Nina Jankowicz is the Czar of Biden’s newly minted Disinformation Governance Board. The 33-year-old comes equipped with a vastly oversized ego and little else. No one thinks more of her than does she.
She claims that she wants to protect free speech. On the other hand, she opposes free speech.
Jankowicz also suggested last week that she opposes The First Amendment because she thinks it is bad for ‘marginalized communities’ and called Elon Musk a ‘free speech absolutist’ because he wants to make Twitter more open to all voices.
Se echoed the falsehood that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation
When questioned, she said she was just live tweeting. Except… she asserts that she is opposed to disinformation and claims to be an expert on disinformation, but she is also a purveyor of disinformation:
In an October 2020 report, Jankowicz shared her skepticism of the contents of the laptop and the claims it belonged to Hunter.
‘We should view it as a Trump campaign product,’ she told the New York Daily News at the time.
Some expert.
Tucker did a nice job of fleshing her out last night.
Meet The Head Of Biden’s Ministry Of Truth: Nina Jankowicz
— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) April 29, 2022
And quicker than you could say “mayorkas” Jankowicz gave us a taste of how she plans to rule. You damn well better not mock Kamala Harris
President Joe Biden’s new disinformation chief Nina Jankowicz argued online mockery of Vice President Kamala Harris and other women in public life was a threat to national security.
“Platforms and governments aren’t doing enough,” she wrote on social media. “It’s time to act. Our national security and democracy are at stake.”
The Department of Homeland Security announced the creation of the new Disinformation Governance Board led by Jankowicz on Wednesday.
Jankowicz argued that Congress should create new laws to block mockery of women online, citing the volume of “gender disinformation” used to criticize Harris.
“Congress should reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and include provisions against online gender-based harassment,” Jankowicz wrote in a WIRED article highlighting the “abusive content” sent on social media to women in public life.
Got that? Mocking Harris is a threat to national security. Are you clear?
Me neither. If mocking a national figure is a threat to national security, we might as well burn the Constitution tomorrow.
Jankowicz is an immature narcissist dressed up as a serious government employee. In September she testified in the UK
During her testimony, she argued that “gender misinformation” was also a “national security concern.”
“It is not just a democratic concern; it is a national security concern, which should make it of interest to everybody in government,” she said. “It is not just about hurt feelings. It really affects the way our countries operate.”
Jankowicz cited online mockery of other political women including Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to solidify her argument.
Notice anything missing? Like Sarah Palin, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Elise Stefanik, Kristi Noem? All have been the target of ridicule but none appear on Jankowicz’s radar. Something is different about them. I’m stumped as to what.
Biden and Mayorkas have absolutely no business declaring war on the First Amendment. It is utterly un-American and made even worse by putting this partisan hack self-imported adolescent in charge. She is, however, a good fit for the Bidenazis.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
This is tyranny.
We do not suffer tyrants.
Hark! The mating call of the Yellow-Bellied Internet Tough Guy!
Could you possibly for one moment give us an insight as to why a disinformation governance board is a good idea? Also include how this is not tyranny, and against every founding principle of the United States of America?
The tough guy I think you are trying to heckle is Joe Biden, as he’s the one that’s threatened the populace with tanks and nukes.
You won’t.
Oh, and please remember how often and how common it was for Leftists, on Twitter to call for the death of Donald Trump (illegal, mind you.) Holding his fake bloody head, shooting him in rap videos…
Now those people can’t stand free speech.
To be absolutely clear, do you support the government monitoring and controlling free speech?
I believe lies should be pointed out for what they are, just like warning labels should be put on bottles of poison.
How many people died because of lies about hydroxychloroquine being effective against COVID? I personally knew one who mail ordered the stuff and self-treated for a week before consulting a doctor. She had also refused vaccination because she believed the disinformation the same sources cranked out about the terrible dangers and uselessness of that. She’s dead because of lies.
I have no idea. How many? For that matter, how many actually died OF COVID? We don’t know that, either.
