The Week in Radical Leftism, 5/27/2022


Welcome back to Day 493 of the Biden* occupation! Light post given the holiday weekend:

5/18 – The Federal Morons Have Fixed It So Gasoline Won’t Come Down Until The Economy Does

5/20 – NPR STILL Makes Their Employees Mask Up And Shames Employees Who Don’t

5/21 -.German Farmer Resorts To Horse and Buggy Due To High Gas Prices

5/22 – How Many Acronyms Does It Take To Save The Planet?

5/23 – NY Times Seems Upset So Many Republicans Believe 2020 Was Stolen

5/24 – ‘Republicans For Biden’ Owe The Nation — Heck, The World — An Apology


OK, I’ll comment on this one link. I don’t think it’s by accident that while the NFL is putting divisive Marxist slogans on the field and on players’ uniforms, the USFL is using the slogan, “United By Football”. Go Generals – Jersey REPRESENT!

5/26 – If You’re the Right Race, Your Doctor Will See You Now

5/27 – World Economic Forum speakers signal a coming dystopian nightmare

ICYMI – I asked the question, Is it Wrong to Dox New York Times Reporters and Call Brian Stelter a Potato? I also decided it was time for Revisiting A Simple Piece of Common Sense Gun Legislation the Will Actually End Mass Shootings

Have a great weekend, and happy Memorial Day!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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5/18 – The Federal Morons Have Fixed It So Gasoline Won’t Come Down Until The Economy Does
I had a doctor’s appointment today to renew my prescriptions. The doctor asked me if I had any issues; I asked him what he could do about my nausea every time I go to get fuel. He replied, “Buy a Tesla… like I did.” I didn’t point out the obvious, that I’m not a doctor with a doctor’s income, but that certainly seems to be the only (if short term and short sighted) answer for high energy prices, at least until someone that cares about the survival of THIS country gets back in office.
5/20 – NPR STILL Makes Their Employees Mask Up And Shames Employees Who Don’t
Nothing is uglier than leftists getting their nut making people jump through meaningless hoops.
5/21 -.German Farmer Resorts To Horse and Buggy Due To High Gas Prices
She should just get an electric horse. Horse fuel will be getting more expensive, too.
5/22 – How Many Acronyms Does It Take To Save The Planet?
Everybody needs to wet their beak in the climate change gold mine.
5/23 – NY Times Seems Upset So Many Republicans Believe 2020 Was Stolen
I guess they thought they’d just get away with it and we’d all just shrug our shoulders and say, “Oh, well!”? Let’s see… the people that told us Trump was a Russian asset for 4 years even though they always knew it was a lie tell us the 2020 election was squeaky-clean… who do we believe? Them or our lying eyes?
5/24 – ‘Republicans For Biden’ Owe The Nation — Heck, The World — An Apology
Hell, everyone that voted for this turd needs to turn in their voter card and go into voter reeducation (aka, a study of the Constitution). But, they can console themselves with the knowledge that it was fraud, not their votes, that wrought this horrific damage to the nation.. and world. How stupid… or selfish and cowardly,,, does one have to be to support this known bag of nothing?
I hope the USFL makes it this time. I can never remember they are playing and the absence of fans in the stands is weird, but from what I’ve seen so far, it doesn’t have the gimmicks and silliness of XFL or previous attempts. I don’t think I’ve seen a game from the beginning, but I assume they were smart enough to ban all that kneeling and other political bullshit. Sadly, I would have to be supporting Houston, who seems to be snakebit. The racism NFL is dead to me, just like the career criminal and drug dealer (fentanyl is an epidemic in America, but it’s OK if HE peddled… and swallowed it). It’s a good thing Floyd is dead; there could be hope for the NFL.
5/26 – If You’re the Right Race, Your Doctor Will See You Now
Remember health care rationing and how it doesn’t exist? Yeah… good time. It even goes better with some racism. I guess the only thing that can defeat racism is hyper-super-racism.
5/27 – World Economic Forum speakers signal a coming dystopian nightmare
This is what rich progressives have in store for their peasants.
Have a great Memorial Day, everyone!

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

And if Mad Max 3 (Thunderdome) is any indication, soon so shall their output be!

Nah, DC produces so much of it to make it practically free.

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

So do we revert to hang horse thieves when horse jacking is a thing?