The Week in Radical Leftism, 2/25/21


Welcome to Day 402 of the Harris* occupation! You know that a number of Democrats at the state and national levels are looking at what Justin Castreau is doing up north and are weeping with envy. Lots to post this week, so let’s get to it!

2/17 – Mayor Eric Adams calls out NYC workers to return to offices

And then Adams blames his problems on… racism. Sorry New York City, but replacing malevolent with stupid is not an updgrade.

2/18 – Finland’s Interior Minister Päivi Räsänen on trial for tweeting Bible verse

Pay attention – you know that our Radical Left is studying these overseas projects and taking notes.

2/18 – The Right Is Exploiting People’s Fears With Surgical Precision

Normally I don’t give a click to the Leftist rag known as The Nation, but this article is too damned funny to not share. Quick recap: “Our policies are awesome, but we agree that the results are hot garbage. So we need to double down!”


For all that American “journalists” bray about their PTSD from the Trump presidency, those cowards won’t utter a peep about real violence against one of their own (see: Andy Ngo)

2/19 – Mask Fallout: CDC Lowers Childhood Speech Standards

This is the same disgusting issue with scholastic standards: When our policies fail, we lower expectations. Who gives a damn about the kids, anyway?

2/19 – Ph.D. Candidate at UPenn Says Freedom is a ‘Key Component of White Supremacy’

Um, if we take this idea to its logical conclusion, does that mean that non-white people are all tyrants?

2/20 – Are Helmet Laws Racist?

I don’t care either way about forcing kids to wear bike helmets, but if Leftist stupidity means more freedom I can live with it.

2/20 – Bill Gates Asserts That ‘Wearing Masks Are Like Wearing Pants’

With all due respect Mr. Gates, stigmatizing those of us who prefer to roll without pants shall not help your cause.

2/21 – Israel Rated More Democratic Than the U.S., Spain, Italy, and South Africa – Amnesty Int’l Hardest Hit

If right now you’re saying, “This looks like one of Brother Bob’s links that make the cut for no other reason than having a cool title” you would be correct.

2/22 – Climate Cult Groups Spending Millions To Get Friendly Press

And members of the profession formerly known as journalism wonder why we Normals distrust and can’t stand them.

2/23 – NY Mag Columnist: Parents Are ‘Household Tyrants,’ GOP Imposing Conservative Agenda On Students

I love stories like this. Yes, please continue to demonize parents, Democrats – this is a winning issue for you!

2/24 – Whose Fault Are High Gas Prices?

Good post that goes beyond the simple and obvious of increasing our supply

2/25 – Forget Crack Pipes, a CDC Provider is Promoting ‘Safe’ Fentanyl Use

Masking 2-year-olds and handing out needles to addicts is the new public health.

ICYMI – I asked the question –  Is Scholastic Press Creating a Generation of Illiterate White Boys?

No TWIRL next week, as the Bob Family takes some time off for some much needed R&R. But I will have a fun post for you next weekend, where I’ll be speculating as to what happened to Howard Stern. Have a great weekend and I’ll see you back here in two weeks!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Indeed, little Justin COULD be Castro’s little bastard.

2/17 – Mayor Eric Adams calls out NYC workers to return to offices

Gee, the Democrats spread fear porn about COVID all over the public, then complain when workers take advantage of their fear porn? Gosh, who thought that when you gave people an avenue to exploit either the money being shoveled at them or time off, they would actually abuse it? What else do Democrats have but malevolence or stupidity? Sometimes they have both.

2/18 – Finland’s Interior Minister Päivi Räsänen on trial for tweeting Bible verse

I guess they used the wrong bible.

2/18 – The Right Is Exploiting People’s Fears With Surgical Precision

Damned non-leftists, using the truth and reality to point out our flaws and failures! Perhaps the success at “harvesting fears” is due to being able to SHOW what the source of the fear is. Do you think there is hope for a treatment for such derangement?


The actions of Canadian police was really surprising and horrific. They appeared to really enjoy beating peaceful protesters.

2/19 – Mask Fallout: CDC Lowers Childhood Speech Standards

I guess they think this hides the effects of their failed policies. But, you know, follow the science, don’t politicize the virus, yadda, yadda, yadda.

2/19 – Ph.D. Candidate at UPenn Says Freedom is a ‘Key Component of White Supremacy’

Um… wasn’t “lack of freedom” a major component of slavery? When slaves gained their freedom, did they become white supremacists? Little did those slaves know that when they sought freedom, they became racists.

2/20 – Are Helmet Laws Racist?2/20 – Are Helmet Laws Racist?

