

So, in your elite, educated, finely-tuned mind, the words “as well” indicates the primary, foremost, defining element of the event. Wow.

Again, your mentality, which is widespread throughout the left, is why the left solves NO problems. Ever. You should probably just stick to your routine of dancing around questions you can’t or don’t want to answer.

Abortion repeats hourly. Mass shooting? A few a year, maybe.


A fertilized egg is not yet a person.

Abortion repeats hourly. Mass shooting? A few a year, maybe.

A fertilized egg is not yet a person.

Neither is a leftist.

Science denier
A fetilized egg is what ever creature the egg and sperm belong to.
The age old answer to the question is the Chicken came first.

Way, WAY more kids are aborted than killed by guns. Millions compared to double digits.

Winning strategy, indeed.

comment image

And every company.

Curt, read California’s recently passed SB 1273.

Stupidity, as the Groomer shows, runs rampant in California.

Read about it. Why so many are fleeing that state.

Having lived there my entire life (except for deployments in the service) I think I just got used to the idiocy and downright depravity. Especially in my line of work.

Now living in a red state for the last year I just can’t fathom how I tolerated it. Yes, the weather is nice… but man o’ man is that state a shithole

Can we at least agree that cannot become the new accepted norm? 06/03/22 – Iowa: man kills two women and then himself in latest US shooting

Can we at least agree that cannot become the new accepted norm? 

Most already have. Only Democrats do all they can to make it a trend and continue to fuel it.

Nathan has explicitly told me that the gun deaths of blacks in the cities “don’t count” when it comes to looking at firearm death rates in the United States. I guess some people on both sides of the political aisle feel the same way.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

Again, it is absolutely no wonder liberals can never solve a problem, especially those they create and make worse.

The effort to take away guns is not going to succeed. The illegitimate regime is attempting to create backdoor prohibitions to prevent acquisition of firearms without repealing the 2nd amendment.

“ A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Any legislation that is an inhibitor to access of firearms is unconstitutional.

Shall not be infringed is absolute in its meaning.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”


Complete rubbish.

The Left’s capacity to rationalize anything is getting so weak even they don’t seem to understand what they are saying.

A mentally ill young-man attacked and killed people at a school.

A well-regulated militia is armed citizens standing guard over their homes and society because the People are the actual Authority, and the government (especially the Federal government) exists at their leisure and their extended privilege. Armed citizenry remind the government that this privilege can be revoked.

The level of desperation the Left employs through projection and outright lies shows their hand pretty clearly: they are tyrannical.

ZERO relation between that creep in Texas and the Constitution…but keep trying. You’re making your cause irrelevant the more you try to defend it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The issue is the godless of this country reject their duty as citizens, having made themselves and their government into “god,” they cannot bear the awesome responsibility and understanding that armed citizens are “necessary to the security of a free State.

Any attempt to infringe on the 2nd Amendment is, technically, actually, and legally, insurrection against our true government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Can you explain the difference between “a well regulated militia” and “armed morons”?

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

I can. The former (above) are following the Laws set forth by the Constitution. The latter are criminals, such as the creep in Texas.

Glad I could clear that up for you.

You cleared up nothing. The people in the photo are not anyone’s militia. They’re somebody’s crazy neighbors. They’re an accident or incident waiting to happen.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

You cleared up nothing. The people in the photo are not anyone’s militia. 

Give us the definition of a militia, as held in 1776.

Why don’t you provide it, since you would appear to have a 1776 dictionary handy?

The democrat party is antiAmerican

Why don’t you just admit you are clueless when it comes 18th century English language, and punctuation, usage?

Maybe ask the Groomer.

Oh, goody, you proved you can use Google.
That puts you at a 3rd grade level.

You’re a freaking idiot, Comrade Greggie.

Why don’t you look up “militia” in this standard 18th English Century dictionary and try to pretend that your earlier prattle made some sort of sense?

In your eagerness to make everyone but yourself look stupid, you only wind up looking stupid yourself, and then you get mad about it. One alternative to this might be to try to have an honest, insult-free discussion.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The people in the photo are not anyone’s militia.

