Welcome back to Day 241 of the Harris* Administration! Let’s dive right in:
First, a post I forgot to include in last week’s catch-up post. Want to see Mike Rowe smack down a Vichy Republican who tried to start with him? Of course you do!
Countdown to this doctor getting memory holed on social media in 3, 2, 1…
9/9 – New Woke ‘Cinderella’ Movie Flops, Is Getting Torn Apart by Even Critics
Having the Fairy Godmother as a nonwite dude in a dress? What could possibly go wrong?
9/10 – Hottest Summer On Record In The US
Good look into how The Radical Left lies to push the Climastrology Cult
Or any answer, for that matter
9/11 – Biden’s Pre-Recorded 9/11 Statement Was Weird and Disturbing
I wasn’t even going to check out whatever mush Biden* was going to serve us for 9/11 until I read the article. As I watched it I felt like I was watching the original Star Trek episode, “Patterns of Force” (The Nazi planet one), and was sitting through a John Gill speech. Did anyone else get the same feeling?
9/12 – Get ready for the left’s climate-change ‘emergency’ lockdowns
The Wuhan Pnemonia and the Boogie Wuhan Flu were a roadmap – expect more.
9/13 – Leftists cheer as a violent man assaults a woman
If it sounds like a Babylon Bee headline, it sort of is. But this headline and story are very much real.
9/14 – ‘New York Times’ Quietly Removes Claim That Hunter Biden Laptop Story Was ‘Unsubstantiated’
Quietly. I wonder why?
9/15 – Terry McAuliffe Caught Flouting Federal Masking Orders On Amtrak Train
*sigh* Meet your next Governor of Virginia. The 9/16 debate between McAuliffe & Youngkin summed up the two parties in The Old Dominion. Youngkin won the battle but lost the war. He outdebated McAuliffe (who avoided risking an outburst by not taking any of Youngkin’s bait and keeping his responses bland) & won the debate, but didn’t punch hard enough to move the needle. The debate felt like a microcosm of Republican politics in Virginia – Mcauliffe is running a campaign to become Governor, while Youngkin is running a campaign to put “Former Gubernatorial Candidate” on his resume.
9/16 – Bush Completes His Scummy Betrayal
You’ve already read stories about Dubya’s wretched 9/11 speech, but nobody brings the heat with short posts like Kurt Schlichter.
9/17 – Election Officials Don’t Know What Happened to 15 Million Mail Ballots in 2020 Election
The slogan for today’s Democratic party should be the reverse of the 80s GI Joe cartoons – “And not knowing is half the battle!”
Have a great weekend!
Friendly advice to anyone with an (R) after their name: When a loon like Keith Olbermann is praising you, you’ve gone way off the rails
— #BlueAnon is Real Brother Bob (@Brother_Bob) September 13, 2021
History will never forget how FDR withdrew the military and abandoned bases, weapons, and equipment in Hawaii, relying on the kamikazes for security. https://t.co/qp8TzoP1eb
— Razor (@hale_razor) August 27, 2021
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
I heard it was the Ron Klain administration (White House chief of staff). Isn’t he pulling the levers of power?
That’s what I’ve heard too. I’m assuming The Clintonistas (who installed Harris*) are pulling the strings
While things are extremely screwed up, biden is incapable of this much destruction giving his acute degree of dementia.
The tell on how it is obvious he is not in control is the limited amount of questioning allowed.
Remember President Trump outside the white house taking dozens of questions repeatedly and speaking to each issue articulately.
The people orchestrating this are unelected.
Elections have consequences…
Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences…
The disturbing part is how weveryone on the left has this collective dissonance about Biden’s* mental state. I just don’t see how anyone doesn’t see it? Or more likely, choose to not see it
Reverse roles and it would be 24/7. The most troubling point I find is his denial to take questions. It is obvious why, he is unable to answer any question of deep details.
Of course they see it and they all know it. They don’t care because Biden’s handlers are doing what the Left wants done.
I’m looking forward to the giant caravans to state borders if the Neo-Nazis try to stop interstate travel by the unvaxxed.
Amazing how quickly that Biden* has made me compeltely rethink that Obama was the worst president in American history
There you go! You broke the case! Obama is running the idiot Biden regime to purposely make it stink out loud so the pseudo-Obama regime will look worse than the actual Obama regime!
Some Dem voters are incredibly stupid and uninformed.
Like this Mormon lady I know.
