About that phone call….

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Donald Trump made a call to the Georgia Secretary of State the other day.

That’s where the agreement about everything ends.

Right on cue, democrats are once again in the same ditch they’ve been in for the last four years, i.e. making a crime out of nothing.

State and federal officials have called for investigations into whether President Trump violated election laws — or possibly committed other crimes — in his Saturday phone call to Georgia’s secretary of state.

A recording of the one-hour call was released Sunday by the Washington Post. The president is heard pressuring Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, to “find 11,780 votes” that would put him in the lead over President-elect Joe Biden in Georgia, which has already certified its results.

Trump also threatens Raffensperger with the possibility of criminal charges unless he comes up with the votes to overturn the election results.

That’s nonsense. Both sides had lawyers present.  A closer examination reveals something completely different.


“We just want the truth. Let the truth come out”

Did someone say vote analysis?

Trump Team asks GA’s office to can go over the data together to see why their illegal vote analyses are different. GA Sec. of State’s office says they’re not sure if they can share the data President Trump responds (rhetorically): “…but you can have a phony election?

More intrigue

Team Trump (lawyer): says he requested (6 times) for the GA state department’s “internal numbers” Team Raffensperger (lawyer): “there are things under law we are not allowed to give out”

Team Trump claims to have hard evidence:

Team Trump (lawyer): explains how they have “hard numbers” showing 24,000+ illegal votes & that the’ve checked these numbers with 3+ different experts & chartered accountants He then makes a manifestly reasonable request for both sides to sit down & go over the numbers together.

Team Trump then asks about ballot stuffing, ballot shredding and ballot machines being moved.

Raffensberger’s lawyers deny all of it.

Thing is, when the GA SoS says he can’t share information from a public election something is very wrong.

There is no doubt that Trump knew this conversation would be leaked. I would not be surprised to learn that it was Team Trump who leaked it.


I suspect that Raffensberger is being set up and the hammer might be being raised right now.

“Let the truth come out”

Indeed. We’ll see in a couple of days.

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“Let The Truth Come Out”

I realize I sound like a broken record and that our political beliefs are miles apart and I’m sure we’ve both come to the point of a default disagreement of most anything but, really?

If there’s just one thing I’ve been right about the entire freak show of the Trump era is that there is nothing that could come out that would change what a Trump loyalist sees or doesn’t see. I’ve filled pages with examples and we’ve lived it in real time.

You will be here defending Trump and blaming Democrats regardless of what comes out of the phone call.

Surely, you know this?

@Ronald J. Ward: Hey Lib, if Trump said the sky was blue, you would call him a liar.
Seems like your hate for our President has damaged your mind….sad.

@Ronald J. Ward:

I’ve filled pages with examples and we’ve lived it in real time.

You’ve filled nothing except your infantile pants, and never offered anything beyond cut and paste propaganda points from Left-wing disinformation outlets.

You hold a double standard, and do not seek Truth for Truth’s sake.

Biden won nothing, and I wonder how you’re going to handle 4 years of the majority of thinking Americans not bending the knee to the usual feckless cucks, like you.

Media outlet reporters and their executives should be arrested for espionage and domestic terrorism.

You can’t lie about things to install a corrupt political party.

Well, you can…but then you’re a totalitarian Marxist state.

@Ronald J. Ward: “The only people with something to fear are the people with something to hide,’ as Barry Soetoro once said. Why so much resistance to forensic audits of physical ballots and ballot-counting machines? Why so much reluctance to admit these machines can be connected to the internet, intentionally or accidentally? It’s as if there is something to hide!

By the way, everything you claim about Trump supporters is true x1000 about Obama supporters and their messiah.

One thing for sure there are criminals that wear expensive tax payer paid for suits that need to be imprisoned. Seems they fear Jail less than an alternative served up by whom ever they are covering for.

I appreciated how the Trump call referenced actual facts, videos, eyewitness accounts, ect.
All the Georgia Sec State could do as refutation was say, “you’re wrong.”
Even the WaPo, in its bid to help the Sec State’s side could do was misrepresent the call.


By the way, everything you claim about Trump supporters is true x1000 about Obama supporters and their messiah.

Indeed, Ron/AJ is the very embodiment of “projection”. He’s either acting dumb, or is dumb.

@Ronald J. Ward:

If there’s just one thing I’ve been right about the entire freak show of the Trump era is that there is nothing that could come out that would change what a Trump loyalist sees or doesn’t see.

That is total speculation and wishful thinking on your part for, thus far, it hasn’t happened. All we’ve seen is people like yourself LIE about what Trump does and says and expect others to be as stupid as yourself and accept the lies as fact.

