
FBI in possession of Hunter Biden’s purported laptop, sources say

The FBI and Justice Department concur with DNI Ratcliffe that the laptop is not part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

The FBI is in possession of the laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden which contained emails revealing his foreign business dealings, including contacts in Ukraine and China, two senior administraiton officials told Fox News Tuesday.

The FBI declined to confirm or deny the existence of an investigation into the laptop or the emails, as is standard practice.
Further, Fox News has learned that the FBI and Justice Department officials concur with an assessment from Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe that the laptop is not part of a Russian disinformation campaign targeting Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Ratcliffe, on Monday, said that Hunter Biden’s laptop and the emails on it “is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign,” despite claims from House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif.

“Let me be clear: the intelligence community doesn’t believe that because there is no intelligence that supports that,” Ratcliffe said. “And we have shared no intelligence with Adam Schiff, or any member of Congress.”

Ratcliffe went on to say that it is “simply not true.”

“If you thought it wasn’t possible for Schiff to have any less credibility, DOJ just proved you wrong,” a senior intelligence official told Fox News.

The most interesting part of this is that all of the left wing media and their idiot former FBI and CIA contributors tried to bullsh*t everyone in order to protect the Biden Cosa Nostra.

No more.

Up your a**, Adam Schiff.

Up your a**, CNN, MSNBC and CBS.

Up your a**, Dan Rather.

Up your a**, Schumer.

Up your a**, Jack Dorsey

Up your a**, Zuckerberg

Up your a**, Sundar Pichai

Up your a**, Clapper

Up your a**, Brennan


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It’s not over, Dr. John. It will never be over. The Left and their lapdogs will come up with something. A distraction, an accusation, an excuse…. Something.
Greg will tell us soon what tack they’re going to take.

It happens every damned time. The entire left (the media and the DNC) has ZERO credibility. They don’t seem particularly interested in restoring it, either.

I was thrown into a panic when the news of the “pee tape” came out. That was pretty quickly dispelled, but each subsequent “bombshell” gets less and less of my attention. Now it is like what my old boss used to describe as the little dog yapping on the other side of the fence; they can do nothing to you. They have limited themselves to serving no other purpose than to keep their believers (a shrinking demo) in a constant state of outrage, much the same as the government of N. Korea keeping the ignorant population in a constant state of fear of US and S. Korea imminent attack; it keeps them controllable and distracted.

So, we now have the facts; Biden IS indeed corrupt. He did sell his influence, using his son as his salesman, and he did extort the Ukrainians in order to stop them from investigating the source of a huge chunk of cash every month. We pretty much “knew” it all along; all the indications were that it was true. But it’s always good to have that documentation.

If only we had something resembling a 4th Estate in this country.

Dr John, you forgot one:

Up your ass, Greg

They have it , we knew that, what were they going to do with it? The leftist commie slime that is now contaminating every ABC dept would love a Commiela Harris liberal in the style of Barry to install more leftist communist slime to make up regulations and fines. Joe you are very ill you need to step down or else?
Oh the headlines
Biden Steps Down
Poor Joe eating white house stationary and chasing the secret service calling them Corn Pop stepped down today. Jill decided that he will spend his remaining days in his Delaware estate with full nursing staff handing him money scented wigs to sniff. Hunter was granted the multi billion government contract to see to Joes long term care.

Biden is finished.

China/Ukraine corruption: FACT.

Google being sued by the JD, twitter and facebook soon to follow.

So much winning for Trump.

The Bolsheviks will be in full meltdown mode tomorrow. There is simply no way to hide and cover for this anymore.

Hopefully not all of the copies were handed over. Otherwise we will shortly hear that it has been ‘misplaced’ or ‘accidentally’ erased.

That’s what seems to happen to evidence of leftist misbehavior once the FBI takes possession of it.

@Jay: As far as I know, there were 4 copies made (possibly more); Giuliani has at least one, and very likely one is in the possession of the NY Post.

What a way to destroy a Bn$ in campaign funds.

Where is Hunter? When was he last seen?

When is Joe going to address his “problem” with national security?

Bring on the debate.


Understand, the left is like Terminators: They are out there. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until liberty and freedom are dead.