If you’d have asked me even six months ago what the chances of the United States being on the verge of a civil war I would have said probably under 1%. Today I think that number is much closer to 25% and maybe even higher.
Why is that? Simple. Democrats, media and academia…
I grew up on the Navy base on Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. It was a small base but there were a million things to do. Horseback riding, year round sports, a bowling alley, four pools that I can remember, game rooms, gyms, motocross, hiking, scuba diving, surfing, half a dozen outdoor movie theaters – it almost never rained! – karate tournaments and spectacular parades and midways for 4th of July. Cable TV hadn’t reached us and of course the Internet hadn’t been invented, so we spent our time actually doing things… I loved virtually every minute of it, but despite being in something close to nirvana, there were people who hated it and were miserable. We find what we’re looking for.
We often get out of life what we are expecting… are you a glass half full or a glass half empty person? This question explains why America is at the brink of civil war.
We look around and see people burning down our cities, destroying public and private property, disrupting life for millions of Americans who are simply trying to go to work, eat their lunch or shop at a mall. We see people chanting “F the Police”, “No justice, No Peace” holding up “Black Lives Matter” signs and calling everyone and anyone who doesn’t agree with them racists. We see in New York, LA and countless other cities thugs shooting cops, beating civilians and feeling entitled to do so the whole time.
How did we get here? Very simple. We’ve had decades of the Democrat / Media / Academia Industrial Complex telling Americans that the country is racist. That Republicans don’t care about the poor. That Christians are homophobic. That whites have privilege. That America is rife with systematic racism. That cops hunt down and kill unarmed innocent black males with impunity. And of course that if you are a person of color you have no control over your life and the system will not allow you to succeed, regardless of the hard work you put in, the education you achieve or the virtuous life you lead. In essence, they have been proffering the notion that not only is the glass half empty… but that the other guy took your glass and poured half your water into his glass and then poisoned what’s left in yours.
It is upon this decade’s long backdrop of despicable lies that the same group, along with the Obama holdovers in DOJ, has spent the last four years telling us that Donald Trump is a racist bigot. That Donald Trump was bought and paid for by Russia. That Donald Trump is guilty of abuse of power with respect to Ukraine. That Donald Trump is a power hungry fascist who seeks to make himself king by stealing the election and disenfranchising minority voters.
Of course, none of those things are true. None of them. But that has not stopped the media, academia and the Democrats from shilling each of them, repeatedly. And the result is, you have young people – mostly young, but not all by any stretch – who today see exactly what they have been told to see, exactly what they expect to see. If you are told that you can’t succeed regardless of the life you lead, regardless of the hard work you do, then it’s not unexpected that you would want to tear down the system that has boxed you in.
The fact that all the bile that the Democrats have been spewing for decades is not true is of no consequence. The fact that the media blatantly paints a picture that is demonstrably false 24 hours a day, seven days a week is of no consequence. The fact that leftist hack academics have rewritten American history through the perspective of their 21st century woke lenses, is of no consequence. The only thing that is of consequence is power… Democrat power. Nothing else matters. As such, if burning down cities is the cost of power, so be it. If putting targets on the backs of police is the cost of power, so be it. If undermining the basic elements of common courtesy, politeness and civic order are the cost of power, so be it. If destroying the life’s work of shopkeepers and the jobs of workers trying to provide for their families are the cost of power, so be it.
What you are seeing in the streets is not protest, peaceful or otherwise. What America is experiencing is the beginning of a civil war, only one side has not yet awoken to the fact that it is involved in one. Civil wars don’t have to last long nor be bloody, but they can be, and this one might be. But it doesn’t have to be. Stopping it will take no only a firm response by police and the government, but more importantly in the long run, it means expunging from academia the anti-American fascists who have been rewriting American history as a march through hate and oppression and racism. It means discrediting and marginalizing the manipulative media cabal that proffers the “blame America first” or “America is racist” fictions as they seek to drive up temperatures. Finally it will take a party, whether it’s the GOP or some new entity, that finally stands up for the United States and embraces its history, both good and bad. They must be willing to recognize that America is indeed an imperfect place, as it has been since its founding, but that it gets better decade after decade and has done more to advance the condition of mankind than any nation in human history. They must know and be willing to say that the United States is the greatest nation in the history of human civilization and that there is more freedom here, more opportunities here and more prosperity here than anywhere on the planet. That with hard work one can make a better life for himself, for his family and his community.
Imagine what a country could do if those were the ideas that young people were being exposed to every day. Imagine if they expected to succeed… if they expected to be treated fairly… if they had gratitude for our freedoms and what others sacrificed to give it to them. Imagine they understood they are living in a time and place most people in history would have traded their souls for and millions of people risk their lives for every year.
Tell young people their lives aren’t theirs, they can’t succeed and racism is everywhere, and they will believe it find it around every corner. Tell them racism and other evils exist, but they live in the land of opportunity and their success is in their hands, and they will succeed despite the roadblocks. Couple that half full on steroid’s mindset with America’s bounty and the opportunities are infinite.
See author page
I’ve had enough for the evening.
Lest anyone forget, the simple, direct question put to the Ass Hat in Chief today was, Would you commit to making sure there’s a peaceful transition of power after the election?
To which Trump replied this.
The only proper answer from anyone worthy to be an American president would have been, “Yes. Of course.”
The left declared war on the American people, Portland, Seattle, D.C.. Now you’re b!tching because you just might get it. Keep rioting and watch Donald J. Trump win by a landslide.
When the lower class loses faith in the government, you have riots. When the middle class loses faith in the government, you have revolutions.
Keep that in mind, you Commie scum.
As seems to be the pathetic tactic on the left wing, you’re ignoring the context.
Why would a dying political party ask such a question?
You know the answer.
No, a president should not give over to a one-party police state committing the coup.
@Nathan Blue: What makes them think a transition of power will even happen? The internal Democrat polls must be very very concerning. They are delusional, and paranoid its exactly what they deserve for crowning another corrupt candidate who chose a power prostitute as a running mate.
Nancy’s empty threats of impeachment for filling a vacancy on the court, amusing quite amusing.
@kitt: The basis for the question is just simple disinformation.
Dems: We want mail in ballots.
Trump: That’s a bad idea. Here’s the proof it’s a bad idea.
Dems: Nuh-uh. There is no proof (after looking at proof).
Dems: Will you respect the outcome of the election after you just proved mail-in ballots can be manipulated to overturn elections, and we’ve threatened to overturn your inevitable landslide win in November?
Trump: Probably not.
This is the high-water mark of the current Marxist/China Democrats, and it’s all over for them in November. They know it.
What would Jesus suggest?
@Nathan Blue, #55:
Neither Trump nor anyone else has presented proof of any such thing. Trump’s toady William Barr, however, has released deceptive statements announcing a DoJ investigation intended to make people believe there’s some sort of major issue, which FOX News immediately began amplifying with reports showing an amazing selectivity in their choice of details.
The “major issue” actually involves an allegation that nine envelopes containing mailed ballots were found in a Pennsylvania county election office waste basket, seven of which were reportedly cast for Donald Trump. They also found “additional ballot material” in a dumpster, not specifying what that might be. (The thin strips of paper shaved off of ballot envelopes by automatic letter opening devices would would probably fall under that absurdly broad description.)
I suppose in Trump’s mind that would justify disallowing millions of mailed ballots—except from Florida, of course, since nothing ever winds up in a wastebasket there that shouldn’t.
Trump is going to try to cheat his way to a winning vote count; failing that, he’s going to claim that the result is invalid because of mail-in ballot fraud. His game is totally obvious. The man is a liar and a cheat. He has never been anything else.
You’re an atheist. Why would you care what Jesus would say?
Here is what He did say:
Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” Matthew 22:16 ESV / 2
Elections fall under the “Caesar” category. No, scum, never bring Jesus into your sick discussions again.
Sorry, Gruntilda, but what you’re trying to do there is twist the words of Jesus into an argument that moral values should have nothing to do with who a nation chooses as its leader. I beg to differ.
You also seem to forget that Donnie Boy has posed with an upheld bible in front of a church. Like the flag, the bible should be something more than a prop for a corrupt politician’s photo staged photo op.
I think the photo in post #56 is a far more accurate depiction of the character and values of the man. It tells us far more about him.
Things didn’t end so well for Caesar. His story serves as a warning about hubris.
Just another reason you shouldn’t be bringing up the WWJD argument. You obviously have no comprehension of His words.
So what? Is there any Constitutional restriction against his doing that? Unlike Biden who touts his Catholic faith as a reason to vote for him while he supports not only the killing of the unborn, but has raised a loser who has taken MILLIONS OF $$ from enemies of the U.S.
And now, the left is screaming for voters to go vote in person. Ummmm, their internal polls must be telling them that VBM is a losing issue for them. Meanwhile, Bargain Basement Joe is hiding in his basement until next Tuesday evening. You lefties really know how to pick losers.
This bill doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of passing, but it’s always good to get a clear look at how extreme the latter day GOP has become with the advent of Donald Trump.
They’ve got to be stopped in their tracks, come November. I think they will be, not only by Democratic Party and Independent voters, but also by Republicans who want to save both their country and the soul of their party.
September 24, 2020 – Republican Senator Proposes Bill That Would Make It Illegal to Count Votes – Sen. Rick Scott thinks we should have less than 48 hours to count ballots.
September 25, 2020 – Surge of ballot requests already setting records in the US
Got that? Ballot REQUESTS. There’s a tidal wave building.
Relying on left wing souces, especially Commie News Network and Slate, shows just how damn dumb you are.
But hey, you’re on a stupidity roll, so I don’t imagine you’ll stop now.
Yet no reason, outside of partisan rheotic, to assume those votes will be for Biden. The “tidal wave” is most likely for Trump. Hawkfish’s propaganda hopes to make people assume there’s a “wave” of late votes coming after the actual election..you know…like what you’d do to win states and you have a week to falsify ballots to win.
If we can’t call the vote within 24hours, the election is null and void. That’s why the ballot box is preferred to Democrat-led mail in ballot fraud.
@Nathan Blue:
No reason, other than the fact that Trump has repeatedly bashed voting by mail for months, and has simultaneously led his base to believe concern about COVID-19 is a silly reason to wear a mask or avoid crowded polling places. Democrats and independents haven’t believed it for a moment.
Then there are several recent surveys revealing that those who intend to vote by mail are far more likely to be Democratic voters than Republican.
There might be a Democratic tsunami headed for the White House and the Senate.
That isn’t going to fly. There’s no basis for it in the law. There’s no basis for it in the Constitution. Trump’s recent rhetoric has guaranteed that he can’t get away with it. A majority of voters WILL NOT accept a result in the presidential election until all votes have been properly counted. They already know that won’t have happened by the end of election day.
And I, and others, have lobbied against VBM for years. Why? Because VBM can so easily be corrupted.
You’re a f**king liar, or the person you took that talking point from is a f**king liar.
Democrats have traditionally claimed the opposition is lying. But it is Democrats who lie, just look at how the Democrats have claimed credit for the ERA.
There is also no basis in the U.S. Constitution for VBM. None.
Keep digging your hole, Comrade Greggie.
From FOX News, September 24, 2020 – More than half a million votes already cast in 2020 election
Yes, indeed, we did know about that in March. And the Trump administration’s response was to suddenly impose new post office policies that would encumber and slow down the processing and delivery of mail…
@retire05, #66:
Trump has repeatedly mocked Biden for setting an example by wearing a mask. Trump’s rally crowds are packed together with hardly anyone wearing a mask. He has turned masks into a political statement. They’ve turned “Unmask America” into a moronic political slogan.
The more wrong you are, the angrier and more vulgar you become.
Pennsylvania accepted absentee ballots submitted by soldiers away from their home state during the War of 1812. Soldiers voted by absentee ballot during the Civil War. That’s how military personnel stationed overseas voted during World War 2. Ballots were commonly handled by mail.
Some states began accepting mailed absentee ballots from civilians during the late 1800s. Oregon moved to an all-mail voting system some twenty years ago. It never was a problem. There’s no indication that this has ever resulted in any statistically significant level of voter fraud.
The Constitution DOES NOT SPECIFY how ballots are to be submitted. That matter is deliberately left to the discretion of the individual states to decide.
When Bargain Basement Joe is standing at a podium 20 feet away from the next human being. what is the point of his mask? Maybe he could just leave it hang off his ear as he has done so many times.
And I notice you lefties have dropped the “My body, my choice” rant. What happened to that policy? And don’t give me crap about “other people” when you on the left don’t give a shit about other people as your bedfellows burn and loot “other people’s” businesses.
It’s not something a commie bastid like you would understand.
Simple reason; f**king liars like you on the left are a threat to our nation.
Putting a lid everyday as sleepy joe has done shows he really does not want to be potus.
When it comes to democrats a herd of pigs and a cliff would be needed.
I dont think child sacrifice was big with him.
@retire05, #69:
To demonstrate to idiots that this is what they should be doing under everyday higher risk circumstances. How long does it take the reason that they make a point of being seen wearing masks to sink in?
Over 203,000 U.S. COVID-19 fatalities and rising, we’re entering flu season and Donald Trump still wants to play the danger down. More people died than should have, because of this idiot. Still more will.
It has gone nowhere. A central position of the Democratic Party is that every individual woman should have sovereign authority over her own body—not the State, not anybody’s church, nor any politician. If you try to take away that freedom of choice regarding one’s own body through the court, there will be hell to pay.
So now Bargain Basement Joe is the Pied Piper? Got it.
And what did Trump not do that you, in your infinite wisdom, would have done? And are you not supporting the guy who said he would not have shut down travel from China?
Then I have the right to decide if I want to wear a mask, or not. My body, my risk.
And you seem to have forgotten that under Woodrow Wilson, one of the deities of the left, allowed one out of every 37 Americans to die from the Spanish flu. Why are you not tearing down statues to Wilson?
And why are you not out protesting with your radical Marxist bedfellows tonight? Or are you a coward?
You are a weakling POS, Comrade Greggie.
Uh huh. All of us “weaklings” are going to pull the flush lever on the Donald Trump Show in a bit over 38 days. Trump is now behind Biden in every national general election poll. Even Putin can’t turn Trump’s ship away from the iceberg. Your rants affect nothing but your own blood pressure.