Operation Warp Speed produces. Thank you, Donald Trump



Drug company Moderna announced that it has created a second COVID vaccine with a 94.5%  efficacy:

The Moderna vaccine is 94.5% effective against coronavirus, according to early data released Monday by the company, making it the second vaccine in the United States to have a stunningly high success rate.

“These are obviously very exciting results,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease doctor. “It’s just as good as it gets — 94.5% is truly outstanding.”

Moderna heard its results on a call Sunday afternoon with members of the Data Safety and Monitoring Board, an independent panel analyzing Moderna’s clinical trial data.

Earlier, Pfizer announced its own successful vaccine with a 90% success

Nov. 9, 2020 — Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer says data from clinical trials shows its experimental coronavirus vaccine is 90% effective, and company leaders say they hope to seek emergency use authorization from the FDA this month.

The news about Pfizer’s vaccine sent the U.S. stock market soaring on Monday. Pfizer is one of several companies racing to develop a vaccine for the virus, which has killed more than 1.2 million people worldwide and upended life around the globe.

In a news release, the company said more than 43,000 people are enrolled in phase III of the clinical trials, with half of the people receiving the vaccine and half receiving a placebo. Ninety-four confirmed cases among participants were studied.

The company didn’t specify how many people who received the vaccine became infected, but said “the case split between vaccinated individuals and those who received the placebo indicates a vaccine efficacy rate above 90%, at 7 days after the second dose. This means that protection is achieved 28 days after the initiation of the vaccination, which consists of a 2-dose schedule.”

Operation Warp Speed did this

Operation Warp Speed” seeks to quickly ramp up production, organize distribution and determine who gets the first doses of a potential vaccine. The goal — which may prove impossible to meet — is to make 100 million doses of the vaccine available by November, 200 million doses by December and 300 million doses by January, a senior administration official has told CNN.

Operation Warp Speed is Donald Trump’s operation:

The Trump administration is organizing a Manhattan Project-style effort to drastically cut the time needed to develop a coronavirus vaccine, with a goal of making enough doses for most Americans by year’s end.

Called “Operation Warp Speed,” the program will pull together private pharmaceutical companies, government agencies and the military to try to cut the development time for a vaccine by as much as eight months, according to two people familiar with the matter.

As part of the arrangement, taxpayers will shoulder much of the financial risk that vaccine candidates may fail, instead of drug companies.

The project’s goal is to have 300 million doses of vaccine available by January, according to one administration official. There is no precedent for such rapid development of a vaccine.

The idiot known as the Governor of New York is not done killing people. He said that he wouldn’t trust a vaccine coming from Trump.

Trump then called him out on that:

During remarks in the Rose Garden, Trump said a vaccine will be widely available by April, “with the exception of places like New York state, where for political reasons the governor decided to say … he wants to take his time with the vaccine. He doesn’t trust where the vaccine is coming from.”

Cuomo skipped 17 conference calls on the vaccine:

WASHINGTON — He’s been trashing the Trump administration’s COVID-19 vaccine plan, but New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo stopped taking part back in June — skipping more than a dozen White House meetings and snubbing a one-on-one with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, The Post has learned.

Cuomo skipped out on 17 consecutive governor calls with the White House coronavirus task force designed to brief state leaders on the vaccine development and rollout process, while calling them “circuses” and “a joke” in a recent interview, a White House source confirmed.

And Kamala Harris was even more blunt:

“If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it, absolutely,” Harris said during her debate against Pence roughly a month later. “But if Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I’m not taking it.”

They weren’t alone. NBC said Trump would need a “miracle.”

But experts say that the development, testing and production of a vaccine for the public is still at least 12 to 18 months off, and that anything less would be a medical miracle.

“I think it’s possible you could see a vaccine in people’s arms next year — by the middle or end of next year. But this is unprecedented, so it’s hard to predict,” said Dr. Paul Offit, a professor at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and the director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Cue the Pope.

Donald Trump deserves the credit for making this happen. There will be a lot of teeth gnashing on the left as some actually compliment Trump. The pain on Alyson Camerota’s face is obvious

Tapper, the Joke known as Jake, managed some enthusiasm

Between the two manufacturers, there could be 70 million doses available by the end of the year. This is great news for the country. Trump delivered as promised.

Still, you can’t help but notice how this great news was disclosed only after the election.

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I will gladly take the placebo!

If this had happened under Obama Liberals would be swooning and it would be on the front pace of the NYT.s and the front covers of TIME,NEWSWEEK,ROLLING STONE and USA TODAY and the M.S. Media would be touting all week long but since its under Stump listen to the Crickets Folks

Dr John, the need to assign undue credit to a man responsible for unneeded death and even continuing to sacrifice American lives for his own political agenda must be either or both of 2 reasons.

1 must be a need to save face after 4 years of asslicking a defeated con man that will certainly go down in history as the worst president ever and/or the desperate need of the rabid right to “so own the Dems”.

Ignorance, denial of reality, and hate is all you have left.

@Ronald J. Ward: Donald Trump has proven himself as one of the best Presidents of all time.

He’s resisted a constant assault from Left wing Cult lunatics like you, and the empirical facts remain that he kept his campaign promises and also performed admirably during the pandemic.

Your pathetic need for self-esteem by hating a man you don’t even know serves as a reminder of everything weak and wrong in our society.

Ignorance, denial of reality, and hate.

You summed yourself up perfectly, asshole.

And just as a reminder, Biden is not the President. He never will be.

@Nathan Blue:

Donald Trump has proven himself as one of the best Presidents of all time.

You have a unique way of saying stupid things that differs from the other clowned sock puppets here.

Trump was going to win by a landslide you so often said based on, well, because you said. That being divorced from reality made no difference.

Trump has undoubtedly placed himself in the history books of becoming most likely the worst president ever. Now this has nothing to do with his blatant racism or his parallels to Hitler or even that he conned you fools into believing Mexico was paying for a wall or that he sold his cultists lies after lies which they eagerly consumed hourly.

It follows the reasoning that the prominent and respected historians and scholars placed Obama in the 12 to 13th best president and why GWB round up around the 6th worse. It’s about the economy handed to you vrs how you leave it, handling of foreign issues, and handling of a national crises.

Aside from the hourly Trump lies you genuflect to, Trump has failed spectacularly on each and more. You nor your fellow cultists can admit to that because you’ve been indoctrinated otherwise. Trump tells you he built a great economy but the BLS numbers tell us otherwise. He tells us he did great on COVID but reality discredits that. And the economy, due mainly to Trump’s COVID incompetence but there are other factors, is in serious trouble.

And I seriously doubt that historians and scholars will cheer Trump for a vaccine even if it works spectacularly well. They don’t go to Newsmax or Moonbat.com or FA to get their assessments of our murderous twice popular vote losing con man who’s only interests seems the to salt his scorched earth as they drag him kicking and screaming from the White House.

We will have a tremendous stimulus package immediately after the election,”

Donald J. Trump 4 days before the election.

He obviously no longer gives a shit.

@Ronald J. Ward: You waiting by the mailbox for your 2nd Trump check ? Get the gavel out of Nancys claws so the porkalicious and non covid related BS can be removed.
Bailing out irresponsible democrat run cities, no voter ID in national elections were just a tiny example of the garbage she wanted to push through.
Had she accepted the compromise you would have already blown that 1200 bucks and be on a whine for a 3rd check.

I dont want a check nor an RNA vaccine.

If you had a brain you would read the communist manifesto on Bidens website which is Sanders on steriods.
His lets be friends now is a smokescreen, did he condemn BLM that came to DC just to be violent?
The spokesman also added that Biden condemns”repugnant displays of white supremacy that were made in Washington, D.C., this weekend,”
Translation No freedom of speech for anyone that has an opinion different than mine, you deserved a beat down.
Singing the National Anthem and praying, showing support for Trump, people of all races and religions at least 500 thousand, that doesnt include gatherings that happened across the Nation without burning, riots, looting or murders.
How is that Defund the police working out in NY and Minneapolis?

@Ronald J. Ward:

this has nothing to do with his blatant racism or his parallels to Hitler or even that he conned you fools into believing Mexico was paying for a wall or that he sold his cultists lies after lies which they eagerly consumed hourly.

Your comment is so full of falsehoods it’s hard to decide where to start.

Blatant racism? Would that be compared to Michelle Obama’s blatant racism, or her husbands own blatant racism that has been criticized by those like Shelby Steele? Gee, all those minorities that came out to vote for Trump must have been put into governmental brain-washing facilities. They really seem to think that they did better under Trump than they did under O’Biden reign of error.

Parallels to Hitler? Let’s see, perhaps you can tell us where the concentration camps full of Jews, gypsies, gays and others are located? Those gas chambers must give off some smoke that locals have certainly noticed, right? What nations has Trump invaded only to steal all their assets? Maybe the Louvre is just not reporting the loss of the Monets. I sure would like to have one.

You nor your fellow cultists can admit to that because you’ve been indoctrinated otherwise.

Thanks for the laugh as you parrot the DNC. Tell us, AJ/Ward, are you even a U.S. citizen? Do you even live in the U.S. or are you just some foreign troll?

You come here and do nothing but lob insults and disparage those who do not agree with your political views. You certainly promote what you accuse others of. Talk about Hitlerism. You excel at it.

Maybe the same magic wand that brought back hundreds of thousands of good-paying manufacturing jobs also works on vaccine development.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Dr John, the need to assign undue credit to a man responsible for unneeded death and even continuing to sacrifice American lives for his own political agenda must be either or both of 2 reasons.

I guess you read a different article. No one gave any credit to any of the Democrats who have done nothing but impede the effort to control the epidemic.

Now, don’t you be accepting any of that nasty Trump vaccine. I’ll happily take your dose.

@kitt: @retire05: @Deplorable Me:

The bulk of your gibberish is no more than the delusional nonsense you’ve acquired from gatewaypundit or the federalist, propaganda rags you’ve been told to believe in while obeying the command to reject actual facts.

Remember Trump’s admission on the 60 Minute interview:

President Donald Trump: But the media is fake. And frankly, if I didn’t have social media, I’d have no way of getting out my voice.

Lesley Stahl: Do you know what you told me a long time ago when I asked why you keep saying “fake media”–

President Donald Trump: Yeah? Yeah?

Lesley Stahl: You said to me, “I say that because I need to dis– discredit you so that when you say negative things about me, no one will believe you.”

You have been instructed to view anything negative reported of the leader of our government as “fake news” because the leader of our government told you to do so. And there it was on live TV in an interview with the leader of our government.

As said many times, you cannot distinguish what is true from what is false, only cling to the narrative demanded of you by the leader of our government and his propaganda outlets (hence, parallels to Hitler).

But as he told you, do not believe what you see with your own eyes or hear with your own ears (again, parallels to Hitler).

@Ronald J. Ward: Fake news is fake news. Anyone not interested in discrediting it wants to lie to the public. Like you, for instance. You lie and then when asked to back up your lies (which, of course, you can’t) you just run away and ignore the question.

But, no matter how much you cry, the rapid development of effective vaccines is a TRUMP accomplishment. All Democrats want is more dead to use for political purposes. Cowards.

@Ronald J. Ward:

You have a unique way of saying stupid things that differs from the other clowned sock puppets here.

I have a unique way of owning your pathetic, out-of-touch-with-reality ass, that’s for sure.

Trump was going to win by a landslide you so often said based on, well, because you said.

Trump most likely did, but if Nazi/Marxists like you can pollute the airwaves with simple doubt, lies, and misinformation…then a low-information, low-intelligence rube like you will actually believe Trump is doing what your Party gets caught doing every day.

-Shut the economy down without Democrat support, yet we’ve recovered over -2/3rds of GDP and unemployment is now 6.9% (less than the AVERAGE for your savior, Obama).
-Record unemployment for everyone, including blacks and latinos.
-Border wall stopped most child trafficking.
-Lowered carbon emissions far below what the Paris Peace accords required (the others failed to meet their goals).
– generic drug pricing
– stopped China from taking over our country

The list goes on and on and on. Obama has NOTHING on Trump’s acheivements, and no about of your stammering tantrums can change that. Of course dick-less historians who got their jobs by licking Democrat assholes are going to rank the manchurian candidate high. As Trump says, that’s just “fake news”.

The point is, whelp, your insecurity and lack of identity are what normal people in the nation fight to combat, every day. You get some kind of false “battle” from mouthing off political things, though you are the very epitome of the “low-information” voter that corrupt Democrats count on for killing their enemies and polluting the internet with bullshit.

He obviously no longer gives a shit.

Or he’s fighting a globalist coup against our government, bent on destroying our fair and free elections.

Biden has won nothing. Biden will win nothing. He will never be considered the lawful or rightful President of the United States. The evidence of the fraud election is just too much.

Hope you’re ready for the fight, beta-boy. Let’s see what you REALLY believe.

@Deplorable Me: Funny how much Ron/AJ sounds like a sore loser, rather than a confident citizen standing behind their values.

Most likely because he has nothing, and he knows Biden lost the election.

“Don’t worry about the election, Trump’s not gonna win. I made f**king sure of that!”

— Dominion Voting Systems Engineer, Eric Coomer

Biden won nothing. The election is invalid.

@Nathan Blue:

Biden won nothing. The election is invalid.

I’m not sure how you could possibly validate my argument with clarity more than with that statement as while it’s exactly what Trump has instructed his ignorant sheep to promote, it’s inconsistent with the reality of his loss.

In the real world, Trump lawyers are dropping like flies, courts are rejecting Trump’s lawsuits in eyerolling fashion with the likelihood of reaching the SCOTUS dead on arrival. , world leaders acknowledging and congratulating Biden, republicans are even starting to line up and conceding Trump’s loss, and even the Pope recognizes it.

Yes, I know those resources are automatically rejected because Trump told you what you are and aren’t allowed to believe which as a staunch Trump asslicker, you have no choice but to obey in audible slurping fashion. But just as when you were going against reality insisting Trump would win by a landslide (with never a coherent argument to justify your claim) you are now following Trump’s demand to deny reality and insist the election was rigged-again, with no coherent rationale.

You were told what you may believe during the election and you are now being told what to believe pertaining to the result. This was all explained by most of the real world albeit QAnon, Newsmax, Hannity, Tucker, Limbaugh, et al may have not mentioned it to you.

@Ronald J. Ward: I see you missed it:

“Don’t worry about the election, Trump’s not gonna win. I made f**king sure of that!”

— Dominion Voting Systems Engineer, Eric Coomer

An admission like this can’t pass into that idiot skull of yours, I know. But still….

Biden wins nothing. The election is invalid.

The level of your indoctrination is hilarious. The level of projection, of inversion of your own cognitive dissonance, is pathetic however.

You believe and parrot the talking points of the rabid Left…which includes accusing me and non-Cultists of doing the same thing, but with Trump.

What a loser you are.

Thanks for the links, though. I am very aware that all of your propaganda outlets have told you what to think and to say, for decades most likely.

The reality is there are too many issues and discrepancies with this election to call it valid. I know you can’t allow any objective thought to flow in that pea-brain of yours, but you’d expect the same if millions of fraudulent votes went from Biden to Trump, mysteriously, suddenly giving a “landslide” to a 78-year-old white man with no platform and no followers…all after the Democrat Party all but admitted they were going to cheat.

The election is invalid. Too many errors.

A few things for your pea-brain, bub. I’m not a Republican. I don’t watch the outlets you rattled off like a good sheep. I’m not sure who you think you are talking to, but most likely the non-existent “Conservative” you’ve been indoctrinated to hate…like a KKK member who doesn’t want to actually use reason.

That’s you.

Biden won nothing. The election is invalid. Go get some more articles to validate your worthless bias. I’m sure this non-win for Biden is possibly the best thing to happen in your beta-male life, to date.

Back to the topic at hand, Operation Warp Speed: a epic win for Trump, the administration, and all Americans…including the whiny Leftists who won’t die because now there is a vaccine.

Good thing Trump is cutting the imposture Biden out of things while we get the vaccine distributed and the Left can’t use it against us.

@Nathan Blue:
What I missed about Eric Coomer was an actual conviction, legal charge, or even an investigation rather than unsubstantiated accusations from radical propagandist such as yourself.

I suppose you missed Lindsay Graham urging election officials to toss legal ballots of suspected Biden voters? My guess is you actually endorse it.

It’s expected that after your ridiculous insistence of Trump winning by a landslide despite overwhelming evidence of him being an underdog, you’d be back, again without a thread of evidence or a glimmer of a coherent argument, to claim he was robbed of a victory he was unlikely to achieve.

Thanks for the links, though. I am very aware that all of your propaganda outlets have told you what to think and to say, for decades most likely.

My understanding is that even Fox News is being blackballed for not kowtowing to Trump.

As long as you blindly obey Trump’s orders of “Listen to me and who I say you can only for the truth”, ignorance and lies will be all you know.

@Nathan Blue:

From the conservative WSJ Editorial Board:

President Trump has so far been unwilling to concede to Joe Biden, and his latest argument is that the voting machines must have been rigged. Where’s the evidence? Strong claims need strong proof, not rumors and innuendo on Twitter.

Chatter is swirling around Dominion Voting, a company that supplies equipment in some 28 states. What seems to have launched this theory was an early misreport of results in Antrim County, Mich. In 2016 Mr. Trump won 62% of its 13,600 ballots, so eyebrows rose this year when the initial tallies showed Mr. Biden up by 3,000.

In reality, Mr. Trump had won 61% of Antrim County. The unofficial reporting was wrong, but the underlying votes were counted correctly. As officials later explained: In October the county had to tweak the ballot information for two local races. Tabulating machines in the affected areas were updated, but others weren’t. On Election Day the differing data didn’t line up right after being merged. But the printouts from the tabulators showed accurate totals.

In any case, the Michigan Secretary of State’s office said the error “would have been identified during the county canvass,” when Democrats and Republicans “review the printed totals tape from each tabulator.” Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy told the Associated Press: “There was no malice, no fraud here, just human error.” She’s a Republican.

A different problem hit Gwinnett County, Ga. Officials had trouble with a Dominion module for adjudicating absentee ballots, for example, if the voter put a check mark in the circle instead of filling it in. Some adjudicated ballots, the county said, “were displayed as in progress but would not move over to be accepted.” The county ended up re-adjudicating some votes until Nov. 5. Sounds like the usual boring IT snafu.

Other pundits mash together all sorts of stuff. A couple of counties in Georgia had trouble with electronic poll books, but that would affect wait times at precincts, not final vote totals. There’s footage from a House hearing a few years ago, at which Princeton Computer Science Professor Andrew Appel said that voting machines could theoretically be hacked. Where’s the proof they actually were in 2020? “Vulnerabilities,” Mr. Appel wrote in a blog post Friday, “are not the same as rigged elections, especially when we have paper ballots in almost all the states.”

Mr. Trump was even further astray last week in a tweet. “REPORT: DOMINION DELETED 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES NATIONWIDE. DATA ANALYSIS FINDS 221,000 PENNSYLVANIA VOTES SWITCHED FROM PRESIDENT TRUMP TO BIDEN. 941,000 TRUMP VOTES DELETED.” Dominion says it’s “impossible” that its machines deleted nearly a million Trump votes in Pennsylvania, where it serves only 14 counties. With turnout at 76%, it adds, those counties registered 1.3 million votes.

Others have tried to draw lines between Dominion and prominent Democrats. In the category of no good deed goes unpunished, the company in 2014 agreed to donate voting machines to “emerging and post-conflict democracies” via a Clinton Foundation initiative. This shows exactly nothing about Dominion’s current operations. The company says it has no ownership relationships “with any member of the Pelosi family, the Feinstein family, or the Clinton Global Initiative.”

Another rumor is that Dominion has deep ties with Smartmatic, which has supplied voting systems to Venezuela, where the ruling regime manipulates elections. Both companies deny this. Smartmatic says it “has never provided Dominion Voting Systems with any software, hardware or other technology.” Dominion says they “do not collaborate in any way and have no affiliate relationships or financial ties.” In 2009, Dominion adds, Smartmatic “licensed Dominion machines for use in the Philippines,” but the contract “ended in a lawsuit.”

No voting system is foolproof, and hiccups are inevitable in a country with roughly 3,000 counties. The distributed nature of American elections is a strength on this point, since voting is handled by innumerable local officials instead of a few central authorities. Texas has declined to certify Dominion systems for its elections. The examiners objected to everything from the “tedious” and “unintuitive” setup, to a crash they witnessed in an adjudication module, to an indicator light that hackers could hypothetically remove to get at a USB port.

But so far there’s no good evidence of voting problems that would come close to Mr. Biden’s lead of 73,000 votes in Pennsylvania or 145,000 in Michigan. In Georgia, the Republican Secretary of State last week ordered a hand recount of all five million ballots. The effort turned up 2,600 missing votes that Floyd County forgot to upload. Adding them would cut Mr. Biden’s lead to slightly north of 13,000. But the error isn’t Dominion’s fault, and it better hope no glitches are revealed, given its 10-year contract with the state for $107 million.

If Georgia’s recount doesn’t find big irregularities, then these claims should be put to rest. In the George W. Bush years, the conspiratorial left focused on Diebold, a maker of electronic voting machines. It would be a mistake for anyone on the right to go down a similar dead end, especially if Georgia’s paper ballots give the same result as the computers.

@Ronald J. Ward: Do you think the comment made was just about PA? Its VA GA PA WI MI All showing an impossible pattern and identical ratios. . Enjoy your boob tube elected President, celebrate, make sure to squeal how a slowed transition will kill people, the plan and distribution of the vaccines is already in place has been for a long time. NY ‘s governor is a real clown boy, he loves his power, to bad he is bloviating his way into oblivion.
How humans can possibly come up with the exact count as a computer, nothing fishy there when an observer witnessed 3 wrong calls in 2 minutes and 2 usb devices were found with 5000 uncounted votes both with a 2 to 1 count in favor of the President.
I would love the entire transcript of this speech.

@Ronald J. Ward: The more your pathetic “points” have been defeated, the more the blather on.

The irregularities in the nation-wide votes are of real concern. We spent 45 million to investigate a Clinton-manufactured disinformation campaign to hurt Trump. We can take a moment to investigate actual voting issues that will affect the result of a Presidential election. That’s just a fact.

And why do you keep invoking what you perceive as “conservative” news sources as if I’m somehow not conforming to what they say? Of course I’m not. I think for myself, unlike you. You really don’t understand who you’re talking to, do you? Still here to pretend to “beat up” the straw men you’ve been indoctrinated to see in everything.

Every election has errors and even some fraudulent votes. The cowardice of Dems and there ass-licking lapdogs like you is that they can somehow hide the MASSIVE evidence of irregularities that will indeed change the outcome of the election.


“Nothing to see here” is not a compelling argument. In light of the Democrats constant assault against Trump, destroying the Law and doing away with due process…all while using a state-run media to mesmerize idiots like you…gives very good claim to doubt this election.

Hawkfish said: “it will look like Trump won, but suddenly votes will come and Biden will win”. That’s priming the electorate to ignore obvious Democrat cheating.

“Trump won’t hand over power…” but why not? Because the Dems cheated and everyone knows it.

Podesta “Trump will break the country into two by not leaving”.

You’d think this was all part of the plan.

Biden won nothing. He is NOT the President of the United States, and without a free and fair re-election, he never will be.

It doesn’t matter what the media says, whether it be CNN or Fox or WSJ or NYTs or NYP. Major news outlets all but admit they don’t investigate stories or actual events. They just publish unsubstantiated propaganda while suppressing real news.

The voting issues are real. They call this election into question, period.

This was a planned coup by the Democrat Party, now owned by a globalist movement to abolish the United States as we know it.

@Ronald J. Ward:

From the conservative WSJ Editorial Board:

Therein lies your error; the WSJ Editorial Board is not “conservative” and never has been. How do I know? Over ten years employed by the WSJ and knowing those on the Editorial Board which 30 years ago was left wing and has not changed.

The WSJ is considered (in toto) to be “conservative” due to the fact that their “financial” reporters are conservative. But the other reporters are all products of the Walter School of Journalism and many are so far left they need tie-downs to keep them from falling over. Upon acquisition by NewsCorp saw the Editorial Board hook even further left.

So if you are basing your opinion partly on the “conservative” Editorial Board of the WSJ, you are chasing phantoms that don’t exist but does have great sway with low information commenters like yourself.

@Nathan Blue: Now a 3rd county in GA finds more uncounted votes all seem to be connected with the scanners and human error.
How complex is this system that lightning strikes 3 times in the same place?
CHRIS CUOMO, CNN HOST: State TV’s got some new competition, Anderson. It’s going to be very interesting to see how the narrative unfolds. You know for people like us, we do the job based on who’s in power but this is going to be very interesting.
Lil Ward suffers gonadal agenesis and lashes out in frustration, seems to be a lot of that going around these days.
As long as Bidens team dont take over and liberalize the distribution plan everyone that wants a vaxx will get a vaxx.

@Nathan Blue:

We spent 45 million to investigate a Clinton-manufactured disinformation campaign to hurt Trump. We can take a moment to investigate actual voting issues that will affect the result of a Presidential election. That’s just a fact.

I absolutely agree. I’m all for investigating any and all voting issues affecting the results of either candidate or the electoral process itself.

But there are 2 very profound problems with your argument.

1 is that you are not going to be satisfied with the results regardless of the findings unless they somehow benefit Trump.

The other problem is that the Trump team could get caught red handed rigging the election in their favor or burning ballots from democrats and you would accept that as fair.

This is how unhinged and radical the Trump mob has become.

@Ronald J. Ward:

you are not going to be satisfied with the results regardless of the findings unless they somehow benefit Trump.

You seem to equate satisfaction with acceptance. They are not one and the same. You want to ignore the voting count irregularities that we are seeing and just accept the Obama premise “Suck it up and accept Biden.”

Conservatives were not satisfied with the 2008 election but accepted it. Obama had campaigned vigorously (something Bargain Basement Joe didn’t do), promised the moon (Biden couldn’t do that since he was not real sure why he was at any one place at any one time) and sold his snake oil. They did not protest, they did not burn, loot or murder and Obama served 8 years.

The other problem is that the Trump team could get caught red handed rigging the election in their favor or burning ballots from democrats and you would accept that as fair.

Illegal ballots should be destroyed. Those who were not even in the poll book in certain states were allowed to have their ballots counted. Are you content that voters were disenfranchised by illegal ballots? Seems you are.

This is how unhinged and radical the Trump mob has become.

Give me an example of how, when Obama was racking up record crowds in 2008, his followers were referred to as a “mob.” You see, your double standards are so blatant that you discredit anything you have to say.

And it didn’t go unnoticed that you refuse to answer questions like Comrade Greggie. Are you his mentor?


You seem to equate satisfaction with acceptance. They are not one and the same.

Unless of course Merriam-Webster is a fake dictionary, “satisfied” (the actual word I used) is an adjective which means :

2) to cause (someone) to agree with a belief or course of action by using arguments or earnest requests.

Synonyms for satisfied
argued, brought, brought around, converted, convinced, gained, got, induced, moved, persuaded, prevailed (on or upon), talked (into), won (over)


@Ronald J. Ward:

I don’t have but a rudimentary knowledge of the English language. I fully comprehend the difference between “satisfied” and “acceptance.” And I really don’t need you to explain it to me. What I don’t know is where you got your Miriam Webster definition since this is what it says online:

Definition of satisfied
1: pleased or content with what has been experienced or received


A person can be accepting without being satisfied.

Same website:
Definition of accepting
1: able or willing to accept something or someone : inclined to regard something or someone with acceptance rather than with hostility or fear —often + of

It is simple: I was accepting of Grifter Obama’s election. I was not satisfied with the outcome of that election.

Perhaps a course in rudimentary English would benefit you greatly.

Again: And it didn’t go unnoticed that you refuse to answer questions like Comrade Greggie. Are you his mentor?

Perhaps you would like to address the questions posed to you?

@Ronald J. Ward:

1 is that you are not going to be satisfied with the results regardless of the findings unless they somehow benefit Trump.

The other problem is that the Trump team could get caught red handed rigging the election in their favor or burning ballots from democrats and you would accept that as fair.

This is how unhinged and radical the Trump mob has become.

That is absolute moronic conjecture, once again proving you are a worthless man-baby and not a mature part of the US population.

You’re projecting that you KNOW this election was rigged for Biden, so you say Trump voters would do the same…accept an election that is rigged because it went for their “guy”.

There is no “tit for tat” here, idiot. Google, Facebook, and Twitter don’t censure Democrats to help Trump win. They also don’t give hundreds of millions to Trump and Republicans. They give money to Biden and Democrats.

Hollywood actors don’t get up on awards shows and say “f*ck Biden”, they say “f*ck Trump”. SNL doesn’t run propaganda and damage control for the Republican party, they do it for the Democrat Party.

Professors don’t push free-market capitalism with democratic elections, they push Marxism and hate.

The greater issue here is that the election process is not fair. You know it.

If there were THOUSANDS of votes either flipped or held back that helped Trump, the news would be lit up. It’s not.

You are aiding a corrupt totalitarian coup and part of your pea-brain knows it.

By the way: F*CK TRUMP. This was never about Trump. This was about free elections and real information getting to voters. Trump has been one of the most effective Presidents in the history of the country. THAT’S A FACT. I’d gladly vote for a Democrat if I trusted their positions, policies, and believed they could execute on them.

Biden voters: none of them can tell me why Biden is a better choice, they just foam at the mouth with pre-scripted garbage about Trump. There’s simply no SUBSTANCE in any of the arguments I’ve heard.