Joe Biden claims to be a lot of things he is not and he has a long history of doing just that. The truth is that he is not very bright, he is not a nice person, he is not responsible, he is a chronic liar and he is a vicious and mean b*stard.
Ron DeSantis is everything Biden is not. He is honest, principled, a decorated veteran, a successful lawyer, representative and now Governor of Florida. Despite the garbage you hear being spewed by the left, DeSantis is pro-vaccine:
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is urging Floridians to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, saying that the shots are “saving lives.”
In a press conference on Wednesday, DeSantis told reporters that 95% of the people being admitted to hospitals in the state due to COVID-19 complications haven’t been vaccinated at all, implying that “vaccines are saving lives,” especially with regard to nursing homes.
“If you look at the people that are being admitted to hospitals …. over 95% of them are either not fully vaccinated or not vaccinated at all,” DeSantis said. “These vaccines are saving lives. They are reducing mortality.”
DeSantis has been vaccinated. He just doesn’t like masks or vaccine mandates.
DeSantis also said that people who are vaccinated will not experience the current wave of new COVID-19 cases in the state, saying that he gets a “little bit frustrated” over jurisdictions in the state still enforcing mask mandates, arguing that those jurisdictions are implying that the vaccines don’t work.
“It’s telling them that the vaccines don’t work. I think that’s the worst message you can send to people at this time because I think that the data has been really, really good in terms of preserving people …. saving people’s lives … reducing mortality dramatically,” DeSantis said.
He has a point. It wasn’t so long ago that Biden promised us there would be no vaccine mandates and Pelosi agreed.
On the other hand one of the stupidest statements I’ve ever heard came (of course) from Joe Biden, who said
We are going to protect the vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers.
Unequivocally stupid. Asinine. It is absolutely an assertion that vaccines do not work. DeSantis won’t tell you not to wear a mask, he simply opposes mask mandates and that puts him at odds with our idiot President.
DeSantis has seen that COVID victims may be treated with monoclonal antibodies
Monoclonal Antibody Therapy for COVID-19
Monoclonal antibody therapy can prevent severe illness, hospitalization and death in high-risk patients who have contracted or been exposed to COVID-19. These treatments are widely available in Florida.
- Treatment is free and vaccination status does not matter. If you are 12 years and older and are at high risk for severe illness due to COVID-19, you are eligible for this treatment.
- In clinical trials, monoclonal antibody treatment showed a 70% reduction in hospitalization and death.
- For high-risk patients who have been exposed to someone with COVID19, Regeneron can give you temporary immunity to decrease your odds of catching the infection by over 80%.
- Monoclonal antibody treatments can be prescribed by health care providers to individuals 12 years of age and older who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 and are at high risk for severe illness and hospitalization.
DeSantis has been expanding the program throughout Florida. It is a very good program and it has been a success. By August 25 more than 10,000 had been treated,
Enter Josef Mengele Biden.
Biden has been hammering DeSantis for his alleged anti-vaccine position. That, as just about everything Biden utters, is a lie. In his war of words Biden said of DeSantis “Governor who?”, which given Biden’s diminished mental state only drew more attention to Biden’s dementia. Many thought he simply could not remember. Biden then continued his unending series of lies:
“And to make matters worse, there are elected officials actively working to undermine the fight against COVID-19. Instead of encouraging people to get vaccinated and mask up, they’re ordering mobile morgues for the unvaccinated dying from COVID in their communities.”
As we’ve proven, DeSantis is certainly urging people to get vaccinated. The few coherent sentences that Biden is able to string together are always mendacious.
Now Biden has taken this to a new level- eugenics. He means to punish DeSantis by killing Floridians.
Biden chopped the amount of monoclonal antibodies that would be shipped to Florida.
Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said the Biden administration has slashed in half the state’s supply of monoclonal antibody treatments that have been critical in reducing deaths and hospitalizations from COVID-19. “This is a dramatic reduction,” DeSantis said Thursday at a Fort Lauderdale press conference with healthcare providers. “We are facing a massive cut in antibody treatments. Abruptly.”
The Biden administration announced earlier this week that the federal government is facing a shortage of the drug due to “a substantial surge in the utilization” associated with the highly transmissible delta variant.
