The Week in Radical Leftism, 6/11/2021


Welcome back to Day 143 of the Harris* Occupation! Another light week for posts, but at least I’ve been able to start writing my four part series again. And I’m dropping some comments in with the links again. In the meantime, Leftist insanity never sleeps:

6/4 – Hiring Again Lower than Expected by a Wide Margin

I’m still waitining for that magical word that “journalists” used to describe every negative economic report during teh Obama years: “Unexpectedly”

6/5 – Is there NOTHING they won’t politicize and/or sexualize?

This one hits close to home. When my oldest niece was little Blues Clues was one of her favorites. On what planet is sexualizing preschoolers considered sane?

6/5 – Interesting Timing – Obama Administration Lifted Block on “Gain of Function Research” Just Eleven Days Before President Trump Took Office, January 9, 2017

I miss the days when I would have just dismissed posts like this as conspiracy theory. Nowadays reality is telling us that even the craziest theories need to be heard out.

6/6 – Over Twenty States Are Now Suing The Biden Administration Over The Closure Of The Keystone XL Pipeline

A better approach might be to simply cut of any natural gas from the DC area. Apparently the Colonial gas pipeline hack & shutdown didn’t teach anyone a lesson.

6/7 – When Sensitivity Becomes Censorship

This is a post that could have shown up in any Conservative or Centrist publication. The reason you’re seeing it here is that the story is coming from the Radical Leftist publication The Nation.

6/8 – When the State Comes for Your Kids.

A good story to read if you suffer from low blood pressure. This is straight up evil.

6/9 – Update: Smear of Mom Nicole Solas Was Prepared By Public Relations Firm Hired By South Kingstown (RI) School Committee

This story keeps getting more disturbing – were public funds used to hire a PR firm to smear a parent?

6/10 – A peer-reviewed psychoanalytic journal publishes a grotesque anti-White screed

Stories like this make me genuinely miss the days when the phrase “Liberalism is a mental disorder” was more funny than true.

6/11 – How to Unwoke Your School Board

If I seem to be focusing more on education lately, this year brought home that this is a battle where, like it or not, I’m being pulled to the frontlines. While I think that Prager makes a good poimnt about pulling our kids out of public schools, it’s only a short term solution. The Conservative / Libertarian in me likes the idea of massive teacher layoffs after plummeting enrollments, let’s be realistic. How is the track record of Leftists looking at people who want to be left alone and saying, “OK, let’s respect their desire to live their life how they want!” We can fight sooner or later, and the only choice for us Normals is the timing.

On that cheery note, have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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“6/4 – Hiring Again Lower than Expected by a Wide Margin”

Of course, idiot Biden disregards the most likely and obvious cause of unemployment. Ignoring the obvious seems to be a trait of his.

“6/5 – Is there NOTHING they won’t politicize and/or sexualize?”

In a word, NO. There is nothing the left does not seek to ruin and destroy. So, are we to believe that a beaver undergoing a sex-change is still a beaver?

“6/5 – Interesting Timing – Obama Administration Lifted Block on “Gain of Function Research” Just Eleven Days Before President Trump Took Office, January 9, 2017”

This, along with Fauci’s statement that Trump would face a pandemic during his term, is most curious. Does anyone actually explain why we partnered with Communist China to develop this virus. I don’t claim to be a genius, but this seems pretty stupid to me.

“6/6 – Over Twenty States Are Now Suing The Biden Administration Over The Closure Of The Keystone XL Pipeline”

There is also legislation proposed to force the idiot Biden to disclose how many jobs he has killed with his energy “policies”.

“6/7 – When Sensitivity Becomes Censorship”

When it serves the left’s needs. I’ve noticed that leftists tend to not let reality or facts interfere with the wild accusations that make against someone whose capabilities they fear. Are they also calling for Hunter’s book to be banned?

“6/8 – When the State Comes for Your Kids.”

Why is the only things the youth are too young to decide on is owning a firearm or buying liquor or cigarettes? They seem to have enough maturity to get an abortion, vote for liberals or change their sex. Seems only certain decisions can be made with an immature mind.

“6/9 – Update: Smear of Mom Nicole Solas Was Prepared By Public Relations Firm Hired By South Kingstown (RI) School Committee”

I guess, again, you have to wonder why they are so afraid of revealing the truth? And, is spending taxpayer funds to attack a concerned parent in any way legal?

“6/10 – A peer-reviewed psychoanalytic journal publishes a grotesque anti-White screed”

Knowing how Democrats like to treat problems by throwing money at them, why don’t they throw some money at my malignant, incurable toxic whiteness? A few million should set me on the path of becoming a left wing racist, like this guy.

“6/11 – How to Unwoke Your School Board”

The left wants to destroy the minds of the youth. That’s how communists and Nazis operate. The opposition to teaching children to be racists is widespread and overwhelming. This is the best example of how leftist elites think they can control the nation and how ill-informed they actually are. I’m glad I don’t have children in school now, but I have grandchildren. I’ll have to keep an eye on that.

Thankfully, in this area of Texas, CRT has been roundly rejected in recent elections.

A few Baltimore businesses got tired of the crime and violence allowed by their so-called police department.
So, they announced they would put their tax money into an escrow account and pay it AFTER Baltimore decides to keep peace in their part of the city.

So, fast forward.
These police are NOT the taxpayers’ friend.
The police closed all streets into this business area.
AND they are conducting sobriety checkpoints even on pedestrians who get into these eateries and bars.

Time to quit this city, business people.