Sounds like she’s dead because of her own stupidity. NO ONE recommended taking HCQ without a prescription. You mean she refused to get vaccinated because of the lies Democrats cranked out about the vaccines being dangerous and untrustworthy because Trump was having them developed? That IS stupid.
None. How many died because they didn’t receive treatments in favor of weak vaccine that made pharma trillions?
A few hundred thousand.
Funny… no response or answer to a very, very simple question:
NEWLY SURFACED VIDEO Shows Biden’s Nutjob Ministry of Truth Director Singing About Who to F**k to Enhance Her Career
Hopefully, we are coming in November, and in ’24… and hell rides with us…
Hearings on any,and everyday of malfeasance, corruption and sheer incompetence to include impeachment to Mayorkas, Harris and Biden over the border disaster. Biden over the Kabul fiasco… Everything…
Hell has been riding with you all along, Charlie.
Gotta love how the “expert on disinformation” got Hunter laptop and the “50 experts” issues totally wrong. Well, factually wrong, but as far as what the left would want from a “disinformation police” squad, she couldn’t be more right.
She is an expert on disinformation. Few have spread more disinformation that has she
Trump Blasts Marxist Lunatic Chosen to Lead Joe Biden’s “Ministry of Truth”
But it’s about to be kicked off.
1984: Ministry of Truth. That’s you and your Party.
Orwellian. Literally.
The “Ministry of Truth” is the latest echo chamber meme. The reality is suggested by what is being revealed about Sean Hannity; there has essentially been a right-wing Ministry of Lies.
A pillar of that ministry of lies is the Trump Russia collusion hoax. You went along with it 100 per cent. You got played for a fool. Now lefties are freaking out free speech may rule the day at Twitter.
And for two years +, both msnbc and cnn ran wall to wall about the so-called Russian collusion. None of it was true, it was complete mis information and has been thoroughly debunked.
Now we have learned that in fact the CCP loosed the virus intentionally.
BREAKING HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Li-Meng Yan Says China Released COVID-19 Intentionally – “THIS IS NOT AN ACCIDENT”
President Trump was destroying China’s plans of world domination and China’s economy. We saw this back in early 2020. The US economy was setting records for the greatest economy in history, it had nearly doubled China’s. If there ever was a reason for China to drop a bioweapon, the fact that China’s economy was imploding and Trump’s economy was the greatest ever, was enough reason for China to drop the COVID-19 bioweapon intentionally.
Dr. Yan on Friday discussed her upbringing and then her studies and how she landed in Hong Kong. She began looking into COVID-19 in late 2019 in Hong Kong. She shared that she came to five conclusions related to COVID-19:
Well…yeah. I never thought it wasn’t, to be honest.
The biden regime is trying to introduce the China model of social credit score that results in complete surveillance. The January 6 prisoners are a dry run of how those who do not embrace group think and express an opinion contrary to the state, will be disappeared from society. It is coming as sure as the sun will come up tomorrow unless biden is destroyed along with the democrat party.
Greggie they did this for you.

Tell us, what are your thoughts on the government using its power to monitor and police free speech? Is that what turns you on?
Lies should be labeled as lies, just as bottles of poison should be labeled as poison.
Of course the liars will object the loudest and lie about the warning labels themselves. That’s to be expected.
Democrats should be labeled as poison. I’m all for lies being exposed. Lies like “Russian collusion” and “insurrection” and “quid pro quo”. Lies like “fine people”, “secure border” and “most secure election ever” need full exposure. How about calling the parental rights bill “the don’t say gay bill”? Do you actually think the liars that perpetrated those lies should be allowed to determine what is a lie?
Here are a few things you liars have squashed as lies:
Just a sampling of the actual truths your liars have suppressed, not because they are “disinformation” but simply because they didn’t want those facts to be circulated. THAT’S the purpose of the Ministry of Truth.
Calling someone a “liar” in politics has ZERO meaning now, and zero weight.
Russia Collusion was a literal lie created by a losing candidate to hurt her political opponent, but people still believe it.
5 FBI directors literally lied about Hunter’s Laptop. Biden lied when he said he’d forgive student debt. But all of these will be rationalized by the Left, so…only fools keep repeating the words “lie” and “liar.”
That would be the goal of Steve Bannon’s directive to “Flood the zone with shit.” It’s never been about proving his points. It’s always been about making it impossible for people to know the difference between truth and propaganda.
Indeed, that’s literally what you do and what is the policy of the Left. You cherry-picked some dumb Bannon quote, and now pretend you’re not the perpetrator.
Your tactic is to flood the zone with meaningless comments, flip-flopping ideals, and to degrade words until they have no meaning….until they suddenly do when it serves you.
greg: accuse others of doing exactly what he did for all to see.
Like Michael, you have declined to answer a very simple and straightforward question.
Is it because you can bring yourself to discuss such stupidity coming from your own party or are you embarrassed to defend the absolutely indefensible?
Damn straight.
The problem is the right’s Ministry of Lies. They lie, and then they lie about their lying.
Such as?
No evidence of that. The Dems wanted power so badly they started rigging election, and are now LITERALLY setting up a Ministry of Truth.
We won’t stand for it, and it will never happen, however.
D’Souza pimping for DeSantis, who’s trying to shift the topic from his epic Disney screw-up…
Ending Disney’s abuse of the taxpayers of Florida is a tremendous victory.
Speaking of epic screw ups, go look in the mirror.
Screw up? Most Americans are rather happy about it.
Disney messed up, and is paying the price for trying to push ideology and defy our rule of law.
Get woke, go broke. DeSantis: epic WIN.
She doesn’t seem all that dedicated to actual truth, does she?
I don’t actually care about her, one way or the other. I don’t get my information from her.
She was a Russia hoax pusher. The entire Russia collusion with President Trump was completely debunked
As stock market tumbles, woke companies hit especially hard
I am skeptical that anything other than a hot civil war can reverse the leftist tyranny. I say this not as an eager “warmonger” with violent, nutty fantasies, as Kane of CFP has so accused, but from logical analysis. The USA no longer has free, and fair elections. While I admire the fight of Bannon and others to prepare for 2022 and 2024 elections, no one has yet explained how anything significant will change, in regards to the wholesale election fraud of Democrats, or the corrupt disloyal opposition of the establishment Republicans. If they stole it in 2018 and 2020 (and at this point, quite clearly attempted to do so in 2016), they can do it again and again.
The key is this: Unless senior, corrupt Democrats who commissioned the soft Coup d’etat in 2020 go to jail, they will only improve on their last effort. True the vote shows hours of film of organized, criminal ballot box stuffing, and cameras catch Atlanta Democrats counting them, so next time there will be no film to review. Any accountable document trail will be obliterated during future elections. They are not wise, but they are also not idiots, and will fix the flaws in their system.
The Democrats have judges and (DHS/DOJ/FBI) guns behind their frauds. What do you have to compete against that, other than a hot civil war?
When elected Democrat are rot in D.C. jails for DOCUMENTED sedition and treason, rather than 800 innocent citizens, THEN I’ll have hope for this republic. Until then outrage over Commie Patti or Commie Nina is irrelevant. It accomplishes nothing. The American people are ALREADY outraged over Communist Obama/Biden, Inc., but their will now means nothing. I don’t have a good solution. I can only definitely state that running the same losing playbook will not have different results.
So, basically, you think that America’s “solution” is a civil war to kill your political enemies.
I would submit that as evidence that the dangerous insanity isn’t actually on the left. Propaganda and disinformation—much of which has been cultivated and fed by a foreign power that’s currently conducting wholesale murder—has much to do with it. It’s parroted across the right-wing echo chamber on a daily basis. Civil war would END this nation, and every liberty you take for granted.