It’s patently obvious what’s going on here. Firstly, it’s hardball politics on the part of Biden but he is condemning Floridians to death because DeSantis won’t kiss Biden’s ass. What the feckless Biden fails to recognize is that he admitting DeSantis is doing the right thing with monoclonal antibody treatment. and there’s more:
DeSantis said the majority who sought treatment became infected with the virus despite being vaccinated against COVID-19, which he said underscores the need not only to promote vaccinations, which are widely available and free in Florida, but to develop early treatments for those who get the disease.
This would be the elderly and those with comorbidities.
DeSantis has opened 25 treatment sites around the state, increasing access to the drug.
“Many thousands would have ended up in the hospital, and of course, some of them would have ended up dying, so it has saved lives here in the state of Florida,” DeSantis said.
DeSantis is fighting back against Josef Mengele Biden by trying to secure his own supply:
Gov. DeSantis is buying a batch of a new monoclonal antibody therapy in an effort to meet a shortfall he says has been caused by the Biden administration. DeSantis said the state of Florida bought 3,000 doses of Sotrovimab.
Here’s the cover story
The Biden administration took over the distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments and allocated doses to states more evenly, in an effort to ensure lifesaving COVID-19 treatment across the country.
If masks and vaccine alone worked as Biden insists, this would not be necessary. BTW, Floridians ARE getting vaccinated.
Florida’s vaccination rate is now more than one point above the national average, with more than 12 million Floridians fully vaccinated. About two million of those Floridians got their shot in the last two months.
Hospitalizations are on a downward trend, which is why the media isn’t talking about it any longer.
Here’s the bottom line: Josef Mengele Biden is trying to kill Floridians by withholding vital and successful treatments. What kind of person does that? DeSantis is fighting back against the evil Emperor.
This will make for a wonderful Presidential campaign. Biden will then get to say it again

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Dr John, if DeathSantis is so pro-vaccine, why did he just appoint a new state surgeon general who has written essays questioning the safety of COVID-19 vaccines and promoting hydroxychloroquine?
Trying to give credit to DeathSantis for his mass murdering for political gain is a stretch for even an indoctrinated cultist as you.
You don’t question the safety of the mrna injection. Where have you been under a rock? Check the data.HQC works as well as Gateway Pundit previously reported that COVID cases are plummeting in India thanks to new rules that promote Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to its massive population. The 33 districts in Uttar Pradesh, India have now become free from COVID-19 government informed on Friday. The recovery rate has increased up to 98.7% proving the effectiveness of IVERMECTIN as part of the “Uttar Pradesh Covid Control Model.” Of course, the media won’t mention that Ivermectin is being used for the treatment of COVID-19.
Well, if GatewayPundit said so.
I mean, their non-bias reporting and credibility is right up there with Floppingaces.
Says the Cultist who believes CNN, WaPo, et al who publish lies and quietly say so three weeks later.
You f*cking clown. Go start your own country.
This one’s taken.
Nathan, with the understanding of the impossibility of reasoning with those cocooned in their alternate rabbit hole, CNN and The Washington Post are totally different news outlet than GatewayPundit or Floppingaces. There really is no comparison.
The reason you believe what you believe is because you’ve been repeatedly told to, even from the very previous leader of our government who told you to never believe any news source that reported anything negative about the previous leader of our government. You’ve been programmed to reject what is true or from anyone telling the truth and to only accept the lies, misinformation, and conspiracies feed to you from the Trump propaganda machine.
The very forum is a perfect example. DeathSantis, for his very own political ambitions, rejected science and the medical professionals and politicized COVID. The outcome? The most COVID deaths per capita than any place in the world. Now that the virus is waning nationally, the fake news misinformation propaganda machine kicks into gear to sell their obedient cultists something that is not true.
The Arizona scam recount is another prime example. You and the cult were ordered to respect it as if it were straight from the Gospel. The propaganda machine sold it to you as credible even though the entire world recognized it as a grifting hoax. You obeyed your masters.
Now that the evidence was so overwhelming that Trump did in fact legitimately lose that even the shyster AZ recount couldn’t deny it, the machine will instruct you on how to act and respond. The machine will tell you how to properly deny what is real and what we all saw in broad daylight in order for you to continue the Big Lie.
CNN, NYT, WaPo et al are worldwide investigative and reporting outlets who’s credibility depends on their accuracy. GWP, FA, EpochTimes, et al are part of the Trump propaganda machine who spin reality and sell misinformation and conspiracies while convincing the basket of gulibles to not look at what is true.
” CNN and The Washington Post are totally different news outlet than GatewayPundit or Floppingaces. There really is no comparison.” There really isn’t. CNN and WaPo have been cited numerous times for knowingly lying. Not so with GP and FA. It is no surprise to anyone that you gravitate to and support the lying propagandists.
“The reason you believe what you believe is because you’ve been repeatedly told to, even from the very previous leader of our government who told you to never believe any news source that reported anything negative about the previous leader of our government. ” Yet you still believe in “Russian collusion” even though it’s been proven a fabricated lie. And, of course, the list of lies you prefer to the truth goes on and on. You are lying about COVID in Florida and the recounts. Lying is like breathing to you. You do it naturally and you can’t live without it.
“CNN, NYT, WaPo et al are worldwide investigative and reporting outlets who’s credibility depends on their accuracy.” They have no credibility and don’t even care about having it. The are propaganda tools of the left. Credibility is a drawback.
“CNN, NYT, WaPo et al are worldwide investigative and reporting outlets who’s credibility depends on their accuracy.”
Were that true, WaPo and the NYSlimes would have gone out of business upon the discovery of the Holodomor. CNN would not have Don Lemon or the man currently being accused of sexual misconduct, Chris Cuomo.
Unfortunately, for you, you show how poorly informed you are which explains why all you are capable of is calling others names and running from questions. Facts seem to elude you as much as truthfulness.
Your projection is laughable. YOU believe what you believe because of biased, partisan news outlets using you like a drone.
I don’t read or watch any of the news sites you keep spitting about.
You are what you think you are fighting.
All you can say is “my news is fact, yours is propaganda”.
The true genius of the New Marxist movement with gullible idiots like you is how they get you to accuse others of doing what you are ACTUALLY doing.
You’ll never see it.
The “Propaganda Machine” is real, and it’s Leftwing. It’s Democrat. It’s unelected, and it’s tyrannical.
That’s what you support.
Trump was and is just one guy who ran for office. He wasn’t bought by your masters, so that’s why you have to bitch and whine and project: doing your slave work like a good slave. There is no “Trump cult” and there never was. Only losers like you could plaster our country in Communist-style Obama stickers then bitch about Trump having real support. You want power and want to kill all those who don’t agree with you.
The Big Lie is that Biden won anything. He’s a dictator: unelected, and without authority.
Biden is being tolerated for now.
You are indoctrinated…
Get out of my country and go start your own. We have rules here, and you broke them.
You are a case study in how autocratic governments can exist: they use low-thinking quislings like you.
SCIENCE says so, idiot. The DATA says so, moron. The RESULTS say so, stupid. Stop denying science.
The effectiveness of HcQ is FACT. It doesn’t make your Cult masters rich so…they can’t have the coffers go dry before 2022 or 2024.
Rigging elections is expensive..
DeSantis had his most vulnerable populations vaxxed before any other state.
Why does idiot Biden keep bringing in infected illegal immigrants and then spreading them throughout the country, without testing and tracking? The fact is, there ARE legitimate safety concerns with the vaccines. Actually acknowledging them and knowing what they are will promote people making INTELLIGENT decisions about being vaccinated instead of idiot Biden’s approach: lie to everyone and force them to get a vaccine that, depending upon their conditions, could be harmful or deadly.
Why hasn’t idiot Biden “shut down the virus” like he PROMISED? If he thinks vaccines are so important, why did he and his whore partner, Kamala, DENOUNCE the COVID vaccines? If idiot Biden and the whore Kamala, who is the border czar, thinks the spread of COVID19 is such a threat, why are THEY SPREADING IT FURTHER?
Step out of your usual cowardly character and answer some questions. Stop lying. Your lying doesn’t make idiot Biden’s abject failure any less catastrophic. You and your fellow dumbasses, along with copy machines and internet-driven counting machines brought this disaster about.
This “vaccine” is like playing Russian roulette with a semiautomatic pistol.
Sars-CoV2 has never been properly isolated and identified. It was extrapolated from Sara-CoV1 on a computer. I believe the disease is a ruse and the “vaccine” (which is not a vaccine as medicine had heretofore understood vaccines) is a bioweapon kill shot. It’s possible that not all vials are deadly. That’s what makes it a game of “Pfizer Roulette”.
Depopulation. Brought to you by Gates & Frenemies.
Covid was released to, among other things, stop Donald Trump from his successful, and competent, execution of the will of the American People.
China was being stopped, so…
Covid has started what will be called WWIII in the future.
We’re living in it.