How do you know? Who are they? What do they do? Unless you have those answers, you are an ignorant, biased, bigoted moron, a large part of the problem.

They’re an accident or incident waiting to happen.

Haha…except statistically and factually they are not.

The bulk of gun violence happens in the inner cities, and in the black communities.

It’s a fact.


Explain your statistics to the families of the kids killed in Uvalde, or the black shoppers killed in Buffalo.

Why don’t you explain to those who have lost loved ones in Chicago, LA, Baltimore, NYC, Houston, Minneapolis, Seattle and Portland how leftist lack of law enforcement combined with gun control that only affects the law abiding is responsible for the deaths of the wives, husbands and children.

That is correct. Blacks kill more blacks than any other race on same race murder. But hey, why should the democrat party be upset, if they don’t kill blacks in the womb they may as well kill them on the streets of democrat run inner cities.

It is the same result just takes a little more time.

That’ll change now that idiot Biden has declared abortion is not an absolute right.

Nathan, pretty funny that Comrade Greggie and the Groomer both think there is no difference between a “militia” and a single “moron.” But then, we know that they are not educated, nor versed, in the18th century English language. All they are capable of doing is parroting the left’s talking points.

They know damn well what it means. The media and social media are aflame with these new talking points attempting to yet again sh*t on definitions and confuse meanings so they can just invent what they want.

greg and groomer michael are just following orders, as always.

Can you explain the difference between “a well regulated militia” and “armed morons”?

Yeah, armed morons took over 6 city blocks of downtown Seattle and handed AR-15’s to anyone that wanted one. The entire left had NO problem with that. Those who were in Seattle and those who were not outraged are the morons.

Clear enough, scooter?

I love that the photo above made your head explode, anyone trying to pull a George Floyd on this family would be grave yard dead. I see the ladies are not fully dependent on waiting for the men to protect them locked and loaded.
The militia was so settled by law, that a sudden army could be drawn together.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

This was realy scares pathetic little liberal snowflakes a whole Family armed

It was one person who may have been supported by any number of other people. We do not know

Black crime is an issue the Left plays both ways. Democrat policies have ensured black oppression to crime over the decades. They then take umbrage and blame their political enemies, completely losing their shit when a successful Trump shows what it really means to give a shit about the black community.

Then they conveniently exploit the deaths in the black community when they want “numbers” on American crime. Strangely absent is any outrage over the gun deaths daily in Chicago.

So yes, it “doesn’t count” in regards to the ridiculous notion that America is inferior to all those white, monocultured European states than live under a bubble of American protection and subsidies while they provide free healthcare and like, but it’s not free…is it.

We pay for that. When Trump said “no more,” to NATO, that’s when shit got serious and Covid suddenly “got out.”

According to Planned Parenthood and Democrats, they’re just “human weeds” anyway.

Happens many times a day in Chicago, no national coverage unless the police try to stop the killer.

Indeed. The new accepted norm is high gas prices, less jobs, higher food costs, crashing markets, WWIII in Europe, and America official dead as the world superpower.

The regime wants to clamp down, Mao-style. This shootings are exactly what the regime wants, and most likely some are even caused by the FBI and others to bring the regimes vision of tyranny over the rest of us.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Remember when we used to make cracks about turning the US into Venezuela? Here we go!

No Free Lunch: Biden Admin Will Pull Meal Funding for Schools That Don’t Comply With Its LGBT Agenda

It would seem forcing this degenerate sexual indoctrination would make schools less safe. Let us be honest here, the queer and gender confused community is a serious threat to children. There is no place in schools for this sickness

Because they care about kids, see.

Gonzalo Lopez’s victims identified as Mark Collins and 4 grandsons aged 11 to 18 who were shot dead by escaped convict (

If that POS Comrade Greggie and his buddy, The Groomer, want to know why a 30 round mag is ever needed, there is this. One family, one grandfather, three brothers and a cousin, all dead.

And no where in any of the article of this heinous crime is any mention of the killer’s legality in this country. Wonder why.

The blood of this tragedy is on bidens hands. Don’t look for the piece of shit biden to speak out about this.

Fuck Joe biden