Welcome back to Year Zero and Day 3 of the Occupation in the Formerly United States of America! A few nights ago I was doing some chores while looking for something cool to watch that I’d seen before to run in the background, and dialed up the pilot episode of Firefly on Hulu. Is it just me, or did the battle during the first six minutes of the episode feel like a metaphor for the 2020 election? I think that at some point over the last two months every one of us Normals had that moment where we fely like Malcolm Reynolds looking up at the sky at the end. What have the first few days of the Biden* presidency given us? Well, for starters:
1/14 – REMINDER: Here’s what happened at Trump’s inauguration in 2017
Mostly peaceful.
A must read for all of the “We’ll just get ’em in 2022!” dreamers
1/16 – Harvard Students Launch Petition to Revoke Degrees of Trump Supporters in Government
Expect more of this unpersoning. And this is only the beginning
Rare link to Gaetway Pundit. I’ve reached the point where unless absolutely necessary I don’t ever want to go back into downtown DC and see what these authoritarians have done to destroy this city that I once loved.
1/17 – About the resemblance of Biden’s DC with Hunger Games and payback.
I genuinely miss the days when my jokingly referring to DC as Panem was more bad comedy than bad reality
In one of my links not too long ago in the comments section someoen dropped a site to help find ways to avoid funneling money to Leftists via corporations. I can’t find the link now, but does anyone know of any sites that compile these lists?
1/18 – EGADS! NYU Prof Attributes Black Trump Support to ‘Multiracial Whiteness’
In the words of the immortal Damien Sandow, “Ignorance is temporary, but stupid is forever.”
Mark Steyn had a great quote some years ago along the lines of, “The message here is that there are those who govern and those who are governed. Make sure you understand which one you are.”
1/20 – Liz Cheney’s Congressional Career Appears to Be Over
Not the most important story of teh moment, but thisstory makes the cut for this brilliant quote:
One doesn’t know whether Cheney just wanted to go out of Congress with a bang; or if she seriously misread the tenor of the GOP both nationally and at home and thought this “maverick” vote was her ticket to more power; or, if being true to her heritage, she couldn’t resist getting involved in a war with no victory conditions and no way out.
1/21 – National Guard troops gave their response to Democrat insults
Well, that honeymoon of Lefties not hating Law Enforcement and our Military was a short one.
1/22 – Biden Promises Pain
Somehow predictions of pain were a lot cooler coming from Clubber Lang
ICYMI – I celebrate my suspension that led to me shutting down my Facebook page with Hello Dad – I’m in Facebook Jail!
Have a great weekend, Fellow Subjects!
The best headline of 2021 by far, @stephenkruiserhttps://t.co/z2kFvuJ7zy
— Greg Cougar Mellenlibertarian (@NonLiberalPAer) January 16, 2021
The best headline of 2021 by far, @stephenkruiserhttps://t.co/z2kFvuJ7zy
— Greg ‘Voice of the Unheard’ Cougar (@NonLiberalPAer) January 16, 2021
You hate to see it, and by that I of course mean CNN at the airporthttps://t.co/ibJdjbRnJK
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) January 12, 2021
2017 rejecting elections & rioting: PATRIOTIC
2018 rejecting elections & rioting: PATRIOTIC
2019 rejecting elections & rioting: PATRIOTIC
2020 rejecting elections & rioting: PATRIOTIC
2021 rejecting elections & rioting: FORBIDDEN INSURRECTION & SEDITION
— Razor (@hale_razor) January 12, 2021
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook(although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, will be there whenever Parler gets back on its feet, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Well, there’s violence (rioting, burning, looting, trying to burn police alive, etc) and there’s VIOLENT violence (breaking into the Capital and walking around, taking selfies). Capital riot: 200 arrested. Riots, burning and looting in Portland and Seattle: total of 13 arrested.