I’ve filled pages with examples and we’ve lived it in real time.

And then you provide a perfect example. That’s a complete, total, oft proven lie. You’ve NEVER provided a single solitary example to back up anything you’ve accused. If you actually believe that, you should seek treatment; you are delusional. Meanwhile, when you are provided proof of a point or that you have lied, you scurry off under your rock and refuse to address your lies.

Another example was when you cut and pasted the complete transcript of this call, yet never even bothered to read it, clinging instead to the one misrepresentation of a single comment taken totally out of context. THAT’S what you “fill pages with”. And you haven’t been right, even once.

@Nathan Blue:

Media outlet reporters and their executives should be arrested for espionage and domestic terrorism.

And, since the left has been pushing for punishments for misinformation, I’m sure they would have no problem with such moves.

@Hetuck: Why, when an audit of the voting in Fulton county has been demanded, do they go out and audit Cobb county and then say, “Here ya go! No discrepancies!” No one questioned Cobb country.


Seems they fear Jail less than an alternative served up by whom ever they are covering for.

A few years ago, we went to Chicago for my grandson’s graduation from Navy boot camp. We took a “Crime Tour” in Chicago, which visited many of the famous crime scenes from Chicago’s history. It made me wonder how so much crime could occur pretty much in the open and the answer was, of course, that law enforcement was paid off and in on it. The criminals knew that even if they got caught, they would get off without punishment because they had partners in the government.

Same thing with Democrats today.


By the way, everything you claim about Trump supporters is true x1000 about Obama supporters and their messiah.

When all else fails, default to the rubber/glue game.

Aside from Obama’s term being 8 years of the rabid right fabricating scandals and Trump’s term being 4 years of his own self inflicted scandals, Obama was 4 years ago and has nothing to do with Trump’s baseless claims of a rigged election.

As Trump lapdog Lou Dobbs asked Trump’s hack man Ed Rollins last night:

We’re eight weeks from the election, and we still don’t have verifiable, tangible support for the crimes that everyone knows were committed — that is, defrauding other citizens who voted with fraudulent votes. We know that’s the case in Nevada, we know it’s the case in Pennsylvania and a number of other states, but we have had a devil of a time finding actual proof. Why?”

That’s the key question- why? Because there really is no evidence of any significant voter fraud that would come anywhere near the numbers of changing the results. You just don’t get to say “because we all know, that’s why”. If the Trump cultists had a thread of evidence or a glimmer of facts, these hard core conservative judges and prominent Republicans in power would make it happen.

And true to Trump cultists form and again confirming what I’ve said all along, here they are again defending Trump for trying to steal the election and blaming Biden for not doing Trump’s job of providing proof to validate their baseless claims.

My arguments of Trump supporters have been their abject denial of reality and inability to distinguish what is true and what isn’t true. If you want to somehow believe that Obama supporters were multi times worse, have at it but that isn’t the issue.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Yep, that’s been the liberal MO. You’ve certainly embraced it.

Aside from Obama’s term being 8 years of the rabid right fabricating scandals

What scandals were fabricated?

Trump’s term being 4 years of his own self inflicted scandals

What Trump scandals (note, Democrat fabrications do not count).

You just don’t get to say “because we all know, that’s why”.

That has been the left’s answer to the numerous credible examples of Democrat voter fraud. NO evidence has been presented proving the legitimacy of the election and/or disproving any of the accusations. They simply say, “We looked into it and found nothing. Trust us.” But, that’s just the sort of garbage you gobble up. In fact, there is NOTHING the Democrats can tell you that you will reject.

Here is Biden confirming that the Democrats were preparing an unprecedented level of fraud never before seen in this country. Only third world banana republics can compete with these Democrats.


And you can’t disagree with it. You accept it. EXACTLY what you accuse others of.

@Deplorable Me:

While I should know better than to entertain my obsessive, stalking, ankle biting friend, how about you send the vid to the local authorities and have them promptly arrest Biden and ultimately overturn the election in Trump’s favor?

@Ronald J. Ward: So you confirm that you approve and support Biden’s declaration of election fraud. You will NOT come here and denounce his endorsement and promotion of election fraud.

