The Week In Radical Leftism, 8/21/2020

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Welcome back everybody! Let’s get to it:

8/10 – Professor: Math is “White Supremacist Patriarchy!”

Yes, these jet fuel geniuses are actually against intelligence. Of course, that does explain things…

8/13 – Everyone Knows That All Leftism is Grounded in Sexual Inadequacy

I’m generally not a fan of Ann Coulter, but she really brings it here

8/14 – What A Difference Four Years Makes

Journalists are scum, but we already knew that.

8/15 – Joe Biden On Gun Control: Understanding Biden’s 2020 Platform And The Second Amendment

You’ll want to bookmark this page for reference – great detail and source material showing Biden’s anti 2nd Amendment extremism

8/16 – Why Sports Fans Are Tuning Out

Yep, and count me among them. The sad part is that given how many things I’ve seen The Radical Left ruin I’m not even angry. I just don’t care. And yes, this needs a post of its own that I’ll hopefully be writing soon.

8/17 – How to shock your woke kin out of Marxism

I’m not sure how effective this will be, given what racists and LGBQWERTY-phobics Castro and Che were. But it’s worth a shot.

8/18 – ‘The More She Talks, The Better Donald Trump Looks’: Mike Huckabee Wants DNC To Give Ocasio-Cortez 40 Minutes

This raises the uncofmortable question – should every speech that Gulag Barbie gives have to be registered as a contribution to the Trump 2020 campaign?

8/19 – In One Day, Uber Will Leave CA; Here’s What “Compliance” Would Cost

Take a guess who an LA City Councilman thinks is at fault here. Go ahead, take a guess!

8/20 – Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Blames Mississippi for Chicago Gun Violence

A Leftist blaming someone else for their shortcomings? I ams shocked! Shocked I say!

8/21 – Chicago’s mayor makes it clear some animals are more equal than others

Hey lefties – take note of how those compassionate, empathetic leaders you vote for view protecting you and protecting themselves

Have a great weekend!

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ross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Lori Lightfoot is as Ugly as she is totaly r deranged and a typical Liberal blaming others for her own incampetence

The sad part is that given how many things I’ve seen The Radical Left ruin I’m not even angry. I just don’t care.

That’s every single thing they touch.

I’m not sure how effective this will be, given what racists and LGBQWERTY-phobics Castro and Che were.

That’s immaterial to them just like all the people they killed and imprisoned. But that’s what they want for this country.

Hey lefties – take note of how those compassionate, empathetic leaders you vote for view protecting you and protecting themselves

The left has always held themselves to be more important than the rest of us. It’s one of the reasons why their leaders (Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro etc.) have killed tens of millions of people throughout history.

And here is one that missed this week’s deadline. A perfect demonstration of who the dems are and what they stand for. Another ready made ad for the RNC.

Well kids the porch is almost done, a floor sander to get every 100 years of painted over peeling paint off to prime and then put a fresh coat of porch and floor , Sweetie reproduced the railings,( we didnt want to cause a sandpaper shortage getting the paint off those) 2 of 4 sets are installed, 150 brand new hand reproduced spindles painted. Oh and new set of steps. We will take a short break to do more storm damage clean up at camp. (no rest for the wicked)
With the bruhaha hoax this week, the selection from 1961 goes out to all mail in voters

8/10 – Professor: Math is “White Supremacist Patriarchy!”

I guess if that is how they look at absolute truth, it explains why the left is so ready to accept bold-face lies. It’s less racist.

8/13 – Everyone Knows That All Leftism is Grounded in Sexual Inadequacy

You mean something else besides abject stupidity and ignorance? Cmon, man! It’s tough bringing a date back to Mommy’s basement.

8/14 – What A Difference Four Years Makes

Cmon, man! Kamala was an historic first! The first skank nominated for Vice President!

8/15 – Joe Biden On Gun Control: Understanding Biden’s 2020 Platform And The Second Amendment

“Folding and telepathic stocks” Damn, I always wanted a rifle that would tell me what my target was thinking. Is that actually in the law or a typo in the article? But seriously, the Democrat party has promoted political terror as a tool while at the same time promoting the destruction of the police. At no other time in US history was gun ownership more important than it is now, and for pretty much the same reason; violent marauders could attack you or your home at any time (in Democrat run cities) and those marauders, blessed by the Democrats, are carrying the same “assault weapons” many law abiding citizens now covet. I want another one, but the cost is prohibitive right now.

“Finally, he would prohibit state and local governments from training teachers in how to defend their students with firearms.” You know, it was Biden that gave us “gun free zones”, which made schools such happy hunting grounds for demented killers. Now it’s a trifecta; gun free zones, banned police resource officers and prohibit teachers from being trained to protect their students and themselves. Oh, these are empathetic people, alright… sans “em”.

8/16 – Why Sports Fans Are Tuning Out

Another good thing Democrats destroyed. I guess they are glad they are good at something.

8/17 – How to shock your woke kin out of Marxism

Sadly, this won’t shock any of them. See, that would require them to have principles, which the left doesn’t.

8/18 – ‘The More She Talks, The Better Donald Trump Looks’: Mike Huckabee Wants DNC To Give Ocasio-Cortez 40 Minutes

She is definitely and intellectual black hole. Any intelligence that gets near her is drawn in, never to be seen again.

8/19 – In One Day, Uber Will Leave CA; Here’s What “Compliance” Would Cost

Keep in mind, these are the people who, when people attempt to flee their onerous taxes which do not provide much in the way of benefits, want to tax people who move away for 10 years (I sort of hoped you would include that in this week’s list). Apparently, the latest trend in liberal-think is that people should just accept liberal hell instead of trying to do anything to avoid it.

8/20 – Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Blames Mississippi for Chicago Gun Violence

I guess none of the cities that are around Chicago have any guns. So, why doesn’t Indiana and Mississippi have the same gun violence as Chicago? Why go all the way to Chicago to shoot someone?

8/21 – Chicago’s mayor makes it clear some animals are more equal than others

Well, she may be more at risk, since she is why there IS the violence. For the rest of the populace, that’s what the 2nd Amendment is for, so they… oh. Wait. Nevermind.

Hey lefties – take note of how those compassionate, empathetic leaders you vote for view protecting you and protecting themselves

In one of the more hilarious videos to come out of the chaos, a Black Lives Matter militant can be heard whining about how the police are “just standing there” as the extremist leftists got their butts handed to them by the patriots.

Now, look closely at the video posted by ELIJAH RIOT

Focus on the shapes of the shields held by each side.
Note the one on the left of screen when the video starts.
than note all of the ones by the so-called patriots.
A false-flag operation?
One person cut out all those shields on both sides.

Both “sides” are just actors from the Left is my guess.
They also simply play for the camera, acting like fun was had by all, both before and after the main action.

@Brother Bob: Almost done we took off to camp and reopened what began as a slight argument between sweetie and myself. I mowed a dog walking path thru the woods he told me the lawn mower/brush cutter was forbidden to enter the back 2 acres, he then used it to reach his hunting spot and I was forgiven.
He reached the end and came out of the woods looking like someone took firehose to him then dusted him with dirty sawdust.