While I am personally convinced the election was turned by fraud, it would take investigating and evaluating the massive amounts of evidence to know. However, the fact that none of the beneficiaries of the fraud refuse to consider an investigation only makes me more convinced of the fraud and the illegitimacy of that election. Yeah, there was so much of it and it was so sloppily done, it will all be exposed.
I wonder, how do you revoke a degree someone earned with grades and paid for?
Then the Democrats went out of their way to shit all over the National Guard, accusing them of disloyalty, making them sleep on the floor, then forcing them into an unheated parking garage with ONE restroom. That’s just what it takes to protect a despot. Note the absence of 26,000 troops at Trump’s enormous welcome in Florida. More people there than at Grampa Grope’s inauguration, including the Guard.
Democrats certainly love to entertain the fantasies of controlling and crushing individuals at their whims.
Every time the opportunity to stop patronizing someone that expresses their clear attitude that that hate me and anyone like me, I’m not patronizing them anyway. I have kicked Nike and Gillette to the curb, but I don’t got to Loews hotels. I can, however, shopping (well, my wife, anyway) at Kohl’s. I guess if they don’t want Lindell’s business because he supported Trump, they don’t want mine either.
Soooo… whiteness is evil. I don’t know… sounds kind of racist to me.
Just more theater. They wanted to make clear the message that military subjugation is what will be deployed against not embracing the new Police State. My question is, where are all those generals who objected to the military being inserted into domestic violence? Hmmm, Mad Dog Mattis? Why is YOUR voice suddenly so silent?
ANYONE that supports an impeachment on anyone on a purely political reason, as the two against Trump have been, need to be removed from government. They express they have no respect for the Constitution. I liked Cheney, but this proves she puts politics before the Constitution. I’ve informed my own representatives of this, as well as Sen. Cruz, and that if anyone gives the slightest support to this vulgar affront to the Constitution, they will NEVER have my support again.
Democrats weren’t through showing them how little respect they have for them, either.
If only he would actually promise pain we could be reasonably assured he’s lying and we’ll get by. He’s already killing jobs, the economy, energy independence and border security. That’s a pretty good start on destroying the country.
“Ignorance is temporary, but stupid is forever.”
Correction – Ignorance may be temporary.
Some people choose to be ignorant for life.
We see many right here…
@Deplorable Me:
Yet somehow this was not a super spreader event!
@Petercat: And that would be when ignorance officially becomes stupidity!
Decided the men complaining about the accommodations would simply be demoted.
Seems a Harvard degree is as prestigious now as a Pulitzer prize.
How popular is Biden?
Biden is so popular, they had to disable comments on all thirteen videos posted to the official WH YouTube channel, erasing thousands of comments.
Ok I got a little carried away.
@kitt: Remember when they limited the number of negative comments about Trump? Remember when they “fact-checked” stories about Russian collusion, income taxes, rape accusations, drinking bleach, HCQ or phone calls? Or when they would ban people from Facebook and Twitter for posts about beheading, stabbing, shooting, hanging or assassination? Yeah… good times.
@Deplorable Me: Do your maintenance on your generator, make sure you have plenty of fuel for it.
Biden reversed the EO on no China involved in our grid.
@kitt: Don’t worry; he’ll do everything they tell him to.
Which EO was that?
@Deplorable Me: https://www.natlawreview.com/article/president-trump-moves-to-secure-us-power-grid-foreign-adversary-threats
Biden rolls over and shows China our soft underbelly.
@kitt: No, what reversed it?
I don’t know when the crossover happened, but when I was younger and heard someone went to Harvard I automatically assume they’re smart. Now I hear the same and assume they’re an idiot. I know, not fair to teh likes of Cruz, McEneny, etc but it is what it is
Biden is already rolling over for the Globalists and the Eco-Freaks
@Deplorable Me: https://thenationalpulse.com/news/biden-revokes-trump-energy-eo/
Xidens pen.
@kitt: Thanks. I didn’t doubt you, I just couldn’t find it.