Well, that would be one way to mischaracterize my comments.
If, in fact, that’s what you intended to do. Nice job, by the way! Demagoguery is a fine art, and it takes a really, evil, Machiavellian mind to be able to do it so effortlessly.
Re-read the final statement in my post, actually, final two, and then explain how that states that my goal is to “kill (my) political enemies”. Actually, that’s the left’s playbook, always has been, always will be. That’s history, not demagoguery, by the way.
I did re-read it. Your last two paragraphs characterize over half of your fellow citizens as enemies—after you’ve already suggested civil war might be the only solution.
Both Joe Biden and Barack Obama became president as a result of the will of a majority of the American people—in Obama’s case, twice. In Obama’s case, it was because of the man’s enormous popularity; it Biden’s case, it was largely the result of an overwhelming rejection of Donald Trump.
Biden is attempting to deal with a host of systemic problems that aren’t a result of anything he himself has done. The man was fought tooth-and-nail every inch of the way as he attempted to deal with a pandemic that nearly tipped over the economy and has left over 920 thousand Americans dead. He’s blamed for inflation, which is actually a result of irresponsible tax cuts by a president who also ran up the debt faster than any other president in modern American history. He was blamed for pulling out of Afghanistan after the stage for an epic disaster was set by his predecessor, and troop levels had already been reduced to such an extent that we could hardly protect our own withdrawal. Now he’s trying to deal with Putin, a nuclear armed psychopath who has launched a murderous invasion of Ukraine with the intention of dominating western Europe—and he’s being fought tooth-and-nail by the far right even in that effort.
So how am I supposed to take a suggestion that our problems could be solved by civil war? Ukraine was an utterly beautiful country before Putin—who repeatedly threatens a nuclear response if anyone interferes with his ongoing campaign of mass murder—set his mind to its destruction. Look at the pictures of what war has done to a nation and its people carefully before suggesting civil war as any sort of solution. It would be nothing but a straight and speedy path to total ruin.
If anyone on the left made such a suggestion, total hysteria would ensue.
Nope. We’ve been over that.
Idiot Biden was handed a dream job. He has F**KED up every aspect of the country himself.
That the right’s idee fixe about a stolen election cannot be overcome by logic doesn’t make it real. It only demonstrates successfully brainwashing.
More time, energy, and money have been put into convincing them of the truth of a thing totally unsupported by any credible evidence than goes into many year’s worth of commercial product advertising. If advertising didn’t work, billions wouldn’t be spent on it, and we wouldn’t be looking at 5 minutes of commercials for every 10 minutes of questionable televised entertainment.
STATE FARM ARENA. THAT makes it real. It WAS real, and it’s irrefutable.
Trump got more votes the second time than the first. How’s that and “overwhelming rejection”?
Obama got FEWER votes the second time.
greg is here to offer doublespeak to anyone who questions the Big Lie, that our country isn’t already compromised by tyranny. He lies, distorts, intentionally mistates, etc.
His blathering is evidence that you hit the nail on the head.
We’re already in one, and the secession of the Left is what caused it.
I guess you missed this part:
I guess it was hard to see, being the very first two sentences in the post. Basically, you are simply lying. Again. As usual.
He said what he said. The rationale for saying it is irrelevant to me, because I’ve seen the real-world results of the thing suggested.
Yes, he said what he said, then you lied about it. The left produces the real-world results. Ever heard of Occupy Wall Street? BLM? ANTIFA? All left, all violence, all condoned by Democrats.
“because I’ve seen the real-world results of the thing suggested.”
I guarantee you, sweetheart, that you ain’t been where I’ve been, and you haven’t seen the “real world” results of where I’ve been. You haven’t a clue. You’re simply dishonest.
You’re not Humphrey Bogart, sweetheart. Beyond that, I won’t question what you say about your history because I don’t know your history. You might consider extending the same courtesy.
