Back in September Joe Biden promised the country that he’d “follow the science.”
Jan. 18
‘Follow the science’ and other principles of Biden’s pandemic response plan
Entering the White House at the height of a global pandemic, President-elect Joe Biden’s administration plans to respond by ramping up and simplifying the vaccination process, tackling equity issues, and, above all, following the science, according to two members of Biden’s COVID-19 task force.
“From vaccines to therapeutics, to diagnostics, to other public health recommendations, everything is going to be informed by the science,” said task force member and infectious disease specialist Céline Gounder during a webcast hosted by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health on Thursday.
Let’s check on that.
First, the science.
Feb 3, 2021
CDC director says schools can safely reopen without vaccinating teachers
CDC: Schools Should Reopen With Precautions
Teachers don’t have to be vaccinated for schools to reopen safely, CDC director says
Feb 4, 2021
The Biden response? Not so fast…..
The White House claimed Thursday that CDC director Rochelle Walensky spoke “in her personal capacity” when she said that vaccinating teachers was not required for reopening schools.
Walensky said at a Wednesday CDC meeting that vaccinating teachers “is not a prerequisite” for returning to in-person instruction, citing a growing volume of scientific data. In response to a question about Walensky’s statements, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the doctor did not make her statement on behalf of the CDC.
“Dr. Walensky spoke to this in her personal capacity,” Psaki said at the press conference. “Obviously she’s the head of the CDC, but we’re going to wait for final guidance to come out.”
C/NET, Nov 9
Donald Trump ignored the science. Joe Biden must rely on it
The incoming president and his cabinet have a monumental task ahead of them. If the new administration places science at the center of its policies and decision-making process, if it respects US scientists and follows the evidence on climate change; if it relies on fact rather than fiction, then America can take care of its own — all of them.
It’s time to take us to the chorus, Joe.
Who’s really running the show?
Randi Weingarten, President of the Teachers Union
But despite its efforts, the team underestimated how hard it would be to sell the plan to the teachers unions that had largely backed Biden’s presidential campaign — especially without the promise of a vaccine, an adviser involved in the planning said.
“We didn’t think teachers unions would be so reluctant,” the adviser said, adding that Psaki’s statement this week that reopening meant returning kids to class one day a week was far from the team’s original vision.
Chicago teachers simply do not want to go back to teaching. Here the Teachers Union VP lobbies against in person teaching- from Puerto Rico
Like this wasn’t completely predictable.
Joe Biden is full of crap. Not once in the 25 days of his tenure has he done a single thing to benefit American citizens.
Not one.
But then, he’s not in charge. Not really. Everyone who owns him is in charge and that’s a long list.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
What a load of Malarkey if Biden real’y wanted to Follow the Science he would reject this whole Global Warming/Climate Change Scam.Once again another Liberal Democ-Rat lies to us all
Biden will put us in the hands of technocrats who never model cause and effect. A system without mercy driven by agenda not logic where choice is not an option.
Hoping our FA pals in TX are staying warm and safe.
Anyone who understands Science would never say “following the science”.
“Science Inc” is just another aspect of dirty, corrupt humanity.
Science gathers data, and it’s used to make a decision, but it doesn’t absolve you of your responsibility or consequences.
That’s why Trump was such an incredible President: he made decisions based on the best data at hand, and did so firmly and without unnecessary delay.
Is Biden the Stupid going to select Bill Nye as part of his cabinet?
1. But there are vaccines.
2. Already over 50% of public schools are “open” if teaching in person ONE DAY a WEEK means open.
3. Teachers union is not following the science, it is cow towing to teachers who do not want to ever teach again.
Biden painted himself into a corner by saying he’d “follow the science.”
There still are scientists on every side of every issue in medicine, technology, and research.
If only Biden’s Admin could stifle the voices of all scientists who disagree with what he wants to do!
But, his handmaidens in media and social media are doing their darndest to help in that regard.
I never understood what the complaint about Trump was; he FOLLOWED the science. The problem was, the science didn’t know what it was doing. Because we didn’t know that much about the virus China gave us, the science kept changing. Trump kept following it.
Recall, though, that when Trump discussed science, the LEFT didn’t understand it or they denounced it. When he mentioned HCQ, they didn’t know the difference between a “treatment” and a “cure” and they denounced it. When he spoke of “disinfectant”, they thought, of course, he meant drinking bleach. Trump followed and promoted the science, the left put politics before it.
I wasn’t able to see the idiot Biden’s town hall (probably wouldn’t have watched it anyway) but the reporting on it shows Biden to, indeed, be an idiot. He and the rest of the left hammered Trump’s performance relentlessly but show that not only do they not expect much of Democrat “leadership”, but that as we all suspected, they have NO idea what to do except to try and change Trump’s approach.
The idiot Biden even either wasn’t aware or lied about having not one but TWO vaccines when he took office.