The Week In Radical Leftism, 9/04/2020

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Welcome back, everyone. Another week, more crazy, and props to everyone who gets teh reference in the featured image:


Yes, that date is correct. The only thing that this piece gets wrong about what The Radical Left is doing to America is the timeline.

8/28 – New Report: Australians pay $1,300 in hidden climate bills each year

Another great case of The Radical Left levying taxes that disproportionally hurt the poor. Or, as the MSM likes to put it, “Women and minorities hardest hit” #Biden2020

8/29 – The “racism” of climate change alarmists

As I was saying…

8/30 – How Politicians Work:

This is old, and the first time I saw it was an explanation of how office policy is formed. It aged well and is quite applicable

8/30 – Oakland Black Lives Matter Group Roam Through City Chanting “Death To America!!!”

I guess that they at least get points for honesty? #Biden2020

8/31 – CA Poised To Force High Schools To Offer Curriculum Including The ‘Four I’s Of Oppression’

They probably think that the second “R” of The Three Rs is literally “Ritin”.

9/1 – WARNING: Democrat Data Firm Admits ‘Incredible’ Trump Landslide Will Be Flipped By Mail-In Votes Emerging A Week After Election Day

My bold prediction: The Dems use ballot harvesting and launch a loud but ultimately unsuccessful effort to overturn the presidential election, while quitely pushing to use ballot harvesting to flip the Senate to secure the Impeachment vote

9/2 – Speaker ‘Marie Antoinette’ Pelosi reminds us lockdowns are for the little people

Mayor in Chicago allowed to get her haircut and secure only her home with the police, unmasked mayors out in public in NY & Philly, Governor of CA shutting down eateries while the winery he founded can host parties… Ladies and gentlemen, this is probably the best way to illustrate to children of all ages how Socialism works in prctice

9/3 – Why Trump Doesn’t Just ‘Send In the Troops’

Kurt Schlichter usually is a great source of snark and laughing at Leftist idiocy. This is not one of those times, but a very practical explanation to support the headline.

9/4 – Rich White Leftists Encourage Black People to Loot Their Neighborhoods

Yet another glaring hole in Leftist logic.

On a side programming note, I’m following Dave Rubin’s example and am going to take a month off the news grid. I’m not feeling any stress, but I realized that I haven’t done anything like this aside from a few week long vacations where I’d ignore current events in forever and a day. We’ll see if it does me good, but regardless I’ll be back a month before the election. You’ll see me drop a few “politically adjacent” thought piece blog posts I’ve been wanting to write for a while, and like with these TWIRL posts I’ll join the conversation for a day or two with anyone kind enough to comment on my posts. Aside from that, over the weekend my Brother Bob Facebook and Twitter feeds will go quiet for the next month. And while I won’t reading or posting anything political, if you’re on MeWe I’ll still be dropping the random music video on the Oldies but Goodies page.

Enjoy your long weekend & be excellent to each other – see you in a few weeks.

Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Amazing. The entire strategy, hitting the nail right on the head. You know, to try and hide their hypocrisy, they could at least pretend to care about events that don’t directly advance their quest for power. Just for camouflage.

8/28 – New Report: Australians pay $1,300 in hidden climate bills each year

Yes, the “necessarily skyrocketing” energy costs hits those that can least afford it the hardest… not that anyone on the left cares.

8/29 – The “racism” of climate change alarmists

Funny… to the left, EVERYTHING is racist except for their own racism. Of course, one other belief of the climate alarmists is that the world is overpopulated and could stand to shed a few billion lives. Just sayin’.

8/30 – How Politicians Work:

Its also why the political establishment hates Trump.

8/30 – Oakland Black Lives Matter Group Roam Through City Chanting “Death To America!!!”

They want to peacefully kill everyone in America?

8/31 – CA Poised To Force High Schools To Offer Curriculum Including The ‘Four I’s Of Oppression’

Or “Rioting”? The course could be called, “You Don’t Know You Are Racist; Here, Let Us Convince You”.

9/1 – WARNING: Democrat Data Firm Admits ‘Incredible’ Trump Landslide Will Be Flipped By Mail-In Votes Emerging A Week After Election Day

Yeah, as long as they are behind, they can keep “finding” more and more boxes of votes in warehouses and trunks of cars. If they aren’t allowed to keep dragging in votes that have not had the chain of custody maintained, they’ll scream about “voter suppression”. They’ve got it all planned out.

9/2 – Speaker ‘Marie Antoinette’ Pelosi reminds us lockdowns are for the little people

Can you believe those rascals, conniving to “set up” poor, innocent Nancy to make her look like a hypocritical elitist that doesn’t believe the laws apply to her? I mean, she SAYS “No one is above the law”. Surely she wouldn’t violate the rules and laws she herself vocally supports just to get her gray dyed out of her hair. I could lose all faith in her honor.

9/3 – Why Trump Doesn’t Just ‘Send In the Troops’

It should be understood that sending in troops is a last resort and wouldn’t be done “politely”.

9/4 – Rich White Leftists Encourage Black People to Loot Their Neighborhoods

” When a third of Philly pharmacies were robbed in a coordinated campaign by gangs coming in from outside the city, it had a major impact on black senior citizens getting their prescriptions, but not on an upscale white hipster power couple.” That was the plan; inflict severe pain on those in poverty, minorities and small business owners and blame it on Trump. You know… because those rubes are so stupid and will never suspect the truth. Sadly for the left, it turns out many of these people actually have enough intelligence not to tie their own shoes together and have actually realized who is bringing the violence and destruction upon them.

Susan Rosenberg, a convicted terrorist, is currently on the executive board of the group that provides funding for Only Blacks matter.. her 58 year sentence was commuted by outgoing President Bill Clinton.
Holder handled the Bill Clinton last minute pardons to Marc Rich: a fugitive oil broker who had illegally purchased oil from Iran during the American trade embargo (kickbacks all around) and to Puerto Rico FALN terrorists (to help Hillary win her Senate race in NY) . Whore dog billy made $3 million off the deal. Marxist college faculty have sown evil socialist/collectivist seed for three generations. Their disciples are set up for any number of tragic outcomes. Motivations, nuanced reasons, etc.

Sheeees baack, thanks for holding down the fort, looks like the left is still making up word salads of nonsense. Biden in Kenosha saying a black man invented the light bulb? Then fondly remembering The Tulsa riots where the media inflamed people that then triggered the burning of the black section of town. (hmmm sounds very familar)
I guess Pelosi was spreading her kung flu all over a salon then said it was a set up? Could she not make an appointment in a state that salons are legally open?
This weeks selection goes out to Nancy


Biden in Kenosha saying a black man invented the light bulb?

He was referring to the black light.

Tell me, Brother Bob, do you support all the Republican deficit spending that Trump has signed-off on ?

I don’t see anyone on the right saying “boo” about it.

@Joachim: Basic government 101 Congress has the purse strings, the house of congress(where the budget is made) is now Democrat majority it is their budget sweetie. Paul Ryan was also an ass hole that came up with a huge over bloated budget. Say you are going to make cuts or not give an increase in anything except National defense and you get accused of trying to starve the children, like the government is in charge of feeding them not the parents.
Bobs gone for a bit as you see this was posted on the 4th.
We all suffer TWIRL withdrawls.

@kitt: I guess people in the dark haven’t heard about the economic shut down brought about by the Chinese gift of a virus and the trillions of dollars in aid to people left without incomes… which, by the way, would be at least $3 trillion MORE had Nancy had her way. But, what’s facts to a liberal?

@Deplorable Me: Where is Bob or do I have to put Twirl on a milk carton?
Hey Bob