Welcome back to Day 66 of the Biden* Junta! What kind of insanity has The Radical Left introduced this week? Let’s jump in:
3/19 – Does AOC Care About Kids In Cages Anymore?
Like any good Leftist, Gulag Barbie’s concern goes as far as political usefulness or ability to virtue signal.
As in accurately captured every fraudulent ballot?
3/21 – Fauci’s Fall from Grace Began a Year Ago Today
Our Maskurbator in Chief can’t go away quickly enough
3/22 – Lesbian Wives Are Now Politically Incorrect
If normal wives are no longer PC, why wouldn’t lesbian wives be as well?
3/23 – Black Lives Matter Traps Shoppers in Rochester Grocery Store
At some point one of these events will end with Normals having had enough and then things will get ugly. And no, I’m not wishing or hoping for this, it’s just that when The Radical Left finds an activity they enjoy they don’t stop unless it stops being fun.
3/24 – Kristi Noem Running The Mike Pence Play To Help Leftists Control The Culture
I know, you probably know this story. The link here gets the nod for The Federalist doing its usual excellent research. And while things don’t look good for Noem, I have a feeling that at some point she’ll redeem herself. And no, I have no evidence other than a hunch and knowing full well that it won’t happen until she redeems herself for this. The last thing Conservatives will trust is another unrepentant architect of Romneycare 2.0.
3/25 – How the Green New Deal is a Trojan Horse for Totalitarian Government
Trojan Horse is a relative term – Is it just me or is The Radical Left not even bothering to hide their Totalitarian ideas anymore?
3/26 – Suffering, Compassion, Tribalism, and the Left
This one is longer and heavier than the usual posts here but is well worth your read. It’s a pretty sad and up close sharing of one woman’s personal experience with Democrats’ “compassion”
ICYMI – I gave credit to a Tater: Brian Stelter was Right About Tucker Carlson
Have a great weekend!
The bastard judge who just arrested Marlena in Michigan for opening her business is holding her without bail. I’ve written about 100 articles the past few years on the worst violent criminals getting out with low bail. We no longer live in a just country.
— Daniel Horowitz (@RMConservative) March 19, 2021
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Um… no. Spoiler alert: she never did, and neither did any other Democrat.
Wouldn’t the accusations of the fraud, backed up with credible evidence, have to be proven false first? Or is this a declaration of faith in the biggest liars we have ever seen?
Trump (erroneously) trusted Fauci implicitly. He never disputed Fauci’s advice or direction. Yet Trump is constantly accused of not “following the science”. He followed the WRONG science, mainly because we didn’t know any better at the time. We now know far more yet the idiot Biden STILL follows the wrong science.
Well, they don’t want to know what I call them, but I can’t help but notice that the media takes great pride in referring to Buttigieg’s butt-buddy partner as “husband”. Is that triggering or insulting?
Still working on that Nobel Peace Prize. Odd that a group that marches in the streets chanting “NO PEACE” is considered worthy of a “peace” prize.
While I see her point of view about how supporting the law as written would problem exclude their athletes from national competition and no tournaments would come to S. Dakota, which is probably a fact. However, allowing biological males to disrupt girl’s sports is something that should NOT be allowed and she should fully support that. The negative effects of doing the right thing is the responsibility of those who created the problem in the first place.
Who would they hide their totalitarian aspirations from? They media is going to support it and, if Democrats have their way (meant in exactly the way it sounds) with election laws, no one will “vote” against them.
Leftist “compassion” is contingent on political utility
@Deplorable Me:
If Trump had one fatal flaw it was getting the wrong people around him. Especially around the election and in the aftermath
@Brother Bob: There simply doesn’t appear to be enough honest, trustworthy people in Washington. Hopefully, if there ever is another Republican they will purge anyone not 100% trustworthy as idiot Biden has done.
Bob MacGuffie and Antony Stark offer the following :
Where American society once had pride in being part of the Western Enlightenment, its younger members have been taught to seek “emancipation” from its influence.
Where truth was once immutable it is now ephemeral.
Where privacy was once sacred, it is now nearly extinct.
Where the Deep State used to lurk in the shadows, it now brazenly justifies its repression in congressional hearings.
Where the two-party system once debated how government should be run, the Uni-party government now agrees on the necessity of making itself ever more powerful.
Where academia once taught, it now indoctrinates; where it once sought to educate the mind it now seeks to radicalize the soul.
Where Big Tech promised to liberate information, it now censors, controls, and manipulates it.
Where entertainment once provided cultural edification and popular amusement, it now glorifies despair, degeneracy and cultural rot.
Where Religion was once about glorifying GOD, it is now about sacrificing to Gaia.
it is only a matter of time when America becomes the new norther American
I’ve been calling California that for years