Who is this lunatic that comes out of the darkest recesses of a deepstate?
greg is a paid troll. He’s been annoying this site for over a decade. He’s like a pet at this point, as we dangle him in a cage and he squawks out Leftist talking points. We always see their new game because he so easily gives it up.
I don’t believe you are 71 and a Vietnam Vet. If you were, you must have been either a coward or a paper-pusher.
You’ve seen nothing of war.
We’re faced with deciding what to do after a foreign-paid insurrection by Democrats/Leftists/deep state usurped our democracy and installed a puppet than no sane American considers the president.
We have a dictator now, and are figuring out the best way to restore our country…if we can.
More so to push out those of you are no longer American, and serving some other form of government you created without authority.
You and Left keep trying to jail people for not agreeing with you. That’s what tyrants do.
One could say the Left and people like you have ended it already. You promote child sex grooming, a bureau to arrest those who criticize the government, and you kill Ukrainians with idiot money-games and blame those of us who KNOW you are full of shit.
And greg, we’ll be keeping the liberty. You can’t take it. As for you, you’ll have to enjoy whatever harvest you’ve sown over the years while promoting sedition, marxism, and autocracy.
They want rid of the machines,and drop boxes thats a start, DeSantis law to actually prosecute is a great idea, should be mandatory prosecution in every state.
Important safety use warning = whatever this child says = false no matter what. Her job will be to promote the DNC and whatever promotes its agenda and if anything at all goes against that well then she will lie about that. Guaranteed.
I WILL NOT submit or allow a ministry of truth. It’s not constitutional, and any attempt to form one is treason.
It’s not Constitutional, and it’s not how America works. The nation was formed to prevent this type of tyranny, among others.
Think on “civil asset forfeiture” and is that legal = quite yes. Is it being used constantly all over USA = o yes. Does it deprive any rights = yes several I can think of. Then it must be illegal and struck down in courts = nope. Police have been turned into Mexican Cartel Cops for profit and no one is doing a damn thing and it will be the same with “Ministry of Truth”. Illegal as hell and leftist whackos will not care about that in the least.
Technically, Twitter and many media outlets were serving as the Ministry of Truth.
Anyone that uses “free speech absolutist” as a pejorative should not be allowed to be in our government. We should be grateful that she is showing her cards about what a far leftist would consider “disinformation”.
Oh, as long as we’re on the subject, Kamala is a totally ignorant whore.
Absolute free speech would make the open distribution of child pornography lawful.
NO right is absolute. The writers of the Constitution and Bill of Rights assumed that would go without saying.
greggie, it looks like you are back trying to prove you are the most successful village idiot. You really thought this post through!
The logic is watertight—which is why you’re attacking me rather than offering an argument against it.
Absolute free speech WOULD make the open distribution of child pornography lawful. Obviously that is not what those who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights intended. They were establishing a set of fundamental governing principles.
Laws and statues define how our fundamental governing principles are applied in the real world. They clarify what the exceptions to our rights are. They enumerate the ways in which any given fundamental right IS NOT absolute.
Again, no, it wouldn’t. No more than it would make murder legal. Stupid.
An “absolute right,” BY DEFINITION, would preclude ANY restriction by law. That’s what “absolute” means. Either a right is absolute, or it isn’t. There’s no such thing as halfway absolute. The moment any exception enters in, “absolute” has flown out the window.
Is child porn illegal now? Is child porn on the internet now? How would making free speech free change that? It is still illegal. Those you support will STILL find a way to propagate it and consume it. As I said, it doesn’t make it any more legal than it makes murder legal.
I guess that answers my question: you support censorship and the suppression of free speech and you use a totally stupid argument for child porn to try and mask your support.
How about comments about the Covington kids being racist or Rittenhouse being a murderer? Should those have been censored? They were eventually proved false, yet you promoted them. Should you have had your right to post “LIES” suppressed?
Its illegality is an existing limitation on free speech.
If there were no such limitation, there could be no such law. If there were no such law, such sordid, morally corrosive content would be pushed into our faces by those who wallow in it and wish to normalize it.
It worries me when my liberal views become more properly conservative than the those who label themselves as conservative.
If you, or anyone, tamper with free speech, greg, you are committing treason and will be dealt with properly.
Your Bannon-style “flood the zone with shit” statement about child porn is nonsense.
Speech is either free, or it’s not. You’re trying to take free speech while hissing with a forked tongue about how everything is necessary.
Tyrants always say as much.
The insults and threats begin the moment facts and logic fail.
We beat your “argument” seven ways to Sunday. You’re doubling down on emotion.
Good luck.
You haven’t actually addressed the argument. Typically, you pedal your bullshit generator until a heap of nonsense obscures what you cannot refute.
The nonsensical proposition that “rights are absolute” has been killed deader than a highway possum by single real-world example that reduces it to total absurdity. Reductio ad absurdum is the simple logical process involved.
This is a false, and rejected statement. You’ve made no point, offered nothing concrete, and continue to get emotional when your premises sink into the sea.
The absolute right to free speech is the First Amendment. It’s fact.
You’re silly attempt to add caveats as disqualifiers is what all tyranny-minded people do.
Please offer something cogent if you wish to disagree. Right now, you’re just the usual roach who acting like a child who was told no.
Just because you say it is? Please insert another quarter and try again.
Nothing is true just because someone says so. That’s the “logic” of totalitarianism.
You haven’t offered anything to rebut the statement.
“Child porn” being your favorite, didn’t quite have the punch, or relevancy, you think it does.
Prove me wrong with logic, facts, and truth. DO NOT use emotion, parse word meanings, and simply lie as you’ve been doing for over an hour now.
Curt…whoever, just a flag on the “greg” account, as it’s obvious we have one of the other alt people using it.
Way, way too obvious.
Oh, that’s so funny. Predictable, though.
And yet you can’t deny it.
Just tell me you guys are different countries? Always assumed that.
So, you are arguing that no guns should be illegal, for making a specific gun illegal infringes the 2nd Amendment. Right? Or… not?
Exploiting people is not speech.
Of course, you didn’t answer my question.
Censorship is not a conservative view. It’s certainly not a liberal view. It is a totalitarian view, and that’s where you and the Democrats have gone. You fear free speech because it allows the TRUTH… those things I wrote earlier… to come forth.
The left has always been anti free speech. If they could amend the first amendment that surely would. It was not that long ago when smuckly shiner advocated for first amendment reform as recent as 2019
Schumer calls for amending First Amendment to limit political speech
There is zero evidence that “absolute” free speech would promote open distribution of child porn. None.
can speech be less than absolute?
Many people are constrained from acting on their lowest impulses only by laws and the threat of punishment. Many people will do anything they can get away with, without concern for morality or the pain and damage their behavior causes for others.
Ex-NYPD cop Thomas Webster convicted of beating officer at Capitol riot
Free speech does not include the right to riot. Presumably you agree, given your reaction to the civil unrest that repeatedly broke out during Trump’s time in office.
Unless you support Democrats. Kamala will even PAY to get you out of jail!!!
January 6th was a false-flag meant to reverse the obvious insurrection waged by the Left and get their minority base to think it’s the Right who is “revolting.”
Just a very tried and true CIA regime change tactic.
No civil unrest during Trump’s time in office. A funded and pushed coup after Covid was intentionally released, culminating in an FBI operation on the steps of the Capitol.
Tell that to ANTIFA. Tell that to the Democrats who support ANTIFA and keep making excuses for them.
Rioting is not speech, so FREE speech would not incite more rioting. It is rioting, something you leftists, when YOU are rioting, looting, burning, murdering, don’t seem to understand or accept.
No, it wouldn’t. Illegal is illegal and, as many of your Democrat idols are already well aware, as well as that sparkling new Supreme Court Justice idiot Biden chose based on racism and nothing else, child pornography is ALREADY widely available. As Musk clearly stated, his free speech is free speech within the realm of legality.
