Tariq Nasheed describes himself as the “world’s #1 Race Baiter.” He also has numerous persona: “Tariq Elite”, “King Flex” or “K-Flex.” Nasheed has a history of being a provocateur. He apparently likes to bait people into making comments that he can use to bash them as racists and it seems to be a lucrative career.
Not long ago he trained his sights on a mentally ill gay white kid working at a Holiday Inn. Someone may have made an error on Rasheed’s reservation and Nasheed tormented the kid for the mistake. Watch as he pushes this kid to the breaking point.
A white Holiday Inn Express worker has a nervous breakdown after he got scolded by a Black customer because of a mistake in the reservation system. pic.twitter.com/KUEyqUSgsM
— Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸 (@tariqnasheed) April 25, 2021
The kid is said to have schizoaffective disorder and there is more to the story than meets the eye.
After finding the video posted on the subreddit “Publicfreakout,” the man responded to say it was him.
“That’s me,” he wrote. “Literally on the edge of my rope and contemplating a lot of things as I view this. Doesn’t’ anyone have a bad day anymore?”
“What the guy recording DIDN’T record was him calling me a FAGGOT for ‘taking his money’ which is my job. as well as threatening my job security. While that depiction is correct, because I am a giant homosexual, that was that. I was done.”
“Right before he started his recording,” he added, “I TOLD him ‘I have a mental illness I need a moment to think’ before he just kept going and going and going and going before it became too much.”
Nasheed provokes and provokes and then begins recording. Nice. This wasn’t well-received.
Nasheed went on to make things worse by misrepresenting the facts by claiming the kid was drunk at the time of the incident.
Blatantly misreporting info dude
Incident happened at 3AMWent home, got drunk at 6 AM
Drunk driving was a bad move
BUT DUDE HOW DO YOU LOOK UP HIS RESPONSE TO THIS AND LITERALLY IGNORE THE FACTS pic.twitter.com/xQDa1L7uHp— Nervatel (@Nervatel) April 26, 2021
Nasheed then blamed the outrage over his cruelty on “white supremacists”
“The Holiday Inn employee video I posted that went viral, has a lot of white supremacists using the man’s disorder as a way to project their anti-Black racism,” he tweeted after his grotesque post drew the internet’s ire.
After being chastised repeatedly he launched an attack on the Holiday Inn chain.
Finally, Nasheed admits what it’s really all about
— Elite Yeet (@EpikNerdRage) April 27, 2021
I guess there’s not enough hate to go around yet. Nasheed remains unaffected on Twitter despite the racism, torment, homophobia and deceit. One could only imagine the uproar had the races been reversed- had a white racist tormented a mentally ill young gay black man.
The young man identified himself as the person in the video and wrote this:
“This is not one of my best moments,” he wrote. “Mental illness is real and it literally can destroy lives. All I wanted to do was help them (which I couldn’t, because at that point my hands were tied, and I’m not a manager but an overworked motherfuck), but if they pressure me and try to argue with me, I don’t know how to handle it usually.”
He also said that the customer was kicked out by management for causing problems with customers and staff and had been calling him homophobic slurs in his anger before the video began.
This is where we are at today.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
So, at this point we can assume ALL blacks are race-baiting homophobes that don’t know how to behave in a hotel. Right? I mean, that’s what the left’s “critical race theory” teaches us.
Oh, by the way… why does Twitter allow this homophobic racist attack to remain up on their platform? Oh… that’s right. Homophobia, racism and personal attacks are OK as long as they are directed at a white person (I sincerely doubt this guy is a conservative; perhaps he is now).
“All Blacks” nope. Nor do I recall reading that in the piece. But here is incontrovertible evidence that AT LEAST ONE Black is a “race-baiting homophobe”. Plus he self-identified as doing it ” for the grift”! Your transparent attempt at a straw man argument “not all blacks are race-baiting homophobes therefor this race-baiting homophobic Black gets a walk” is utterly busted.
I’m merely pointing out that that is the critical race theory rule of the left, as in “all whites are racists”.
Sad. It’s time for all Americans to step back and stop letting the Left and other divide us on race.
Nothing good will come of that.
Absolutly no shame these people are the worst just looking to agutate someone to get on the News
During the Iraq war at its height, there was an election that Moqtadar al Sadr wanted to thwart.
So, some of his people caught a donkey and a couple of mentally disabled youths, rigged them with bombs and blew them up when they got up the the line of people waiting to vote.
The Left went ballistic over the death of the donkey!
This Lefty would fit right in with creeps like Moqtadar al Sadr and his sadistic followers.
No sympathy for the people unless they are “his” people.
But, watch him, he’s sadistic enough to shrink that circle of just which people are “his” people as time goes on.
I predict he will die alone and pathetic with no sympathy from anyone at all.
Leftists like PETA worry about donkey getting blown up because PETA was founded by a total Screwball Ingrid Newkirk
Calling the young man a faggot is considered a hate crime and he should go to gaol for it.
Only white Christian straight males can commit “hate crimes”, didn’t you know?