The question the MFM is not going to ask Biden is the one he won’t answer



Hunter Biden has for some been a bushel basket into which foreign sources empty their wallets. Hunter scored $3.5 million from theĀ  widow of the Mayor of Moscow.

  • Report was released Wednesday by twoĀ Republican-led Senate committees
  • Says Hunter Biden received $3.5 million from Russian national Elena Baturina
  • The funds were moved in a 2014 wire transfer citing a ‘consultancy agreement’
  • Baturina is the widow of former Moscow mayorĀ Yuri Luzhkov, who died in 2019
  • She is also the richest woman in Russia thanks to lucrative state contractsĀ 
  • Luzhkov was removed from office in 2010 over corruption allegationsĀ 

Biden also pulled down at least $6 million from his China affairs:

  • Hunter Biden raked in $6m over nine months from his Chinese business dealings according to a timeline of his affairs which goes into unprecedented detail
  • Joe Biden’s son was involved with a series of transactions which were flagged for ‘potential financial criminal activity’, a Senate report has revealed
  • The payments began days after Hunter sent his infamous email to one associate in 2017 talking about money for ‘the big guy’ and deals for ‘me and my family’
  • Ā The money included a $5m payment from a Chinese energy company with ties to the Communist partyĀ 
  • He also made $1m for work with an associate who was later jailed for bribery
  • The report concludes that Hunter’s business associates were ‘linked to the Communist government and the People’s Liberation Army’Ā 
  • The Senate report focuses on Hunter’s work for Chinese company CEFC China Energy to invest in US energy projects
  • CEFC’s founder and former chairman Ye Jianming gave Hunter a 2.8-carat diamond after a business meeting in Miami, CNN has reported

He was making at least $50,000 per month from Burisma.Ā And then he sort of didn’t pay taxes to the IRS on the $400,000 from Burisma he failed to report.

Hunter Biden failed to disclose $400,000 in payments he received from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma on his tax returns according to yet more revelations contained on his Delaware laptop,Ā according to NBC News.

ā€œIn 2014 you joined the Burisma board and we still need to amend your 2014 returns to reflect the unreported Burisma income,ā€ wrote Hunter Bidenā€™s business partner Eric Schwerin in a 2017 email, NBC reported.

And there’s still more

But theĀ SenateĀ report documents extensive ties betweenĀ Hunter BidenĀ and various Chinese entities that produced millions of dollars in wire transfers.

In one example,Ā Chinaā€˜s CEFC Infrastructure Investment wired $5 million to HudsonWest LLC, a New York company jointly owned by Hunter Biden and Chinese interests. HudsonWest then sent $4.7 million to Hunter Bidenā€™s law firm. The next year, another $1 million was delivered.

Hunter Biden sent 20 wire transfers totaling $1.3 million to Vice President Bidenā€™s brother James for consulting services. Treasury flagged the transfers as potentially criminal, theĀ SenateĀ report said.

Somehow, without any visible means of income, was able to pay off a $450,000 tax lien.

That’s quite a bit of money. Then again, he needed it because he was paying the bills for the family and his farther.

ā€œAll during the time that Iā€™ve been disrespected, Iā€™ve been the one who has supported this family for 30 years, and unlike pop Iā€™m not going to require you to give half of your salary to me,ā€

He had a place to write all those checks too and he requested keys for all his “office mates”

  • Hunter Biden sent an email to the manager of his Washington, D.C. office building in September 2017 asking her to make keys for his ā€œoffice matesā€ Joe Biden and Gongwen Dong, who he said was the ā€œemissaryā€ for the chairman of the Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC.
  • Hunter Bidenā€™s dealings with CEFC in 2017 were at the center of Tony Bobulinskiā€™s October allegation that Joe Biden was ā€œplainly familiarā€ with his familyā€™s Chinese business dealings.
  • Multiple news outlets have reported this week that a federal investigation into Hunter Bidenā€™s ā€œtax affairsā€ is focused on his foreign business activities, including with CEFC.

Joe Biden famously said ā€œI have not taken a penny from any foreign source, ever, in my life.ā€

That could well be true, but here’s the question that needs to be asked by the MFM and of course will never be directly answered:

“Have you ever taken money from your son and if so, how much?”

Pretty simple. Simple enough for Joe to answer, cognitive decline and all.Ā  Don’t hold your breath.

It might all become moot soon. Hunter has been notified that he is under Federal investigation. John Solomon has noted that the target of an investigation is notified usually near the end of the investigation just prior to charges being brought. We live in a country with a two tiered system of justice so we have no idea how this is going to go down.

But we do know how it should.

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Maybe Joe and Family can sell off the west coast states to China, they seem to have lost touch with the USA. Anything for buck Biden, right.

Since the subject question is so easy to answer unless you are Joe Biden, here’s a more philosophical question for everyone, including Joe:

Why is it so easy to be a communist in a free country but so hard to be free in a communist one?

Excuse my ignorance, but what is MFM?

MedicalMal, wanking away.

The words of Johnny Rotten, at the last Sex Pistols concert in San Francisco, 12/78 come to mind:

Ever get the feeling youā€™ve been cheated!

Obviously, not Dr John.

It easy to come up
With an explanation for that!

@PhillipMarlowe: With Sid Vicious, Trump voter, I think Johnny’s statement takes on a new meaning.

I wonder if the Biden “voters” feel cheated yet, all minority of them.

@Babwa: Mother Fuckin Media

That widow of tge Moscow Mayor who ā€œgaveā€ Biden those millions, wasnā€™t she a widow because Trumpā€™s friend Putin killed her husband ?

It must have really galled Hunter to be responsible for the taxes on the “income”
(whether he paid them or not) when he had to give Daddy his massive “taste”.

The worthless, corrosive, destructive media will keep as many of the citizens totally stupid and ignorant of the criminal enterprise they have put into office as it took to get him there. It is NOT the media’s job to intelligently inform the public. It is their job, in these times, to propagandize for the Democrat Socialist Party.

Likewise, the media provides cover for the Democrat voter fraud crimes. Otherwise, those who actually place some value in our Constitution and the rule of law might get the right impression of the regime that has been fraudulently placed in power.

@PhillipMarlowe: You think you might begin to provide something coherent at some point?

@John: Some friend, supporting Hillary and Biden, providing Hillary with her dossier of lies against Trump. I guess you were on vacation when your “Russian collusion” delusion fell apart.