So, the problem with bike helmet laws is that only people without helmets get fined? Maybe we should drop murder and robbery laws (hell, we almost have anyway) because they are committed disproportionately by blacks and, thus, blacks are disproportionately punished.

2/20 – Bill Gates Asserts That ‘Wearing Masks Are Like Wearing Pants’

Yep, in both cases, they cover up something many of us just don’t want to see. Joy and Whoopie come to mind… on both counts.

2/21 – Israel Rated More Democratic Than the U.S., Spain, Italy, and South Africa – Amnesty Int’l Hardest Hit

I guess Canada’s score would be a bit lower if the study had been done a little later.

2/22 – Climate Cult Groups Spending Millions To Get Friendly Press

What’s the matter, isn’t all the obvious evidence of climate change and all those climate change predictions coming frighteningly true enough to convince the public?

2/23 – NY Mag Columnist: Parents Are ‘Household Tyrants,’ GOP Imposing Conservative Agenda On Students

Yeah, I remember back in the good old days in my family where we held elections to determine who ran the household. Apparently, children have rights… except the one that allows them to decide what gets strapped to their faces. Love how parents “ want to create new rights on top of the privileges parents already enjoy,” although they don’t, apparently, have the right to raise their own children in their own way.

2/24 – Whose Fault Are High Gas Prices?

Presidents had little to do with making America independent of foreign oil imports.” That’s kind of contradicted in the same article. Obama and idiot Biden both restricted drilling wherever and however they could. This maintained our dependency. Trump followed the “drill, baby, drill” doctrine and, thus, made us energy independent. I wonder what would happen to Anwar if rare earth minerals was discovered there?

2/25 – Forget Crack Pipes, a CDC Provider is Promoting ‘Safe’ Fentanyl Us

No link, dude!

Get some perspective. Trudeau is not a tyrant. Here’s what ACTUAL tyranny looks like.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

It would appear you did not find intelligent discussion elsewhere hence your return.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton on Friday lashed out at Trump, Fox News host Tucker Carlson and Republicans as Vladimir Putin invades Ukraine on Biden’s watch.
Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine this week after feeble Joe Biden waved sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Trump had Putin under control, but Putin decided to invade Ukraine as soon as weakling Biden entered the White House.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson this week said the Russia-Ukraine conflict is not our fight as Americans.

At this point biden wants Zelensky killed, but he wants Russia to do it. 
Despite all the rhetoric, we’re basically doing nothing to help Ukraine.

Greggie poo this is what tyranny looks like.
The Mohawk elder is on her mobility scooter, the guy in the brown coat is attempting to shield her.
After being trampled the Mohawk elder is later dragged away by her coat by the police, she had to be hospitalized for days

The police story was a bike was thrown at the horses legs in attempts to injure it. She is now moving with her family to Florida.
The emergency act facilitated that.

Trudeau has acted tyrannically. It’s fact.

What you posted was what war looks like, and it’s on Biden’s shoulders that that happened.

Biden could have prevented this. Putin wanted to negotiate prior. Biden and Nato said no.

Your clip is what actual war looks like, when the most powerful nation in the world lets a weak puppet get installed and Putin can act as he likes, without consequences.

The “sanctions” will do nothing.

Putin’s Most Potent Weapon? – Joe Biden
Over 40% of the Russian government’s budget is derived from oil and natural gas revenues.
Without that money, Putin does not have an army. Putin does not invade anything. Russia is lucky if it can put gas in its tanks.
A rational American President – who actually wanted to deter Russian aggression and enhance American national security – would exploit this weakness to the fullest.  He would do everything possible to ramp up American fossil fuel production, make Western Europe independent of Russian energy exports and leave Putin greatly diminished and powerless in the middle of Eurasia.
That’s what a President who was working on ourbehalf would do.  Joe Biden is not that guy.

And, now with Russian troops knocking on the door of Kyiv and gas prices in this country already skyrocketing, Biden is doubling down on his grotesque, failed policies. Only days ago, Biden intensified his efforts to cripple American fossil fuel production, pausing new leases and permits for oil and gas drilling on federal land.
At the same time, Biden has explicitly refused to sanction Russian energy exports. While Joe is fine with killing jobs here at home and driving up our energy prices, he seems fixated on guaranteeing that Vlad can continue to bring home the cash he needs to bombard Kyiv, kill civilians and push his agenda of reconstituting the old Soviet Union.

In Ukraine, the Russians are employing all sorts of weapons from tanks to rockets to fighter jets. Putin’s most powerful weapon is none of those.  It is the man in the White House who is working overtime to crush the American oil and gas industry and enrich the Russian war machine.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon