FBI: Fake Golden Showers sí, Real Biden Showers no


I saw the above picture elsewhere and it got me thinking.

The FSB is the secret police organization in Russia, whose job it is to protect Vladimir Putin and carry out various acts of intimidation and skullduggery. In the US, the FBI is an organization secretly dedicated to protecting democrat Presidents and undermining Republican Presidents.

The FBI engaged in a conspiracy with the Clinton campaign against Donald Trump. On January 6, 2017 James Comey attempted to intimidate Donald Trump with a phony dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign which was then released to Buzzfeed.

The FBI lied to the FISA Court 17 times to spy on Trump and his staff.

The FBI spied on the Trump campaign in 2016 and continued it into his Presidency.

When the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop was revealed the FBI first refused to accept copies of the hard drive, because they’d already seized the hard drive in 2019 and sat on it.

When then-DNI John Ratcliffe said the Hunter Biden laptop was not Russian disinformation the FBI had “nothing to add.”

The FBI raided Rudi Giuliani’s apartment in an effort to intimidate him. Contrast Giuliani’s treatment to the overlooking of Joe Biden’s extortion of Ukraine, demanding that the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden be fired before US aid would be forthcoming.

Then the FBI lost the Hunter Biden laptop.

There were explicit crimes on that laptop, including Hunter Biden admitting a relationship with a 14 year old girl.

The FBI knew full well that there were crimes and depravity on the Hunter Biden laptop.  The FBI knew that there was evidence that Biden and his son were co-mingled in selling influence and access to the Vice Presidency.

When Ashley Biden’s diary was found and made public, the FBI raided the apartment of James O’Keefe, who had already refused to make it public. The Bureau concocted a story that the diary was “stolen” when it was not. In it, Ashley Biden wrote that her father Joe had taken showers with her that were “not appropriate” and described it this way

“Was I molested. I think so.”

I have long thought Joe Biden shares the same attraction to underage girls that his son Hunter enjoys. You can read about it here. Watch him pinch the nipple of an 8-year-old girl.

Hunter Biden lied to obtain a gun permit. His wife Hallie disposed of it illegally.

Hallie told the store manager, who passed the information along to Delaware police. According to the police report, which was obtained by Politico, the incident caused heightened concerns because the store was across the street from a high school, and officers worried the gun could be used in a crime. The FBI, which was investigating Hunter’s taxes at the time, also reportedly responded to the incident.

At the same time that Delaware police were questioning Hallie and Hunter, two Secret Service agents arrived at StarQuest Shooters & Survival Supply, the gun shop where Hunter bought the revolver, two people familiar with the incident said. The agents asked owner Ron Palmieri to turn over the Firearms Transaction Record Hunter filled out in order to purchase the gun.

Palmieri refused, however, reportedly because he suspected that the agents wanted to hide Hunter’s ownership of the gun. The ownership records fall under the purview of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, and Palmieri handed the records to the ATF a day after the incident. Palmieri declined to comment to Politico.

The news comes after Joe Biden’s presidential campaign dealt with questions regarding a number of Hunter’s foreign business dealings. Hunter admitted in December 2020 that the FBI and IRS were investigating his “tax affairs,” referencing the probe open at the time of the alleged incident involving his revolver.

They buried it all. They won’t even bother to ask who “the big guy” is when the big guy is getting 10%.

The FBI did everything it could to undermine Donald Trump- going even so far as to conspire with the Clinton campaign to smear Trump. Conversely, it does absolutely everything it can to prevent the truth about Joe and Hunter Biden from being known. The FBI has become a de facto arm of the democrat party. If anything should be defunded, it’s the FBI.

Phony golden showers .   Real incest, no.

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The FBI has gone rogue, potentially, and serves a cabal of Democrats, globalists, and it’s own “deep state” instead of serving the People of the United States.

We only as for justice for all. The Law applies the same to everyone, regardless of their race, religion, or political party.

That basic social contract has been violated by the FBI, it seems.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Biden’s blatant pedophilia is beyond concerning, and would not be tolerated if he wasn’t a Democrat barely clinging to the notion he belongs within 100 miles of the Oval Office.

Ha. Most Presidents have to keep their illicit affairs with adult women secret. Idiot Biden has to have his pedophilia covered up… at least until the Democrats can legalize and normalize it.

It isnt a social contract, it is an oath, a promise to God.

biden is a sick mentally disturbed scumbag. There is nothing of value in him as a human being. He deserves a spot in Lucifer’s hell underworld

and Gitmo in the meantime

The motto of the Stasi in East Germany was: “The Sword and Shield of the Party” Not the country. Not the people. But the Communist International PARTY that ran East Germany on behalf of Moscow. Not far off the modern FBI and the Democrats. If they are not openly running entrapment and fake prosecution schemes against Republicans, they are pulling off hair-brained drug or gun running schemes with criminals threatening innocent victims.

It is nothing short of senior abuse. joe does not know his mental state has been in decline and continues at an accelerated pace.
The people around him are parasites using him as a prop to do what they want for themselves, certainly not for the betterment of the country.
As presidents go, history has never had a president whose intention it has been to do harm to America.
The American people are not at blame for this because they did not vote for him in numbers sufficient to become president. A cabal purposely defrauded the American people, a cabal of total evil.

He is the puppet, the Manchurian Candidate…
still needs to be part of a HUGE round-up of TRAITORS and dispatched per EXISTING statutes

The FBI spied on the Trump campaign in 2016 and continued it into his Presidency.

And never found ONE GODDAMN THING they could use against him. Can anyone imagine a person in power that could be spied on and investigated for FOUR F**KING YEARS and they still have to lie to impeach him? Whatever you might have in the way of a complaint about Trump, NO ONE ELSE could survive that. Just kick that around for a moment. I think that is absolutely amazing.

The FBI knew full well that there were crimes and depravity on the Hunter Biden laptop. The FBI knew that there was evidence that Biden and his son were co-mingled in selling influence and access to the Vice Presidency.

Hunter LIED on a background check to buy a firearm, which is wife casually threw away in a trash can… near a school. Among the Democrats with their faux-concern about gun crimes, gun control, background checks and public safety, how is this just swept under a rug?

The American people are getting the golden shower from the Democrat party. We know what comes next, so either bend over and assume the position or fight back.

As I tell friends and relatives, there is no need for the FBI. When it was invented there was a need for a law enforcement agency that could cross state lines to investigate. With the internet and modem communication State Police and local law enforcement can do the job better and be more easily held accountable.

The FBI investigates Federal crimes. Local law enforcement has its own set of crimes to investigate. The two are not interchangeable.

You dont know why the FBI was formed..do you.
Go look it up groomer

From the FBI website (emphasis mine):

The FBI is a federal investigative and intelligence agency with jurisdiction in a wide range of federal crimes; national security matters such as terrorism and espionage; cyber/computer crimes and intrusions; and intelligence activities that relate to those missions.

I’m trying to imagine turning that list of responsibilities over to local law enforcement.

The FBI investigates Federal crimes. Local law enforcement has its own set of crimes to investigate. The two are not interchangeable.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael