There have been 25 coincidental fires at food plants across the nation. Reuters tries to tell us that it is not a conspiracy, but you will remember that they happily spread the Russian collusion/Hunter Biden laptop Russian disinformation propaganda. So, it seems reasonable to have doubts, especially as China and Bill Gates are competing to buy up farms.
But it’s the baby formula shortage that really is disturbing. Sen. Tom Cotton calls it a “national crisis”, not that any democrats care. Congress just authorized $40 billion for Ukraine but has nothing for baby formula here. The nation’s largest producer of formula is Abbott Labs. It’s production of baby formula was halted three months ago
The plant was shut down nearly three months ago after a bacterial infection caused the deaths and other serious illnesses.
In mid-February Abbott Laboratories issued a nationwide baby formula recall and ceased operations at its plant in Sturgis, Michigan amid reports of babies contracting bacterial infections from its products.
But an investigation cleared Abbott
An Abbott spokesperson told Tuesday that ‘thorough investigation’ by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Abbott revealed ‘infant formula produced at our Sturgis facility is not the likely source of infection in the reported cases and that there was not an outbreak caused by products from the facility’.
However, despite the findings of the investigation, the plant remains shuttered nearly three months later, fueling the nationwide baby formula shortage.
Other bacteria was detected but it in a non-contact area.
Abbott alleges that none of the formula distributed to consumers tested positive for Cronobacter or Salmonella. The manufacturer claims the FDA and Abbott officials both tested retained products for the bacterias and yielded negative results.
Abbott notes no trace of Salmonella was found at the Sturgis plant and the Cronobacter that was found in environmental testing during the investigation was in non-product contact areas of the facility. The company alleged the traces of Cronobacter at their plant have ‘not been linked to the two available patient samples or any other known infant illness.’
But the FDA keeps the hammer down
Abbott phone representatives have also been telling parents the FDA is ‘holding back’ metabolic formula made during the recall period, which is why the current supply hasn’t gone out, Politico reported.
The FDA, disputing the company’s allegations, issued a statement to the newspaper on Saturday reading: ‘The FDA has not delayed the release of any specialty and metabolic infant formula products and the agency strongly disagrees with this characterization of events.
This tends to leave one wondering what the truth is. That is, until you see the map of the worst shortages
The nationwide share of out-of-stock baby formula hit 40 percent in April. Texas, Tennessee, Missouri, Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota, seemingly hardest hit by the shortages, reported out-of-stock rates of about 50 percent.
Red states are hardest hit– especially Texas, which has an ongoing feud with the Biden regime over the border.
This would be an atrocious action on Biden’s watch but given the nutcases appointed by Biden, it would not surprise.
As Samantha Power recently said of the food shortage
“So, never let a crisis go to waste.”
Do I think they would do this? You bet I do. These people are insane. Or maybe it’s Putin’s fault.
GOP Rep. Kat Cammick says the Biden administration has been shipping “pallets” of baby formula to illegal migrants in U.S. holding facilities, amid a nationwide shortage that has sent mothers across the country in search of the newborn foods.
“Biden is sending pallets of baby formula to the border,” the Florida lawmaker said Wednesday in one of two online postings. “Meanwhile, store shelves across America are empty and moms are being told they don’t know when more is coming in.”
Cammick says in one post, a nearly 15-minute Facebook video, that a border agent sent her photographs of the deliveries, one of which she posted online, next to a picture of empty store shelves.
Convinced yet?

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
The news guys are all in agreement: do NOT even try to make baby food yourselves!
Leave it to the professionals.
On the other hand, women have been making homemade baby formula substitute since the 1940’s with no ill effects.
Supplies Needed
Congratulations! You have saved the day (or night) and have something safe to feed your baby until you can go to the store and pick up commercial-grade formula.
Of course they would. Stalin starved 30 million.
No way this is intentional?

Well, even though the new White House Liar can’t name who is the point person for the effort to ramp up baby formula production that the FDA has kept tied up, we don’t have to worry about the babies of illegal immigrants. The idiot Biden regime has that covered.
So, all you people with babies needing formula, you’ve PAID for it… it’s just getting delivered to someone else. This is the compassionate Democrat party.