The fall of our Republic on January 6th, and the propagation of the Big Lie — that Joe Biden won a fair and free election — is the final blow.
ever notice how big joey’s butt is?? look hard. he is wearing male dippers. so who is polishing his butt after he takes off his “oops I craped my pants diaper”?? thanks to blue state gov’s and some rino’s who have had the medical boards strip physician’s license if they prescribe Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
the European medical journals have fought against the alleged golden cow vaccine. The number of deaths from the vaccine are over 45,000 but the media and the wipe house have blocked the real data, just like the number that have dies or been diagnosed with the virus.
Recall the 2ed Commandant, about creating a false god. Well the US has created a pagan god out of the vaccine.
Enjoy the kool-aid America because more is coming your way.
[so who is polishing his butt after he takes off his “oops I craped my pants diaper”??] AJ and Greg take turns, using their faces and tongues for wipies. It is their honor and privilege to kiss the wrinkled, blotched ass of the Supreme Idiot Biden because he doesn’t tweet mean things; he just kills people.
This unelected fraud of a WH occupant will be dealt with, legally, in time.
First we need to clean up our corrupt FBI who thinks they are in the business of installing unelected regimes instead of serving the People of the United States.
Biden was not a viable primary candidate, and he certainly wasn’t a viable presidential candidate.
The election was rigged and the majority of Americans know it now.
Trump’s traveling Stolen Election circus will remain on the road as long as it continues to pull in millions in contributions.
The GOP won’t point out the scam, since it provides an excuse for voter suppression legislation.
The scam, Comrade Greggie, is the scam that the left wing Democrats have foisted on the American people telling them that Talibiden is fit for the job he now holds. He has never been fit and if you deny that, you clearly have never watched him interrogate Clarence Thomas.
But hey, the party of the KKK and racism has not changed in over 150 years. It is still promoting racists for the highest office in the land. And being supported by idiots like you.
Comrade Greggie, define voter “suppression.”
1. Israel had a full vaccination policy ….. then they had a huge bump in cases, most of them “break thru” cases.
The little country is awash with covid variants made inside vaccinated people.
Vaccines put evolutionary pressure on viruses to speed up mutations and create more virulent and dangerous variants.
The Unvaccinated Are Not Fueling COVID Variants
2. India, OTOH, just announced they have totally beaten covid.
They used IVERMECTIN!!!
It worked.
Not to say travelers could not cause a few new cases, but WOW!
Indian state with 240 million people completely eradicated covid with ivermectin
That article is brought you by Dr. Reddy’s website, who…as a strange coincidence…makes generic Ivermectin and is a competitor with Merck, et all.
I’d vet some of that info and consider the source, though indeed it seems Ivermectin is a solid and safe treatment.
Fair point, Nathan.
Here’s the Times of India:
17:20 (IST) Sep 25
Delhi records zero death, 27 new cases; positivity rate 0.04 percent
Delhi on Saturday recorded zero death due to Covid-19 and 27 fresh cases with a positivity rate of 0.04 per cent, according to data shared by the city health department. Three fatalities due to the coronavirus infection have been reported in the national capital this month — one each on September 7, September 16 and September 17.
Thing is, as cases get identified, those people are treated with Ivermectin.
And then they live.
From the Hindustan Times:
“Covid-19 deaths being the highest in the 61-70 year age group….”
Considering the average age at death in the USA is 77, that’s not too bad for India.
That’s good data, Nan. Thank you. I’ve no doubt in India taking a better response to this than most countries.
The whole big-pharma scam is also front and center because of Covid.
“The Biden administration announced earlier this week that the federal government is facing a shortage of the drug due to “a substantial surge in the utilization” associated with the highly transmissible delta variant.” Science, anyone? If idiot Biden thought this was a viable treatment and he is aware of a spike in cases, why hasn’t he mobilized to vastly increase production of such an effective treatment? He has FAILED to prepare. He restricts effective treatments, encourages health care workers to be FIRED while he opens our southern border, encourages MILLIONS of illegal immigrants to flood into overcrowded facilities, then wantonly and criminally distributes hundreds of thousands of COVID infected illegal immigrants all across the country, ESPECIALLY in red states.
Impeachment is imperative.
DeSantis obtained the monoclonal ivermectin from the UK. There may be a US shortage, intentional, but there is ample availability world wide…
New Poll: Trump Decisively Beats Biden And Harris In
FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Says “It Wouldn’t Matter A Whole Lot” If Haiti Sunk Into The Caribbean
You don’t see AJ addressing that, do you? That’s because he worships racists and racism.