It’s hard to believe that this will be the last TWIRL before Halloween, and more importantly, our upcoming Civil War election. It’s been a busy week, as you’ll see in the ICYMI section at the end of the post, so let’s get to it!
10/22 – Dear Bruce Springsteen: Here Is My Letter to You.
Long, but a good, constructive read.
10/23 – Democrats still live in a Trump-fueled dystopian nightmare
I don’t go over to The Bookworm as often as I should, and this depressing piece explains why Lefists will never come around.
10/24 – Of coyotes, and lying dogs
Both Biden and NPR lying? I am shocked! Shocked, I say!
10/25 – ‘The beheading of a teacher in France is the barbaric logical conclusion to cancel culture’
My guess is the when Cancel Culture turns violent in the US it will be the beginning of the end for the movement. As I’ve come to learn over the years, Leftists go completely bat (guano) crazy when they get treated the way they treat us Normals.
10/26 – Coons: ‘Hundreds’ of Trump’s Lower Court Judges Shouldn’t ‘Be Allowed to Sit Peaceably’
As Kurt Schlichter likes to remind Democrats: The last Civil War you started didn’t turn out so well for you. You might want to think twice before starting another.
The quote is priceless. And well deserved.
Allie Stuckey is a genius. Share this four minute video far and wide.
10/29 – Ilhan Omar Continues To Push To Make Minneapolis Into Mogadishu
Today Minneapolis, tomorrow America. When one party says that they hate this country and want to destroy it they should be taken seriously.
10/30 – Biden’s Invasion Ignorance
As Jim Geraghty has said, “Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Those who remember the past are doomed to have to explain it to those who don’t.”
ICYMI – I had a busy week. I kicked off by pointing out that No, We’re not Hypocrites on the National Debt.
Then I followed up with a three part series:
Why are Leftists Always so Miserable? (2 of 3)
The Most Basic Difference Between Leftists and Conservatives (3 of 3)
Have a great weekend, Happy Halloween, and bring a friend when you vote on Tuesday!
President Trump was investigated for what Hillary Clinton did, impeached for what Biden did, blamed for what China did and now is being attacked for mentioning what Hunter Biden did.
— Kos Unbound (@KosUnbound) October 22, 2020
President Trump was investigated for what Hillary Clinton did, impeached for what Biden did, blamed for what China did and now is being attacked for mentioning what Hunter Biden did.
— Kos Unbound (@KosUnbound) October 22, 2020
— Greg Boo-gar (@NonLiberalPAer) October 23, 2020
The best campaign ad I’ve seen yet#WeekendAtBidens
— Trollasaurus (@TrollasaurusRx) October 22, 2020
FBI is investigating why the computer repair guy didn’t accidentally delete the Biden emails then mistakenly smash the hard drive with a hammer.
— Razor (@hale_razor) October 18, 2020
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
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Bidens promises sound just so hopey changey
Like your fossil fuels you can keep your fossil fuels, and private healthcare too
Back to 1978 he had been in the Senate 6 years already
Wealthy liberals just live in their own little bubbles of fantasy. Why don’t they give all their wealth to the poor?
When will liberals get tired of being lied to right in their faces? Do they LIKE being made fools of?
Why don’t these families want to be reunited with their own children? Oh… wait. I just answered my own question.
Who is so afraid of people with differing point of view stating an opinion? Oh, yeah. That’s right. Liberals.
And what’s the opposite of “peaceably”? Oh… ORANGE MAN BAD!!!
Only opinions with the liberal stamp of approval allowed.
Glad I saw one. All those I see are stuffed with easily disproven and intellectually insulting lies.
Who accepts such trash into their party? Oh, yeah… Democrats and Ms. Super Ethical, Pelosi.
It is difficult to tell if Biden is lying or simply stupid. Either way, who the hell wants THAT as President?
The banksters need a war desperately right now. They’ve tried so hard in Syria and it just hasn’t worked. Now they’ve got crazy Trump actually saying we should get out of Afghanistan and focus on our own problems, and people are listening… What’s a self-respecting globalist financier to do?
Without the US military killing people and breaking things, there is no future growth path for them. So they send their puppets like Biden and Kerry out to talk up the fight against “evil” and threaten Russia, hoping to fool those dumb white ‘Murkins one more time into sending their sons off to die for God and Country and Goldman Sachs.
@kitt: Wasn’t that also the theme song Dubya used during his 2000 run?
@Deplorable Me:
Don’t worry, he’ll get sworn in and promptly 25th Amendmented out to pave the way for the Dems’ dream of having an unabashedly Marxist president.