@Ronald J. Ward: Just the Dominion machines and those related to dominion connected to the internet is a violation of federal law. There was congressional testimony verifying they were, real time hacking into the system during a hearing in GA. I know your booby tube pals do not report these things.
WaPos deceptive cut of the confidential classified phone call is exactly what they did to the young man with the demented psycho beating a drum in his face, that cost them 250 million dollars. Yes your precious source was found to be guilty of lying, as was CNN to the tune of 275 million. FAKE reporting.
There has been zero proof handed over that Biden won the election, the President requesting data was cut out of the conversation, Ratsbuger refusing to provide data cut from the conversation.

@Ronald J. Ward: The confession was real but Biden couldnt plot his way out of his basement, it was others doing it for him just like Hunter making him rich.


The “confession” is simply Facebook meme fodder, just another doctored piece of glitter for the basket of gullibles to cling to in glee they’ve found another silver bullet to appease their agony of defeat.

If it, like suitcases and dead presidents, had an iota of credence, conservative pro-Trump judges wouldn’t be horse laughing them out of their courtrooms.

If such things were true, you wouldn’t have Trump enablers like Dobbs and Rollins asking why they’re having a devil of a time finding actual proof.

@kitt: Just remember to vote in the Georgia elections today. Per the new rules, you don’t have to be a resident of that state to vote in their elections. And feel free to fill out multiple ballots as well. Per the new rules of evidence, neither of those are evidence of voter fraud so you have nothing to worry about.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Aside from Obama’s term being 8 years of the rabid right fabricating scandals

Fast and Furious never happened.

The Benghazi attack was due to a video.

Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods are all dead due to a video.

“If you like your health care, you can keep your health care.”

“The shovel ready jobs were not really shovel ready.”

IRS selectively targeting conservative organizations.

Illegal wire tapping of journalists.

Illegal wire tapping of Congress members.

Pallots of cash flown to Iran in the middle of the night unknown to Congress.

Bowe Bergdahl.

and much, much more that were not fabricated scandals, but real scandals that under any other administration would have brought about impeachment hearings.

But never will you admit it.


Obama has been gone for 4 years so the relevance of your list is unclear.

Trump will be gone in just over 2 weeks and Joe Biden will become your president.

If “but Obama”s is therapeutic for you in dealing with that reality, you go boy!

@Ronald J. Ward: Run away from you bringing up Barry and getting your nose rubbed in proven scandals, only the race card saved his corrupt ass from full impeachment.
The phone call has been broken down and no crime has been found.

@Ronald J. Ward:

I’m saying the video you’re so proud of is just another dud.

Yeah, your boyfriend Greg tried that one, too. Speaking of DUDS.

Likely meaning to say “voter protection” instead of “voter fraud,” the former vice president is referring to the special litigation team his campaign has launched as it braces for potential legal fights over the outcome of the election (here).

So, if the excuse is that Biden is an idiot that never knows what the hell he is saying, explain how this is “taken out of context”? Also explain how someone accidentally substitutes “fraud” for “protection”? You might also try to explain why it took two and a half months to come of with this weak, easily punctured excuse. Boy, you will believe ANYTHING.

Isn’t it a strange coincidence that Biden declared they put together an unprecedented fraud network and then, as if by magic, massive, widespread fraud was perpetrated in 6 important swing states? Golly!

Obama has been gone for 4 years so the relevance of your list is unclear.

So why do you keep publicly worshiping him and lying to defend him?

@retire05: And illegally spying on an opposition party Presidential campaign. And Solyndra. And Battery123. And dozens more “green energy businesses” that used taxpayer funds to go bankrupt while Obama’s campaign supporters got rich.


Obama handed a sound economy, a pandemic team, and Republican House and Senate to Donald Trump.

In just 4 years, Trump leaves us with the country in a full blown plague, the economy in ashes, a Democratic president, House and Senate, a country completely divided, planning a a farewell trip to Scotland, and you guys are still worshipping the ground he walks on.

This is indeed a sight to behold.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Obama handed a sound economy, a pandemic team, and Republican House and Senate to Donald Trump.

Yeah, that’s why the moment Trump won, the economy suddenly EXPLODED in growth. Obama left Trump a cratered economy, totally dependent on China. But, then again, most Democrats are servants of China.

Did Trump create the virus? Did Trump send it here from China? Did Trump lie to the world about the virus not being transmissible between humans? No, that was the Democrats’ masters, the CCP. YOUR master. You are now their servant.

@Deplorable Me: His economy in ashes, my portfoilio gain 15% this year alone. The economies that are in the toilet are those run by democrats and their ruthless and intentional destruction of the middle class.

@kitt: Democrats insisted on economic shut downs just so they could make that phony claim.

@Ronald J. Ward: Should Trump have followed the science or kept his economy open and thriving? Think you have the balls to answer a question?