THIS is what passes for US intelligence

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You will remember that infamous letter written by 50 so-called “former intelligence experts” who absolutely guaranteed that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation.

Our view that the Russians are involved in the Hunter Biden email issue is consistent with two
other significant data points as well. According to the Washington Post, citing four sources,
“U.S. intelligence agencies warned the White House last year that Giuliani was the target of an
influence operation by Russian intelligence.”
In addition, media reports say that the FBI has now opened an investigation into Russian
involvement in this case. According to USA Today, “…federal authorities are investigating
whether the material supplied to the New York Post by Rudy Giuliani…is part of a smoke bomb
of disinformation pushed by Russia.”

Well, here they are:

Jim Clapper
Former Director of Na<onal Intelligence
Former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
Former Director of the Na<onal Geospa<al Intelligence Agency
Former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
Mike Hayden
Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director, National Security Agency
Former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence
Leon Panetta
Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Secretary of Defense
John Brennan
Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor
Former Director, Terrorism Threat Integra<on Center
Former Analyst and Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Thomas Finger
Former Deputy Director of Na<onal Intelligence for Analysis
Former Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Research, Department of State
Former Chair, Na<onal Intelligence Council
Rick LedgeS
Former Deputy Director, Na<onal Security Agency
John McLaughlin
Former Ac<ng Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director of Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director, Slavic and Eurasian Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency
Michael Morell
Former Ac<ng Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director of Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency
Mike Vickers
Former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
Former Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Doug Wise
Former Deputy Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
Former Senior CIA Opera<ons Officer
Nick Rasmussen
Former Director, Na<onal Counterterrorism Center
Russ Travers
Former Ac<ng Director, Na<onal Counterterrorism Center
Former Deputy Director, Na<onal Counterterrorism Center
Former Analyst of the Soviet Union and Russia, Defense Intelligence Agency
Andy Liepman
Former Deputy Director, Na<onal Counterterrorism Center
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
John Moseman
Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director of Congressional Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Minority Staff Director, Senate Select CommiSee on Intelligence
Larry Pfeiffer
Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director, White House Situa<on Room
Jeremy Bash
Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Chief of Staff, Department of Defense
Former Chief Counsel, House Permanent Select CommiSee on Intelligence
Rodney Snyder
Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director of Intelligence Programs, Na<onal Security Council
Chief of Sta<on, Central Intelligence Agency
Glenn Gerstell
Former General Counsel, Na<onal Security Agency
David B. Buckley
Former Inspector General, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Democra<c Staff Director, House Permanent Select CommiSee on Intelligence
Former Counterespionage Case Officer, United States Air Force
Nada Bakos
Former Analyst and Targe<ng Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
PaSy Brandmaier
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Deputy Associate Director for Military Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Deputy Director of Congressional Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency
James B. Bruce
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Na<onal Intelligence Council
Considerable work related to Russia
David Cariens
Former Intelligence Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency
50+ Years Working in the Intelligence Community
Janice Cariens
Former Opera<onal Support Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Paul Kolbe
Former Senior Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Chief, Central Eurasia Division, Central Intelligence Agency
Peter Corsell
Former Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency
BreS Davis
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Deputy Director of the Special Ac<vi<es Center for Expedi<onary Opera<ons, CIA
Roger Zane George
Former Na<onal Intelligence Officer
Steven L. Hall
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Chief of Russian Opera<ons, Central Intelligence Agency
Kent Harrington
Former Na<onal Intelligence Officer for East Asia, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director of Public Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Chief of Sta<on, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency
Don Hepburn
Former Senior Na<onal Security Execu<ve
Timothy D. Kilbourn
Former Dean, Sherman Kent School of Intelligence Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency
Former PDB Briefer to President George W. Bush, Central Intelligence Agency
Ron Marks
Former Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Twice former staff of the Republican Majority Leader
Jonna Hiestand Mendez
Technical Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Emile Nakhleh
Former Director of the Poli<cal Islam Strategic Analysis Program, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Senior Intelligence Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency
Gerald A. O’Shea
Senior Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Served four tours as Chief of Sta<on, Central Intelligence Agency
David Priess
Former Analyst and Manager, Central Intelligence Agency
Former PDB Briefer, Central Intelligence Agency
Pam Purcilly
Former Deputy Director of Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director of the Office of Russian and European Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency
Former PDB Briefer to President George W. Bush, Central Intelligence Agency
Marc Polymeropoulos
Former Senior Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Ac<ng Chief of Opera<ons for Europe and Eurasia, Central Intelligence Agency
Chris Savos
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Officer
Nick Shapiro
Former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to the Director, Central Intelligence Agency
John Sipher
Former Senior Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Deputy Chief of Russian Opera<ons, Central Intelligence Agency
Stephen Slick
Former Senior Director for Intelligence Programs, Na<onal Security Council
Former Senior Opera<ons Office, Central Intelligence Agency
Cynthia Strand
Former Deputy Assistant Director for Global Issues, Central Intelligence Agency
Greg Tarbell
Former Deputy Execu<ve Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Analyst of the Soviet Union and Russia, Central Intelligence Agency
David Terry
Former Chairman of the Na<onal Intelligence Collec<on Board
Former Chief of the PDB, Central Intelligence Agency
Former PDB Briefer to Vice President Dick Cheney, Central Intelligence Agency
Greg Treverton
Former Chair, Na<onal Intelligence Council
John Tullius
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
David A. Vanell
Former Senior Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Winston Wiley
Former Director of Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Chief, Counterterrorism Center, Central Intelligence Agency
Kristin Wood
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former PDB Briefer, Central Intelligence Agency
In addition, nine additional former IC officers who cannot be named publicly also support the
arguments in this letter.

They were WRONG.

None of them is worth a nickel. They’re liars. They interfered in a Presidential election. I have no doubt they knew exactly what they were doing. If not, their intelligence sucks.

They’re a**holes, all of them. None of them merits a second thought. Never, ever trust any of these lying dirtbags again

And in no small part thanks to them, it will be recognized that 2016 was the last honest election in history.

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You will remember that infamous letter written by 50 so-called “former intelligence experts” who absolutely guaranteed that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation.

Well, you will if you make it a practice to collect factual data and use that data to make intelligent, informed decisions. If you are a liberal, though, that was simply a brief moment in time that fed your hatred of anything that does not reinforce your prejudices and biases.

With 17 agencies who would miss the FBI and CIA?

They were WRONG.

Were they? How do we know either way?

I’m certainly not trusting Rudy Giuliani’s claims without confirmation.

@Greg: The FBI was given the laptop dolt, not by Rudy dope. Thats what the criminal investigations are based on.


Were they? How do we know either way?

Well, let’s see. You could start by taking this absolutely STUPID proclamation that was based on nothing but the necessity to protect the idiot, incompetent, corrupt, lying Biden. Then, compare that to the reality of the evidence on the lap top and the ensuing investigation which shows Biden is totally compromised by his corrupt dealing with Chinese communists. In other words, compare YOUR party’s LIES to the reality.

You can also reference their lies concerning “Russian collusion”. It shows these same lying shitbirds put their ideology before national security.

@kitt, #4:

The FBI was given the laptop by a legally blind computer repair guy who was in contact with Giuliani, and details of the story he told changed a few times. Rudy has functioned as Trump’s scam coordinator—or dysfunctioned, as the case may be.

@Greg: But the FACT is that the lap top is legitimate, it belonged to Hunter and the data on the lap top is legitimate and real. Further, the FACT is that your merry band of morons made a statement about the information being “Russian disinformation” was a lie, they KNEW they were lying and now it is abundantly clear they lied.

They lied to try and keep vital information that the public needed to know to make a decision in a vital Presidential election away from the public.

NONE of your tangential bullshit has anything to do with Biden being compromised by Communist Chinese. Your party is a total bag of SHIT.

But the FACT is that the lap top is legitimate, it belonged to Hunter and the data on the lap top is legitimate and real.

Says who? I haven’t seen any official statements about its authenticity.

@Greg: We know, we know theres no evidence except verified emails and loads nekid pics of him on it. Im sure the CCP turned on his cam for some of the disgusting stuff that Rudy called authorities about, he should learn to close it when not sending naked pics of himself to his niece.


Hey, Comrade Greggie, is your name on that leaked list of Chinese
party apparatchiks? It wouldn’t surprise me. You love you some China.

Only thirty-six more days until Trump is gone. How much more can he add between now and then to the estimated $200 million he’s bagged in donations since election day?

I don’t really care.


I don’t really care.