Biden and his fellow Globalists/Traitors the call for the Impeachment of Biden and Harris grows more each day
Maybe you should take your complaints to the idiots you elected to run them.
Red states are mostly border states and get most of the illegal immigrants idiot Biden is trafficking. Illegal immigrants get preferential treatment over taxpaying US citizens. When the federal government shuts down a baby formula factory and delays allowing them to reopen (located in a BLUE state, you idiot), maybe THEY should be forming contingency plans to feed US babies instead of worrying about the illegal babies they plan to enslave as their future laborers.
Get a map. Only three red states are on the southern border, and Arizona turned blue in 2020.
Yeah, there are a LOT of red states, but you missed the rest of the comment. How do states counteract the FDA?
Surgeon General to Panicked Parents Looking for Baby Formula: “Check with Your Dr. To See if They Have Samples”
That is as much as the illegitimate biden regime will do to correct a manufactured crisis. biden is correct about one thing, he sure as hell is not a mind reader
Why blame the federal government, instead of the corporate system that produces the product? When all seems well, you complain about any degree of federal regulation or intervention.
Why blame the federal government, instead of the corporate system that produces the product?
Both are being blamed, as the fascist union of the two (as in actual Fascism) is the reason for this shortage.
05/14/22 – America is running out of baby formula because 3 companies control the market and babies aren’t that profitable
Because I know you have a secret sexual fetish over Bannon and getting irate about him:
Biden should be removed immediately. Hell, he never should have been allowed within 100 ft of the WH, but 21,000 troops can help a lot when taking over a government.
Did you read the article or opinionate the standard TV cover for an inept ignorant administration knee jerk brainfree opinion.
Abbott spokesperson told Tuesday that ‘thorough investigation’ by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Abbott revealed ‘infant formula produced at our Sturgis facility is not the likely source of infection in the reported cases and that there was not an outbreak caused by products from the facility’.
Still the FEDs have the plant shut down.
Do you think they shut down their own plant, is that what the TV said? Or did that brain fart just happen between your own ears?
It is a problem they caused. Who should we blame?
The initial shutdown was voluntary. Abbott lawyer’s were probably more worried about law suits than about the federal government.
Can you provide a link as the company refutes that, many companies do voluntary recalls nothing new about that.
The FDA should ignore that? They’re simply doing their job.
Only 1 high care area, a scoop , the report is interesting.
They could solve these issues faster if the CEO was fined directly not the company.
After a few hits to his pocket there would be hell rolling down hill.
The FDA and government should have easily seen the shortage and corrected it. We’ve gone to the moon and back…and foisted vaccine on our citizens in a matter of months.
Failing to get formula production back up is either gross negligence or intentional.
Either way, puppet Biden’s performance in the Oval Office must be cut short NOW so we stop getting Americans killed, starved, and letting unnecessary wars pop up all over the globe.
Democrats are absolutely great at creating problems, terrible at addressing and correcting them. That always falls to someone else to clean up. It’s always difficult to determine if Democrats cause the damage intentionally, following some nefarious plan, or they are simply that incompetent and stupid. There is ample evidence to support both possibilities.
Just as they did during the vaccine approval for youth process, I suspect the FDA is lying for political purposes. This corrupt regime has weaponized every agency and department.
The article above directly contradicts that. So, if the bacteria was found in the production areas, where ARE the lawsuits?
Because the federal government shut down the factory and even after is was shown not to be causing the problems, delayed allowing them to open. In other words, it is TOTALLY IDIOT BIDEN’S FAULT.
This article mentions Stergis SD there is also a plant in Michigan, Are both closed?
Nope wrong it is the MI pant same city name.
Pete Buttplugger complains that Abbott controls 40% of the market. Sounds like Abbott has been falling behind in their cash drops.
Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Says Truckers Can Work Longer Hours to Address the Baby Formula Shortage
That will solve it. Truckers work longer hours while there is no product available.
Is mayor Pete still lactating?
Does this pole-smoking moron know that truck drivers are legally limited as to how many hours in a row they can drive? Maybe they should stop creating problems that are too painful to resolve.