The Week in Radical Leftism, 5/21/2021


Welcome back! Things are slowly settling down from the events from earlier this month. Hopefully I’ll be getting back to some real writing next week, but in the meantime let’s get to it: First again, a quick PSA:

“The Origins and Goals of Black Lives Matter” with Clare Lopez

Wednesday, May 26th, 2021 Beginning at 8 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. ET via GoToMeeting

“This presentation will delve into the origins, founders, and self-avowed beliefs of the BLM Movement as well as its current & ongoing activities, plus where it gets its enormous amounts of funding.”

FREE but registration is required

To register, please email

Because of a previous commitment, I won’t be on this call but have attended similar ones before. As I mentioned last week, trust me ,it’s worth your time.

5/14 – Parent BLASTS Peoria School Board on Critical Race Theory

5/14 – Ethics Complaint Filed Over Congress Members Using Air Marshals for Extra Protection. Maxine Waters Hardest Hit.

5/15 – San Francisco’s One-Day School Reopening Shows Teacher Unions’ True Colors

5/16 – Video Shows U.S. Capitol Police Gave Protesters OK to Enter

5/17 – Dr. Strawman, Or How I Learned To Stop Loving The FBI And Start Worrying

5/18 – Beware Teachers Unions Bearing School Reopening Talk

5/19 – Biden to Release Terrorists Including UBL’s Guard, Al Qaeda Bag Man, and KSM Aide from GITMO. But Look Who’s Still in Jail.

5/20 – Republican State Legislators Run for Cover on K-12 Indoctrination Bill

5/21 – PBS children’s show broadcast drag queen reading from her book, teaching kids to ‘experience the magic of drag’

Have great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Re the tweet about “women (and men, too) who regret having children as early as they did, ”
My daughter just turned 40. She has a 10 year-old son and a soon to be 4 year-old daughter. Last year she realized that she will qualify for senior citizen discounts before my granddaughter graduates High School. She expressed severe regret at waiting so long to have children. She now realizes that by waiting so long she will have very little time to interact with her children as adults whereas I had years to get to know the grandmother I was closest to as an adult. Plus it gave my children an opportunity to know and be loved by a GREAT-grandparent. One would hope that my daughter’s attitude would be more common than that of the author of that tweet.

Start making money this time… Spend more time with your family & relatives by doing jobs that only require you to have a computer and an internet access and you can have that at your home. Start bringing up to $65000 to $70000 a month. I’ve started this job and earn a handsome income and now I am exchanging it with you, so you can do it too.
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“5/14 – Parent BLASTS Peoria School Board on Critical Race Theory” While parents should show interest in their children’s curriculum, worrying that they are being indoctrinated and turned into racists should not be a concern.

“5/14 – Ethics Complaint Filed Over Congress Members Using Air Marshals for Extra Protection. Maxine Waters Hardest Hit.” There is no human that is more a waste of protection than this garbage. They hate police, yet demand extra protection from the violence they themselves created.

“5/15 – San Francisco’s One-Day School Reopening Shows Teacher Unions’ True Colors” And, of course, idiot Biden and the Democrats kowtow to these greedy turds.

“5/16 – Video Shows U.S. Capitol Police Gave Protesters OK to Enter” Authorities finally took notice of John Sullivan’s participation and instigation and confiscated the $90,000 liberal media paid him for his videos. But, of course, HE’S not in solitary confinement without bail.

“5/17 – Dr. Strawman, Or How I Learned To Stop Loving The FBI And Start Worrying” Leftists ruin everything that has value. That includes the FBI, which they weaponized and turned into into a GESTAPO.

“5/18 – Beware Teachers Unions Bearing School Reopening Talk” Unions only care about preserving and empowering unions.

“5/19 – Biden to Release Terrorists Including UBL’s Guard, Al Qaeda Bag Man, and KSM Aide from GITMO. But Look Who’s Still in Jail.” Trespassers are far more dangerous, even if they never even trespassed.

“5/20 – Republican State Legislators Run for Cover on K-12 Indoctrination Bill” Republicans in Maine must be more like moderate Democrats than actual Republicans.

“5/21 – PBS children’s show broadcast drag queen reading from her book, teaching kids to ‘experience the magic of drag’” These are exactly the kind of people who are not allowed around playgrounds and kids.