The Week in Radical Leftism, 4/01/2022

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Welcome back to Day 437 of the President World War III* Junta! Straight to the crazy:

3/24 – ‘Spare us your presence’: Trudeau decimated on world stage as liberty-loving EU members HAVE AT HIM

Things I never would have called 30 years ago – the PM of Canada getting rightfully called out by the leaders of Eastern Bloc nations. And yet here we are.

3/25 – The Philadelphia Inquirer tries to ramp up sympathy for the drunk driver who killed three men

As the legacy media continues to wonder why we Normals don’t trust them anymore


The Radical Left does not appreciate it when we Normals call out their racism

3/27 – What to Expect on Buses When Fare Is Free

Take a guess as to what happens. Go ahead, guess!

3/28 – The January 6 Witch Hunt Kills a Good Man

I’ve been guilty of this myself, but we Normals need to keep a light shining on the political prisoners still suffering as a result of the 1/6 Reichstag Fire

3/29 – The Left vs. the Gag Reflex

You know you’re seeing some good writing when you read an article about The Radical Left’s war on comedy, and despite only recognizing one name (a brief mention of John Cleece) it’s still an excellent read from start to finish.

3/29 – Employees Dub ‘Anti-Racist’ Southern Poverty Law Center Racist

Here’s one of those pieces of good news that will put a smile on your face

3/30 – Twitter Locked My Account For Telling The Truth About Rachel Levine

These are also all too common stories, and we need to keep repeating them every time and keep a light on the Big Tech censors.

3/31 – Many Democrats are clearly evil and openly acknowledge their ignorance; why should they be trusted on matters of innocent life?

A few years ago I would have called this a joke, but I’m not kidding when I say we can start taking bets as to how many years from now until some Democrat takes the stage at a rally with a Dead Kennedys song as their entrance music?

3/31 – Maxine Waters tells the homeless to ‘go home’

There is just nothing that I can add to this (H/T Deplorable Me)

4/1 – Racial Profiling and Kiddie Porn Replace the Three Rs in Maine’s K-12 Classrooms

This needs to be the subject of a post of it’s own, but this story will be enough for now

ICYMI – I asked the question of Why Are We Still Talking About Single Payer? I also shouted back at The Radical Left with Sorry Leftists, You Don’t Get to Now Claim that You’re Patriotic

And to end on a fun note, this video is the product launch for Jeremy’s Razors.

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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3/24 – â€˜Spare us your presence’: Trudeau decimated on world stage as liberty-loving EU members HAVE AT HIM

Funny how those that have experienced totalitarianism don’t appreciate those who are trying to implement it anew.

3/25 – The Philadelphia Inquirer tries to ramp up sympathy for the drunk driver who killed three men

Hmmm… that “just made a mistake” argument didn’t seem to help Kitty Potter, did it? In the liberal world, being black is supposed to be a “get out of jail free” card. Just consider those lives “reparations”.


It always astounds me that the left cannot imagine someone disagreeing with their ideology, even though that ideology is anathema to Americans that love this country.

3/27 – What to Expect on Buses When Fare Is Free

It’s great that we are bringing destitute illegal immigrants into the country 2, 3, 4, 6 million a year and we can’t even figure out what to do with the homeless we already have.

3/28 – The January 6 Witch Hunt Kills a Good Man

I’m sure he had it coming because he wasn’t enthusiastic about the stupidest, most corrupt, most incompetent idiot even CONSIDERED for the White House installed through fraud. Before it’s over and done with, they’ll probably need more gulags.

3/29 – The Left vs. the Gag Reflex

Actually, the REPORT on the tranny is pretty funny without, of course, intending to be. You know what the left finds funny? To take the most revered and highly held traditions of patriotic Americans and shit on them. What I find funny is that they worship the repugnant ideals but can’t understand why a normal human being would not embrace them.

3/29 – Employees Dub ‘Anti-Racist’ Southern Poverty Law Center Racist

Which part is racist; the part where they have the minority women return to in-person work or the part where only minority women fill the “low-level positions”?

3/30 – Twitter Locked My Account For Telling The Truth About Rachel Levine

Levine is a perfect example of what I mentioned on 3/29. This mutant lacks the ability and qualifications to fill the position, but idiot Biden’s controllers, seeing the obvious humor in the situation, peddled this massive joke upon the US taxpayer.

Our first daughter was over one year old before she had long, blond hair. For a long while, she was basically bald. Often someone would remark on our beautiful “boy”. It didn’t infuriate us and it was far to early to block someone on social media. It was a mistake we could understand someone making. I REFUSE to worry about not being able to guess what someone mentally is and thinks they deserve to be called.

3/31 – Many Democrats are clearly evil and openly acknowledge their ignorance; why should they be trusted on matters of innocent life?

Nothing shall stand in the way of a liberal to behave however they want whenever they want. Not even life.

3/31 – Maxine Waters tells the homeless to ‘go home’

Later, she donated some artwork to the Institute for the Blind. You know, Maxine could have calmed them down by explaining that she supported bringing in 2 and more million illegal immigrants into the country and subsidizing their existence so they, those who KEEP the homeless homeless, can increase their political power. OR, maybe those screaming malcontents mistook Maxine for a member of Trump’s administration and was just following her orders.

4/1 – Racial Profiling and Kiddie Porn Replace the Three Rs in Maine’s K-12 Classrooms

It’s funny that the people who support majority rule (democracy) want to force the VAST majority to submit to the ravings of 1 to 2% of the population.

Finnish Minister Charged With ‘Hate Crimes’ For Citing #Bible Verse Acquitted in Landmark Ruling.
There is always those that slip through the system.

School Nurse Suspended For Revealing Connecticut Public School Was Secretly Giving Children Puberty Blockers Behind Their Parents’ Backs.
Disney hold my latte.

My favorite meme of the week
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