Drop the bullshit. Your problem is conservatives saying what they want to say and being able to refute goddamn leftist goddamn lies. That and that alone. Just like the rest of you miserable, crybaby, sore loser, woke, anti-American mother f**kers.
They also fought a war to ensure our country did not suffer such things as “Disinformation Bureaus.”
We have the absolute right to free speech. That makes it free. That you don’t understand free speech show you are an enemy to this nation.
Choose wisely, son.
Tom Tomorrow:
It’s so cliché, so packaged, so choreographed by the current propaganda network.
And it’s also without any clear point. If you have to silence those who don’t agree, you’re the bad guy.
And the silly “whataboutism” with Florida having textbook standards, calling it a “ban.”
“inflicting discomfort on white people.” It lost all credibility right there.
So, you don’t have a problem with that strip making its points against absolute lies? For instance, what books are being banned? What is this “discomfort” for white people? What law bans saying “gay”? The harassment from groups comes from the left, as you know. Can’t you leftists take a position without making up a lie about the opposite side first?
No it wouldn’t, you irrational twit.
The desperation of the Left is palpable now, given free speech and our Constitutional rights are being restored.
Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” Premiers May 2
This looks like it will be another brilliant piece of work by Dinesh D’Souza. The commies are already trying to create a “Ministry of Truth” to combat it, which of course, they’ll lose.
Check out the trailer:
2000 Mules Trailer (
The ministry of truth is un
The ministry of truth is unconstitutional
It should be struck down
Your first problem with striking down Biden’s “The Ministry of Truth” is that it doesn’t actually exist. It’s a straw man; a right-wing propaganda meme.
Ah, dirtbag mayorkas lied to Congress.
Like that stupid dickhead Mayorkis sitting before Congress and saying the border is secured, just saying something doesn’t make it so. The Goebbels “big lie” theory doesn’t work here… yet. It is a knee-jerk reaction from jerks afraid that facts are going to rain down on them when Musk pulls the censorship blanket out from under them.
Roe v Wade voted down
Roe v Wade is overturned
initial draft written by justice Alito
A suspected leak from perhaps a staffer. Politico reporting. It is two months early and unprecedented in the normal course of Supreme Court case announcements
Better to know now than later. It’s going to cost republicans dearly in the next two elections.
So, you celebrate the leak, which was intended to exert intimidating pressure on the Justices? Figures. Are you hoping for the prerequisite violence that accompanies all leftist “protests”?
If Democrats hadn’t pushed for abortion up to and beyond the moment of birth and late term abortion for any reason, this would have never been challenged before the Supreme Court. You ghouls did this to yourselves. Now, EAT IT.
Oh, and LOTS of people vote AGAINST abortion, too. Not everyone shares Margaret Sanger’s dream of killing all the “human weeds” (aka, BLACKS) through abortion.
The Marxist democrat left cannot win elections without cheating. The Marxist democrat left cannot accept the decisions of the court and so they leak a draft opinion never before having been done by the Supreme Court. They lost in the court and so they blow up the traditions of the court in an attempt to sway the already decided case.
Understand, the draft was written in February shortly after oral arguments. The court decided 5-4 with roberts siding with the left.
The Marxist democrat left is unable to accept defeat and so now we will have two months of likely protests that of course will be mostly peace.
Very doubtful it will affect the current course of the November elections. Americans have opposed Roe since its inception, and it was only a matter of time before it would be found unconstitutional. The issue belongs to the states, not the federal government. The USSC has corrected what was wrongfully decided in 1973. It was an overreach by the court that is a10th Amendment issue.
The states by ratifying the Constitution, essentially created the Federal government. Since that time, it has been an ongoing abuse by the Federal government to claim powers for themselves not contained and authorized in the Constitution.
This is a watershed moment for the states under the 10th Amendment to begin the process of reigning in the Federal government.