1. She nearly died after her 2nd jab but sees nothing wrong with mandatory boosters and jab mandates!
2. Joe’s policies caused massive shortages and decades high inflation but she blames her property manager! (the messenger)
3. She’s a real social animal but she completely accepted working from home, masking and distancing…..after vaccinations!
4. She admitted to voting Dem as her way of rebelling against her church leaders.
The left has very low standards and expectations of their own “leaders”. If they didn’t, they would be disappointed to death.
Gee, I wonder why no one wants to step forward and accept credit for all this regime’s accomplishments?
Egyptians and Muslims in France speak French.
For those who don’t speak French:
Raggedy Ann was asked WHY border bashers are not immunized for Kung Flu (before being spread all over the country.) Her non answer was “Yes, next.” Try that one when the wife asks why you were out so late.
From Pauls greatest hits
And I love the Gimps in the press corps letting her get away with it. Spineless scumbags
Bob…do you really think they want the truth?
Of course not. They’re the PR wing of the DNC
The Biden administration accomplished in months what Trump never did in four years. The recall of ambassadors of our allies due to administration stupidity. You are supposed to at least warn your allies you are screwing them BEFORE you throw them overboard.
“Mike Rowe smack down a Vichy Republican” I love seeing those “you’re either 100% agreeing with me or you’re wrong and an a##hole” people smacked down almost as much as I love doing it myself.
“9/5 – As a doctor, here’s my message to anyone who thinks it’s OK to deny medical treatment to those unvaccinated against Covid” Want to know what government health care with “death panels” would look like? THAT is what government health care with “death panels” would look like. Arbitrary rationing of health care based on ideological consideration.
“what government health care with “death panels” would look like” How much money does the wokesters have to lose before they realize this appeals only to their coastal elite circles? The losses is probably why I couldn’t get free shipping and next day delivery on the heating element for my electric smoker.
“9/10 – Hottest Summer On Record In The US” Here in Texas, the summers seem to keep getting milder and milder.
“9/11 – Fauci Struggles to Explain Why People With Natural Immunity Should Take Vax: ‘I Don’t Have A Really Firm Answer For You On That’” Most of the erroneous comments made by Trump came from Fauci, yet he remains their COVID god.
“9/11 – Biden’s Pre-Recorded 9/11 Statement Was Weird and Disturbing” That 6:23 seems like 45 minutes. This idiot sucks the lifeforce out of you like discharging a capacitor.
“9/12 – Get ready for the left’s climate-change ‘emergency’ lockdowns” I was wondering, as Ida’s rain deluge slowly creeped across the nation, why NY and NJ weren’t better prepared? Couldn’t their accurate, long-range weather prediction capabilities tell them what was coming, or was catastrophe and a body count important to the climate change argument? As soon as the proponents of climate change begin to take this “existential threat” seriously and curtail their own lifestyles, maybe I will take them a bit more seriously.
“9/13 – Leftists cheer as a violent man assaults a woman” You have to be a truly sick MFer to consider that a sport or entertainment. What’s next; men who identify as children beating the hell out of kids in Golden Gloves?
“9/14 – ‘New York Times’ Quietly Removes Claim That Hunter Biden Laptop Story Was ‘Unsubstantiated’” The left wing propaganda media continues to try to simply redefine truth with their reporting. It should be a simple matter for leftists to realize their entire belief system is based on lies and being lied to, but they never seem to get it.
“9/15 – Terry McAuliffe Caught Flouting Federal Masking Orders On Amtrak Train” Masks are useless and pointless and Democrat leaders take every opportunity to show us that’s what they believe.
“9/16 – Bush Completes His Scummy Betrayal” He could just as probably been referring to BLM/ANTIFA, as they have clearly demonstrated themselves as domestic and political terrorists working for the Democrats. However, he left it ambiguous so that it could be interpreted either way.
“9/17 – Election Officials Don’t Know What Happened to 15 Million Mail Ballots in 2020 Election” Oh, no… that’s not a failure; it’s a resounding Democrat success. Everyone saw this coming in 2020, some in foreboding, others in excited anticipation. Voting by mail is an election fraud gift from above and, beyond any possible dispute, it was exploited to its fullest. When positive ID is proposed, Democrats oppose it. When cleaning up voter rolls is proposed, Democrats oppose it. When election integrity laws are proposed, Democrats oppose it. Gee… I sense a pattern here.
quote ““9/10 – Hottest Summer On Record In The US” Here in Texas, the summers seem to keep getting milder and milder.” Dont say that, I have orange, peach and palm trees ordered for the frozen tundra and beyond…” 😉
Here’s one for next week: