Biden voters threaten to burn the country down. Lock and load.



There has been a significant and ongoing amount of violence in this country over the last six months. America has suffered between $1-2 billion in damages, 700 police have been injured and 30 people have been killed in what the left wing media has described as “mostly peaceful” riots.

BLM/Antifa, having destroyed much of inner city businesses, now is making their way out to the suburbs with their unique brand of violence and intimidation.

Now we are promised more. Much more.

Cities across the country are boarding up in anticipation of riots by Biden supporters.

From New York and DC to Los Angeles and San Francisco, businesses in American cities are boarding up their windows in advance of election-night returns.

What started in Washington, D.C. with the boarding up of businesses located near the White House spread to other major cities across the nation.

…“There is something uniquely heartbreaking about these scattered scenes of boarding-up four days before a presidential election—a feeling that, for people raised with a basic faith in the United States and democracy, seems utterly alien, a world knocked off its axis, Michael Schaffer with the Washingtonian wrote. “People board up for hurricanes and riots, for acts of God and acts of vandals. It’s fundamentally disorienting to find that citizens of the world’s oldest democracy are reduced to doing so in preparation for a quadrennial ritual dating back to 1788.”

George Washington University recommends that its students stock up on rations for a week

“Before Election Day, we recommend that you have at least one week of food, supplies and medicine in your room,” the school said in a letter to students. “We suggest preparing for the Election Day period as you would a hurricane or a snowstorm that would prevent you from going outside for several days to grab food or order take.”

A university spokeswoman told The Washington Times, “Our goal is to help our campus community plan ahead for any potential disruption that may happen during the election period.”

Even Boston

We are promised a “bloodbath” if Trump wins:

Progressives, socialists and Bernie Bros are gearing up for war should Joe Biden fall short of his quest to unseat President Trump in Tuesday’s election.

“You would see a complete repudiation of the Democratic establishment as we know it,” said Jabari Brisport, 33, a Democratic Socialist-backed candidate for state Senate expected to easily win a Brooklyn seat next week. “The Democratic establishment is not working for everyday people.”

Which is kind of funny since billionaires and Wall St support Biden over Trump

Unlike the tea party, a progressive revolution would be “a force for good,” said the true-believer Brisport.

One senior official at a Democratic Political Action Committee was blunter.

“If Biden loses it’s going to be a f–king bloodbath. There’s no other way to put it,” he said. “Heads will roll. It’s going to be ugly.”

“Hawk” Newsome added

“You’re talking people in the streets refusing to leave. I’m not talking about looting and riots. I’m talking about everyday folks just going out into the streets in protests, like full on people in the streets for months,” Hawk Newsome, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Greater New York, told The Post.

Back in January Bernie warned us

One thing is absolutely certain- it won’t be Trump supporters burning those cities.

This kind of intimidation and threatening is exactly why these animals need to be defeated. They’ve made clear that Biden is their stepping stone to a Communist state. A Biden win would only result in totalitarianism.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spoke to the far-left members of the “Squad” in a virtual roundtable discussion on Friday, emphasizing that electing Joe Biden (D) would not be the “end-all” but only the “beginning” of their plans to push their radical agenda, ultimately making Biden the “most progressive president since FDR.”

It’s entirely realistic as Biden is the only candidate who can hide his own Easter eggs.

I’ll leave you with a bit of dark humor about events as seen through the eyes of the press.



Lock and load.

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And Wolf Blitzer is stunned that Democrat-run cities are boarding up in anticipation of…riots?????? Who is going to riot, pray tell? Trump supporters?

Meanwhile, Joe is lost, put this title in your browser for the Daily Mail story, Daily Mail because the American press won’t cover it:

“The man who could be America’s next president in three days: Barack Obama had to call Joe Biden three times before he finally emerged at Michigan rally, then had to remind him to put his mask back on and help guide him off the stage”

And these are the very people that scream bloody murder if some pickups with flags drive past their Bumbling Biden Bus. They showed that you just stand up with your fists clenched and they to a-runnin’.

George Washington University recommends that its students stock up on rations for a week.
Math is racist so thats like an extra bag of organic soy chips? He who has the Doritos and instant mac n cheese is suddenly big man on campus.

@kitt: 5 packages of Raman noodles. Oops… electricity and water gets turned off. They may starve, but they’ll blame Trump to their dying breath.

@Deplorable Me: Is there a down side? Less leftist tools.


And Wolf Blitzer is stunned that Democrat-run cities are boarding up in anticipation of…riots?????? Who is going to riot, pray tell? Trump supporters?


See the above link for a flyer telling Antifa rioters to dress (convincingly) like police and/or “patriots” in MAGA hats with 3%’er badges*.
That will throw police off when they come to arrest rioters.

Other media players, such Vox and the New York Times, warn of both sides, a disguise of balance but ridiculously unrealistic, considering the utter lack of property destruction by the right.

Last night Tucker Carlson and Lisa Boothe addressed Ted Wheeler’s warning that BOTH sides are violently burning businesses down and correctly pointed out its absurdity. As they noted, if merchants believed that white supremacists were a threat, they would not be spray-painting “We support Black Lives Matter” on their plywood window coverings.

* the 3%’er movement is based on a disputed idea that only 3% of colonists took up arms against the British. The actual group is Northern USA and Canadian. I have never seen a 3%’er badge on any Trump rally-goer in four years.

Not at all surprising. They have been in violent and destruction mode since May.

Note to the wise. Those ‘pistols’ that shoot a ball of pepper spray with an accurate range of up to 60 feet are awesome.

@Ronald J. Ward: Nope. Wrong again. You are consistent. I think the stores are still open. So go shopping today, buy a clue.

The only places I see threats that Biden voters will “burn down the country” are pro-Trump websites. Our intention, which has brought out Democratic voters in record numbers, is to vote the guy out of office.

It’s Trump’s crowd that have been behind widespread voter suppression efforts; they’re the people who are trying to disqualify hundreds of thousands of properly submitted ballots early ballots by way of judicial intervention; they’re the people who have attempted to impede the timely handling of mailed ballots in the nation’s postal system; they’re the one’s who have gathered vehicular posses to act like idiots on highways and city streets. They’re also the ones who like to make reference to their firearms, as if firearms played some part in the nation’s election process. They do not.

Trump is the one who has repeatedly suggested the election process is rigged against him, and that whether or not he accepts the results depends. He’s the guy who erected a wall around the White House.

Democrats support Joe Biden as the constitutional means of opposition to all of that. None of it is part of how America is supposed to be. The rhetoric and behavior of Donald Trump and his followers have given a majority of American voters the will and the determination to lawfully end it more than Joe Biden has himself. A few days from now, we’ll know the results.

@Greg: There’s no voter suppression. That’s a myth. There are only efforts to make sure the vote is legitimate. Democrats do all they can to STEAL the vote through fraud and cheating. In Philadelphia, they prevent poll watchers from entering… for some reason (what could it possibly be?). They are illegally campaigning for Biden INSIDE the polling place (forget keeping 50 feet away… rules are for chumps). With the Democrat’s long history of fraud, EVERY VOTE needs to be examined if the person voting is not voting in person and providing positive ID. With terrible candidates like Biden, fraud and corruption is all the Democrats can rely on.


The only places I see threats that Biden voters will “burn down the country” are pro-Trump websites. Our intention, which has brought out Democratic voters in record numbers, is to vote the guy out of office.

Are you saying all those B[urn], L[oot] and M[urder] goons, along with Antifa, are Trump voters?

You are absolutely and totally a flaming idiot, Comrade Greggie.

@retire05: These are people that believe when the Biden bus gets on I35E, everyone else should get off and let them own it. Reality doesn’t have a place in their lives. When someone in a white SUV swerves into a pickup saying in its own lane, the accident is the PICKUP’S fault because they didn’t have the proper permission to be on that highway when the Biden bus was there.

@retire05, #13:

I doubt if any of the Black Lives Matter crowd have voted for Donald Trump. He’s part of the problem that they’re upset about. So are you.

The problem is that you don’t see a problem.


I doubt if any of the Black Lives Matter crowd have voted for Donald Trump.

That is correct, Comrade Greggie. All the people Burning, Looting and Murdering are Biden supporters.

He’s part of the problem that they’re upset about.

How so? Do they resent Trump funding traditional black colleges and universities like no other president? Did they get upset about the lowest unemployment rate for blacks until the nation you will not speak ill of, China, infected the entire world with a deadly plague? Did they object to having Opportunity Zones in black neighborhoods, funding start up businesses owned by blacks?

So are you.

How so, again? Do you think blacks dislike me because I am radically against the high black abortion rates?

Seems to me they should be upset with Bargain Basement Joe and his comments about “racial jungles” that he didn’t want his kids going to school in or supporting radical racists like Robert (KKK) Byrd or his legislation that imprisoned, wrongly, many, many young black men with sentences that were disgraceful.

You are not only an idiot, you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. All you can do is blather stupid DNC talking points. But I guess, since your IQ is less than your shoe size, that’s all you can do.

“We should know what happens on the night. A lot of bad things happen with ballots when you say, ‘Oh, let’s devote days and days,’ and all of a sudden the ballot count changes.”

Nonsense, from Donald Trump.

We most likely won’t know the result on election night. The result will be known when all of the votes have been counted and certified.

There’s nothing unusual or wrong about this. Historically, it has taken days or even weeks to tally all of the votes and know the results of a U.S. presidential election. In the modern era legally required election result certification dates vary from state to date, but none require certification by the end of election day. Most allow from 1 to 3 weeks.


I doubt if any of the Black Lives Matter crowd have voted for Donald Trump. He’s part of the problem that they’re upset about. So are you.

The problem is that you don’t see a problem.

When BLM sees “systemic racism” in Democrat run cities, where they have been rioting and looting, how his Trump the problem? In fact, when Trump has only been in political office for 4 years, why isn’t Biden’s 47 years in office not the problem?

Oh… that’s right. There IS no problem. It’s just liberal play-acting to use racism as a political weapon. Democrats prove day in and day out that they don’t give a damn about anyone or anything but THEIR power.

The problem has often been the words that come out of his mouth when he opens it. They have often tended to incite rather than calm. It’s because he exploits divisions rather than promoting unity.

@Greg: Only Democrats have been inciting violence, which coincides with the violence being committed by leftists in Democrat cities.


The problem has often been the words that come out of his mouth when he opens it.

You mean like all the words that came out of Obama’s mouth when he was campaigning, making blacks think that he would better their lives, only proving their concept of Obama wrong?

So here you are again, pushing your bullshit, and not answering any of my questions. That is because you have no answers, only left wing talking points given you by the DNC.

It’s because he exploits divisions rather than promoting unity.

How so? Did Trump say he didn’t want his kids going to school in a racial jungle or said Obama was the “first main stream African American who is clean and articulate and a nice looking guy” as if other “main stream” African Americans were not?

@retire05: How about the words that came out of Biden’s mouth, “I told Ukraine they would lose $1 billion in aid unless they stopped investigation my son’s company.”?

“I told Ukraine they would lose $1 billion in aid unless they stopped investigation my son’s company.”

No such words were ever spoken by Joe Biden. That prevents no one from claiming that he did.

Trump, on the other hand, used the threat of withholding of military aid to extort a foreign president’s cooperation with his toady, Rudy Giuliani smear efforts. You’d have to be as dumb as a box of rocks not to understand that this was attempted extortion.

The 2020 presidential election is a national pass/fail intelligence test. As George Carlin once quipped, “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” That observation translates into the entirely real possibility that Donald Trump could win another election.


No such words were ever spoken by Joe Biden. That prevents no one from claiming that he did.

But that was his message, wasn’t it? Now, I rendered it down to its vital points and, unlike Schiff’s fantasy version of Trump’s Ukraine phone call, it captures the exact message sent.

Thanks to Hunter’s emails and texts, we know EXACTLY what Trump thought was residing in Ukraine and how corrupt the Biden’s are. Trump never threatened anything with Ukraine, but Biden openly BRAGGED about extorting them. We’ve also seen evidence Joe KNEW Hunter was drawing money for nothing at Burisma, that the White House was warned about how stinking nasty it looked and, last but certainly not least, Joe met with Hunter’s Burisma buddies just weeks before he ran his power play on Ukraine to save that 50% of Hunter’s take that went to Pop

Again, the Democrats, knowing exactly what Biden had done in Ukraine, impeached Trump for the crimes Biden committed and they only got away with it in the House because they felt the majority gave them the right to trample due process and the law.

Democrats one and only advantage is the aid the corrupt media provides and their willingness to exploit corruption to win.

But that was his message, wasn’t it?

No, it wasn’t. That is also a lie. The GOP is now the the party of lies and liars. They have embraced a president who lies constantly, and they their party leadership knows it. They don’t care.

2:30 AM. Trump has apparently gone f*cking insane.


No, it wasn’t. That is also a lie.

Well, yes it absolutely was his message and, no, it is no lie. You can deny it all you want, but that is exactly what Biden did and what the equally corrupt Democrats did with impeachment.

Biden’s entire campaign has been based solely on lies. But, you like lies and liars.









Excuse me but is’nt Extortion a Federal Crime or has the Dirty Democrats decrinimalized it?

@kitt: Kind of like him admitting publicly he used extortion to protect his 50% of Hunter’s take from Burisma. I guess sometimes he just can’t help himself.