Seems you do, you took the time to post it.
BTW Trump will have 4 more years, Wisc. SC voted the ID run around broke the law, so those 200,000 votes will be challenged.
The Judge in MI ruled to release the forensic findings of the dominion vote flipping machine it confirms not human error.
Every disputed state has sent alternate GOP Electoral votes to congress.
Dominion , dumb dumb CCP. They blew 400 million paid to dominion in October.
Fun things happening at Solarwinds HQ in Austin they brag that Dominion uses their software on their website, responsible for the now verified hack check out gatewaypundit for more info. The CEO and VP cashed out a huge amt of their stock holdings, the reason is in the article.
This is far from over we will have a fair election rooting out and exposing democrat fraud.

@Greg: Says the FBI and the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Tell me, what research says it ISN’T legitimate? Here we have 50 anti-American ideologues claiming it is “Russian disinformation” without ever having examined a single aspect of the evidence. Of course YOU believe that. Then again, you have shown penchant for believing ANY anti-American lie.

Those emails have other people they were sent to and THEY have also verified the authenticity of the emails. My suggestion to you is to step out of the left wing propaganda bubble where all you are told are the lies you WANT to hear and have some TRUTH laid on you. You will be AMAZED.

No matter what happens on January 20, Asterisk Obiden will NEVER be a legitimate leader of this nation. He is proven to be (not just made up and spread like gossip) severely compromised by communist China, Ukraine and Russia and, like his entire failed career, would be a complete and total disaster until the far left ushers him out to pasture.

With enough hiding real history, more people would have thought all those ex-gov’t employees were right.
And whose been behind rewriting history?
Only Google, Facebook, Twitter.
So, what is the reward from Biden for all these megamedia giants has done for him?
Jobs in the incoming Biden administration.

“Hunter Biden’s” laptop was a scam intended to monkey-wrench Biden’s presidential bid. If the absurd backstory wasn’t a tip off, the timing should have been.

@Greg: Aside from that being what you WANT it to be, how about some proof? Or, even some logic? The laptop was provided to the FBI long before Biden was even a front runner. Aside from that, the laptop and its contents are STILL legitimate and damning. Hunter was in the business of selling daddy’s influence which “Pop” was all for as long as he got a piece of the action. Some of that action comes from China. You’re OK with that?

Aside from that being what you WANT it to be, how about some proof?

How about some proof that it’s actually what Rudy claimed it to be? There haven’t even been any official statements to that effect. Why should anyone unquestioningly believe another in a series of self-serving claims from known liars?

The fact of the matter is that Trump’s supporters most often believe what they want to believe, no evidence required.


There haven’t even been any official statements to that effect. Why should anyone unquestioningly believe another in a series of self-serving claims from known liars?

So those who reported that Hunter Biden was under investigation over tax evasion ($400,000.00 specifically) are lying even though there is an email on Hunter Biden’s personal laptop from his tax accountant stating that Hunter failed to report that $400,000.00 and needed to amend his tax filings?

The fact of the matter is that Trump’s supporters most often believe what they want to believe, no evidence required.

That’s pretty funny coming from you, Comrade Greggie, considering you swallowed the “Trump colluded with Russia” (not any aides or campaign workers, but TRUMP) crap for four long years.

Remember, Comrade Greggie, Big Foot exists, the aliens built the pyramids and Elvis is still alive and well.

@Greg: Goddamn, Rudy isn’t the issue; the issue is Chinese control of Biden. When faced with solid evidence of your party’s corruption, all you f**king care about is who said what. The PROBLEM is corruption and your party is totally consumed by it. The Chinese have their claws in Hunter, Joe, James Biden, in Pelosi, in Swalwell and, since they can’t read Hillary’s State Department emails in real time anymore, got a line into the House Intel Committee.

But all you whine about is Rudy, Rudy, Rudy, Rudy. Rudy is the messenger, not the corrupt entity beholden to the CCP.

Why should anyone unquestioningly believe another in a series of self-serving claims from known liars?

You mean like believing Schiff? Or Biden? Or Pelosi, Schumer, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, CNN, NYT, WaPo, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, NPR? You LOVE liars and lies; it’s all you pay any attention to. When faced with disturbing FACTS and EVIDENCE, you cry, “But… but… but… RUDY!!!”

Grow up, you whiny, denying crybaby.

@retire05: What is significant about that $400,000 is that one, Hunter didn’t want to declare where it came from (like the Clinton’s “forgetting” to claim $1.2 million in foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation when they weren’t supposed to be taking ANY foreign money) and it probably pissed him off to pay taxes on $400,000 when he only got to keep $200,000, having to give $200,000 to “Pop” for getting the investigators off of Burisma’s ass.

But all that is just peachy-keen with Greg. Only imaginary Republican misdeeds gets him upset.